public void RotationMatrix()
            using (var obj = new SKTransformNode()) {
                var zero = new MatrixFloat3x3();
                obj.RotationMatrix = zero;
                // In Swift, a rotated zero matrice also becomes the identity matrice.
                Asserts.AreEqual(MatrixFloat3x3.Identity, obj.RotationMatrix, "RotationMatrix");
                // Changing XRotation (or YRotation for that matter), makes the RotationMatrix change too
                obj.XRotation = (nfloat)(Math.PI / 2);
                var rotatedMatrix = new MatrixFloat3x3(
                    1, 0, 0,
                    0, 0, -1,
                    0, 1, 0
                Asserts.AreEqual(rotatedMatrix, obj.RotationMatrix, 0.000001f, "RotationMatrix a");
                Asserts.AreEqual(rotatedMatrix, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat3x3(obj, "rotationMatrix"), 0.000001f, "RotationMatrix native a");

                // Got this matrix after setting both XRotation and YRotation to Pi/2
                rotatedMatrix = new MatrixFloat3x3(
                    0, 1, 0,
                    0, 0, -1,
                    -1, 0, 0
                obj.RotationMatrix = rotatedMatrix;
                Asserts.AreEqual(rotatedMatrix, obj.RotationMatrix, 0.000001f, "RotationMatrix b");
                Assert.AreEqual((nfloat)(Math.PI / 2), obj.XRotation, 0.000001f, "XRotation b");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, obj.YRotation, 0.000001f, "YRotation b");                  // Setting YRotation changes RotationMatrix, but setting RotationMatrix doesn't change YRotation.
Example #2
        public void RotationTest()
            using (var obj = new GKAgent3D()) {
                var initial = new Matrix3(0, 0, 1,
                                          0, 1, 0,
                                          1, 0, 0);
                Asserts.AreEqual(initial, obj.Rotation, "Rotation");
                Asserts.AreEqual((MatrixFloat3x3)initial, obj.Rotation3x3, "Rotation3x3");

                var mat = new Matrix3(1, 2, 3,
                                      4, 5, 6,
                                      7, 8, 9);
                var mat3x3 = (MatrixFloat3x3)mat;

                obj.Rotation = mat;
                Asserts.AreEqual(mat, obj.Rotation, "Rotation after setter");
                var transposed3x3 = MatrixFloat3x3.Transpose((MatrixFloat3x3)mat);
                Asserts.AreEqual(transposed3x3, obj.Rotation3x3, "Rotation3x3 after setter");
                Asserts.AreEqual(transposed3x3, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat3x3(obj, "rotation"), "Rotation3x3 after setter native");

                obj.Rotation3x3 = mat3x3;
                Asserts.AreEqual(mat3x3, obj.Rotation3x3, "Rotation3x3 after setter 3x3");
                Asserts.AreEqual(mat3x3, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat3x3(obj, "rotation"), "Rotation3x3 after setter native 3x3");
Example #3
        public void Create()
            var M2x2 = new MatrixFloat2x2(1, 2, 3, 4);
            var M3x3 = new MatrixFloat3x3(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
            var M4x4 = new MatrixFloat4x4(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);

            using (var obj = SKUniform.Create("name", M2x2)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M2x2, obj.MatrixFloat2x2Value, "11 MatrixFloat2x2Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M2x2, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat2x2(obj, "matrixFloat2x2Value"), "11b MatrixFloat2x2Value");
                var tmp2 = new MatrixFloat2x2(9, 8, 7, 6);
                obj.MatrixFloat2x2Value = tmp2;
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp2, obj.MatrixFloat2x2Value, "11 MatrixFloat2x2Value second");
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp2, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat2x2(obj, "matrixFloat2x2Value"), "11b MatrixFloat2x2Value second");

            using (var obj = SKUniform.Create("name", M3x3)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M3x3, obj.MatrixFloat3x3Value, "12 MatrixFloat3x3Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M3x3, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat3x3(obj, "matrixFloat3x3Value"), "12b MatrixFloat3x3Value");
                var tmp3 = new MatrixFloat3x3(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
                obj.MatrixFloat3x3Value = tmp3;
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp3, obj.MatrixFloat3x3Value, "12 MatrixFloat3x3Value second");
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp3, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat3x3(obj, "matrixFloat3x3Value"), "12b MatrixFloat3x3Value second");

            using (var obj = SKUniform.Create("name", M4x4)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M4x4, obj.MatrixFloat4x4Value, "13  MatrixFloat4x4Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M4x4, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat4x4(obj, "matrixFloat4x4Value"), "13b FloatMatrix4Value");
                var tmp4 = new MatrixFloat4x4(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6);
                obj.MatrixFloat4x4Value = tmp4;
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp4, obj.MatrixFloat4x4Value, "13 MatrixFloat4x4Value second");
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp4, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat4x4(obj, "matrixFloat4x4Value"), "13b MatrixFloat4x4Value second");
Example #4
        public void ElementConstructor()
            var expected = GetTestMatrix();
            var actual   = new MatrixFloat3x3(expected.R0C0, expected.R0C1, expected.R0C2,
                                              expected.R1C0, expected.R1C1, expected.R1C2,
                                              expected.R2C0, expected.R2C1, expected.R2C2);

            Asserts.AreEqual(expected, actual, "ctor 1");
Example #5
        public void Identity()
            var identity = new MatrixFloat3x3 {
                R0C0 = 1f,
                R1C1 = 1f,
                R2C2 = 1f,

            Asserts.AreEqual(identity, MatrixFloat3x3.Identity, "identity");
            Asserts.AreEqual(Matrix3.Identity, MatrixFloat3x3.Identity, "opentk identity");
Example #6
 public static void AreEqual(MatrixFloat3x3 expected, Matrix3 actual, string message)
     AreEqual(expected.R0C0, actual.R0C0, message + " (R0C0)");
     AreEqual(expected.R0C1, actual.R0C1, message + " (R0C1)");
     AreEqual(expected.R0C2, actual.R0C2, message + " (R0C2)");
     AreEqual(expected.R1C0, actual.R1C0, message + " (R1C0)");
     AreEqual(expected.R1C1, actual.R1C1, message + " (R1C1)");
     AreEqual(expected.R1C2, actual.R1C2, message + " (R1C2)");
     AreEqual(expected.R2C0, actual.R2C0, message + " (R2C0)");
     AreEqual(expected.R2C1, actual.R2C1, message + " (R2C1)");
     AreEqual(expected.R2C2, actual.R2C2, message + " (R2C2)");
Example #7
        public void TransposeStatic_ByRef()
            var input     = GetTestMatrix();
            var inputSimd = (MatrixFloat3x3)input;

            Matrix3        expected;
            MatrixFloat3x3 actual;

            Matrix3.Transpose(ref input, out expected);
            MatrixFloat3x3.Transpose(ref inputSimd, out actual);
            Asserts.AreEqual(expected, actual, "transpose out/ref");
Example #8
        public void Multiply()
            var     inputL     = GetTestMatrix();
            var     inputR     = GetTestMatrix();
            var     inputSimdL = (MatrixFloat3x3)inputL;
            var     inputSimdR = (MatrixFloat3x3)inputR;
            Matrix3 expected;

            Matrix3.Multiply(ref inputR, ref inputL, out expected);              // OpenTK.Matrix3 got left/right mixed up...
            var actual = MatrixFloat3x3.Multiply(inputSimdL, inputSimdR);

            Asserts.AreEqual(expected, actual, "multiply");
Example #9
        public void ToStringTest()
            var actual = new MatrixFloat3x3(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);

            Assert.AreEqual("(1, 2, 3)\n(4, 5, 6)\n(7, 8, 9)", actual.ToString(), "tostring");
Example #10
        public void Ctors()
            SKTexture      texture;
            Vector2        V2;
            Vector3        V3;
            Vector4        V4;
            Matrix2        M2;
            Matrix3        M3;
            Matrix4        M4;
            MatrixFloat2x2 M2x2;
            MatrixFloat3x3 M3x3;
            MatrixFloat4x4 M4x4;

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name")) {
                var M4Zero = new Matrix4(Vector4.Zero, Vector4.Zero, Vector4.Zero, Vector4.Zero);
                Assert.AreEqual("name", obj.Name, "1 Name");
                Assert.AreEqual(SKUniformType.None, obj.UniformType, "1 UniformType");
                Assert.IsNull(obj.TextureValue, "1 TextureValue");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, obj.FloatValue, "1 FloatValue");
                Asserts.AreEqual(Vector2.Zero, obj.FloatVector2Value, "1 FloatVector2Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(Vector3.Zero, obj.FloatVector3Value, "1 FloatVector3Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(Vector4.Zero, obj.FloatVector4Value, "1 FloatVector4Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(Matrix2.Zero, obj.FloatMatrix2Value, "1 FloatMatrix2Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(Matrix3.Zero, obj.FloatMatrix3Value, "1 FloatMatrix3Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M4Zero, obj.FloatMatrix4Value, "1 FloatMatrix4Value");

                texture = SKTexture.FromImageNamed("basn3p08.png");
                V2      = new Vector2(1, 2);
                V3      = new Vector3(3, 4, 5);
                V4      = new Vector4(6, 7, 8, 9);
                M2      = new Matrix2(1, 2, 3, 4);
                M3      = new Matrix3(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
                M4      = new Matrix4(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);
                M2x2    = (MatrixFloat2x2)M2;
                M3x3    = (MatrixFloat3x3)M3;
                M4x4    = (MatrixFloat4x4)M4;

                obj.TextureValue = texture;
                Assert.AreEqual(texture, obj.TextureValue, "2 TextureValue");

                obj.FloatValue = 0.5f;
                Assert.AreEqual(0.5f, obj.FloatValue, "2 FloatValue");

                obj.FloatVector2Value = V2;
                Asserts.AreEqual(V2, obj.FloatVector2Value, "2 FloatVector2Value");

                obj.FloatVector3Value = V3;
                Asserts.AreEqual(V3, obj.FloatVector3Value, "2 FloatVector3Value");

                obj.FloatVector4Value = V4;
                Asserts.AreEqual(V4, obj.FloatVector4Value, "2 FloatVector4Value");

                obj.FloatMatrix2Value = M2;
                Asserts.AreEqual(M2, obj.FloatMatrix2Value, "2 FloatMatrix2Value");

                obj.FloatMatrix3Value = M3;
                Asserts.AreEqual(M3, obj.FloatMatrix3Value, "2 FloatMatrix3Value");

                obj.FloatMatrix4Value = M4;
                Asserts.AreEqual(M4, obj.FloatMatrix4Value, "2 FloatMatrix4Value");

            bool hasSimdConstructors = TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion(8, 0);

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", texture)) {
                Assert.AreEqual(texture, obj.TextureValue, "3 TextureValue");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", 3.1415f)) {
                Assert.AreEqual(3.1415f, obj.FloatValue, "4 FloatValue");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", V2)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(V2, obj.FloatVector2Value, "5 FloatVector2Value");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", V3)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(V3, obj.FloatVector3Value, "6 FloatVector3Value");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", V4)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(V4, obj.FloatVector4Value, "7 FloatVector4Value");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", M2)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M2, obj.FloatMatrix2Value, "8 FloatMatrix2Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M2, MatrixFloat2x2.Transpose(CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat2x2(obj, "matrixFloat2x2Value")), "8b FloatMatrix2Value");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", M3)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M3, obj.FloatMatrix3Value, "9 FloatMatrix3Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M3, MatrixFloat3x3.Transpose(CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat3x3(obj, "matrixFloat3x3Value")), "9b FloatMatrix3Value");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", M4)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M4, obj.FloatMatrix4Value, "10 FloatMatrix4Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M4, MatrixFloat4x4.Transpose(CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat4x4(obj, "matrixFloat4x4Value")), "10b FloatMatrix4Value");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", M2x2)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M2x2, obj.MatrixFloat2x2Value, "11 MatrixFloat2x2Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M2x2, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat2x2(obj, "matrixFloat2x2Value"), "11b MatrixFloat2x2Value");
                var tmp2 = new MatrixFloat2x2(9, 8, 7, 6);
                obj.MatrixFloat2x2Value = tmp2;
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp2, obj.MatrixFloat2x2Value, "11 MatrixFloat2x2Value second");
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp2, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat2x2(obj, "matrixFloat2x2Value"), "11b MatrixFloat2x2Value second");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", M3x3)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M3x3, obj.MatrixFloat3x3Value, "12 MatrixFloat3x3Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M3x3, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat3x3(obj, "matrixFloat3x3Value"), "12b MatrixFloat3x3Value");
                var tmp3 = new MatrixFloat3x3(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
                obj.MatrixFloat3x3Value = tmp3;
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp3, obj.MatrixFloat3x3Value, "12 MatrixFloat3x3Value second");
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp3, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat3x3(obj, "matrixFloat3x3Value"), "12b MatrixFloat3x3Value second");

            using (var obj = new SKUniform("name", M4x4)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M4x4, obj.MatrixFloat4x4Value, "13  MatrixFloat4x4Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(M4x4, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat4x4(obj, "matrixFloat4x4Value"), "13b FloatMatrix4Value");
                var tmp4 = new MatrixFloat4x4(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6);
                obj.MatrixFloat4x4Value = tmp4;
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp4, obj.MatrixFloat4x4Value, "13 MatrixFloat4x4Value second");
                Asserts.AreEqual(tmp4, CFunctions.GetMatrixFloat4x4(obj, "matrixFloat4x4Value"), "13b MatrixFloat4x4Value second");