Example #1
    static void DoMedUnit(gamebook.Scenario SC, cwords.MPU MP, int Sec)
        /* The medical unit is the player character's best friend. It will */
        /* heal all injuries and status conditions instantly... until the */
        /* player crashes it by trying to hack the medical database, that is. */

        rpgmenus.RPGMenu RPM = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(Crt.Color.Red, Crt.Color.Red, Crt.Color.LightRed, WDM.UCM_X + 2, WDM.UCM_Y + 2, WDM.UCM_X2 - 2, WDM.UCM_Y2 - 2);
        rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(RPM, "Treat Injuries", 1);
        rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(RPM, "View Records", 2);
        rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(RPM, "Standby Mode", -1);

        int N;

            N = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(RPM, rpgmenus.RPMNoCleanup);

            switch (N)
            case 1: HealAllInjuries(SC); break;

            case 2: TexBrowser(SC, MP, Sec, "MEDICAL RECORDS"); break;
        }while (N != -1);
Example #2
    static void MightActivateTrap(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*The PC has just stepped on a trap. It might be activated.*/
        /*Check and see.*/

        /*R stands for Revealed. It's true if the trap is visible*/
        /*to the player, false if it's still hidden.*/
        bool R = SC.gb.map[SC.PC.m.x - 1, SC.PC.m.y - 1].trap > 0;

        /*A trap which the player has detected isn't likely to go off,*/
        /*but it still might. A trap which hasn't been detected*/
        /*by the PC will almost certainly go off.*/

        int LS = rpgdice.RollStep(dcchars.PCLuckSave(SC.PC));

        if (R && LS < AvoidVisibleTrap)
            dccombat.SpringTrap(SC, SC.PC.m.x, SC.PC.m.y);
        else if (!R && LS < AvoidTrapTarget)
            dccombat.SpringTrap(SC, SC.PC.m.x, SC.PC.m.y);
        else if (!R)
            dccombat.RevealTrap(SC, SC.PC.m.x, SC.PC.m.y);
Example #3
 static void DropItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, dcitems.DCItem I)
     /*The player wants to drop an item.*/
     dcitems.DelinkDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I);
     dcitems.PlaceDCItem(SC.gb, SC.ig, I, SC.PC.m.x, SC.PC.m.y);
Example #4
    static bool EqpMenu(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*This procedure will do all the stuff needed for the*/
        /*Equipment menu. Return TRUE if the player should remain*/
        /*in the inventory screen, FALSE otherwise.*/

        int n = -1;

            n = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(EqpRPM, rpgmenus.RPMNoCleanup);

            if (n > 0)
                ChangeItem(SC, n);
        }while (n != -1 && n != BMK_SwitchCode);

        if (n == BMK_SwitchCode)

Example #5
    static dcitems.DCItem SelectItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, int IK)
        /*Create a menu, then query the user for an item which*/
        /*corresponds to the kind IK. Return null if either no*/
        /*such items are present in the inventory, or if the user*/
        /*cancels item selection.*/

        // RPM: RPGMenuPtr;	/*Our menu.*/
        // i: DCItemPtr;
        // t: Integer;

        /*Create the menu. It's gonna use the InvWindow.*/
        rpgmenus.RPGMenu RPM = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(Crt.Color.Black, Crt.Color.Green, Crt.Color.LightGreen, WDM.InvWin_X, WDM.InvWin_Y, WDM.InvWin_X2, WDM.InvWin_Y2);
        RPM.dBorColor = Crt.Color.White;
        RPM.dTexColor = DscColor;
        RPM.dx1       = WDM.DscWin_X;
        RPM.dy1       = WDM.DscWin_Y;
        RPM.dx2       = WDM.DscWin_X2;
        RPM.dy2       = WDM.DscWin_Y2;

        /*Add one menu item for each appropriate item in the Inventory.*/
        dcitems.DCItem i = SC.PC.inv;
        int            t = 1;

        while (i != null)
            if (i.ikind == IK)
                rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(RPM, dcitems.ItemNameLong(i), t, dcitems.ItemDesc(i));
            i  = i.next;
            t += 1;

