public static void UpdateSlipNo(string companyId, string groupId, ExMySQLData db, geSlipKbn kbn, string accountPeriod, long no, long id) { StringBuilder sb; try { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("UPDATE M_SLIP_MANAGEMENT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" SET ID = " + id.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // 追加時 if (no != 0) { sb.Append(" ,NO = " + no.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SLIP_DIVISION = " + ((int)kbn).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND YEAR = " + ExCast.zCInt(accountPeriod).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateSlipNo", ex); no = 0; id = 0; throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 伝票番号取得 /// </summary> /// <param name="companyId">会社ID</param> /// <param name="groupId">グループID</param> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="kbn">伝票区分</param> /// <param name="accountPeriod">会計年</param> /// <param name="no">伝票番号</param> /// <param name="id">伝票ID</param> /// <param name="ipAdress"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> public static void GetSlipNo(string companyId, string groupId, ExMySQLData db, geSlipKbn kbn, string accountPeriod, ref long no, out long id, string ipAdress, string userId) { StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; bool exist = false; try { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Length = 0; // 存在確認 sb.Append("SELECT SM.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM M_SLIP_MANAGEMENT AS SM" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE SM.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SM.GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SM.SLIP_DIVISION = " + ((int)kbn).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SM.YEAR = " + ExCast.zCInt(accountPeriod).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SM.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" LIMIT 0, 1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FOR UPDATE"); dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { id = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[0]["ID"]) + 1; // 自動採番追加時 if (no == 0) { no = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[0]["NO"]) + 1; } } else { if (no == 0) { no = 1; } id = 1; sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO M_SLIP_MANAGEMENT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SLIP_DIVISION" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , YEAR" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("VALUES (" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + ((int)kbn).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // SLIP_DIVISION sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCInt(accountPeriod) + Environment.NewLine); // YEAR sb.Append(" ," + id.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ," + no.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // NO sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, "OrderInp", "T_ORDER_H", 9999, "0", ipAdress, userId)); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetSlipNo", ex); no = 0; id = 0; throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 伝票番号取得 /// </summary> /// <param name="companyId">会社ID</param> /// <param name="groupId">グループID</param> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="kbn">伝票区分</param> /// <param name="accountPeriod">会計年</param> /// <param name="no">伝票番号</param> /// <param name="id">伝票ID</param> /// <param name="ipAdress"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> public static void GetSlipNo(string companyId, string groupId, ExMySQLData db, geSlipKbn kbn, string accountPeriod, ref long no, out long id, string ipAdress, string userId) { StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; bool exist = false; try { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Length = 0; // 存在確認 sb.Append("SELECT SM.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM M_SLIP_MANAGEMENT AS SM" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE SM.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SM.GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SM.SLIP_DIVISION = " + ((int)kbn).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SM.YEAR = " + ExCast.zCInt(accountPeriod).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SM.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" LIMIT 0, 1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FOR UPDATE"); dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { id = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[0]["ID"]) + 1; // 自動採番追加時 if (no == 0) { no = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[0]["NO"]) + 1; } } else { if (no == 0) no = 1; id = 1; sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO M_SLIP_MANAGEMENT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SLIP_DIVISION" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , YEAR" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("VALUES (" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + groupId + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + ((int)kbn).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // SLIP_DIVISION sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCInt(accountPeriod) + Environment.NewLine); // YEAR sb.Append(" ," + id.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ," + no.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // NO sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, "OrderInp", "T_ORDER_H", 9999, "0", ipAdress, userId)); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetSlipNo", ex); no = 0; id = 0; throw; } }