/**Waits for 3 seconds then reloads the level
    private IEnumerator reloadIn3Seconds()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3f));

        gameState = gameStateEnum.START;
 /**Method called when the player dies
  * Sends a message to the player then reloads the level
 public void GameOver()
     gameStatusText.text = "You died";
     gameState           = gameStateEnum.GAMEOVER;
     initialised         = false;
  * Plays ready message at the start of the level
  * Then sets the game state to playing
 private void PlayStartMessage()
     messageTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
     if (messageTimer > 2)
         gameStatusText.text = "Ready?";
     else if (messageTimer > 1)
         gameStatusText.text = "Set";
     else if (messageTimer > 0)
         gameStatusText.text = "Race!";
         gameStatusText.text = "";
         gameState           = gameStateEnum.PLAYING;
         messageTimer        = 3f;
Example #4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // set the game state and level.
        currentGameState = gameStateEnum.startMenu;
        currentGameLevel = gameLevelEnum.level1;

        // get references to the stuff I'll need, including elements in other game objects.
        shotsLeft    = shotsGiven;
        shotsLeftObj = GameObject.Find("ShotsLeftActual").GetComponent <Text>();
        hitCountObj  = GameObject.Find("HitCountActual").GetComponent <Text>();
        levelObj     = GameObject.Find("LevelActual").GetComponent <Text>();

        mainCam = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Camera>();
        if (mainCam == null)
            print("Cam object is empty");

        // debug.
        print("loopsBetweenBunnies = " + loopsBetweenBunnies);
 /**Called when object is initialised on first level opened
  * Sets the UI elements
 void Start()
     gameState = gameStateEnum.START;
Example #6
    // Using FixedUpdate to keep our bunnies appearing at regular intervals.  Not sure if this is best.
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (currentGameState == gameStateEnum.start)
            // reset score, loops, and shots.
            loopsBetweenBunnies = 100;
            shotsLeft           = shotsGiven;
            hitCount            = 0;
            currentGameLevel    = gameLevelEnum.level1;
            currentGameState = gameStateEnum.playTime;

        if (currentGameState == gameStateEnum.playTime)
            if (j >= loopsBetweenBunnies)   // if we've gone through enough FixedUpdates to show another bunny...
                // TODO: Hmmm.  This Screen.width thing doesn't work (to randomly place a bunny in the viewable area).  Screen.width is a constant.
                // I think I need to project a point onto a 2D plane to get what I'm looking for.  Or get a ViewPort type object.
                // Otherwise, these magic numbers below might position bunnies offscreen when the screen is resized.
                //randomLoc = new Vector3(
                //    Random.Range(-(Screen.width/2), Screen.width / 2),
                //    Random.Range(-(Screen.height / 2), Screen.height / 2),
                //    Random.Range(20, 40));
                // UPDATE:  Woot!  Check out Camera.ViewportToworld.  That'll work to position the bunny well.
                //randomLoc = new Vector3(
                //Random.Range(-20, 20),  // the magic numbers to which I referred above.
                //Random.Range(-10, 10),
                //Random.Range(20, 30));

                randomLoc = mainCam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(
                                                             Random.Range(0.1f, 0.9f),
                                                             Random.Range(0.1f, 0.9f),
                                                             Random.Range(20, 30)
                // debug.
                print("randomLoc = " + randomLoc);

                //randomLoc = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);  // for testing.
                Destroy(Instantiate(prefabBunny, randomLoc, transform.rotation), lifeOfCloneInSecs);
                j = 0;
                j += 1; // ...otherwise, count off another FixedUpdate.

            // increase difficulty every 10 hits.
            // hmmm, is it better to do a state machine thing for game states, or control it via broadcasts?  Broadcasted messages are only received by scripts on this object or its children.
            // broadcasts probably shouldn't be used like this, because they get sent out multiple times unless you do the boolean thing.
            switch (hitCount)
            case 10:
            case 20:
            case 30:
            case 40:
                if (!bHadIncreasedDifficulty)
                    bHadIncreasedDifficulty = true;
                    // debug.
                    print("loopsBetweenBunnies = " + loopsBetweenBunnies);

            case 11:
            case 21:
            case 31:
            case 41:
                bHadIncreasedDifficulty = false;
