        Noisy test:
         * F = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + noise on [-1,+1]^3
         * space is either R1=[-1,+1] (other dimensions are
           fixed at 0), R1^2 or R1^3.
         * D = 1, 2
         * 4096 points is used for function generation,
           4096 points - for testing
         * RMS error of "noisy" model on test set must be
           lower than RMS error of interpolation model.
        private static void testnoisy(ref bool idwerrors)
            double noiselevel = 0;
            int nq = 0;
            int nw = 0;
            int d = 0;
            int nx = 0;
            int ntrn = 0;
            int ntst = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double t = 0;
            double v1 = 0;
            double v2 = 0;
            double ve = 0;
            double[,] xy = new double[0,0];
            double[] x = new double[0];
            idwint.idwinterpolant z1 = new idwint.idwinterpolant();
            idwint.idwinterpolant z2 = new idwint.idwinterpolant();
            double rms1 = 0;
            double rms2 = 0;

            nq = 20;
            nw = 40;
            noiselevel = 0.2;
            ntrn = 256;
            ntst = 1024;
            for(d=1; d<=2; d++)
                for(nx=1; nx<=2; nx++)
                    // prepare dataset
                    xy = new double[ntrn, nx+1];
                    for(i=0; i<=ntrn-1; i++)
                        v = noiselevel*(2*math.randomreal()-1);
                        for(j=0; j<=nx-1; j++)
                            t = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            v = v+math.sqr(t);
                            xy[i,j] = t;
                        xy[i,nx] = v;
                    // build interpolants
                    idwint.idwbuildmodifiedshepard(xy, ntrn, nx, d, nq, nw, z1);
                    idwint.idwbuildnoisy(xy, ntrn, nx, d, nq, nw, z2);
                    // calculate RMS errors
                    x = new double[nx];
                    rms1 = 0;
                    rms2 = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=ntst-1; i++)
                        ve = 0;
                        for(j=0; j<=nx-1; j++)
                            t = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                            x[j] = t;
                            ve = ve+math.sqr(t);
                        v1 = idwint.idwcalc(z1, x);
                        v2 = idwint.idwcalc(z2, x);
                        rms1 = rms1+math.sqr(v1-ve);
                        rms2 = rms2+math.sqr(v2-ve);
                    idwerrors = idwerrors | (double)(rms2)>(double)(rms1);
        Testing degree properties

        F is either:
        * constant (DTask=0)
        * linear (DTask=1)
        * quadratic (DTask=2)

        Nodal functions are either
        * constant (D=0)
        * linear (D=1)
        * quadratic (D=2)