        /*Error check- make sure there are items present in the list!!!*/
        if (RPM.firstItem == null)

        /*Sort the menu alphabetically.*/

        /*Next, select the item.*/
        t = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(RPM, rpgmenus.RPMNormal);
        if (t == -1)
            i = null;
            i = dcitems.LocateItem(SC.PC.inv, t);

        /*Show the complete inventory list again.*/

Example #6
    static void ChangeItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, int Slot)
        /*Change the item that's currently equipped in equipment*/
        /*slot Slot. If there are other items that could go there,*/
        /*select one of them for use. If not, just unequip the item.*/

        /*UnEquip the item in the slot.*/
        if (SC.PC.eqp[Slot - 1] != null)
            UnEquipItem(SC, Slot);

        /*Select a new item, of appropriate type, from the menu.*/
        dcitems.DCItem I = SelectItem(SC, Slot);

        /*Equip it. Any item currently in this slot will be sent to*/
        /*the Inventory.*/
        if (I != null)
            EquipItem(SC, I);

Example #7
    static void CreateInvMenu(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*Create the inventory menu, and store it in InvRPM*/

        /*Initialize the menu.*/
        InvRPM = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(Crt.Color.Black, Crt.Color.Green, Crt.Color.LightGreen, WDM.InvWin_X, WDM.InvWin_Y, WDM.InvWin_X2, WDM.InvWin_Y2);

        InvRPM.dBorColor = Crt.Color.White;
        InvRPM.dTexColor = DscColor;
        InvRPM.dx1       = WDM.DscWin_X;
        InvRPM.dy1       = WDM.DscWin_Y;
        InvRPM.dx2       = WDM.DscWin_X2;
        InvRPM.dy2       = WDM.DscWin_Y2;

        /*Add the MenuKeys.*/
        rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuKey(InvRPM, BMK_SwitchKey, BMK_SwitchCode);
        rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuKey(InvRPM, BMK_DropKey, BMK_DropCode);

        /*Add a MenuItem for each object in the player's inventory.*/
        dcitems.DCItem i = SC.PC.inv;
        int            t = 1;

        while (i != null)
            rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(InvRPM, dcitems.ItemNameLong(i), t, dcitems.ItemDesc(i));
            i  = i.next;
            t += 1;

        /*Sort the menu alphabetically.*/
Example #8
    public static bool PCCheckXP(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*Display XP level, current XP, and XP needed.*/
        rpgtext.DCGameMessage(String.Format("Level {0} : {1} / {2} XP.", SC.PC.lvl, SC.PC.XP, gamebook.XPNeeded(SC.PC.lvl + 1)));

Example #9
    static bool DamageTarget(gamebook.Scenario SC, int TX, int TY, int MOS, AttackRequest AR, int DMG, ref AttackReport Rep)
        //{Do DMG damage to whatever happens to be sitting at map}
        //{location TX,TY.}
        //{MOS is the Margin Of Success}

        //M: texmodel.Model;

        bool exparrot = false;

        if (SC.gb.mog.IsSet(TX, TY))
            //{It's a model. Do something appropriate to it.}
            texmodel.Model M = texmodel.FindModelXY(SC.gb.mlist, TX, TY);
            switch (M.kind)
            case critters.MKIND_Critter:
                exparrot = DamageCritter(SC, critters.LocateCritter(M, SC.CList), MOS, AR, DMG, ref Rep);

            case dcchars.MKIND_Character:
                exparrot = DamagePC(SC, MOS, AR.ATT, DMG);

Example #10
    static void CreateEqpMenu(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*Create the equipment menu, and store it in EqpRPM*/
        /*Initialize the menu.*/
        EqpRPM = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(Crt.Color.Black, Crt.Color.Green, Crt.Color.LightGreen, WDM.EqpWin_X, WDM.EqpWin_Y, WDM.EqpWin_X2, WDM.EqpWin_Y2);

        EqpRPM.dBorColor = Crt.Color.White;
        EqpRPM.dTexColor = DscColor;
        EqpRPM.dx1       = WDM.DscWin_X;
        EqpRPM.dy1       = WDM.DscWin_Y;
        EqpRPM.dx2       = WDM.DscWin_X2;
        EqpRPM.dy2       = WDM.DscWin_Y2;

