Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new reservation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oItem"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ResultModel <reservation> > AddReservation(item oItem)
            ResultModel <reservation> results = new ResultModel <reservation>();

            //check if item available
            var resultItem = await GetItemByIdValueAndTypeAsync(oItem);

            if (resultItem != null)
                ItemStatus outStatus = ItemStatus.available;
                Enum.TryParse(resultItem.resultContent.status, out outStatus);

                Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                var invCount = await mapper
                               .FirstOrDefaultAsync <int>
                                   ("select available_count from inventory_by_location_and_upc where business_unit=? and location=? and upc=?", "wireless", "ye30cy", "upc123");

                File.AppendAllText(@"C:\Guids.txt", $"AddReservation:GetCount: Time taken: {sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds}ms\r\n");

                if (outStatus == ItemStatus.available && invCount > 0)
                    //upate inventory status 2 tables

                    item newItem = new item
                        businessUnit    = oItem.businessUnit,
                        location        = oItem.location,
                        upc             = oItem.upc,
                        identifierValue = oItem.identifierValue,
                        identifierType  = oItem.identifierType,
                        serialNumber    = oItem.serialNumber,
                        receiptId       = oItem.receiptId,
                        status          = ItemStatus.reserved.ToString(),
                        dateCreated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        dateUpdated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        itemAttributes  = null,
                        availableCount  = invCount - 1

                    //insert item history
                    itemHistory itemHist = new itemHistory
                        businessUnit    = oItem.businessUnit,
                        location        = oItem.location,
                        upc             = oItem.upc,
                        histItemId      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        identifierValue = oItem.identifierValue,
                        identifierType  = oItem.identifierType,
                        serialNumber    = oItem.serialNumber,
                        receiptId       = oItem.receiptId,
                        status          = ItemStatus.reserved.ToString(),
                        dateCreated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        dateUpdated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        itemAttributes  = null

                    //insert itembyIdentifier
                    itemByIdentifier itemById = new itemByIdentifier
                        businessUnit    = oItem.businessUnit,
                        location        = oItem.location,
                        upc             = oItem.upc,
                        identifierValue = oItem.identifierValue,
                        identifierType  = oItem.identifierType,
                        serialNumber    = oItem.serialNumber,
                        receiptId       = oItem.receiptId,
                        status          = ItemStatus.reserved.ToString(),
                        dateCreated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        dateUpdated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        itemAttributes  = null

                    var reservationId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    //create a reservation record
                    reservation newReservation = new reservation
                        businessUnit      = oItem.businessUnit,
                        reservationId     = reservationId,
                        reserverId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToCqlString(),
                        location          = oItem.location,
                        upc               = oItem.upc,
                        identifierValue   = oItem.identifierValue,
                        identifierType    = oItem.identifierType,
                        serialNumber      = oItem.serialNumber,
                        receiptId         = oItem.receiptId,
                        itemStatus        = ItemStatus.reserved.ToString(),
                        dateCreated       = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        dateUpdated       = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        itemAttributes    = null,
                        reservationStatus = ReservationStatus.created.ToString()

                    //create a reservation history

                    reservationHistory newReservationHist = new reservationHistory
                        businessUnit      = oItem.businessUnit,
                        reservationId     = reservationId,
                        histReservationId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        reserverId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToCqlString(),
                        location          = oItem.location,
                        upc               = oItem.upc,
                        identifierValue   = oItem.identifierValue,
                        identifierType    = oItem.identifierType,
                        serialNumber      = oItem.serialNumber,
                        receiptId         = oItem.receiptId,
                        itemStatus        = ItemStatus.reserved.ToString(),
                        dateCreated       = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        dateUpdated       = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                        itemAttributes    = null,
                        reservationStatus = ReservationStatus.created.ToString()

                    //create a logged batch
                    ICqlBatch itembatch = mapper.CreateBatch(BatchType.Logged);
                    itembatch.Update <item>("SET status =? , available_count=?  , date_updated= ? WHERE business_unit =? and location=? and upc=? and identifier_value=? and identifier_type=? IF status=?"
                                            , ItemStatus.reserved.ToString(), invCount - 1, TimeUuid.NewId()
                                            , oItem.businessUnit, oItem.location, oItem.upc, oItem.identifierValue, oItem.identifierType, ItemStatus.available.ToString());


                    sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    await mapper.ExecuteAsync(itembatch);

                    File.AppendAllText(@"C:\Guids.txt", $"AddReservation:itemBatch:Time taken: {sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds}ms\r\n");

                    //ICqlBatch reservationbatch = mapper.CreateBatch(BatchType.Logged);

                    //sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    //await mapper.ExecuteConditionalAsync<reservation>(reservationbatch);
                    //File.AppendAllText(@"C:\Guids.txt", $"AddReservation:reservationBatch: Time taken: {sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds}ms\r\n");

                    ICqlBatch allBatch = mapper.CreateBatch(BatchType.Logged);
                    allBatch.Insert <reservation>(newReservation);
                    allBatch.Insert <itemByIdentifier>(itemById);
                    allBatch.Insert <itemHistory>(itemHist);
                    allBatch.Insert <reservationHistory>(newReservationHist);

                    sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    await mapper.ExecuteAsync(allBatch);

