Example #1
        private string GenUrl(int IDsubprocess, ref exportinfo guider)
            // If we have -1 as the workspaceID, that means the *active* entset for this subpr is implied.
            if (guider.idWS < 0)
                AFWACsession fakesession = new AFWACsession(null);
                fakesession.idSubprocess = IDsubprocess;
                fakesession.idUser       = -1;
                guider.idWS = fakesession.idActiveEAset;

            string rolelist = "";

            foreach (int x in guider.ARRidNode)
                rolelist += "," + x.ToString();
            if (rolelist.Length > 0)
                rolelist = rolelist.Substring(1); //Eliminate the leading comma
                rolelist = "&brol=" + rolelist;

            string singlesheet = "&singlesheet=true";

            if (CheckBox1.Checked)
                singlesheet = "&singlesheet=false";

            string curSubcontractorURL =
                Request.Url.OriginalString.Substring(0, Request.Url.OriginalString.LastIndexOf('/')) +
                "/export/EntitlementsPerSubpr.ashx?id=" + guider.idWS + singlesheet + rolelist
                + (!guider.isWorkspace ? "&showstatus=false" : "") +
                (CHKshowOnlyNetEffect.Checked ? "&deltasonly=true" : "") +
                (CHKforFullDetailCSV.Checked ? "&FMTfulldetail=true" : "") +
                (CHKforIDMuploadCSV.Checked ? "&FMTidm3col=true" : "") +
                "&name=" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(guider.strName);

Example #2
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeViewNode[] checkednodes = MEGATREE.CheckedNodes;

            //Key is: subprocess ID
            //Value is: struct containing the workspaceID and the list of rolenums
            Hashtable selectedSubprocess = new Hashtable();

            foreach (TreeViewNode curnode in checkednodes)
                if (curnode.ID.StartsWith("SP/"))
                    if (curnode.Checked)
                        exportinfo baby = new exportinfo();
                        baby.ARRidNode   = new ArrayList();
                        baby.idWS        = -1;
                        baby.isWorkspace = false;
                        baby.strName     = curnode.Text;
                        selectedSubprocess[int.Parse(curnode.ID.Substring(3))] = baby;
                string srchfor = "EntSet/ACT/";
                if (curnode.ID.StartsWith(srchfor))
                    int subpr = int.Parse(curnode.ID.Substring(srchfor.Length));
                        exportinfo x = (exportinfo)(selectedSubprocess[subpr]);
                        x.idWS     = int.Parse(curnode.Value);
                        x.strName += " (ACTIVE)";
                        selectedSubprocess[subpr] = x;
                    catch (Exception eign) { }
                srchfor = "EntSet/WS/";
                if (curnode.ID.StartsWith(srchfor))
                    int subpr = int.Parse(curnode.ID.Substring(srchfor.Length));
                        exportinfo x = (exportinfo)(selectedSubprocess[subpr]);
                        x.idWS                    = int.Parse(curnode.Value);
                        x.strName                += " (Workspace)";
                        x.isWorkspace             = true;
                        selectedSubprocess[subpr] = x;
                    catch (Exception eign) { }
                srchfor = "EntSet/ARCHIVE/";
                if (curnode.ID.StartsWith(srchfor))
                    int subpr = int.Parse(curnode.ID.Substring(srchfor.Length));
                        exportinfo x = (exportinfo)(selectedSubprocess[subpr]);
                        x.idWS                    = int.Parse(curnode.Value);
                        x.strName                += " (Archive: " + curnode.Text + ")";
                        x.isWorkspace             = true;
                        selectedSubprocess[subpr] = x;
                    catch (Exception eign) { }
                srchfor = "BR/";
                if (curnode.ID.StartsWith(srchfor))
                    // This node represents a business role.
                    if (curnode.Checked)
                        string[] parts = curnode.ID.Split(new char[] { '/' });

                        // Special value: parts[1] == "*ALL*" means all roles is implied, we do not have an explicit list.
                        // The ARRidNode array will thus be left empty and that signals "show all roles" to the export engine.

                            int subpr   = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                            int broleID = -1; // -1 is special sentinel meaning all business roles *ALL*
                            if (parts[2] != "*ALL*")
                                broleID = int.Parse(parts[2]);

                            if (broleID >= 0)
                                    exportinfo x = (exportinfo)(selectedSubprocess[subpr]);
                                    selectedSubprocess[subpr] = x; //ESSENTIAL, or the change to the array is ignored!!
                                catch (Exception eign) { }

            // NOW we are ready to launch.

            // If exactly one subprocess, then we can force the IFRAME to be the receipient
            if (selectedSubprocess.Count == 1)
                IEnumerator enumKeys = selectedSubprocess.Keys.GetEnumerator();
                int        thekey = (int)(enumKeys.Current);
                exportinfo guider = (exportinfo)(selectedSubprocess[thekey]);

                string curSubcontractorURL = GenUrl(thekey, ref guider);

                this.TheIframe.Attributes["src"] = curSubcontractorURL;

            if (selectedSubprocess.Count > 1)
                if (CHKforFullDetailCSV.Checked)
                    // We want all the subprocesses all merged into a single CSV
                    Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
                    IEnumerator enumKeys = selectedSubprocess.Keys.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumKeys.MoveNext())
                        int        thekey = (int)(enumKeys.Current);
                        exportinfo guider = (exportinfo)(selectedSubprocess[thekey]);
                        string     curSubcontractorURL = GenUrl(thekey, ref guider);

                        HttpWebRequest subcontract =
                        subcontract.Method = "GET"; //experiment: may not work!!
                        HttpWebResponse thereply       = (HttpWebResponse)subcontract.GetResponse();
                        Stream          replycontent   = thereply.GetResponseStream();
                        StreamReader    SRreplycontent = new StreamReader(replycontent);

                    Response.ContentType = "application/zip";
                    Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "filename=excelfilecollection.zip");

                    ZipFile zipfileOut = new ZipFile();

                    IEnumerator enumKeys = selectedSubprocess.Keys.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumKeys.MoveNext())
                        int        thekey = (int)(enumKeys.Current);
                        exportinfo guider = (exportinfo)(selectedSubprocess[thekey]);
                        string     curSubcontractorURL = GenUrl(thekey, ref guider);

                        HttpWebRequest subcontract =
                        subcontract.Method = "GET"; //experiment: may not work!!
                        HttpWebResponse thereply       = (HttpWebResponse)subcontract.GetResponse();
                        Stream          replycontent   = thereply.GetResponseStream();
                        StreamReader    SRreplycontent = new StreamReader(replycontent);

                            guider.strName.Replace(':', '-').Replace('/', '-') + ".xls", "",