        When DTask<=D, we can interpolate without errors.
        When DTask>D, we MUST have errors.
        private static void testdegree(int n,
            int nx,
            int d,
            int dtask,
            ref bool idwerrors)
            double threshold = 0;
            int nq = 0;
            int nw = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double c0 = 0;
            double[] c1 = new double[0];
            double[,] c2 = new double[0,0];
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[,] xy = new double[0,0];
            idwint.idwinterpolant z1 = new idwint.idwinterpolant();
            double v1 = 0;
            double v2 = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            threshold = 1.0E6*math.machineepsilon;
            nq = 2*(nx*nx+nx+1);
            nw = 10;
            ap.assert(nq<=n, "TestDegree: internal error");
            // prepare model
            c0 = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
            c1 = new double[nx];
            for(i=0; i<=nx-1; i++)
                c1[i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
            c2 = new double[nx, nx];
            for(i=0; i<=nx-1; i++)
                for(j=i+1; j<=nx-1; j++)
                    c2[i,j] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                    c2[j,i] = c2[i,j];
                    c2[i,i] = 2*math.randomreal()-1;
                while( (double)(Math.Abs(c2[i,i]))<=(double)(0.3) );
            // prepare points
            xy = new double[n, nx+1];
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=nx-1; j++)
                    xy[i,j] = 4*math.randomreal()-2;
                xy[i,nx] = c0;
                if( dtask>=1 )
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                        v += c1[i_]*xy[i,i_];
                    xy[i,nx] = xy[i,nx]+v;
                if( dtask==2 )
                    for(j=0; j<=nx-1; j++)
                        v = 0.0;
                        for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                            v += c2[j,i_]*xy[i,i_];
                        xy[i,nx] = xy[i,nx]+xy[i,j]*v;
            // build interpolant, calculate value at random point
            idwint.idwbuildmodifiedshepard(xy, n, nx, d, nq, nw, z1);
            x = new double[nx];
            for(i=0; i<=nx-1; i++)
                x[i] = 4*math.randomreal()-2;
            v1 = idwint.idwcalc(z1, x);
            // calculate model value at the same point
            v2 = c0;
            if( dtask>=1 )
                v = 0.0;
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    v += c1[i_]*x[i_];
                v2 = v2+v;
            if( dtask==2 )
                for(j=0; j<=nx-1; j++)
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                        v += c2[j,i_]*x[i_];
                    v2 = v2+x[j]*v;
            // Compare
            if( dtask<=d )
                idwerrors = idwerrors | (double)(Math.Abs(v2-v1))>(double)(threshold);
                idwerrors = idwerrors | (double)(Math.Abs(v2-v1))<(double)(threshold);
Example #3
 public idwinterpolant(idwint.idwinterpolant obj)
     _innerobj = obj;
        Testing IDW:
        * generate model using R-based model
        * test basic properties
        private static void testrxy(double[,] xy,
            int n,
            int nx,
            double r,
            ref bool idwerrors)
            double threshold = 0;
            double lipschitzstep = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int i1 = 0;
            int i2 = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double v1 = 0;
            double v2 = 0;
            double t = 0;
            double l1 = 0;
            double l2 = 0;
            idwint.idwinterpolant z1 = new idwint.idwinterpolant();
            double[] x = new double[0];
            int i_ = 0;

            threshold = 1000*math.machineepsilon;
            lipschitzstep = 0.001;
            x = new double[nx];
            // build
            idwint.idwbuildmodifiedshepardr(xy, n, nx, r, z1);
            // first, test interpolation properties at nodes
            for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = xy[i,i_];
                idwerrors = idwerrors | (double)(idwint.idwcalc(z1, x))!=(double)(xy[i,nx]);
            // test Lipschitz continuity
            i1 = math.randominteger(n);
                i2 = math.randominteger(n);
            while( i2==i1 );
            l1 = 0;
            t = 0;
            while( (double)(t)<(double)(1) )
                v = 1-t;
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = v*xy[i1,i_];
                v = t;
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = x[i_] + v*xy[i2,i_];
                v1 = idwint.idwcalc(z1, x);
                v = 1-(t+lipschitzstep);
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = v*xy[i1,i_];
                v = t+lipschitzstep;
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = x[i_] + v*xy[i2,i_];
                v2 = idwint.idwcalc(z1, x);
                l1 = Math.Max(l1, Math.Abs(v2-v1)/lipschitzstep);
                t = t+lipschitzstep;
            l2 = 0;
            t = 0;
            while( (double)(t)<(double)(1) )
                v = 1-t;
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = v*xy[i1,i_];
                v = t;
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = x[i_] + v*xy[i2,i_];
                v1 = idwint.idwcalc(z1, x);
                v = 1-(t+lipschitzstep/3);
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = v*xy[i1,i_];
                v = t+lipschitzstep/3;
                for(i_=0; i_<=nx-1;i_++)
                    x[i_] = x[i_] + v*xy[i2,i_];
                v2 = idwint.idwcalc(z1, x);
                l2 = Math.Max(l2, Math.Abs(v2-v1)/(lipschitzstep/3));
                t = t+lipschitzstep/3;
            idwerrors = idwerrors | (double)(l2)>(double)(2.0*l1);
Example #5
        // Public declarations

        public idwinterpolant()
            _innerobj = new idwint.idwinterpolant();