Example #1
 public void SetGuiInfo(idDict dict)
     foreach (idWindowVariable var in _vars)
         var.SetGuiInfo(dict, var.ToString());
Example #2
		private idUserInterface AddRenderGui(string name, idDict args)
			idUserInterface gui = idR.UIManager.FindInterface(name, true, args.ContainsKey("gui_parm"));

			UpdateGuiParams(gui, args);

			return gui;
Example #3
        private idUserInterface AddRenderGui(string name, idDict args)
            idUserInterface gui = idR.UIManager.FindInterface(name, true, args.ContainsKey("gui_parm"));

            UpdateGuiParams(gui, args);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Any key/value pair that might change during the course of the game (e.g. via a gui)
        /// should be initialize here so a gui or other trigger can change something and have it updated
        /// properly.
        /// <para/>
        /// An optional source may be provided if the values reside in an outside dictionary and
        /// first need copied over to spawnArgs.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        public virtual void UpdateChangeableSpawnArgs(idDict source)
            if (this.Disposed == true)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);

            idConsole.Warning("TODO: idEntity.UpdateChangeableSpawnArgs");
Example #5
		private void UpdateGuiParams(idUserInterface gui, idDict args)
			if((gui == null) || (args == null))

			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in args.MatchPrefix("gui_parm"))
				gui.State.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

			gui.State.Set("noninteractive", args.GetBool("gui_noninteractive"));
Example #6
        private void UpdateGuiParams(idUserInterface gui, idDict args)
            if ((gui == null) || (args == null))

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in args.MatchPrefix("gui_parm"))
                gui.State.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            gui.State.Set("noninteractive", args.GetBool("gui_noninteractive"));
Example #7
        private void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (this.Disposed == true)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);

            if (disposing == true)
                _state       = null;
                _desktop     = null;
                _bindHandler = null;

            _disposed = true;
Example #8
        private void PreRender()
            if (_needsRender == true)

                idDict spawnArgs = new idDict();
                spawnArgs.Set("classname", "light");
                spawnArgs.Set("name", "light_1");
                spawnArgs.Set("origin", _lightOrigin);
                spawnArgs.Set("_color", _lightColor);

                idConsole.Warning("TODO: lighting");

                /*gameEdit->ParseSpawnArgsToRenderLight(&spawnArgs, &rLight);
                 * lightDef = world->AddLightDef(&rLight);
                 * if(!modelName[0])
                 * {
                 *      common->Warning("Window '%s' in gui '%s': no model set", GetName(), GetGui()->GetSourceFile());
                 * }*/

                spawnArgs.Set("classname", "func_static");
                spawnArgs.Set("model", _modelName);
                spawnArgs.Set("origin", _modelOrigin);

                _worldEntity = idE.GameEdit.ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEntity(spawnArgs);

                if (_worldEntity.Model != null)
                    Vector3 v = _modelRotate.ToVector3();

                    _worldEntity.Axis = v.ToMatrix();
                    _worldEntity.MaterialParameters[0] = 1;
                    _worldEntity.MaterialParameters[0] = 1;
                    _worldEntity.MaterialParameters[0] = 1;
                    _worldEntity.MaterialParameters[0] = 1;

                    _renderEntity = _world.AddEntityDefinition(_worldEntity);

Example #9
        public virtual void Init(string name, idWindow win)
            string key    = name;
            int    length = key.Length;

            _guiDict = null;

            if ((length > Prefix.Length) && (key.StartsWith(Prefix) == true))
                key = key.Substring(length - Prefix.Length - 1);

                SetGuiInfo(win.UserInterface.State, key);
Example #10
		/// <summary>
		/// The session calls this right before a new level is loaded.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="clientIndex"></param>
		/// <param name="playerInfo"></param>
		public abstract void SetPersistentPlayerInformation(int clientIndex, idDict playerInfo);
Example #11
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the user info for a client.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="clientIndex"></param>
		/// <param name="userInfo"></param>
		/// <param name="isClient"></param>
		/// <param name="canModify">If true, the game can modify the user info.  Never true on a network client.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public abstract idDict SetUserInformation(int clientIndex, idDict userInfo, bool isClient, bool canModify);
Example #12
		public override void SpawnPlayer(int clientIndex)
			idConsole.WriteLine("SpawnPlayer: {0}", clientIndex);

			idDict args = new idDict();
			args.Set("spawn_entnum", clientIndex);
			args.Set("name", string.Format("player{0}", clientIndex + 1));

			// TODO: refactor in to idGameRules
			args.Set("classname", (this.IsMultiplayer == true) ? "player_doommarine_mp" : "player_doommarine");

			idEntity ent = SpawnEntityDef(args);

			if((ent == null) || (_entities[clientIndex] == null))
				idConsole.Error("Failed to spawn player as {0}", args.GetString("classname"));

			// make sure it's a compatible class
			if((ent is idPlayer) == false)
				idConsole.Error("'{0}' spawn the player as a '{1}'.  Player spawnclass must be a subclass of Player.", args.GetString("classname"), ent.ClassName);

			if(clientIndex >= _clientCount)

Example #13
		public abstract RenderEntityComponent ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEntity(idDict args);
Example #14
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Any key/value pair that might change during the course of the game (e.g. via a gui)
		/// should be initialize here so a gui or other trigger can change something and have it updated
		/// properly. 
		/// <para/>
		/// An optional source may be provided if the values reside in an outside dictionary and
		/// first need copied over to spawnArgs.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="source"></param>
		public virtual void UpdateChangeableSpawnArgs(idDict source)
			if(this.Disposed == true)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);

			idConsole.Warning("TODO: idEntity.UpdateChangeableSpawnArgs");
Example #15
		public static idMapBrush Parse(idLexer lexer, Vector3 origin, bool newFormat = true, float version = idMapFile.CurrentMapVersion)
			idToken token;
			idMapBrushSide side;
			List<idMapBrushSide> sides = new List<idMapBrushSide>();
			idDict dict = new idDict();
			Vector3[] planePoints = new Vector3[3];

			if(lexer.ExpectTokenString("{") == false)
				return null;

				if((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected EOF");
					return null;

				if(token.ToString() == "}")

