public static DslModeling::ElementLink Connect(DslModeling::ModelElement source, DslModeling::ModelElement target) { if (source == null) { throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException("source"); } if (target == null) { throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException("target"); } if (CanAcceptSourceAndTarget(source, target)) { if (source is global::IPS.UMLSPF.Herencia) { if (target is global::IPS.UMLSPF.Clase) { global::IPS.UMLSPF.Herencia sourceAccepted = (global::IPS.UMLSPF.Herencia)source; global::IPS.UMLSPF.Clase targetAccepted = (global::IPS.UMLSPF.Clase)target; DslModeling::ElementLink result = new global::IPS.UMLSPF.EsHija(sourceAccepted, targetAccepted); if (DslModeling::DomainClassInfo.HasNameProperty(result)) { DslModeling::DomainClassInfo.SetUniqueName(result); } return(result); } } } global::System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Having agreed that the connection can be accepted we should never fail to make one."); throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException(); }
public static bool CanAcceptSourceAndTarget(DslModeling::ModelElement candidateSource, DslModeling::ModelElement candidateTarget) { // Accepts null, null; source, null; source, target but NOT null, target if (candidateSource == null) { if (candidateTarget != null) { throw new global::System.ArgumentNullException("candidateSource"); } else // Both null { return(false); } } bool acceptSource = CanAcceptSource(candidateSource); // If the source wasn't accepted then there's no point checking targets. // If there is no target then the source controls the accept. if (!acceptSource || candidateTarget == null) { return(acceptSource); } else // Check combinations { if (candidateSource is global::IPS.UMLSPF.Herencia) { if (candidateTarget is global::IPS.UMLSPF.Clase) { global::IPS.UMLSPF.Herencia sourceHerencia = (global::IPS.UMLSPF.Herencia)candidateSource; global::IPS.UMLSPF.Clase targetClase = (global::IPS.UMLSPF.Clase)candidateTarget; if (sourceHerencia == null || global::IPS.UMLSPF.EsPadre.GetLinkToClasePadre(sourceHerencia) != null) { return(false); } if (targetClase == null || sourceHerencia == null || global::IPS.UMLSPF.EsPadre.GetLinks(sourceHerencia, targetClase).Count > 0) { return(false); } return(true); } } } return(false); }