        /*Add the MenuKeys.*/
        rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuKey(EqpRPM, BMK_SwitchKey, BMK_SwitchCode);

        /*Add one MenuItem for each Equipment Slot.*/
        for (int t = 1; t <= dcchars.NumEquipSlots; ++t)
            string m = dcchars.EquipSlotName[t - 1];
            if (SC.PC.eqp[t - 1] != null)
                m = m + " " + dcitems.ItemNameLong(SC.PC.eqp[t - 1]);
            rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(EqpRPM, m, t, dcitems.ItemDesc(SC.PC.eqp[t - 1]));
Example #11
 public static void RevealTrap(gamebook.Scenario SC, int TX, int TY)
     //{Reveal the trap at location X,Y so that the player will}
     //{be able to see it.}
     SC.gb.map[TX - 1, TY - 1].trap = Math.Abs(SC.gb.map[TX - 1, TY - 1].trap);
     texmaps.DisplayTile(SC.gb, TX, TY);
Example #12
    public static AttackReport ProcessAttack(gamebook.Scenario SC, AttackRequest AR)
        //{We have a filled-out AttackRequest structure. Process it.}
        AttackReport Rep;

        if (AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_LineAttack))
            Rep = LineAttack(SC, AR);
        else if (AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_BlastAttack))
            Rep = BlastAttack(SC, AR);
        else if (AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_SmokeAttack))
            Rep = SmokeAttack(SC, AR);
            Rep = DirectFire(SC, AR);

        if (AR.Attacker.kind == dcchars.MKIND_Character && Rep.XPV > 0)
            gamebook.DoleExperience(SC, Rep.XPV);

Example #13
    static void ProcessIfYesNo(ref string Event, gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /* Two values are supplied as the arguments for this procedure. */
        /* If the first is biggest, that's a success. */

        /* find out the label of the prompt to print. */
        string L = texutil.ExtractWord(ref Event);

        /* Locate the message from the SCENE variable. */
        string msg = LocateEvent(SC, "MSG" + L);

        /* If such a message exists, print it. */
        if (msg != "")
            rpgtext.DCGameMessage(msg + " (Y/N)");
            rpgtext.DCGameMessage("Yes or No? (Y/N)");

        /* Check for success or failure. */
        if (rpgtext.YesNo())
            IfSuccess(ref Event);
            IfFailure(ref Event, SC);
Example #14
    static int ScriptValue(ref string Event, gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /* Normally, numerical values will be stored as constants. */
        /* Sometimes we may want to do algebra, or use the result of */
        /* scenario variables as the parameters for commands. That's */
        /* what this function is for. */
        string SMsg = texutil.ExtractWord(ref Event);
        int    SV   = 0;

        /* If the first character is one of the value commands, */
        /* process the string as appropriate. */
        if (char.ToUpper(SMsg[0]) == 'V')
            /* Use the contents of a variable instead of a constant. */
            texutil.DeleteFirstChar(ref SMsg);
            int VCode = texutil.ExtractValue(ref SMsg);
            SV = plotbase.NAttValue(SC.NA, plotbase.NAG_ScriptVar, VCode);
        else if (char.ToUpper(SMsg[0]) == 'P')
            /* Use one of the Player values instead of a constant. */
            texutil.DeleteFirstChar(ref SMsg);
            if (char.ToUpper(SMsg[0]) == 'L')
                SV = PlayVal_Leakage(SC);
            /* No command was given, so this must be a constant value. */
            SV = texutil.ExtractValue(ref SMsg);