				// here we may have to jump over brush epairs ( only used in editor )
					// if token is a brace
					if(token.ToString() == "(")

					// the token should be a key string for a key/value pair
					if(token.Type != TokenType.String)
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected {0}, expected ( or epair key string", token.ToString());
						return null;

					string key = token.ToString();

					if(((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null) || (token.Type != TokenType.String))
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: expected epair value string not found");
						return null;

					dict.Set(key, token.ToString());

					// try to read the next key
					if((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected EOF");
						return null;

				lexer.UnreadToken = token;

				side = new idMapBrushSide();

				if(newFormat == true)
					float[] tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(4);

					if(tmp == null)
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side plane definition");
						return null;
						side.Plane = new Plane(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3]);
					// read the three point plane definition
					float[] tmp, tmp2, tmp3;

					if(((tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3)) == null)
						|| ((tmp2 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3)) == null)
						|| ((tmp3 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3)) == null))
						lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side plane definition");
						return null;

					planePoints[0] = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]) - origin;
					planePoints[1] = new Vector3(tmp2[0], tmp2[1], tmp2[2]) - origin;
					planePoints[2] = new Vector3(tmp3[0], tmp3[1], tmp3[2]) - origin;

					side.Plane.FromPoints(planePoints[0], planePoints[1], planePoints[2]);

				// read the texture matrix
				// this is odd, because the texmat is 2D relative to default planar texture axis
				float[,] tmp5 = lexer.Parse2DMatrix(2, 3);

				if(tmp5 == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side texture matrix");
					return null;

				side.TextureMatrix[0] = new Vector3(tmp5[0, 0], tmp5[0, 1], tmp5[0, 2]);
				side.TextureMatrix[1] = new Vector3(tmp5[1, 0], tmp5[1, 1], tmp5[1, 2]);
				side.Origin = origin;

				// read the material
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side material");
					return null;

				// we had an implicit 'textures/' in the old format...
				if(version < 2.0f)
					side.Material = "textures/" + token.ToString();
					side.Material = token.ToString();

				// Q2 allowed override of default flags and values, but we don't any more
				if(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)
					if(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)
						if(lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)


			if(lexer.ExpectTokenString("}") == false)
				return null;

			idMapBrush brush = new idMapBrush();

			foreach(idMapBrushSide s in sides)

			brush.Dict = dict;

			return brush;
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the serverinfo at map loads and when it changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serverInfo"></param>
 public abstract void SetServerInfo(idDict serverInfo);
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// The session calls this right before a new level is loaded.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clientIndex"></param>
 /// <param name="playerInfo"></param>
 public abstract void SetPersistentPlayerInformation(int clientIndex, idDict playerInfo);
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Caches media referenced from in key/value pairs in the given dictionary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This is called after parsing an EntityDef and for each entity spawnArgs before
 /// merging the entitydef.  It could be done post-merge, but that would
 /// avoid the fast pre-cache check associated with each entityDef.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="dict"></param>
 public abstract void CacheDictionaryMedia(idDict dict);
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the user info for a client.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clientIndex"></param>
 /// <param name="userInfo"></param>
 /// <param name="isClient"></param>
 /// <param name="canModify">If true, the game can modify the user info.  Never true on a network client.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract idDict SetUserInformation(int clientIndex, idDict userInfo, bool isClient, bool canModify);
Example #20
		private void PreRender()
			if(_needsRender == true)

				idDict spawnArgs = new idDict();
				spawnArgs.Set("classname", "light");
				spawnArgs.Set("name", "light_1");
				spawnArgs.Set("origin", _lightOrigin);
				spawnArgs.Set("_color", _lightColor);

				idConsole.Warning("TODO: lighting");
				/*gameEdit->ParseSpawnArgsToRenderLight(&spawnArgs, &rLight);
				lightDef = world->AddLightDef(&rLight);
					common->Warning("Window '%s' in gui '%s': no model set", GetName(), GetGui()->GetSourceFile());

				spawnArgs.Set("classname", "func_static");
				spawnArgs.Set("model", _modelName);
				spawnArgs.Set("origin", _modelOrigin);

				_worldEntity = idE.GameEdit.ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEntity(spawnArgs);

				if(_worldEntity.Model != null)
					Vector3 v = _modelRotate.ToVector3();

					_worldEntity.Axis = v.ToMatrix();
					_worldEntity.MaterialParameters[0] = 1;
					_worldEntity.MaterialParameters[0] = 1;
					_worldEntity.MaterialParameters[0] = 1;
					_worldEntity.MaterialParameters[0] = 1;

					_renderEntity = _world.AddEntityDefinition(_worldEntity);

