private eventOverallValues sessionSummary(List<uniqueEventValues> sessionList)
            eventOverallValues sessionValues = new eventOverallValues();

            bool    firstEntry      = true;
            double[] oldPosition    = new double[3];

            List<int> uniqueBiomeValues         = new List<int>();

            //parse data for each entry
            foreach (var value in sessionList)
                uniqueEventValues dataPoint = new uniqueEventValues();
                dataPoint = value;

                if (dataPoint.type < 10)

                    //generate list of unique biomes
                    if (!uniqueBiomeValues.Contains(dataPoint.biome))

                    //info to calculate total time
                    if(dataPoint.deltaTime > 0) sessionValues.sessionLenght += dataPoint.deltaTime;

                    //events position
                    double[] position = new double[3] { dataPoint.x, dataPoint.y, dataPoint.z };

                    //calculate distance between positions
                    if (!firstEntry)
                        sessionValues.traveledDistance += Math.Sqrt((position[0] - oldPosition[0]) * (position[0] - oldPosition[0]) +
                                                                    (position[1] - oldPosition[1]) * (position[1] - oldPosition[1]) +
                                                                    (position[2] - oldPosition[2]) * (position[2] - oldPosition[2]));
                        sessionValues.playerName =;
                        sessionValues.sessionID = dataPoint.sessionID;
                        firstEntry = false;

                    oldPosition[0] = position[0];
                    oldPosition[1] = position[1];
                    oldPosition[2] = position[2];

                    //Populate all the lists according to actions ID
                    //0 session id, 1 player name, 2 action ID, 3 date, 4 deltaTime, 5 sub action, 6 unique value, 7 biome, 8 x, 9 y, 10 z
                    if (dataPoint.type == 1) { sessionValues.miningEvents++; }
                    if (dataPoint.type == 2) { sessionValues.buildingEvents++; }
                    if (dataPoint.type == 3) { sessionValues.harvestingEvents++; }
                    if (dataPoint.type == 4) { sessionValues.craftingEvents++; }
                    if (dataPoint.type == 5) { sessionValues.farmingEvents++; }
                    if (dataPoint.type == 6) { sessionValues.exploringEvents++; }
                    if (dataPoint.type == 7) { sessionValues.deathsEvents++; }
                    if (dataPoint.type == 8)
                        if (dataPoint.subAction == "Fight") { sessionValues.fightEvents++; }
                        else { sessionValues.huntEvents++; }
                    if (dataPoint.type == 9) { sessionValues.consumableEvents++; }

            sessionValues.uniqueBiomes = uniqueBiomeValues.Count();
            sessionValues.sessionLenght /= 10000;
            sessionValues.traveledDistance /= 10;

            return sessionValues;
        //export all sessions statistcs to output file. Session analyzes is made by function sessionParser()
        private void outputSessionToTextFile()
            //time to analyze all sessions and do the calculations for all of them 
            foreach (var subList in allEventsBySessions)
                eventOverallValues sessionValues = new eventOverallValues();
                sessionValues = sessionSummary(subList);

                if (sessionValues.numberEvents > 0)
                    string sessionInfo = sessionValues.sessionID + "," + sessionValues.playerName + "," + sessionValues.sessionLenght + "," + sessionValues.numberEvents + "," +
                        sessionValues.uniqueBiomes + "," + sessionValues.traveledDistance + "," + sessionValues.miningEvents + "," + sessionValues.buildingEvents + "," +
                        sessionValues.harvestingEvents + "," + sessionValues.craftingEvents + "," + sessionValues.farmingEvents + "," + sessionValues.exploringEvents + ","
                        + sessionValues.deathsEvents + "," + sessionValues.huntEvents + "," + sessionValues.fightEvents + "," + sessionValues.consumableEvents;
                    File.AppendAllText(fileOutputPath.Text, sessionInfo + Environment.NewLine);

            var count = File.ReadLines(fileOutputPath.Text).Count();
            outputMessageToUser("Outputed successfully. Added " + allEventsBySessions.Count() + " sessions. File has now " + count + " sessions.");