Example #15
    static void TheDisplay(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*This procedure sets up the BackPack display.*/
        Crt.Window(WDM.EqpWin_X, WDM.EqpWin_Y, WDM.PCSWin_X2, WDM.InvWin_Y2);
        Crt.Window(1, 1, WDM.CON_WIDTH, WDM.CON_HEIGHT);
        rpgtext.LovelyBox(Crt.Color.LightGray, WDM.EqpWin_X, WDM.EqpWin_Y, WDM.InvWin_X2, WDM.InvWin_Y2);
        Crt.GotoXY(WDM.EqpWin_X + 2, WDM.EqpWin_Y2);

        for (int t = 1; t <= WDM.EqpWin_WIDTH - 3; ++t)

        rpgtext.LovelyBox(Crt.Color.DarkGray, WDM.PCSWin_X, WDM.PCSWin_Y, WDM.PCSWin_X2, WDM.PCSWin_Y2);
        Crt.GotoXY(WDM.PCSWin_X, WDM.PCSWin_Y2 + 1);
        Crt.Write("/ - Mode  d - Drop");
        Crt.GotoXY(WDM.PCSWin_X, WDM.PCSWin_Y2 + 2);
        Crt.Write("[SPACE] - Default Item Action");
        Crt.GotoXY(WDM.PCSWin_X, WDM.PCSWin_Y2 + 3);
        Crt.Write("[ESC] - Exit");
Example #16
 public static bool PCRepeat(gamebook.Scenario SC)
     /*The PC wants to do something or another repeatedly.*/
     SC.PC.repCount = 80;
     SC.PC.repState = 0;
Example #17
 public static bool PCEnter(gamebook.Scenario SC)
     /*The player just hit the "enter location" key- < or >*/
     /*All this procedure does is to set up a trigger.*/
     gamebook.SetTrigger(SC, gamebook.PLT_EnterCom, texmaps.GetTerr(SC.gb, SC.PC.m.x, SC.PC.m.y));
Example #18
    //{This unit handles two distinct things: Spells and Item}

    public static void ProcessSpell(gamebook.Scenario SC, spells.SpellDesc S)
        //{The PC is invoking spell S. This may be through psi}
        //{powers or through the use of an item. Whatever the case,}
        //{determine the results.}
        switch (S.eff)
        case spells.EFF_ShootAttack: ShootAttack(SC, S); break;

        case spells.EFF_CloseAttack: CloseAttack(SC, S); break;

        case spells.EFF_Residual: Residual(SC, S); break;

        case spells.EFF_Healing: Healing(SC, S); break;

        case spells.EFF_MagicMap: MagicMap(SC, S); break;

        case spells.EFF_StatAttack: StatAttack(SC, S); break;

        case spells.EFF_CureStatus: CureStatus(SC, S); break;

        case spells.EFF_Teleport: Teleport(SC, S); break;

        case spells.EFF_SenseAura: SenseAura(SC, S); break;
Example #19
    static int PlayVal_Leakage(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /* Return a Leakage value for the PC, in the range of 0 to 10. */
        /* A low value indicates that more of the PC's armor is airtight; */
        /* a high value indicates that the PC really ought to invest in */
        /* some scuba gear or something. */
        int Leak = 0;

        /* The helmet contributes 5 leakage points, the body 3, the arms and */
        /* legs one each. */
        if (SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_Head - 1] == null || !dcitems.CCap[SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_Head - 1].icode - 1].atmSealed)
            Leak += 5;

        if (SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_Body - 1] == null || !dcitems.CArmor[SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_Body - 1].icode - 1].atmSealed)
            Leak += 3;

        if (SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_Hand - 1] == null || !dcitems.CGlove[SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_Hand - 1].icode - 1].atmSealed)
            Leak += 1;

        if (SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_Foot - 1] == null || !dcitems.CShoe[SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_Foot - 1].icode - 1].atmSealed)
            Leak += 1;

Example #20
    static bool CloseAttack(gamebook.Scenario SC, spells.SpellDesc S)
        //{This spell zaps something, just like a melee attack.}

        //{Select a direction. Make sure an appropriate direction was chosen.}
        int  D;
        bool success = int.TryParse(rpgtext.RPGKey().ToString(), out D);

        if (!success || D == 5)

        dccombat.AttackRequest AR = new dccombat.AttackRequest();
        AR.HitRoll  = S.p1;
        AR.Damage   = S.step;
        AR.Range    = -1;
        AR.Attacker = SC.PC.m;
        AR.TX       = SC.PC.m.x + texmaps.VecDir[D - 1, 0];
        AR.TY       = SC.PC.m.y + texmaps.VecDir[D - 1, 1];
        AR.DF       = gamebook.DF_Mystic;
        AR.C        = S.c;
        AR.ATT      = S.ATT;
        AR.Desc     = S.cdesc;

        dccombat.ProcessAttack(SC, AR);