                    File.AppendAllText(@"C:\Guids.txt", $"AddReservation:restOfBatch: Time taken: {sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds}ms\r\n");

                    results.resultContent = newReservation;
                    results.resultCode    = ResultStatus.success;

            results.resultCode = ResultStatus.failure;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert inventory item
        /// Insert into inventory_by_location_and_upc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receipt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ResultModel <item> > AddInventoryAsync(receipt receipt)
            var srlNum = Guid.NewGuid();
            var itemId = Guid.NewGuid().ToCqlString();

            Stopwatch sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var       invCount = await mapper
                                 .FirstOrDefaultAsync <int>
                                     ("select available_count from inventory_by_location_and_upc where business_unit=? and location=? and upc=?", "wireless", "ye30cy", "upc123");


            File.AppendAllText(@"C:\Guids.txt", $"AddInventoryAsync:GetCount: Time taken: {sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds}ms\r\n");

            //insert item
            item item = new item
                businessUnit    = "wireless",
                location        = "ye30cy",
                upc             = "upc123",
                identifierValue = itemId,
                identifierType  = "imei",
                serialNumber    = srlNum,
                receiptId       = receipt.receiptId,
                status          = ItemStatus.available.ToString(),
                dateCreated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                dateUpdated     = null,
                itemAttributes  = null,
                availableCount  = invCount + 1

            //insert item history
            itemHistory itemHist = new itemHistory
                businessUnit    = "wireless",
                location        = "ye30cy",
                upc             = "upc123",
                histItemId      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                identifierValue = itemId,
                identifierType  = "imei",
                serialNumber    = srlNum,
                receiptId       = receipt.receiptId,
                status          = ItemStatus.available.ToString(),
                dateCreated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                dateUpdated     = null,
                itemAttributes  = null

            //insert itembyIdentifier
            itemByIdentifier itemById = new itemByIdentifier
                businessUnit    = "wireless",
                location        = "ye30cy",
                upc             = "upc123",
                identifierValue = itemId,
                identifierType  = "imei",
                serialNumber    = srlNum,
                receiptId       = receipt.receiptId,
                status          = ItemStatus.available.ToString(),
                dateCreated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                dateUpdated     = null,
                itemAttributes  = null

            sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var batch = mapper.CreateBatch(BatchType.Logged);

            batch.Insert <item>(item);
            batch.Insert <itemHistory>(itemHist);
            batch.Insert <itemByIdentifier>(itemById);
            batch.WithOptions(ac => ac.SetConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.Quorum));
            await mapper.ExecuteAsync(batch);


            File.AppendAllText(@"C:\Guids.txt", $"AddInventoryAsync:AddItem: Time taken: {sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds}ms\r\n");

            return(new ResultModel <item>
                resultContent = item,
                resultCode = ResultStatus.success
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an inventory item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oItem"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ResultModel <item> > UpdateInventoryAsync(item oItem)
            //update item
            var updateItem = Cql.New(
                $"SET status = {ItemStatus.reserved.ToString()} , date_updated = {TimeUuid.NewId(DateTime.Now)}"
                + $" WHERE business_unit={oItem.businessUnit} and location={oItem.location} and upc={oItem.upc}"
                + $" and identifier_value = {oItem.identifierValue} and identifier_type= {oItem.identifierType}");

            var updateItemByIdentifer = Cql.New(
                $" SET status = {ItemStatus.reserved.ToString()} , date_updated = {TimeUuid.NewId(DateTime.Now)}"
                + $" WHERE business_unit={oItem.businessUnit}"
                + $" and identifier_value = {oItem.identifierValue} and identifier_type= {oItem.identifierType}");

            item item = new item
                businessUnit    = oItem.businessUnit,
                location        = oItem.location,
                upc             = oItem.upc,
                identifierValue = oItem.identifierValue,
                identifierType  = oItem.identifierType,
                serialNumber    = oItem.serialNumber,
                receiptId       = oItem.receiptId,
                status          = ItemStatus.reserved.ToString(),
                dateCreated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                dateUpdated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                itemAttributes  = null

            //insert item history
            itemHistory itemHist = new itemHistory
                businessUnit    = oItem.businessUnit,
                location        = oItem.location,
                upc             = oItem.upc,
                histItemId      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                identifierValue = oItem.identifierValue,
                identifierType  = oItem.identifierType,
                serialNumber    = oItem.serialNumber,
                receiptId       = oItem.receiptId,
                status          = ItemStatus.reserved.ToString(),
                dateCreated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                dateUpdated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                itemAttributes  = null

            //insert itembyIdentifier
            itemByIdentifier itemById = new itemByIdentifier
                businessUnit    = oItem.businessUnit,
                location        = oItem.location,
                upc             = oItem.upc,
                identifierValue = oItem.identifierValue,
                identifierType  = oItem.identifierType,
                serialNumber    = oItem.serialNumber,
                receiptId       = oItem.receiptId,
                status          = ItemStatus.reserved.ToString(),
                dateCreated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                dateUpdated     = TimeUuid.NewId(),
                itemAttributes  = null

            var batch = mapper.CreateBatch(BatchType.Logged);

            batch.Insert <item>(item);
            batch.Insert <itemHistory>(itemHist);
            batch.Insert <itemByIdentifier>(itemById);
            batch.WithOptions(ac => ac.SetConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.Quorum));
            await mapper.ExecuteAsync(batch);

            return(new ResultModel <item>
                resultContent = oItem,
                resultCode = ResultStatus.success