private void addCon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //build the proxy for our xmlrpc interface
            iFace proxy = XmlRpcProxyGen.Create <iFace>();

            //Make sure our text boxes are not null.
            if (fName.Text != null && lName.Text != null && eMail.Text != null)
                //Create a struct to hold the contact records data
                XmlRpcStruct conDat = new XmlRpcStruct();
                conDat.Add("FirstName", fName.Text);
                conDat.Add("LastName", lName.Text);
                conDat.Add("Email", eMail.Text);

                //make the call to add the contact.
                    result        = proxy.Add(key, conDat);
                    Results.Text += "Contact added - ID: " + result + System.Environment.NewLine;
                catch (Exception ex)

                //now we will add the contact to any groups or campaigns that were checked.
                //if we wanted to we could check if the calls return true/false to determine output.
                    if (news1.Checked)
                        //news1 is checked so add it to the correct group ID.
                        proxy.AddGrp(key, result, 91);
                        Results.Text += "Contact " + result + " added to group 91" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                    if (news2.Checked)
                        //news2 is checked so add it to the correct group ID.
                        proxy.AddGrp(key, result, 92);
                        Results.Text += "Contact " + result + " added to group 92" + System.Environment.NewLine;

                    if (camp1.Checked)
                        //camp1 is checked so add it to the correct campaign ID.
                        proxy.AddCamp(key, result, 21);
                        Results.Text += "Contact " + result + " added to campaign 21" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                    if (camp2.Checked)
                        //camp2 is checked so add it to the correct campaign ID.
                        proxy.AddCamp(key, result, 23);
                        Results.Text += "Contact " + result + " added to campaign 23" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                catch (Exception ex)
                Results.Text += System.Environment.NewLine;
                MessageBox.Show("Error: First Name, Last Name and Email are required!");