Example #21
    static int QuickSpell(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        //{Locate a spell based on its quicklink char.}
        rpgtext.DCPointMessage(" which spell? [a-z/A-Z] code, or [*] for menu");
        char A = rpgtext.RPGKey();

        rpgtext.DCPointMessage(" ");

        int it = -1;

        spells.SpellMem S;

        if (A == '*')
            it = ChooseSpell(SC);
        else if (char.ToUpper(A) >= 'A' && char.ToUpper(A) <= 'Z')
            it = -1;
            S  = SC.PC.spell;
            while (S != null)
                if (S.mnem == A)
                    it = S.code;

                S = S.next;

Example #22
    static bool Residual(gamebook.Scenario SC, spells.SpellDesc S)
        //{Add a residual type to the PC's status list.}
        plotbase.SetNAtt(ref SC.PC.SF, statusfx.NAG_StatusChange, S.step, S.p1 * 10);

        //{Just in case this is a FarSight type spell, do an update.}
        if (S.step == statusfx.SEF_VisionBonus)
            SC.gb.POV.range = dcchars.PCVisionRange(SC.PC);
            texmaps.UpdatePOV(SC.gb.POV, SC.gb);
            texmaps.ApplyPOV(SC.gb.POV, SC.gb);

        //{Display message.}
        if (S.step >= 0)
            rpgtext.DCAppendMessage("You are " + statusfx.NegSFName[Math.Abs(S.step) + 1].ToLower() + "!");

Example #23
    public static void BrownianMotion(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*All of the clouds in the FOG section of the scenario are gonna*/
        /*drift around lonely as a cloud. Forcewalls are just gonna sit*/
        /*where they are.*/
        cwords.Cloud C = SC.Fog;

        while (C != null)
            /*Save the location of the next cloud in the list.*/
            cwords.Cloud C2 = C.next;

            if (SC.ComTime >= C.Duration)
                /*This cloud has reached the } of its lifespan.*/
                gamebook.Excommunicate(SC, C.M);
                cwords.RemoveCloud(ref SC.Fog, C, SC.gb);
            else if (cwords.CloudMan[C.Kind - 1].pass)
                /*Clouds which cannot be moved through are forcewalls,*/
                /*and stay where they're to. Other clouds drift.*/
                /*Do drifting now.*/
                if (rpgdice.Random(3) != 1)
                    texmaps.MoveModel(C.M, SC.gb, C.M.x + rpgdice.Random(2) - rpgdice.Random(2), C.M.y + rpgdice.Random(2) - rpgdice.Random(2));

            /*Move to the next cloud.*/
            C = C2;
Example #24
    static bool ShootAttack(gamebook.Scenario SC, spells.SpellDesc S)
        //{This spell shoots something, just like a missile attack.}
        rpgtext.DCAppendMessage("Select Target: ");
        texmaps.Point TP = looker.SelectPoint(SC, true, true, SC.PC.target);

        //{Check to make sure a target was selected, and also}
        //{the the player isn't trying to shoot himself.}
        if (TP.x == -1)

        if (TP.x == SC.PC.m.x && TP.y == SC.PC.m.y)

        dccombat.AttackRequest AR = new dccombat.AttackRequest();
        AR.HitRoll  = S.p1;
        AR.Damage   = S.step;
        AR.Range    = S.p2;
        AR.Attacker = SC.PC.m;
        AR.TX       = TP.x;
        AR.TY       = TP.y;
        AR.DF       = gamebook.DF_Mystic;
        AR.C        = S.c;
        AR.ATT      = S.ATT;
        AR.Desc     = S.cdesc;

        dccombat.ProcessAttack(SC, AR);

