Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Decision - Pre-Decision Review
        /// Test Steps :
        /// 1.Precondition:
        /// Execute "Analyze Credit Request - Credit Analysis" test case
        /// 2.Login to the application
        /// 3.Check whether the user receives a request in the Inbox with activity "Pre-Decision Review". Click on the request.
        /// 4.Select "Send for Decisioning" for "Pre-Decision Review Decision"
        /// 5.Click on "Save" button
        /// '''6.Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC09CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_09>>", "<<Decision - Pre-Decision Review>>", "<<Decision - Pre-Decision Review>>", "PASS");
                pages.CKYCreditRequestcs.preDecisionReviewCKY(dtResult[0]["TestData1"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Prepare Documents
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        /// Search with the case number and click on Search button
        /// Select "Prepare Documents" and then click on Reassign button
        /// Enter full name(Service AC) to search and click on search button
        /// Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.Then click on Finish button
        /// Close the case window displayed
        /// Search with the case number and click on Search button
        /// Select "Prepare Documents" task
        /// Select "Documents Prepared" checkbox
        /// Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC13CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_13>>", "<<Prepare Documents>>", "<<Prepare Documents>>", "PASS");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Approved radio button
        //Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC14NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_14>>", "<<Review Documents>>", "<<Review Documents>>", "PASS");
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Credit Request Closing - Next Day verification
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Login to the application
        /// Check whether the user receives a request in the Inbox with activity Next Day Verification". Click on the request.
        /// Select "Verified Complete" checkbox
        /// Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC16CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_16>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Next Day verification>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Next Day verification>>", "PASS");
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Build loan Package - Loan Actions
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Verify the user is logged into the application and the breadcrumb is displayed as in Build Loan Package process
        /// Navigate to "Loan Package" tab and select "Submit for Analysis" button for Lender decision
        /// Click on "Submit to Analysis" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC07CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_07>>", "<<Build loan Package - Loan Package>>", "<<Build loan Package - Loan Package>>", "PASS");
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Build loan Package
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Click on "Loan Actions" tab
        /// Navigate to "Loan Actions" tab > select Credit Analyst type > Select Underwriting type
        /// Navigate to "Loan Package" tab and select "Submit for Analysis" button for Lender decision
        /// Click on "Submit to Analysis" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC06NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_06>>", "<<Build loan Package - Loan Package>>", "<<Build loan Package - Loan Package>>", "PASS");
                pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.addLoanPackageNWF(dtResult[0]["TestData1"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData3"].ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case :Initial Inquiry - Inquiry
        /// Test Steps :
        /// 1. Click on "Inquiry" tab
        /// 2.Enter Values in the below fields for consumer loan:
        ///         -Inquiry Decision: Select "Proceed with Application"
        ///         -Application Date: M/d/yyyy
        ///         -Inquiry Comments:
        /// 3. Click on "Save" button
        /// 4. Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC03NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_03>>", "<<Initial Inquiry - Inquiry>>", "<<Initial Inquiry - Inquiry>>", "PASS");
                pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.addinquiryDecisionNWF(dtResult[0]["TestData1"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData3"].ToString());
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Build Application - Applications
        /// Test Steps :
        /// 1.Click on "Application" tab
        /// 2.Select "Process Application" from Application decision option
        /// 3.Click on "Save" button
        /// 4.Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC05NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_05>>", "<<Build Application - Applications>>", "<<Build Application - Applications>>", "PASS");
                pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.addApplication_Decession(dtResult[0]["TestData1"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString());
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        // Test Case : Buid Application - Edit New Loan Actions
        // 1. Click on "Loan Actions" tab
        // 2. Select the Loan action and Click on "Edit New Loan Actions" icon to edit the loan action for which status is mentioned as "Edits Required"
        // 3. Select the value from the drop down for "CD Consumer Loan Type"
        // 4. Select "Estimated Closing Date" as after the "Application Date" to determine if a request is near or past due
        // 5. Navigate to "Fees" tab.Then click on "+" to add loan action fees
        // 6. Select "Fee Type" from the drop down
        // 7. Enter $ value for "Amount" [For Ex: $1500]
        //        Select "Payment Method" as Financed
        //        Select checkbox "Fee Exception"
        // 8. Navigate to "Coding" tab
        // 9. "Enter/Select the field values for below, [Red Vertical bars indicates mandatory fields]
        //      a) Subsidiary - Select ""ACA""
        //      b) Term Type - Select the value from the drop down
        //      c) Loan Type - Select the value from the drop down
        //      d) FCA Loan Type - Select the value from the drop down
        //      e) Primary SIC Code - Select the value from the drop down
        //      f) Primary SIC Dependency - Select ""H"" from options
        //      g) Secondary SIC Dependency - Select ""L"" from options
        //      h) Accounting System - Select ""COAL"" from options
        //      i) Secured Loan - Select ""Yes""
        // 10. Navigate to "Rate and Terms" tab.Then select the value(ARM-ARM Treasury) from drop down for "Rate Type" and also enter % value for "Estimated Stated Rate"
        // 11. Select checkbox "Rate Exception"
        // 12. Enter % value for "Policy Margin" and some text in "Rate Exception Comments"
        // 13. Click on "Save" button to save the loan action
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC04NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_04>>", "<<Build Application - Edit New Loan Actions>>", "<<Build Application - Edit New Loan Actions>>", "PASS");
                pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.EditLoanActionNWF(dtResult[0]["TestData1"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData3"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData4"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData5"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData6"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData7"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData8"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData9"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData10"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData11"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData12"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData13"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData14"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData15"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData16"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData17"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData18"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData19"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData20"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData21"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData22"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData23"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData24"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData25"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData26"].ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Clear File for Closing