Example #21
		public override RenderEntityComponent ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEntity(idDict args)
			RenderEntityComponent renderEntity = new RenderEntityComponent();
			idDeclModel modelDef = null;
			string temp = args.GetString("model");

			if(temp != string.Empty)
				modelDef = idE.DeclManager.FindType<idDeclModel>(DeclType.ModelDef, temp, false);

				if(modelDef != null)
					renderEntity.Model = modelDef.Model;

				if(renderEntity.Model == null)
					renderEntity.Model = idE.RenderModelManager.FindModel(temp);

			if(renderEntity.Model != null)
				renderEntity.Bounds = renderEntity.Model.GetBounds(renderEntity);
				renderEntity.Bounds = new idBounds();

			temp = args.GetString("skin");

			if(temp != string.Empty)
				renderEntity.CustomSkin = idR.DeclManager.FindSkin(temp);
			else if(modelDef != null)
				renderEntity.CustomSkin = modelDef.DefaultSkin;

			temp = args.GetString("shader");

			if(temp != null)
				renderEntity.CustomMaterial = idR.DeclManager.FindMaterial(temp);

			renderEntity.Origin = args.GetVector3("origin", Vector3.Zero);

			// get the rotation matrix in either full form, or single angle form
			renderEntity.Axis = args.GetMatrix("rotation", "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1");

			if(renderEntity.Axis == Matrix.Identity)
				float angle = args.GetFloat("angle");

				if(angle != 0.0f)
					renderEntity.Axis = new idAngles(0.0f, angle, 0.0f).ToMatrix();
					renderEntity.Axis = Matrix.Identity;

			// TODO:
			//renderEntity.ReferencedSound = null;

			// get shader parms
			Vector3 color = args.GetVector3("_color", new Vector3(1, 1, 1));

			float[] materialParms = renderEntity.MaterialParameters;

			materialParms[(int) MaterialParameter.Red] = color.X;
			materialParms[(int) MaterialParameter.Green] = color.Y;
			materialParms[(int) MaterialParameter.Blue] = color.Z;

			materialParms[3] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm3", 1);
			materialParms[4] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm4", 0);
			materialParms[5] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm5", 0);
			materialParms[6] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm6", 0);
			materialParms[7] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm7", 0);
			materialParms[8] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm8", 0);
			materialParms[9] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm9", 0);
			materialParms[10] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm10", 0);
			materialParms[11] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm11", 0);

			renderEntity.MaterialParameters = materialParms;

			// check noDynamicInteractions flag
			renderEntity.NoDynamicInteractions = args.GetBool("noDynamicInteractions");

			// check noshadows flag
			renderEntity.NoShadow = args.GetBool("noshadows");

			// check noselfshadows flag
			renderEntity.NoSelfShadow = args.GetBool("noselfshadows");

			// init any guis, including entity-specific states
			int count = renderEntity.Gui.Length;

			for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				temp = args.GetString(i == 0 ? "gui" : string.Format("gui{0}", i + 1));

				if(temp != null)
					renderEntity.Gui[i] = AddRenderGui(temp, args);

			return renderEntity;
Example #22
		public virtual void Init(string name, idWindow win)
			string key = name;
			int length = key.Length;
			_guiDict = null;

			if((length > Prefix.Length) && (key.StartsWith(Prefix) == true))
				key = key.Substring(length - Prefix.Length - 1);

				SetGuiInfo(win.UserInterface.State, key);
Example #23
 public idUserInterface()
     _referenceCount = 1;
     _state          = new idDict();
Example #24
		private bool InhibitEntitySpawn(idDict args)
			bool result = false;

			if(this.IsMultiplayer == true)
				result = args.GetBool("not_multiplayer", false);
			else if(idR.CvarSystem.GetInteger("g_skill") == 0)
				result = args.GetBool("not_easy", false);
			else if(idR.CvarSystem.GetInteger("g_skill") == 1)
				result = args.GetBool("not_medium", false);
				result = args.GetBool("not_hard", false);

			string name;

			if(idR.CvarSystem.GetInteger("g_skill") == 3)
				name = args.GetString("classname").ToLower();

				if((name == "item_medkit") || (name == "item_medkit_small"))
					result = true;

			if(this.IsMultiplayer == true)
				name = args.GetString("classname").ToLower();

				if((name == "weapon_bfg") || (name == "weapon_soulcube"))
					result = true;

			return result;
Example #25
 public idDeclEntity() : base()
     _dict = new idDict();
Example #26
		/// <summary>
		/// This is called after parsing an EntityDef and for each entity spawnArgs before
		/// merging the entitydef.  It could be done post-merge, but that would
		/// avoid the fast pre-cache check associated with each entityDef.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dict"></param>
		public override void CacheDictionaryMedia(idDict dict)
			#region Model
			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dict.MatchPrefix("model"))
				// precache model/animations
				if((kvp.Value != string.Empty) && (idR.DeclManager.FindType<idDecl>(DeclType.ModelDef, kvp.Value, false) == null))
					// precache the render model

					// precache .cm files only
					idR.CollisionModelManager.LoadModel(kvp.Value, true);

			#region Gui
			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dict.MatchPrefix("gui"))
				string keyLower = kvp.Key.ToLower();

				if((keyLower == "gui_noninteractive")
					|| (keyLower.StartsWith("gui_parm") == true)
					|| (keyLower == "gui_inventory"))
					// unfortunate flag names, they aren't actually a gui
					idR.DeclManager.MediaPrint(string.Format("Precaching gui {0}", kvp.Value));

					idUserInterface gui = new idUserInterface();
					if(gui != null)

			#region Fx
			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dict.MatchPrefix("fx"))
				idR.DeclManager.MediaPrint(string.Format("Precaching fx {0}", kvp.Value));
				idR.DeclManager.FindType<idDecl>(DeclType.Fx, kvp.Value);

			#region Smoke
			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dict.MatchPrefix("smoke"))
				string prtName = kvp.Value;
				int dash = prtName.IndexOf('-');

				if(dash > 0)
					prtName = prtName.Substring(0, dash);

				idR.DeclManager.FindType(DeclType.Particle, prtName);

