static int ihex_rs_iterate_data(ihex_recordset_t rs, ref UInt32 pIdx, /* ihex_record_t**rec*/ ref ihex_record_t pRec, ref UInt32 pOff)
            UInt32 offset;

            ihex_record_t x;

            if (pIdx == 0 && pOff != 0)
                pOff = 0; // force the offset to zero at start

            for (; pIdx < rs.ihrs_count; ++pIdx)
                x = (rs.ihrs_records[pIdx]);
                if (pRec != null)
                    pRec = x;	//point the caller to current record

                switch (x.ihr_type)
                    case ihex_rtype_t.IHEX_DATA:
                        ++pIdx;		//proceed to next record in next call
                        return 0;	//let the caller process the data

                    case ihex_rtype_t.IHEX_EOF:
                        if (pIdx < rs.ihrs_count - 1)
                            //IHEX_SET_ERROR_RETURN(IHEX_ERR_PREMATURE_EOF,  "Premature EOF in record %i", p__i + 1);
                            return (IHEX_ERR_PREMATURE_EOF);
                            //FIXME signal end of records
                            pIdx = 0; //signal next index is 0 => we've finished
                            if (pRec != null)
                                pRec = null;
                            return 0;
                    case ihex_rtype_t.IHEX_ESA:
                        //offset = *(x.ihr_data) << 4; //?????????????????????????????????
                        offset = x.ihr_data[0];// << 4;
                        offset = offset << 4;
                        if (pOff != null)
                            pOff = offset;

                        //#ifdef IHEX_DEBUG
                        //printf("Switched offset to 0x%08x.\n", offset);


                    case ihex_rtype_t.IHEX_ELA:
                        offset = (UInt32)((x.ihr_data[0] << 24) + (x.ihr_data[1] << 16));
                        if (pOff != null)
                            pOff = offset;

                        //#ifdef IHEX_DEBUG
                        //printf("Switched offset to 0x%08x.\n", offset);

                    case ihex_rtype_t.IHEX_SSA:
                    case ihex_rtype_t.IHEX_SLA:
                        //skip body; next

                        //IHEX_SET_ERROR_RETURN(IHEX_ERR_UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE, "Unknown record type in record %i: 0x%02x",  p__i + 1, x.ihr_type);

            //IHEX_SET_ERROR_RETURN(IHEX_ERR_NO_EOF, "Missing EOF record");
            return (IHEX_ERR_NO_EOF);
        public static int ihex_mem_copy_from_offset(ihex_recordset_t rs, ref Byte[] dst, UInt64 ofst, UInt64 byte_count, ihex_width_t w, ihex_byteorder_t o)
            int r;
            UInt32 i, j, l;
            UInt32 offset = 0x00, address = 0x00;

            UInt32 start = 0x00, stop = 0x00;

            Byte[] d = (Byte[])dst;
            ihex_record_t x = new ihex_record_t();

            if ((r = ihex_mem_zero(dst, byte_count)) != 0)
                return r;

            UInt32 target_idx;

            target_idx = 0;
            UInt32 bean_counter = 0;

            i = 0; // Start at first (0th) data record
                r = ihex_rs_iterate_data(rs, ref i, ref x, ref offset);
                if (r != 0)
                    return r;
                else if (x == null)
                //x.ihr_type == ihex_rtype_t.IHEX_DATA;

                if (start == 0)
                    start = (uint)(offset + x.ihr_address + ofst);
                    stop = (uint)(start + byte_count);
                address = (offset + x.ihr_address);

                if (address >= byte_count)
                    //IHEX_SET_ERROR_RETURN(IHEX_ERR_ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE, "Address 0x%08x is out of range", address);
                //address = 0;

