// Update is called once per frame void Update() { switch (theCurrGameState) { case gameState.initialize: initialize(); break; case gameState.playGame: //print ("<!> Enter Play Game " + gameState.playGame + "<!>"); // print ("<!> gameEngine " + currPlayState + "<!>"); switch (currPlayState) { case playState.movingCubes: print("<!> gameEngine <!>"); gameEngine theGameEngine = GetComponent <gameEngine>(); theGameEngine.initMe(); currPlayState = playState.executingTask; break; } break; case gameState.gameOver: //loadGameOverGameManager(); StartCoroutine("loadGameOver"); currPlayState = playState.movingCubes; break; } }
public void loadLevel(int level) { hideMenu(); Cursor.visible = false; Time.timeScale = 1; GameObject gameControllerObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("GameController"); if (gameControllerObject != null) { scoreController score = gameControllerObject.GetComponent <scoreController>(); if (score != null) { score.updateLevelText(level); score.resetStars(); score.resetScore(); score.resetHealth(); } } SceneManager.LoadScene(0); GameObject gameEngine = GameObject.Find("GameEngine"); gameEngine engine = gameEngine.GetComponent <gameEngine>(); engine.startLevel(level, false); }
public void loadLevelFromForm() { uiSound(); GameObject levelListBox = GameObject.Find("SelectLevelDropdown"); Dropdown levelDropdown = levelListBox.GetComponent <Dropdown>(); GameObject gameEngine = GameObject.Find("GameEngine"); gameEngine engine = gameEngine.GetComponent <gameEngine>(); if (Game.current.unlockedLevels.Contains(levelDropdown.value + 1)) { loadLevel(levelDropdown.value + 1); // true ListBox values start at 0 } else { showInfoDialog("You must first clear previous levels before you will be able to access this level!"); } }
public void init () { soundComponent = GetComponentsInChildren<UIPlaySound> (); setSoundClipOnButton (0.5f, "uibutton", button); interface_engine = gameEngine.Instance; UILabel[] lbl = control_panel.GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel> (); foreach (UILabel r in lbl) { if (r.gameObject.name.Equals ("NameTag")) { nametag = r; } if (r.gameObject.name.Equals ("money")) { money = r; } //Debug.Log ("found the name: " + r.gameObject.name); } waiting_panel.SetActive (true); control_panel.SetActive (true); control_panel_alpha = control_panel.GetComponent<TweenAlpha> (); waiting_panel_alpha = waiting_panel.GetComponent<TweenAlpha> (); waiting_panel.SetActive (false); control_panel.SetActive (false); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { Instance = this; StartCoroutine (setup ()); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { ge = GetComponent<gameEngine> (); }
public void transaction_go (gameEngine ge, Action after) { if (mlvType == lvType.BUYLAND) { Debug.Log ("trade success by BUYLAND"); gameEngine.Instance.trade_success (condition_money, after); } if (mlvType == lvType.UPGRADE) { Debug.Log ("trade success by UPGRADE"); gameEngine.Instance.trade_success (condition_money, after); } if (mlvType == lvType.PAYRENT) { Debug.Log ("trade success by PAYRENT"); gameEngine.Instance.collection_money_for_landlord (condition_money, after); } }