void ProcessParallelThread() { var Files = rProcess.GetFileToFolder(rProcess.tmpFolder, "pdf"); foreach (var xFile in Files) { try { var ftp = new ftp(@"", "ranking"); // Upload PDF using FTP to Server Folder -> supplierx var result = ftp.Upload(Path.Combine("ranking", xFile.Name), Path.Combine(new RANKProcess().tmpFolder, xFile.Name)); if (result.Success) { var reqIDD = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(xFile.Name); var newObj = db.reqlists.FirstOrDefault(s => s.reqid.Equals(reqIDD)); if (newObj.sts.Equals("processing")) { newObj.sts = "processed"; newObj.lnk = xFile.Name; db.SaveChanges(); } rProcess.moveToBckFolder(xFile); updateLog(xFile, "Success", Color.Green); } else { rProcess.moveToErrFolder(xFile); updateLog(xFile, "ErrorFTP", Color.Red); } } catch (Exception ex) { rProcess.moveToErrFolder(xFile); updateLog(xFile, "ErrorFile : " + ex.Message, Color.Red); } } }
/// <summary> /// Performs a backup /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override bool Run(object parameters) { DatabaseBackupOptions options = (DatabaseBackupOptions)parameters; try { string backupFile = String.Format(@"{0}Backup-{4}-{1}{2}{3}.fbk", Shared.Utilities.AddTrailingBackSlash(options.Path), DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, options.UseSiteID ? options.SiteID.ToString() : options.Name); //backup database DoOnStageChanged(DatabaseBackupStage.BackingUpDatabase); try { FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbBackup backupSvc = new FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbBackup(); backupSvc.ConnectionString = options.ConnectionString; backupSvc.BackupFiles.Add(new FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbBackupFile(backupFile, 2048)); backupSvc.Verbose = true; backupSvc.Options = FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbBackupFlags.IgnoreLimbo | FirebirdSql.Data.Services.FbBackupFlags.NoGarbageCollect; backupSvc.Execute(); } catch (Exception err) { Shared.EventLog.Add(err); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(backupFile)) { return(false); } } DoOnStageChanged(DatabaseBackupStage.DatabaseBackupComplete); // compress it DoOnStageChanged(DatabaseBackupStage.CompressingBackup); Shared.Classes.ZipFiles.CompressFile(backupFile.Replace(".fbk", ".zip"), backupFile, true); DoOnStageChanged(DatabaseBackupStage.BackupCompressed); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(backupFile.Replace(".fbk", ".zip"))) { Shared.EventLog.Add("Zip File Not Found"); return(false); } if (options.Upload) { //upload the file DoOnStageChanged(DatabaseBackupStage.SendingFileToServer); ftp uploader = new ftp(options.FTPHost, options.FTPUsername, options.FTPPassword, 2048, true, true, true, options.FTPPort); uploader.Upload(Path.GetFileName(backupFile.Replace(".fbk", ".zip")), backupFile.Replace(".fbk", ".zip")); DoOnStageChanged(DatabaseBackupStage.FileSentToServer); } } catch (Exception err) { Shared.EventLog.Add(err); } finally { using (TimedLock.Lock(lockObject)) { _backups.Remove(options.Name); } DoOnStageChanged(DatabaseBackupStage.BackupComplete); } return(false); }
public void ProcessParallelThread() { // Get all PDF -> _mdr var Files = FolderPO.GetAllFile(FolderPO.tmpFolder, "pdf"); dnbmssqlEntities db = new dnbmssqlEntities(); foreach (var xFile in Files) { try { #region Convert FileInfo to PDF Object // Split PDF Filename into Object var pdf = SplitPdf(xFile); #endregion #region FTP Processes // Set ftp values var ftp = new ftp(@"", "supplier"); // Upload PDF using FTP to Server Folder -> supplierx var result = ftp.Upload(Path.Combine("supplier", xFile.Name), Path.Combine(FolderPO.tmpFolder, xFile.Name)); if (result.Success) { #region Set PO Object // ----------------------------------------------- PO --------------------------------------------------------- var newPO = new po { sid = pdf.sid, pono = pdf.pono, region = pdf.region, location = pdf.location, division = pdf.division, link = xFile.Name, filestatus = "Available", released = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), expiration = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), isexpired = "no" }; #endregion #region Store PO Object in Database var isExist = db.poes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.pono.Equals(newPO.pono)); if (isExist != null) { isExist.filestatus = "Updated"; isExist.link = newPO.link; } else { db.poes.Add(newPO); } #endregion #region Set SMS // ----------------------------------------------- SMS --------------------------------------------------------- var isExists = db.sms.FirstOrDefault(x => x.sid.Equals(newPO.sid) && x.region.Equals(newPO.region)); if (isExists == null) { var user = db.supplierregions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.sid.Equals(newPO.sid) && s.region.Equals(newPO.region)); if (user != null) { if (user.sms.Equals("y")) { db.sms.Add(new sm { sid = newPO.sid, region = newPO.region, icurrent = user.mobile, timesent = DateTime.Now.ToString(), status = "waiting" }); } } } #endregion #region Store & Backup File + Log // save changes to Database db.SaveChanges(); // move files to backup folder FolderPO.moveToBckFolder(xFile); // write log ni rtbox updateLog(xFile, "Success", Color.Green); #endregion } else { #region Backup File + Log // move to error folder FolderPO.moveToErrFolder(xFile); updateLog(xFile, "ErrorFTP", Color.Red); #endregion } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { // move to error folder FolderPO.moveToErrFolder(xFile); updateLog(xFile, "ErrorFile" + ex.Message, Color.Red); } } }
private void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure you want to transmit this/these file(s) now to branches?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { sql = "SELECT code,ftp_username,ftp_password,ftp_url FROM warehouse WHERE deactivated='N' AND ftp_url IS NOT null"; db = new database(); dt = new DataTable(); dt = db.select(sql, vars.MySqlConnection); rowCount = dt.Rows.Count; string warehouse, user, pw, url; string currentFileName = "", currentFileFullPath = ""; for (i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { warehouse = dt.Rows[i]["code"].ToString(); user = dt.Rows[i]["ftp_username"].ToString(); pw = dt.Rows[i]["ftp_password"].ToString(); url = dt.Rows[i]["ftp_url"].ToString(); // should be in proper format e.g. ftp ftpWebRequest = new ftp(user, pw); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < listView1.Items.Count; i2++) { currentFileName = listView1.Items[i2].Text; currentFileFullPath = listView1.Items[i2].SubItems[1].Text; ftpWebRequest.urlAndFileName = url + currentFileName; ftpWebRequest.filePath = currentFileFullPath; if (ftpWebRequest.Upload()) { sql = "START TRANSACTION;"; sql += "SET @filename='" + currentFileName + "';"; sql += "SET @exportedFileId = (SELECT id FROM export_importfiles WHERE filename=@filename LIMIT 1);"; sql += "INSERT INTO transmittedfiles(exportedFilesId,warehouse,createdBy) VALUES(@exportedFileId,'" + warehouse + "'," + vars.user_id + ");"; sql += "UPDATE export_importfiles SET transmittedBy=" + vars.user_id + " WHERE id=@exportedFileId;"; sql += "COMMIT;"; database db2 = new database(); DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); db2.executeNonQuery(sql, vars.MySqlConnection); File.Move(currentFileFullPath, Application.StartupPath + @"\json\Transmitted\" + currentFileName); listView1.Items.RemoveAt(i2); i2--; } else { result = MessageBox.Show(this, "Do you want to continue with the rest of the files?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.No) { break; } } } } } if (listView1.Items.Count <= 0) { btnUpload.Enabled = false; } }