Example #1
    //This can be upgraded
    private void DetermineFearState()
        if (fearCurrent == fearMax && fearReset != fearMax)

            fearState = fearCase.feared;

            //Increases the fear reset point for when the NPC leaves fear
            fearReset += scaleFearReset;

            hasBeenFeared = true;

        //This creates a diminishing return where the NPC eventually becomes unfearable
        else if (fearCurrent == fearReset)

            fearState = fearCase.notFeared;

            hasBeenFeared = false;
Example #2
    void Start()
        //Assigns NavMeshAgent
        agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();

        //Initial destination is first element of the array
        currentDest = 0;

        //Sets initial fearState to not feared
        fearState = fearCase.notFeared;

        if (randomizeNavPoints)

        //Assigns agent's first destination to first array element
        agent.destination = navPoints[currentDest].transform.position;