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Login to the application
        /// Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        /// Search with the case number and click on Search button
        /// Select "Clear File for Closing" and then click on Reassign button
        /// Enter full name(Service AC) to search and click on search button
        /// Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.Then click on Finish button
        /// Close the case window displayed
        /// Search with the case number and click on Search button
        /// Select Clear File for Closing task
        /// Select "CD Processing LO" from the drop down
        /// Select "CD Rec./Serv.L/O"  from the drop down
        /// Verify "CD Loan ID" field under "Loan Action" tab is empty
        /// Select "Submit Loan to CD" button
        /// Verify "CD Loan ID" field under "Loan Action" tab
        /// Navigate to "Pre-Close Checklist" tab
        /// Select "Pre-Close Status" as "Complete" for the "Pre-Close Checklist Items"
        /// Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC12CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_12>>", "<<Clear File for Closing>>", "<<Clear File for Closing>>", "PASS");
                pages.CKYCreditRequestcs.selectCDSubmit(dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData3"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData4"].ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Initial Inquiry - Loan Action
        /// Test Steps :
        /// 1.Click on "Loan Actions" tab
        /// 2.Select "Branch" from the drop down
        /// 3.Click "+" to add Loan actions
        /// 4."Enter/Select the field values for below, [Red Vertical bars indicates mandatory fields]
        ///     a) Loan Action Type - Select ""New""
        ///     b) Loan Action Code - Select ""LNW- New Loan"" from the drop down
        ///     c) Is borrowser(s) a Natural Person or Land Trust(tax, land, or estate planning)?: Select ""Yes""
        ///     d) Will loan proceeds be used primarily for personal, family or household use?: Select ""Yes""
        ///     e) Will the proposed loan be closed-end and secured by real property?: Select ""No""
        ///     f) Term(Months) : Enter terms in months for loan(For Ex: 36)
        ///     g) Loan Amount: Enter the loan amount(For Ex: 100000)
        ///     h) Loan Purpose: Select the value from the drop down
        ///     Then click on ""Save"" button"
        /// 5.Click on "Save" button to save the credit request
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC02CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_02>>", "<<Initial Inquiry - Inquiry>>", "<<Initial Inquiry - Inquiry>>", "PASS");
                // Add Loan actions
                pages.CKYCreditRequestcs.addLoanActionsAG(dtResult[0]["TestData1"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData3"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData4"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData5"].ToString());
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC04CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_04>>", "<<Build Application - Loan Actions - Edit New Loan Actions>>", "<<Build Application - Loan Actions - Edit New Loan Actions>>", "PASS");
                pages.CKYCreditRequestcs.EditLoanActionAG(dtResult[0]["TestData1"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData3"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData4"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData5"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData6"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData7"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData8"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData9"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData10"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData11"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData12"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData13"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData14"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData15"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData16"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData17"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData18"].ToString());
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Build loan  - Loan Actions
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Verify the user is logged into the application and the breadcrumb is displayed as in Build Loan Package process
        /// Click on "Loan Actions" tab
        /// Underwriting Type - Select the "AgScore" from drop down
        /// Click on "Submit to Analysis" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC05CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_05>>", "<<Build Loan Package - Loan Actions>>", "<<Build Loan Package - Loan Actions>>", "PASS");
                // Add Loan Action details
                pages.CKYCreditRequestcs.addLoanAction_Underwriting(dtResult[0]["TestData1"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Analyze Credit Request - Asssign Credit Analyst
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Verify the user is logged into the application and the breadcrumb is displayed as in Assign Credit Analyst process
        /// Click on "Assign Analyst" tab.
        /// Select "No" for Review required
        /// Select Assign Analyst from the analyst decision.Then select the analyst from the drop down "Credit Analyst"
        /// Click on "Save" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC08CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_08>>", "<<Analyze Credit Request - Assign Credit Analyst>>", "<<Analyze Credit Request - Assign Credit Analyst>>", "PASS");
                //Assign Analyst
                pages.CKYCreditRequestcs.assignAnalyst(dtResult[0]["TestData1"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString());
                //Assign Collaterals, Exceptions, Conditions
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Reassign Approver
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Select Admin tab. Then select "Cases"
        /// Search with the case number and click on Search button
        /// Select "Approve Loan Actions" and then click on Reassign button
        /// Enter full name(Service AC) to search and click on search button
        /// Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.Then click on Finish button
        /// Close the case window displayed
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC10CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_10>>", "<<Reassign Approver>>", "<<Reassign Approver>>", "PASS");
                string idcase = pages.CKYCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Decision - Approver Decision
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Login to the application as Loan approver
        /// Check whether the user receives a request in the Inbox with activity  "Approve loan actions". Click on the request.
        /// Select "Approve" for "Approver Decision"
        /// Click on "Submit" button
        /// Select "Submit Credit Request for Processing" for "Post Decision Review"
        /// Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC11CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_11>>", "<<Decision - Approver Decision>>", "<<Decision - Approver Decision>>", "PASS");
                string idcase = pages.CKYCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();
                pages.mainMenu.selectMenuYAN("INBOX", "", "");
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Credit Request Closing - Recieve Signed Docs and Send For Booking
        /// Test Steps :
        //        Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Booking Request" and then click on Reassign button
        //Enter user name to search and click on search button
        //Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.
        //Then click on Finish button then close the case window displayed
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Booking Request" task
        //Select the Booking Request checkbox
        //Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC17NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_17>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Recieve Signed Docs and Send For Booking>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Recieve Signed Docs and Send For Booking>>", "PASS");