Example #25
    static void TryToBreed(gamebook.Scenario SC, critters.Critter C)
        /* A breeding monster will reproduce if: */
        /*  - there are less than the max number of monsters on board */
        /*  - there is a free spot somewhere close to the breeder */

        if (critters.NumberOfCritters(SC.CList) < rpgtext.CHART_MaxMonsters)
            /* Determine a direction in which to generate the new */
            /* monster. The direction can't be "5". */
            int D = rpgdice.Random(8) + 1;
            if (D > 4)
                D += 1;
            int X = C.M.x + texmaps.VecDir[D - 1, 0];
            int Y = C.M.y + texmaps.VecDir[D - 1, 1];

            /* Do the checks to make sure this spot is good for adding */
            /* a monster. */
            if (texmaps.OnTheMap(X, Y) && texmaps.TerrPass[SC.gb.map[X - 1, Y - 1].terr - 1] > 0)
                if (!texmodel.ModelPresent(SC.gb.mog, X, Y))
                    critters.AddCritter(ref SC.CList, SC.gb, C.crit, X, Y);
Example #26
    public static int AvoidTrapTarget = 15;     /*Avoiding traps is easier for critters.*/

    static texmaps.WalkReport WalkCritter(gamebook.Scenario SC, int DX, int DY)
        /*Move the monster to wherever it's going. NOTE: C might be*/
        /*made null by this static void, if killed by a trap!*/

        texmaps.WalkReport it;

        /*Is there a door in the way? If so, forget movement... Open*/
        /*the door instead. If the monster can't open the door, attack*/
        /*it and maybe it'll be destroyed.*/

        /*Perform the movement.*/
        it = texmaps.MoveModel(SC.CAct.M, SC.gb, SC.CAct.M.x + DX, SC.CAct.M.y + DY);
        if (it.go && !SC.CAct.Spotted)
            if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, SC.CAct.M.x, SC.CAct.M.y) && texmaps.OnTheScreen(SC.gb, SC.CAct.M.x, SC.CAct.M.y))
                gamebook.UpdateMonsterMemory(SC, SC.CAct);

        /*Check for traps here. Robots & Zombies don't set off traps;*/
        /*other critter types might.*/
        if (it.go && SC.gb.map[SC.CAct.M.x - 1, SC.CAct.M.y - 1].trap != 0 && SC.CAct.M.gfx != 'R' && SC.CAct.M.gfx != '@')
            if (rpgdice.RollStep(critters.MonMan[SC.CAct.crit - 1].Sense) < AvoidTrapTarget)
                dccombat.SpringTrap(SC, SC.CAct.M.x, SC.CAct.M.y);

Example #27
 static void CheckForSecretDoors(gamebook.Scenario SC, int Mode)
     /*Check the PC's immediate vicinity for secret doors. Reveal*/
     /*any that are found. Use Mode == 0 for walking, Mode == 1 for*/
     for (int X = SC.PC.m.x - 1; X <= SC.PC.m.x + 1; ++X)
         for (int Y = SC.PC.m.y - 1; Y <= SC.PC.m.y + 1; ++Y)
             if (texmaps.OnTheMap(X, Y) && SC.gb.map[X - 1, Y - 1].terr == texmaps.HiddenServicePanel)
                 if (rpgdice.RollStep(dcchars.PCDetection(SC.PC)) >= (SpotDoorTarget - Mode * 5))
                     /*A door has been detected!*/
                     rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You have discovered a service panel.");
                     SC.gb.map[X - 1, Y - 1].terr = texmaps.ClosedServicePanel;
                     texmaps.DisplayTile(SC.gb, X, Y);
                     gamebook.DoleExperience(SC, 1);
                     /*A Player who detects a secret door will stop repeated actions.*/
                     SC.PC.repCount = 0;
Example #28
 static void CheckForTraps(gamebook.Scenario SC, int Mode)
     /*Check the PC's immediate vicinity for traps. Reveal any*/
     /*that are found. Use Mode == 0 for walking, Mode == 1 for*/
     for (int X = SC.PC.m.x - 1; X <= SC.PC.m.x + 1; ++X)
         for (int Y = SC.PC.m.y - 1; Y <= SC.PC.m.y + 1; ++Y)
             if (texmaps.OnTheMap(X, Y) && (SC.gb.map[X - 1, Y - 1].trap < 0))
                 if (rpgdice.RollStep(dcchars.PCDetection(SC.PC)) >= (SpotTrapTarget - Mode * 10))
                     /*A trap has been detected!*/
                     dccombat.RevealTrap(SC, X, Y);
                     /*A Player who detects a trap will stop repeated actions.*/
                     SC.PC.repCount = 0;
                     gamebook.DoleExperience(SC, 2);
Example #29
    static int ChooseSpell(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        //{Create a menu from the PC's spell list. Query for a spell.}
        //{Return whatever spell was chosen, or -1 for Cancel.}

