Example #1
        /// <summary>Compile query to sort the table by the index.</summary>
        public static SortQuery <tRow> sort <tRow, tKey>(iTypeSerializer ser, Expression <Func <tRow, tKey> > exp, bool descending) where tRow : new()
            var me = exp.Body as MemberExpression;

            if (null == me)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Currently, orderBy[Descending] only supports ordering by a single column.");

            IndexForColumn[] indices = ser.indicesFromColumn(me.Member);

            bool indexDirectionPositive, multi;

            string ind = ser.sortIndex(me.Member, out indexDirectionPositive, out multi);

            bool shouldInvert = descending ^ (!indexDirectionPositive);

            return(new SortQuery <tRow>(r => r.filterSort(ind, shouldInvert), multi));