                Int32 _shift;
                UInt32 v;
                for (j = 0; j < x.ihr_length; j += (uint)w)
                    v = 0;
                    for (l = 0; (l < (uint)w) && (j + l < x.ihr_length); l++)
                        _shift = (Int32)(8 * ((o == ihex_byteorder_t.IHEX_ORDER_BIGENDIAN) ? (((uint)w - 1) - l) : (l)));
                        v += (UInt32)(((UInt32)(x.ihr_data[j + l])) << _shift);
                        //v += x.ihr_data[j + l] << (8 * ((o == ihex_byteorder_t.IHEX_ORDER_BIGENDIAN) ? (((uint)w - 1) - l) : (l)));
                    if (((address + j) >= start) && ((address + j) < stop))
                        if (w == ihex_width_t.IHEX_WIDTH_8BIT)
                            dst[target_idx + 0] = (Byte)((v >> 0) & 0x000000FF);
                            bean_counter += 1;
                        if (w == ihex_width_t.IHEX_WIDTH_16BIT)
                            dst[target_idx + 0] = (Byte)((v >> 0) & 0x000000FF);
                            dst[target_idx + 1] = (Byte)((v >> 8) & 0x000000FF);
                            bean_counter += 2;
                        if (w == ihex_width_t.IHEX_WIDTH_32BIT)
                            dst[target_idx + 0] = (Byte)((v >> 0) & 0x000000FF);
                            dst[target_idx + 1] = (Byte)((v >> 8) & 0x000000FF);
                            dst[target_idx + 2] = (Byte)((v >> 16) & 0x000000FF);
                            dst[target_idx + 3] = (Byte)((v >> 24) & 0x000000FF);
                            bean_counter += 4;

                        //dst[target_idx] = v;
                        target_idx += (uint)w;

                        //#ifdef IHEX_DEBUG
                        //printf("%08x . %08x = %08x\n", (address + j), v, *target);
                    if ((address + j) >= stop)

            } while (i > 0);  // i == 0 implies we have run out of data records to read

            Console.Write("bean_counter = 0x{0:x08}, {0}\n", bean_counter);

            return 0;
        //========== ihex_parse.c ==========
        //========== ihex_parse.c ==========
        //========== ihex_parse.c ==========
        //========== ihex_record.c ==========
        //========== ihex_record.c ==========
        //========== ihex_record.c ==========
        #define IHEX_SET_ERROR(errnum, error, ...) \
        { char *e = (char*)malloc(512); \
          snprintf(e, 512, error, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
          ihex_set_error(errnum, e); }
        #define IHEX_SET_ERROR_RETURN(errnum, error, ...) \
        { IHEX_SET_ERROR(errnum, error, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
          return errnum; }
        public static UInt64 ihex_rs_get_size(ihex_recordset_t rs)
            UInt64 s = 0;
            UInt32 i = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < rs.ihrs_count; i++)
                s += rs.ihrs_records[i].ihr_length;

            return s;
        static ihex_recordset_t ihex_rs_from_mem(Byte[] data, int size)
            UInt32 i = 0;
            int r = 0, c = 0;
              //ihex_record_t rec;
            ihex_recordset_t recls;
            Byte l;

            ihex_last_errno = 0;
            ihex_last_error = "";

            // Count number of record marks in input string.
            c = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
                if (data[i] == 0) // if we get a null that signifies the end
                if (data[i] == IHEX_CHR_RECORDMARK) // == ':')

            //Console.Write("ihex_rs_from_mem: number of record marks,   c = {0}\n", c);

            // Allocate the set of records
            //rec = new ihex_record_t();
            recls = new ihex_recordset_t();
            recls.ihrs_count = (UInt32)c;
            recls.ihrs_records = new ihex_record_t[c];
            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                recls.ihrs_records[i] = new ihex_record_t();

                recls.ihrs_records[i].ihr_address = 0;
                recls.ihrs_records[i].ihr_data = null;
                recls.ihrs_records[i].ihr_checksum = 0x00;
                recls.ihrs_records[i].ihr_length = 0;
                //recls.ihrs_records[i].ihr_type = ihex_rtype_t.IHEX_DATA; // whatever
            // Allocate memory for the record container structure and for each
            // individual record.
            if ((rec = (ihex_record_t*) calloc(c, sizeof(ihex_record_t))) == NULL)
                IHEX_SET_ERROR(IHEX_ERR_MALLOC_FAILED, "Could not allocate memory");
                goto malloc_rec_failed;

            if ((recls = (ihex_recordset_t*) malloc(sizeof(ihex_recordset_t))) == NULL)
                IHEX_SET_ERROR(IHEX_ERR_MALLOC_FAILED, "Could not allocate memory");
                goto malloc_recls_failed;
            recls.ihrs_count   = c;
            recls.ihrs_records = rec;