        string instr = "[SPACE] to cast, [/] to quickmark";
        int    QMval = -10;

        rpgtext.DCPointMessage(" which spell?");

        int it = QMval;

            //{Display instructions}
            rpgtext.GameMessage(instr, MX1, DY2, MX2, DY2 + 2, IColor, BColor);

            //{Create the menu.}
            rpgmenus.RPGMenu RPM = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(BColor, SColor, IColor, MX1, MY1, MX2, MY2);
            RPM.dx1 = MX1;
            RPM.dy1 = DY1;
            RPM.dx2 = MX2;
            RPM.dy2 = DY2;

            rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuKey(RPM, '/', QMval);
            spells.SpellMem S = SC.PC.spell;
            while (S != null)
                if (S.mnem == ' ')
                    rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(RPM, spells.SpellMan[S.code - 1].name, S.code, spells.SpellMan[S.code - 1].Desc);
                    rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(RPM, spells.SpellMan[S.code - 1].name + " [" + S.mnem + "]", S.code, spells.SpellMan[S.code - 1].Desc);
                    rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuKey(RPM, S.mnem, S.code);

                S = S.next;


            //{Make a menu selection.}
            it = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(RPM, rpgmenus.RPMNoCleanup);

            //{Check to see if the PC wants to QuickMark a spell.}
            if (it == QMval)
                SetQuickLink(SC, rpgmenus.RPMLocateByPosition(RPM, RPM.selectItem).value);
        }while (it == QMval);

        //{Redisplay the map.}
        rpgtext.DCPointMessage(" ");

Example #30
    public static int StepOnBlood     = 0; /*How many bloody tiles the PC has walked on.*/
                                           /*This constant is used to prevent boring the*/
                                           /*PC by printing the same message over and over again.*/

    static void CheckMonsterMemory(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*The player has either moved or otherwise changed the*/
        /*field of vision.*/
        texmodel.Model   M;
        critters.Critter C;

        /*Set the boundaries for our search.*/
        int X1 = SC.PC.m.x - SC.gb.POV.range;

        if (X1 < 1)
            X1 = 1;
        int Y1 = SC.PC.m.y - SC.gb.POV.range;

        if (Y1 < 1)
            Y1 = 1;
        int X2 = SC.PC.m.x + SC.gb.POV.range;

        if (X2 > texmodel.XMax)
            X2 = texmodel.XMax;
        int Y2 = SC.PC.m.y + SC.gb.POV.range;

        if (Y2 > texmodel.YMax)
            Y2 = texmodel.YMax;

        for (int X = X1; X <= X2; ++X)
            for (int Y = Y1; Y <= Y2; ++Y)
                /*First, check that the square is visible, there's a model present and that it's on the screen.*/
                if (texmaps.TileLOS(SC.gb.POV, X, Y) && texmodel.ModelPresent(SC.gb.mog, X, Y) && texmaps.OnTheScreen(SC.gb, X, Y))
                    M = texmodel.FindModelXY(SC.gb.mlist, X, Y);
                    if (M.kind == critters.MKIND_Critter)
                        C = critters.LocateCritter(M, SC.CList);
                        if (C.Target == SC.PC.m)
                            SC.PC.repCount = 0;
                        if (!C.Spotted)
                            /*Seeing an unknown creature will cause the PC to stop repeditive actions.*/
                            SC.PC.repCount = 0;
                            gamebook.UpdateMonsterMemory(SC, C);