			#region Skin
			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dict.MatchPrefix("skin"))
				idR.DeclManager.MediaPrint(string.Format("Precaching skin {0}", kvp.Value));
				idR.DeclManager.FindType(DeclType.Skin, kvp.Value);

			#region Def
			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dict.MatchPrefix("def"))
				FindEntityDef(kvp.Value, false);

			#region Misc
			string value = dict.GetString("s_shader");

			if(value != string.Empty)
				idR.DeclManager.FindType<idDecl>(DeclType.Sound, value);

			value = dict.GetString("texture");

			if(value != string.Empty)
				idR.DeclManager.FindType<idDecl>(DeclType.Material, value);

			Dictionary<string, DeclType> cacheElements = new Dictionary<string, DeclType>() {
				{ "snd", DeclType.Sound },
				{ "mtr", DeclType.Material },
				{ "inv_icon", DeclType.Material },
				{ "pda_name", DeclType.Pda },
				{ "video", DeclType.Video },
				{ "audio", DeclType.Audio }

			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, DeclType> element in cacheElements)
				foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dict.MatchPrefix(element.Key))
					idR.DeclManager.FindType<idDecl>(element.Value, kvp.Value);
Example #27
		public idDeclEntity() : base()
			_dict = new idDict();
Example #28
		public override void SetPersistentPlayerInformation(int clientIndex, idDict playerInfo)
			_persistentPlayerInfo[clientIndex] = playerInfo;
Example #29
		public void SetGuiInfo(idDict dict)
			foreach(idWindowVariable var in _vars)
				var.SetGuiInfo(dict, var.ToString());
Example #30
 public virtual void SetGuiInfo(idDict dict, string name)
     _guiDict  = dict;
     this.Name = name;
Example #31
		public virtual void SetGuiInfo(idDict dict, string name)
			_guiDict = dict;
			this.Name = name;
Example #32
        public override RenderEntityComponent ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEntity(idDict args)
            RenderEntityComponent renderEntity = new RenderEntityComponent();
            idDeclModel           modelDef     = null;

            string temp = args.GetString("model");

            if (temp != string.Empty)
                modelDef = idE.DeclManager.FindType <idDeclModel>(DeclType.ModelDef, temp, false);

                if (modelDef != null)
                    renderEntity.Model = modelDef.Model;

                if (renderEntity.Model == null)
                    renderEntity.Model = idE.RenderModelManager.FindModel(temp);

            if (renderEntity.Model != null)
                renderEntity.Bounds = renderEntity.Model.GetBounds(renderEntity);
                renderEntity.Bounds = new idBounds();

            temp = args.GetString("skin");

            if (temp != string.Empty)
                renderEntity.CustomSkin = idR.DeclManager.FindSkin(temp);
            else if (modelDef != null)
                renderEntity.CustomSkin = modelDef.DefaultSkin;

            temp = args.GetString("shader");

            if (temp != null)
                renderEntity.CustomMaterial = idR.DeclManager.FindMaterial(temp);

            renderEntity.Origin = args.GetVector3("origin", Vector3.Zero);

            // get the rotation matrix in either full form, or single angle form
            renderEntity.Axis = args.GetMatrix("rotation", "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1");

            if (renderEntity.Axis == Matrix.Identity)
                float angle = args.GetFloat("angle");

                if (angle != 0.0f)
                    renderEntity.Axis = new idAngles(0.0f, angle, 0.0f).ToMatrix();
                    renderEntity.Axis = Matrix.Identity;

            // TODO:
            //renderEntity.ReferencedSound = null;

            // get shader parms
            Vector3 color = args.GetVector3("_color", new Vector3(1, 1, 1));

            float[] materialParms = renderEntity.MaterialParameters;

            materialParms[(int)MaterialParameter.Red]   = color.X;
            materialParms[(int)MaterialParameter.Green] = color.Y;
            materialParms[(int)MaterialParameter.Blue]  = color.Z;

            materialParms[3]  = args.GetFloat("shaderParm3", 1);
            materialParms[4]  = args.GetFloat("shaderParm4", 0);
            materialParms[5]  = args.GetFloat("shaderParm5", 0);
            materialParms[6]  = args.GetFloat("shaderParm6", 0);
            materialParms[7]  = args.GetFloat("shaderParm7", 0);
            materialParms[8]  = args.GetFloat("shaderParm8", 0);
            materialParms[9]  = args.GetFloat("shaderParm9", 0);
            materialParms[10] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm10", 0);
            materialParms[11] = args.GetFloat("shaderParm11", 0);

            renderEntity.MaterialParameters = materialParms;

            // check noDynamicInteractions flag
            renderEntity.NoDynamicInteractions = args.GetBool("noDynamicInteractions");

            // check noshadows flag
            renderEntity.NoShadow = args.GetBool("noshadows");

            // check noselfshadows flag
            renderEntity.NoSelfShadow = args.GetBool("noselfshadows");

            // init any guis, including entity-specific states
            int count = renderEntity.Gui.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                temp = args.GetString(i == 0 ? "gui" : string.Format("gui{0}", i + 1));

                if (temp != null)
                    renderEntity.Gui[i] = AddRenderGui(temp, args);

Example #33
		public idEntity SpawnEntityDef(idDict args, bool setDefaults = true)
			_spawnArgs = args;

			string error = string.Empty;
			string name = string.Empty;
			string className = string.Empty;

			if(_spawnArgs.ContainsKey("name") == false)
				error = string.Format(" on '{0}'", name);

			name = _spawnArgs.GetString("name", "");
			className = _spawnArgs.GetString("classname");

			idDeclEntity def = FindEntityDef(className, false);

			if(def == null)
				idConsole.Warning("Unknown classname '{0}'{1}.", className, error);
				return null;