            // Go through the data again and grab all the records
            int idx;
            idx = 0;
            i = 0;
            while ((idx < size) && (data[idx] != 0x00))

                if (idx + 3 >= size)

                l = ihex_fromhex8(data, (idx + 1)); //(((Byte []) data) + 1);
                if (idx + 9 + l * 2 >= size || (r = ihex_parse_single_record(data, (UInt32)idx, l, recls.ihrs_records[i - 1])) != 0)
                    //TODO IHEX_SET_ERROR(r, "Line %i: %s", i, ihex_last_error);
                    goto parse_single_failed;

                if (i < 10)
                    Console.Write("record {0}, Len = {1}, data[0..7] = {2:x02}, ", i - 1, recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_length, recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data[0]);

                    if (recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data.Length > 1) Console.Write("{0:x02} ", recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data[1]);
                    if (recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data.Length > 2) Console.Write("{0:x02} ", recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data[2]);
                    if (recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data.Length > 3) Console.Write("{0:x02} ", recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data[3]);
                    if (recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data.Length > 4) Console.Write("{0:x02} ", recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data[4]);
                    if (recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data.Length > 5) Console.Write("{0:x02} ", recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data[5]);
                    if (recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data.Length > 6) Console.Write("{0:x02} ", recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data[6]);
                    if (recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data.Length > 7) Console.Write("{0:x02} ", recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_data[7]);
                idx += (int)(recls.ihrs_records[i - 1].ihr_length * 2) + 10;

                while ((idx < size) && (data[idx] != IHEX_CHR_RECORDMARK) && (data[idx] != 0x00))
                    idx++; //data ++;
            while (data < end && *(data) != 0x00)
                i ++;

                if (data + 3 >= end)

                l = ihex_fromhex8(((Byte []) data) + 1);
                if (data + 9 + l * 2 >= end ||
                    (r = ihex_parse_single_record((Byte []) data, l, rec + i - 1)) != 0)
                    IHEX_SET_ERROR(r, "Line %i: %s", i, ihex_last_error);
                    goto parse_single_failed;

                data += (rec[i - 1].ihr_length * 2) + 10;
                while (data < end && *(data) != IHEX_CHR_RECORDMARK && *(data) != 0x00)
                    data ++;

            // Finally check that the last record is the IHEX_EOF record.
            if (recls.ihrs_records[recls.ihrs_count - 1].ihr_type != ihex_rtype_t.IHEX_EOF)
                //TODO IHEX_SET_ERROR(IHEX_ERR_NO_EOF, "Missing EOF record");
                goto missing_eof_record;

            return recls;

            //for (i = 0; i < recls.ihrs_count; i ++)
            //    free(recls.ihrs_records[i].ihr_data);

            return null;
        public static int ihex_rs_get_address_range(ihex_recordset_t rs, ref UInt32 pmin, ref UInt32 pmax)
            int r;
            UInt32 offset = 0x00, address = 0x00;//, dummy_min, dummy_max;
            UInt32 min, max;

            UInt32 i = 0;
            ihex_record_t x = new ihex_record_t();

            // Initialize range boundaries
            //if (pmin == null)
                //min = dummy_min;
            //if (pmax == null)
                //max = dummy_max;

            min = 0xFFFFFFFF; // UINT32_MAX;
            max = 0x00;
            int dd = 0;
            uint lasti = 0;
                lasti = i;
                r = ihex_rs_iterate_data(rs, ref i, ref x, ref offset);
                if (i == 0)
                    Console.Write("Last  i = {0}, ", lasti);
                if (r != 0)
                    return r;
                else if (x == null)

                if (dd == 0)
                    Console.Write("First i = {0}, ", i);

                address = (offset + x.ihr_address);

                if (address < min)
                    min = address;
                if (address + x.ihr_length > max)
                    max = address + x.ihr_length;
                if (address /*+ x.ihr_length*/ > max)
                    max = address + (x.ihr_length - 1);
            while (i > 0);

            if (pmin != null) pmin = min;
            if (pmax != null) pmax = max;

            return 0;