                string idcase = pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();

Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Credit Request Closing - Next Day verification
        /// Test Steps :
        //        Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Next Day verification" and then click on Reassign button
        //Enter user name to search and click on search button
        //Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.
        //Then click on Finish button then close the case window displayed
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Next Day verification" task
        //Select the Verified Checkbox
        //Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC21NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_21>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Next Day verification>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Next Day verification>>", "PASS");

                string idcase = pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();

Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Credit Request Closing - Review And Book Loan
        /// Test Steps :
        //        Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Review And Book Loan" and then click on Reassign button
        //Enter user name to search and click on search button
        //Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.
        //Then click on Finish button then close the case window displayed
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Review And Book Loan" task
        //Select the Loan Booked Checkbox
        //Select Branch
        //Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC18NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_18>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Review And Book Loan>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Review And Book Loan>>", "PASS");

                string idcase = pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();

                pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.searchCaseIdWithReviewBookLoan(idcase, dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Credit Request Closing - Print and Send Documents
        /// Test Steps :
        //        Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "<Print and Send Documents" and then click on Reassign button
        //Enter user name to search and click on search button
        //Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.
        //Then click on Finish button then close the case window displayed
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Print and Send Documents" task
        //Select the Documents Printed Checkbox
        //Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC15NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_15>>", "<<Print and Send Documents>>", "<<Print and Send Documents>>", "PASS");

                string idcase = pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();