			// check if we should spawn a class object
			string spawn = _spawnArgs.GetString("spawnclass", null);

			if(spawn != null)
				// need to check all loaded assemblies to find the type we're looking for.
				Type type = null;

				foreach(Assembly asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
					// all entity types must be in the idTech4.Game.Entities namespace.
					string typeName = string.Format("idTech4.Game.Entities.{0}", spawn);
					type = asm.GetType(typeName, false, true);

					if(type != null)

				if(type == null)
					idConsole.Warning("Could not spawn '{0}'.  Class '{1}' not found{2}.", className, spawn, error);
					return null;

				object obj = type.Assembly.CreateInstance(type.FullName);

				if(obj == null)
					idConsole.Warning("Could not spawn '{0}'. Instance could not be created{1}.", className, error);
					return null;

				idEntity ent = (idEntity) obj;

				idConsole.DeveloperWriteLine("Spawned {0} ({1})", ent.ClassName, ent.GetType().FullName);

				return ent;

			idConsole.Warning("TODO: Spawnfunc");
			// check if we should call a script function to spawn
			/*spawnArgs.GetString( "spawnfunc", NULL, &spawn );
			if ( spawn ) {
				const function_t *func = program.FindFunction( spawn );
				if ( !func ) {
					Warning( "Could not spawn '%s'.  Script function '%s' not found%s.", classname, spawn, error.c_str() );
					return false;
				idThread *thread = new idThread( func );
				thread->DelayedStart( 0 );
				return true;

			Warning( "%s doesn't include a spawnfunc or spawnclass%s.", classname, error.c_str() );
			return false;*/
			return null;
Example #34
        public string AddFrameCommand(idDeclModel modelDef, int frameIndex, idLexer lexer, idDict def)
            // make sure we're within bounds
            if ((frameIndex < 1) || (frameIndex > _anims[0].FrameCount))
                return(string.Format("Frame {0} out of range", frameIndex));

            // frame numbers are 1 based in .def files, but 0 based internally

            idToken token;
            AnimationFrameCommand frameCommand = new AnimationFrameCommand();

            if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                return("Unexpected end of line");

            string tokenValue = token.ToString();

            if (tokenValue == "call")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                tokenValue        = token.ToString();
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.ScriptFunction;
                idConsole.Warning("TODO: fc.function = gameLocal.program.FindFunction( token );");

                if (frameCommand.Function == null)
                    return(string.Format("Function '{0}' not found", tokenValue));
            else if (tokenValue == "object_call")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                tokenValue          = token.ToString();
                frameCommand.Type   = AnimationFrameCommandType.ScriptFunctionObject;
                frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
            else if (tokenValue == "event")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                tokenValue        = token.ToString();
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EventFunction;

                idConsole.Warning("TODO: idAnim Event");

                /*const idEventDef *ev = idEventDef::FindEvent( token );
                 * if ( !ev ) {
                 *      return va( "Event '%s' not found", token.c_str() );
                 * }
                 * if ( ev->GetNumArgs() != 0 ) {
                 *      return va( "Event '%s' has arguments", token.c_str() );
                 * }*/

                frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
            else if ((tokenValue == "sound") ||
                     (tokenValue == "sound_voice") ||
                     (tokenValue == "sound_voice2") ||
                     (tokenValue == "sound_body") ||
                     (tokenValue == "sound_body2") ||
                     (tokenValue == "sound_body3") ||
                     (tokenValue == "sound_weapon") ||
                     (tokenValue == "sound_global") ||
                     (tokenValue == "sound_item") ||
                     (tokenValue == "sound_chatter"))
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                switch (tokenValue)
                case "sound":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Sound;

                case "sound_voice":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundVoice;

                case "sound_voice2":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundVoice2;

                case "sound_body":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundBody;

                case "sound_body2":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundBody2;

                case "sound_body3":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundBody3;

                case "sound_weapon":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundWeapon;

                case "sound_global":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundGlobal;

                case "sound_item":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundItem;

                case "sound_chatter":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundChatter;

                tokenValue = token.ToString();

                if (tokenValue.StartsWith("snd_") == true)
                    frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
                    frameCommand.SoundMaterial = idE.DeclManager.FindSound(tokenValue);

                    if (frameCommand.SoundMaterial.State == DeclState.Defaulted)
                        idConsole.Warning("Sound '{0}' not found", tokenValue);
            else if (tokenValue == "skin")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                tokenValue        = token.ToString();
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Skin;

                if (tokenValue == "none")
                    frameCommand.Skin = null;
                    frameCommand.Skin = idE.DeclManager.FindSkin(tokenValue);

                    if (frameCommand.Skin == null)
                        return(string.Format("Skin '{0}' not found", tokenValue));
            else if (tokenValue == "fx")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                tokenValue        = token.ToString();
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Fx;

                if (idE.DeclManager.FindType(DeclType.Fx, tokenValue) == null)
                    return(string.Format("fx '{0}' not found", tokenValue));

                frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
            else if (tokenValue == "trigger")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                tokenValue          = token.ToString();
                frameCommand.Type   = AnimationFrameCommandType.Trigger;
                frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
            else if (tokenValue == "triggerSmokeParticle")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                tokenValue          = token.ToString();
                frameCommand.Type   = AnimationFrameCommandType.TriggerSmokeParticle;
                frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
            else if ((tokenValue == "melee") ||
                     (tokenValue == "direct_damage") ||
                     (tokenValue == "attack_begin"))
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                switch (tokenValue)
                case "melee":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Melee;

                case "direct_damage":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DirectDamage;

                case "attack_begin":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.BeginAttack;

