private void GetHttpPayload(Frameunit frameunit)
            string tcpSeqNum  = frameunit.fieldUnit.sourceAddr + "_" + frameunit.fieldUnit.destAddr + "_" + frameunit.propertyUnit.tcpSeqNumber;
            string nextSeqNum = frameunit.fieldUnit.sourceAddr + "_" + frameunit.fieldUnit.destAddr + "_" + (frameunit.propertyUnit.tcpSeqNumber + frameunit.propertyUnit.tcpPayloadLength);
            string uri        = frameunit.propertyUnit.httpserver + frameunit.propertyUnit.httpurilocation;
            int    frameNum   = frameunit.frameNum;

            if (URIResFragments.ContainsKey(uri) && pastFrameNum.Contains(tcpSeqNum) == false)
                fragments frag = new fragments();
                frag.tcpSeqNum     = nextSeqNum;
                frag.fragmentsInfo = new List <string>();

                fragments target = URIResFragments[uri];
                if (target.tcpSeqNum == tcpSeqNum)
                    target.fragmentsInfo.Add(frameNum + "_HTTP");
                    target.tcpSeqNum     = nextSeqNum;
                    URIResFragments[uri] = target;
                    frag.fragmentsInfo.Add(frameNum + "_HTTP");
                    URIResFragments[uri] = frag;

        private void Print()
             * foreach(string uri in packetStats.URIs)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(uri);
             * }*/
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, fragments> pair in URIResFragments)
                string    uri  = pair.Key;
                fragments frag = pair.Value;
                string    str  = "";
                foreach (string item in frag.fragmentsInfo)
                    str += item + ", ";


                Console.WriteLine(frag.tcpSeqNum + ":" + str + "\n");
        private void GetTcpPayload()
            List <int> tcpFrames       = new List <int>();
            bool       needAnotherLoop = true;
            List <int> needLoop        = _CommonNums;

            while (needAnotherLoop)
                needAnotherLoop = false;
                tcpFrames       = needLoop;
                needLoop        = new List <int>();
                foreach (int tcpframe in tcpFrames)
                    int       frameNum   = tcpframe;
                    Frameunit frameunit  = _frameNumberDict[frameNum];
                    string    tcpSeqNum  = frameunit.fieldUnit.sourceAddr + "_" + frameunit.fieldUnit.destAddr + "_" + frameunit.propertyUnit.tcpSeqNumber;
                    string    nextSeqNum = frameunit.fieldUnit.sourceAddr + "_" + frameunit.fieldUnit.destAddr + "_" + (frameunit.propertyUnit.tcpSeqNumber + frameunit.propertyUnit.tcpPayloadLength);
                    if (pastFrameNum.Contains(tcpSeqNum) == false)
                        if (FindSeqNumInDict(tcpSeqNum) == false)
                            fragments target = URIResFragments[_currentUri];
                            //change target.tcpSeqNum
                            target.tcpSeqNum = nextSeqNum;
                            target.fragmentsInfo.Add(frameNum + "_TCP");
                            needAnotherLoop = true; // some tcp frame might arrive at a wrong order comparing to its seqnumber
        public void ReConstructingResource(List <Frameunit> allFrames)
            _resConstructor    = new ConstructRequestRes(allFrames);
            _frameNumberDict   = _resConstructor._frameNumberDict;
            URIResFragments    = _resConstructor.URIResFragments;
            _payloadProcessing = new PayloadProcessing(_frameNumberDict);
            _csvWriter = new csvWriter(_outputFolder + "\\" + "AllUrls.csv");
            _csvAllLines.Add("url,content type");
            Console.WriteLine("-----------------------start to create output file-----------------------");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, fragments> pair in  URIResFragments)
                string    uri  = pair.Key;
                fragments frag = pair.Value;
                if (frag.fragmentsInfo != null && frag.fragmentsInfo.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("uri:" + uri);

                    CreateResource(uri, frag);

        private void CreateResource(string uri, fragments frag)
            // Console.WriteLine("uri:"+uri);
            string    http_frame    = frag.fragmentsInfo[0];
            int       startframeNum = Int32.Parse(http_frame.Split('_')[0]);
            Frameunit frameunit     = _frameNumberDict[startframeNum];
            string    contentType   = frameunit.propertyUnit.httpcontentType;
            // Console.WriteLine(contentType);
            string urilocation = frameunit.propertyUnit.httpurilocation;
            string outputName  = _outputFolder + "\\" + startframeNum + "_" + urilocation.Split('/')[urilocation.Split('/').Length - 2] + "_" + urilocation.Split('/')[urilocation.Split('/').Length - 1];

            List <Byte> fragBytes = _payloadProcessing.ConstructFragments(frag.fragmentsInfo, frameunit.propertyUnit.httpcontentEncoding);

            Console.WriteLine(uri + ":" + frameunit.propertyUnit.httpcontentType + ": " + frameunit.propertyUnit.httpcontentEncoding);
            string writeline = uri + "," + contentType;

            // _csvWriter.AddLineToCsv(writeline);
            Console.WriteLine("transfer type:" + frameunit.propertyUnit.httptransferType);
            if (fragBytes.Count > 0)
                _fileConstructor = new FileConstructor(fragBytes, contentType, frameunit.propertyUnit.httpcontentEncoding, frameunit.propertyUnit.httptransferType, outputName, uri);
                if (_fileConstructor.IsSuccessful == false)
                    string retsr = "";
                    foreach (string item in frag.fragmentsInfo)
                        retsr += item + ", ";
                    Console.WriteLine("uri:" + uri);
Example #6
 public override string Serialize(fragments.StructuredText.Element element, String content)
     return f(element, content);
Example #7
 public abstract String Serialize(fragments.StructuredText.Element element, String content);
 public override String Resolve(fragments.DocumentLink link)
     return f(link);
 public abstract String Resolve(fragments.DocumentLink link);
 public String GetTitle(fragments.DocumentLink link)
     return null;
Example #11
 public Embed(fragments.Embed obj, String label)
     : base(label)
     this.obj = obj;
Example #12
 public Image(fragments.Image.View view, String label)
     : base(label)
     this.view = view;