         * Set the action button.
         * @param bitmap The icon.
         * @param pendingIntent pending intent delivered when the button is clicked.
        public HostedUIBuilder SetActionButton(Bitmap bitmap, PendingIntent pendingIntent)
            var bundle = new global::Android.OS.Bundle();

            bundle.PutParcelable(KEY_HOSTED_ICON, bitmap);
            bundle.PutParcelable(KEY_HOSTED_PENDING_INTENT, pendingIntent);
            intent.PutExtra(EXTRA_HOSTED_ACTION_BUTTON_BUNDLE, bundle);
         * Adds a menu item.
         * @param label Menu label.
         * @param pendingIntent Pending intent delivered when the menu item is clicked.
        public HostedUIBuilder AddMenuItem(string label, PendingIntent pendingIntent)
            var bundle = new global::Android.OS.Bundle();

            bundle.PutString(KEY_HOSTED_MENU_TITLE, label);
            bundle.PutParcelable(KEY_HOSTED_PENDING_INTENT, pendingIntent);