        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Credit Request Closing - Next Day verification
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Select Admin tab. Then select "Cases"
        /// Search with the case number and click on Search button
        /// Select  "Final Credit Request Actions" and then click on Reassign button
        /// Enter full name(Service AC) to search and click on search button
        /// Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.Then click on Finish button
        /// Close the case window displayed
        /// Search with the case number and click on Search button
        /// Select "Final Credit Request Actions" task
        /// Navigate to "Upload Documents" tab.Select the checkbox "All AgVUE Documents have been uploaded to DocHub"
        /// Select the checkbox "All Documents have been uploaded to AgDocs"
        /// Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC18CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_18>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Final Credit Request Actions>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Final Credit Request Actions>>", "PASS");
                //string idcase = pages.YANCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();
                //pages.mainMenu.selectMenuYAN("INBOX", "", "");
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Credit Request Closing - Next Day verification
        /// Test Steps :
        //        Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "PostAuditClose" and then click on Reassign button
        //Enter user name to search and click on search button
        //Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.
        //Then click on Finish button then close the case window displayed
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "PostAuditClose" task
        //Select the Independent Verified Checkbox
        //CLick on Post-Close Checklist tab
        //Select the 'Complete' option for Post-Close Status1
        //Select the 'Complete' option for Post-Close Status2
        //Select the 'Complete' option for Post-Close Status3
        //Select the 'Complete' option for Post-Close Status4
        //Select the 'Complete' option for Post-Close Status5
        //Select the 'Complete' option for Post-Close Status6
        //Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC23NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_23>>", "<<Receive and Scan Documents>>", "<<Receive and Scan Documents>>", "PASS");

                string idcase = pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();

Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Decision - Approver Decision
        /// Test Steps :
        //Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Decision Prep checkbox" and then click on Reassign button
        //Enter user name to search and click on search button
        //Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.
        //Then click on Finish button then close the case window displayed
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Decision Prep checkbox" task
        //Select Approve for Approver decision
        //Select last approver record and delete the rows -4
        //Select last approver record and delete the rows -3
        //Select last approver record and delete the rows -2
        //Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC10NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_10>>", "<<Decision - Approver Decision>>", "<<Decision - Approver Decision>>", "PASS");

                string idcase = pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();

Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Analyze Credit Request - Asssign Credit Analyst
        /// Test Steps :
        //Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "AnalyzeCreditRequest" and then click on Reassign button
        //Enter user name to search and click on search button
        //Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.
        //Then click on Finish button then close the case window displayed
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "AnalyzeCreditRequest" task
        //Select the Credit Analysis Tab
        //Select Assigned PD
        //Select Assigned LGD
        //Select the Recommmended option in the Analyst Decision
        //Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC08NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_08>>", "<<Analyze Credit Request >>", "<<Analyze Credit Request >>", "PASS");

                string idcase = pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();

                pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.creditAnalysisNWF(dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData3"].ToString());
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Clear File for Closing
        /// Test Steps :
        //        Select Admin tab.Then select "Cases"
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Clear File for Closing" and then click on Reassign button
        //Enter user name to search and click on search button
        //Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.
        //Then click on Finish button then close the case window displayed
        //Search with the case number and click on Search button
        //Select "Clear File for Closing" task
        //Select Loan Action Tab
        //Select CD Processing LO
        //Select CD Rec./Serv./L/O
        //Select CD MLO/S.A.F.E.
        //Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC12NWF");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<NWF_TC_12>>", "<<Clear File for Closing>>", "<<Clear File for Closing>>", "PASS");

                string idcase = pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();

                pages.NWFCreditRequestcs.selectCDSubmit(dtResult[0]["TestData2"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData3"].ToString(), dtResult[0]["TestData4"].ToString());
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Case : Credit Request Closing - Recieve Signed Docs and Send For Booking
        /// Test Steps :
        /// Select Admin tab. Then select "Cases"
        /// Search with the case number and click on Search button
        /// Select  "Receive Docs and Send for Booking" and then click on Reassign button
        /// Enter full name(Service AC) to search and click on search button
        /// Select the search user displayed and click on Reassign button.Then click on Finish button
        /// Close the case window displayed
        /// Search with the case number and click on Search button
        /// Select "Receive Docs and Send for Booking" task
        /// Click on "Submit" button
        /// </summary>
        public static void testscript()
            generalLib objgeneralLib = new generalLib();

            DataRow[] dtResult = objgeneralLib.ImportFromExcel("TC15CKY");
            if (dtResult.Length > 0)
                lib.resultUtil.AddResult("<<CKY_TC_15>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Recieve Signed Docs and Send For Booking>>", "<<Credit Request Closing - Recieve Signed Docs and Send For Booking>>", "PASS");
                string idcase = pages.CKYCreditRequestcs.fetchCaseID();
                pages.mainMenu.selectMenuCKY("INBOX", "", "");