                tokenValue = token.ToString();

                if (idR.Game.FindEntityDef(tokenValue, false) == null)
                    return(string.Format("Unknown entityDef '{0}'", tokenValue));

                frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
            else if (tokenValue == "attack_end")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EndAttack;
            else if (tokenValue == "muzzle_flash")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                tokenValue = token.ToString();

                if ((tokenValue != string.Empty) && (modelDef.FindJoint(tokenValue) == null))
                    return(string.Format("Joint '{0}' not found", tokenValue));

                frameCommand.Type   = AnimationFrameCommandType.MuzzleFlash;
                frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
            else if ((tokenValue == "create_missile") ||
                     (tokenValue == "launch_missile"))
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                switch (tokenValue)
                case "create_missile":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.CreateMissile;

                case "launch_missile":
                    frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.LaunchMissile;

                tokenValue          = token.ToString();
                frameCommand.String = tokenValue;

                if (modelDef.FindJoint(tokenValue) == null)
                    return(string.Format("Joint '{0}' not found", tokenValue));
            else if (tokenValue == "fire_missile_at_target")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                JointInfo jointInfo = modelDef.FindJoint(token.ToString());

                if (jointInfo == null)
                    return(string.Format("Joint '{0}' not found", token.ToString()));

                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of line");

                frameCommand.Type   = AnimationFrameCommandType.FireMissileAtTarget;
                frameCommand.String = token.ToString();
                frameCommand.Index  = jointInfo.Index;
            else if (tokenValue == "footstep")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Footstep;
            else if (tokenValue == "leftfoot")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.LeftFoot;
            else if (tokenValue == "rightfoot")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.RightFoot;
            else if (tokenValue == "enableEyeFocus")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableEyeFocus;
            else if (tokenValue == "disableEyeFocus")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableEyeFocus;
            else if (tokenValue == "disableGravity")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableGravity;
            else if (tokenValue == "enableGravity")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableGravity;
            else if (tokenValue == "jump")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Jump;
            else if (tokenValue == "enableClip")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableClip;
            else if (tokenValue == "disableClip")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableClip;
            else if (tokenValue == "enableWalkIK")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableWalkIk;
            else if (tokenValue == "disableWalkIK")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableWalkIk;
            else if (tokenValue == "enableLegIK")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of file");

                frameCommand.Type  = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableLegIk;
                frameCommand.Index = int.Parse(token.ToString());
            else if (tokenValue == "disableLegIK")
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    return("Unexpected end of file");

                frameCommand.Type  = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableLegIk;
                frameCommand.Index = int.Parse(token.ToString());
            else if (tokenValue == "recordDemo")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.RecordDemo;

                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) != null)
                    frameCommand.String = token.ToString();
            else if (tokenValue == "aviGame")
                frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.AviGame;

                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) != null)
                    frameCommand.String = token.ToString();
                return(string.Format("Unknown command '{0}'", tokenValue));

            // check if we've initialized the frame lookup table
            if (_frameLookups.Count == 0)
                // we haven't, so allocate the table and initialize it

                for (int i = 0; i < _anims[0].FrameCount; i++)
                    _frameLookups.Add(new AnimationFrameLookup());

            // calculate the index of the new command
            int index = _frameLookups[frameIndex].FirstCommand + _frameLookups[frameIndex].Index;
            int count = _frameLookups.Count;

            _frameCommands.Insert(index, frameCommand);

            // fix the indices of any later frames to account for the inserted command
            for (int i = frameIndex + 1; i < count; i++)

            // increase the number of commands on this frame

            // return with no error
Example #35
		public override void SetServerInfo(idDict serverInfo)
			_serverInfo = serverInfo;


			if(this.IsClient == false)
				idConsole.Warning("TODO: SetServerInfo");
				// TODO
				/*idBitMsg outMsg = new idBitMsg();
				outMsg.WriteByte((int) GameReliableMessage.ServerInfo);
				outMsg.WriteDeltaDict(_serverInfo, null);

				idR.NetworkSystem.ServerSendReliableMessage(-1, outMsg);*/
Example #36
 public abstract RenderEntityComponent ParseSpawnArgsToRenderEntity(idDict args);
Example #37
		public override idDict SetUserInformation(int clientIndex, idDict userInfo, bool isClient, bool canModify)
			bool modifiedInfo = false;

			_isClient = isClient;

			if((clientIndex >= 0) && (clientIndex < idR.MaxClients))
				_userInfo[clientIndex] = userInfo;

				// server sanity
				if(canModify == true)
					int number;

					modifiedInfo = true;

					// don't let numeric nicknames, it can be exploited to go around kick and ban commands from the server
					if(Int32.TryParse(_userInfo[clientIndex].GetString("ui_name"), out number) == true)
						_userInfo[clientIndex].Set("ui_name", String.Format("{0}_", _userInfo[clientIndex].GetString("ui_name")));
						modifiedInfo = true;

					// don't allow dupe nicknames
					for(int i = 0; i < _clientCount; i++)
						if(i == clientIndex)

						if((_entities[i] != null) && (_entities[i] is idPlayer))
							if(_userInfo[clientIndex].GetString("ui_name").ToLower() == _userInfo[i].GetString("ui_name"))
								_userInfo[clientIndex].Set("ui_name", string.Format("{0}_", _userInfo[clientIndex].GetString("ui_name")));
								modifiedInfo = true;
								i = -1; // rescan

				if((_entities[clientIndex] != null) && (_entities[clientIndex] is idPlayer))
					modifiedInfo |= ((idPlayer) _entities[clientIndex]).UserInfoChanged(canModify);
					modifiedInfo |= idR.Game.Rules.UserInfoChanged(clientIndex, canModify);

				if(this.IsClient == false)
					// now mark this client in game

			if(modifiedInfo == true)
				return _userInfo[clientIndex];

			return null;
Example #38
        public static idMapBrush Parse(idLexer lexer, Vector3 origin, bool newFormat = true, float version = idMapFile.CurrentMapVersion)
            idToken               token;
            idMapBrushSide        side;
            List <idMapBrushSide> sides = new List <idMapBrushSide>();
            idDict dict = new idDict();

