public ActionResult LOS(string date, string typ, string pctype) { PropertyBiddingMapForOverview lst = new PropertyBiddingMapForOverview(); etblPropertyLOSBiddingMap obj = new etblPropertyLOSBiddingMap(); lst = BL_tblPropertyLOSBiddingMap.GetRecords(clsUtils.ConvertyyyymmddtoDateTime(date), Convert.ToInt32(Session["PropId"]), Convert.ToInt32(typ), pctype); if (lst.Self.Count > 0) { obj.JSONData = OneFineRateAppUtil.clsUtils.ConvertToJson(lst.Self); obj.JSONDataOther = OneFineRateAppUtil.clsUtils.ConvertToJson(lst.Other); obj.bCTA = lst.Self[0].bCTA; obj.bCTD = lst.Self[0].bCTD; obj.bIsClosed = lst.Self[0].bIsClosed; obj.dtEffectiveDate = clsUtils.ConvertyyyymmddtoDateTime(date); obj.IsPublic = lst.IsPublic; if (obj.dtEffectiveDate != null) { obj.EffectiveDate = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", obj.dtEffectiveDate); } } else { obj.dtEffectiveDate = clsUtils.ConvertyyyymmddtoDateTime(date); obj.EffectiveDate = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", obj.dtEffectiveDate); } return(PartialView("_PropertyLOSBiddingMap", obj)); }
//Update a record public static int AddUpdateRecord(etblPropertyLOSBiddingMap eobj, DataTable BidRange) { int retval = 0; using (OneFineRateEntities db = new OneFineRateEntities()) { try { SqlParameter[] MyParam = new SqlParameter[7]; MyParam[0] = new SqlParameter("@BidRange", BidRange); MyParam[0].TypeName = "[dbo].[BidRange]"; MyParam[1] = new SqlParameter("@iPropId", eobj.iPropId); MyParam[2] = new SqlParameter("@iActionBy", eobj.iActionBy); MyParam[3] = new SqlParameter("@bCloseOut", eobj.bIsClosed); MyParam[4] = new SqlParameter("@bCTA", eobj.bCTA); MyParam[5] = new SqlParameter("@bCTD", eobj.bCTD); MyParam[6] = new SqlParameter("@typ", eobj.IsPublic ? 1 : 0); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("uspSaveLOSBidding @BidRange, @iPropId, @iActionBy, @bCloseOut, @bCTA, @bCTD, @typ", MyParam); retval = 1; } catch (Exception) { retval = 0; throw; } } return(retval); }
public ActionResult UpdateLOSBidding(etblPropertyLOSBiddingMap eObj) { object result = null; try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (eObj.dtEffectiveDate.Date < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).Date) { result = new { st = 0, msg = "Please provide length of stay discounts for this date in Bidding => Bulk Update screen first as this screen can only update discounts." }; } else if (eObj.dtEffectiveDate.Date >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).Date&& eObj.dtEffectiveDate.Date < DateTime.Now.Date) { result = new { st = 0, msg = "Data for past dates cannot be provided." }; } else { bool bValid = true; eObj.iPropId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PropId"]); eObj.iActionBy = ((OneFineRateBLL.BL_Login.UserDetails)Session["UserDetails"]).iUserId; DataTable BidRange = new DataTable(); DataColumn col1 = null; col1 = new DataColumn("dtEffectiveDate", typeof(DateTime)); BidRange.Columns.Add(col1); col1 = new DataColumn("iDays", typeof(short)); BidRange.Columns.Add(col1); col1 = new DataColumn("dDiscount", typeof(Decimal)); BidRange.Columns.Add(col1); col1 = new DataColumn("iAmenityId1", typeof(Int32)); BidRange.Columns.Add(col1); col1 = new DataColumn("iApplicabilityId1", typeof(short)); BidRange.Columns.Add(col1); col1 = new DataColumn("iAmenityId2", typeof(Int32)); BidRange.Columns.Add(col1); col1 = new DataColumn("iApplicabilityId2", typeof(short)); BidRange.Columns.Add(col1); if (eObj.SelectedDiscounts != null) { decimal discount = 0; JArray jArray = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(eObj.SelectedDiscounts.Replace("\\", "\"")); if (jArray != null) { foreach (var item in jArray) { if (Convert.ToInt32(item["to"]) == 0) { bValid = false; } for (int i = Convert.ToInt32(item["from"]); i <= Convert.ToInt32(item["to"]); i++) { discount = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["disc"].ToString()) ? Convert.ToDecimal("0") : Convert.ToDecimal(item["disc"]); DataRow dr = BidRange.NewRow(); dr["dtEffectiveDate"] = eObj.dtEffectiveDate; dr["iDays"] = i; dr["dDiscount"] = discount; dr["iAmenityId1"] = Convert.ToInt32(item["amen1"]); dr["iApplicabilityId1"] = Convert.ToInt16(item["app1"]); dr["iAmenityId2"] = Convert.ToInt32(item["amen2"]); dr["iApplicabilityId2"] = Convert.ToInt16(item["app2"]); BidRange.Rows.Add(dr); } } } } if (bValid) { int j = BL_tblPropertyLOSBiddingMap.AddUpdateRecord(eObj, BidRange); if (j == 1) { result = new { st = 1, msg = "Updated successfully." }; } else { result = new { st = 0, msg = "Kindly try after some time." }; } } else { result = new { st = 0, msg = "Please provide length of stay discounts for this date in Bidding => Bulk Update screen first as this screen can only update discounts." } }; } } else { string errormsg = ""; foreach (ModelState modelState in ViewData.ModelState.Values) { foreach (ModelError error in modelState.Errors) { errormsg += error.ErrorMessage; errormsg += "</br>"; } } result = new { st = 0, msg = errormsg }; } } catch (Exception) { result = new { st = 0, msg = "Kindly try after some time." }; } return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }