Example #1
        public void LegacyImplementationIsInvalid()
            var order = Order();

            var languageService = IoC.Resolve <LanguageService>();

            using (Solution.Instance.SystemToken.Use())
                if (languageService.Get(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture) == null)
                    languageService.Create(new Language(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture));

            var sut = new global::Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Plugins.Payments.PaymentInfoRowFactory(languageService);

            var result = sut.Create(order, null);

            var rounding = result.Single().Rows
                           .Where(r => r.ReferenceType == global::Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Payments.PaymentInfoRowType.RoundingOffAdjustment)
                           .Select(r => r.TotalAmountWithVAT)

            Assert.NotEqual(0, rounding);
Example #2
        public void VerifyDefaultLitiumImplementationIsStillBroken()
            // The gist of the problem is that when Litium is calculating paymeninfo rows, each row is rounded to two decimals.
            // This is just an assumption on Litium's part that all currencies (and therefor all payment providers) use two decimals.
            // The problem is that when you round each row to two decimals, you end up with a different total than you would if you
            // added all sums and then rounded. This causes payment info total to sometimes not match the orders grand total.
            // Litium solves this by adding an adjustment fee to payment info. This however, causes other issues such as when
            // you export the order rows to a third system that doesn't do this exact adjustment. they will come to a conclusion that
            // the grand total is something else.

            var order = new OrderCarrier
                GrandTotal       = 857.6700m,
                TotalOrderRow    = 686.1360m,
                TotalOrderRowVAT = 171.5340m,
                TotalVAT         = 171.5340m,
                OrderRows        = new List <OrderRowCarrier>
                    new OrderRowCarrier
                        Quantity       = 1,
                        TotalPrice     = 129.4440m,
                        TotalVATAmount = 32.3610m,
                        UnitListPrice  = 129.44400000m,
                        VATPercentage  = 0.2500m
                    new OrderRowCarrier
                        Quantity       = 1,
                        TotalPrice     = 154.2840m,
                        TotalVATAmount = 38.5710m,
                        UnitListPrice  = 154.28400000m,
                        VATPercentage  = 0.2500m
                    new OrderRowCarrier
                        Quantity       = 1,
                        TotalPrice     = 192.9240m,
                        TotalVATAmount = 48.2310m,
                        UnitListPrice  = 192.92400000m,
                        VATPercentage  = 0.2500m
                    new OrderRowCarrier
                        Quantity       = 1,
                        TotalPrice     = 43.8840m,
                        TotalVATAmount = 10.9710m,
                        UnitListPrice  = 43.88400000m,
                        VATPercentage  = 0.2500m
                    new OrderRowCarrier
                        Quantity       = 2,
                        TotalPrice     = 165.6000m,
                        TotalVATAmount = 41.4000m,
                        UnitListPrice  = 82.80000000m,
                        VATPercentage  = 0.2500m
                PaymentInfo = new List <PaymentInfoCarrier>
                    new PaymentInfoCarrier()

            var languageService = IoC.Resolve <LanguageService>();

            using (Solution.Instance.SystemToken.Use())
                if (languageService.Get(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture) == null)
                    languageService.Create(new Language(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture));

            var sut = new global::Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Plugins.Payments.PaymentInfoRowFactory(languageService);

            var result = sut.Create(order, null);

            var rounding = result.Single().Rows
                           .Where(r => r.ReferenceType == global::Litium.Foundation.Modules.ECommerce.Payments.PaymentInfoRowType.RoundingOffAdjustment)
                           .Select(r => r.TotalAmountWithVAT)

            Assert.NotEqual(0, rounding);