            Vector3[] planePoints = new Vector3[3];

            if (lexer.ExpectTokenString("{") == false)

                if ((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
                    lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected EOF");

                if (token.ToString() == "}")

                // here we may have to jump over brush epairs ( only used in editor )
                    // if token is a brace
                    if (token.ToString() == "(")

                    // the token should be a key string for a key/value pair
                    if (token.Type != TokenType.String)
                        lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected {0}, expected ( or epair key string", token.ToString());

                    string key = token.ToString();

                    if (((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null) || (token.Type != TokenType.String))
                        lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: expected epair value string not found");

                    dict.Set(key, token.ToString());

                    // try to read the next key
                    if ((token = lexer.ReadToken()) == null)
                        lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unexpected EOF");

                lexer.UnreadToken = token;

                side = new idMapBrushSide();

                if (newFormat == true)
                    float[] tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(4);

                    if (tmp == null)
                        lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side plane definition");
                        side.Plane = new Plane(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3]);
                    // read the three point plane definition
                    float[] tmp, tmp2, tmp3;

                    if (((tmp = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3)) == null) ||
                        ((tmp2 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3)) == null) ||
                        ((tmp3 = lexer.Parse1DMatrix(3)) == null))
                        lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side plane definition");

                    planePoints[0] = new Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]) - origin;
                    planePoints[1] = new Vector3(tmp2[0], tmp2[1], tmp2[2]) - origin;
                    planePoints[2] = new Vector3(tmp3[0], tmp3[1], tmp3[2]) - origin;

                    side.Plane.FromPoints(planePoints[0], planePoints[1], planePoints[2]);

                // read the texture matrix
                // this is odd, because the texmat is 2D relative to default planar texture axis
                float[,] tmp5 = lexer.Parse2DMatrix(2, 3);

                if (tmp5 == null)
                    lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side texture matrix");

                side.TextureMatrix[0] = new Vector3(tmp5[0, 0], tmp5[0, 1], tmp5[0, 2]);
                side.TextureMatrix[1] = new Vector3(tmp5[1, 0], tmp5[1, 1], tmp5[1, 2]);
                side.Origin           = origin;

                // read the material
                if ((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
                    lexer.Error("idMapBrush::Parse: unable to read brush side material");

                // we had an implicit 'textures/' in the old format...
                if (version < 2.0f)
                    side.Material = "textures/" + token.ToString();
                    side.Material = token.ToString();

                // Q2 allowed override of default flags and values, but we don't any more
                if (lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)
                    if (lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)
                        if (lexer.ReadTokenOnLine() != null)

            if (lexer.ExpectTokenString("}") == false)

            idMapBrush brush = new idMapBrush();

            foreach (idMapBrushSide s in sides)

            brush.Dict = dict;

Example #39
		private idClip _clip = new idClip(); // collision detection

		#region Constructor
		public idGame()
			idR.Game = this;
			idR.GameEdit = new idGameEdit();


			int count = _userInfo.Length;

			for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				_userInfo[i] = new idDict();
				_persistentPlayerInfo[i] = new idDict();

			_gameRules = new Singleplayer();

Example #40
		public idUserInterface()
			_referenceCount = 1;
			_state = new idDict();
Example #41
		/// <summary>
		/// Caches media referenced from in key/value pairs in the given dictionary.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// This is called after parsing an EntityDef and for each entity spawnArgs before
		/// merging the entitydef.  It could be done post-merge, but that would
		/// avoid the fast pre-cache check associated with each entityDef.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="dict"></param>
		public abstract void CacheDictionaryMedia(idDict dict);
Example #42
		private void Dispose(bool disposing)
			if(this.Disposed == true)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);

			if(disposing == true)
				_state = null;
				_desktop = null;
				_bindHandler = null;

			_disposed = true;
Example #43
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the serverinfo at map loads and when it changes.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="serverInfo"></param>
		public abstract void SetServerInfo(idDict serverInfo);
Example #44
		public string AddFrameCommand(idDeclModel modelDef, int frameIndex, idLexer lexer, idDict def)
			// make sure we're within bounds
			if((frameIndex < 1) || (frameIndex > _anims[0].FrameCount))
				return string.Format("Frame {0} out of range", frameIndex);

			// frame numbers are 1 based in .def files, but 0 based internally

			idToken token;
			AnimationFrameCommand frameCommand = new AnimationFrameCommand();

			if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
				return "Unexpected end of line";

			string tokenValue = token.ToString();

			if(tokenValue == "call")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.ScriptFunction;
				idConsole.Warning("TODO: fc.function = gameLocal.program.FindFunction( token );");

				if(frameCommand.Function == null)
					return string.Format("Function '{0}' not found", tokenValue);
			else if(tokenValue == "object_call")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.ScriptFunctionObject;
				frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
			else if(tokenValue == "event")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EventFunction;

				idConsole.Warning("TODO: idAnim Event");
				/*const idEventDef *ev = idEventDef::FindEvent( token );
				if ( !ev ) {
					return va( "Event '%s' not found", token.c_str() );
				if ( ev->GetNumArgs() != 0 ) {
					return va( "Event '%s' has arguments", token.c_str() );

				frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
			else if((tokenValue == "sound") 
				|| (tokenValue == "sound_voice")
				|| (tokenValue == "sound_voice2")
				|| (tokenValue == "sound_body")
				|| (tokenValue == "sound_body2")
				|| (tokenValue == "sound_body3")
				|| (tokenValue == "sound_weapon")
				|| (tokenValue == "sound_global")
				|| (tokenValue == "sound_item")
				|| (tokenValue == "sound_chatter"))
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

					case "sound":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Sound;

					case "sound_voice":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundVoice;

					case "sound_voice2":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundVoice2;

					case "sound_body":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundBody;

					case "sound_body2":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundBody2;

					case "sound_body3":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundBody3;

					case "sound_weapon":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundWeapon;

					case "sound_global":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundGlobal;

					case "sound_item":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundItem;

					case "sound_chatter":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.SoundChatter;
				tokenValue = token.ToString();

				if(tokenValue.StartsWith("snd_") == true)
					frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
					frameCommand.SoundMaterial = idE.DeclManager.FindSound(tokenValue);

					if(frameCommand.SoundMaterial.State == DeclState.Defaulted)
						idConsole.Warning("Sound '{0}' not found", tokenValue);
			else if(tokenValue == "skin")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Skin;

				if(tokenValue == "none")
					frameCommand.Skin = null;
					frameCommand.Skin = idE.DeclManager.FindSkin(tokenValue);

					if(frameCommand.Skin == null)
						return string.Format("Skin '{0}' not found", tokenValue);
			else if(tokenValue == "fx")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Fx;

				if(idE.DeclManager.FindType(DeclType.Fx, tokenValue) == null)
					return string.Format("fx '{0}' not found", tokenValue);

				frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
			else if(tokenValue == "trigger")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";
				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Trigger;
				frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
			else if(tokenValue == "triggerSmokeParticle")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.TriggerSmokeParticle;
				frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
			else if((tokenValue == "melee")
				|| (tokenValue == "direct_damage")
				|| (tokenValue == "attack_begin"))
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

					case "melee":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Melee;

					case "direct_damage":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DirectDamage;

					case "attack_begin":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.BeginAttack;

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				if(idR.Game.FindEntityDef(tokenValue, false) == null)
					return string.Format("Unknown entityDef '{0}'", tokenValue);

				frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
			else if(tokenValue == "attack_end")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EndAttack;
			else if(tokenValue == "muzzle_flash")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

				tokenValue = token.ToString();

				if((tokenValue != string.Empty) && (modelDef.FindJoint(tokenValue) == null))
					return string.Format("Joint '{0}' not found", tokenValue);

				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.MuzzleFlash;
				frameCommand.String = tokenValue;
			else if((tokenValue == "create_missile")
				|| (tokenValue == "launch_missile"))
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

					case "create_missile":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.CreateMissile;

					case "launch_missile":
						frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.LaunchMissile;

				tokenValue = token.ToString();
				frameCommand.String = tokenValue;

				if(modelDef.FindJoint(tokenValue) == null)
					return string.Format("Joint '{0}' not found", tokenValue);
			else if(tokenValue == "fire_missile_at_target")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

				JointInfo jointInfo = modelDef.FindJoint(token.ToString());

				if(jointInfo == null)
					return string.Format("Joint '{0}' not found", token.ToString());

				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of line";

				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.FireMissileAtTarget;
				frameCommand.String = token.ToString();
				frameCommand.Index = jointInfo.Index;
			else if(tokenValue == "footstep")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Footstep;
			else if(tokenValue == "leftfoot")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.LeftFoot;
			else if(tokenValue == "rightfoot")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.RightFoot;
			else if(tokenValue == "enableEyeFocus")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableEyeFocus;
			else if(tokenValue == "disableEyeFocus")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableEyeFocus;
			else if(tokenValue == "disableGravity")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableGravity;
			else if(tokenValue == "enableGravity")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableGravity;
			else if(tokenValue == "jump")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.Jump;
			else if(tokenValue == "enableClip")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableClip;
			else if(tokenValue == "disableClip")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableClip;
			else if(tokenValue == "enableWalkIK")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableWalkIk;
			else if(tokenValue == "disableWalkIK")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableWalkIk;
			else if(tokenValue == "enableLegIK")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of file";

				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.EnableLegIk;
				frameCommand.Index = int.Parse(token.ToString());
			else if(tokenValue == "disableLegIK")
				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) == null)
					return "Unexpected end of file";

				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.DisableLegIk;
				frameCommand.Index = int.Parse(token.ToString());
			else if(tokenValue == "recordDemo")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.RecordDemo;

				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) != null)
					frameCommand.String = token.ToString();
			else if(tokenValue == "aviGame")
				frameCommand.Type = AnimationFrameCommandType.AviGame;

				if((token = lexer.ReadTokenOnLine()) != null)
					frameCommand.String = token.ToString();
				return string.Format("Unknown command '{0}'", tokenValue);

			// check if we've initialized the frame lookup table
			if(_frameLookups.Count == 0)
				// we haven't, so allocate the table and initialize it

				for(int i = 0; i < _anims[0].FrameCount; i++)
					_frameLookups.Add(new AnimationFrameLookup());

			// calculate the index of the new command
			int index = _frameLookups[frameIndex].FirstCommand + _frameLookups[frameIndex].Index;
			int count = _frameLookups.Count;

			_frameCommands.Insert(index, frameCommand);

			// fix the indices of any later frames to account for the inserted command
			for(int i = frameIndex + 1; i < count; i++)

			// increase the number of commands on this frame

			// return with no error
			return null;