// Method to start this object searching for LAN Broadcast messages sent by players, used by the script itself private void StartSearching() { lstReceivedMessages.Clear(); BeginAsyncReceive(); fTimeSearchStarted = Time.time; currentState = enuState.Searching; Debug.Log("Searching for other players..."); }
// Method to stop this object searching for LAN Broadcast messages sent by players, used by the script itself private void StopSearching() { currentState = enuState.NotActive; strMessage = "Search stopped."; }
// Method to stop this object announcing this is a server, used by the script itself private void StopAnnouncing() { currentState = enuState.NotActive; strMessage = "Announcements stopped."; }
// Method to start this object searching for LAN Broadcast messages sent by players, used by the script itself private void StartSearching() { lstReceivedMessages.Clear(); fTimeSearchStarted = Time.time; BeginAsyncReceive(); currentState = enuState.Searching; strMessage = "Searching for other players..."; }
// Method to start this object announcing this is a server, used by the script itself private void StartAnnouncing() { currentState = enuState.Announcing; strMessage = "Announcing we are a server..."; }
// Method to stop this object searching for LAN Broadcast messages sent by players, used by the script itself private void StopSearching() { currentState = enuState.NotActive; Debug.Log("Search stopped."); }
// Method to stop this object announcing this is a server, used by the script itself private void StopAnnouncing() { currentState = enuState.NotActive; Debug.Log("Announcements stopped."); }
// Method to start this object announcing this is a server, used by the script itself private void StartAnnouncing() { currentState = enuState.Announcing; Debug.Log("Announcing we are a server..."); }
// Method to start this object searching for LAN Broadcast messages sent by players, used by the script itself private void StartSearching() { lstReceivedMessages.Clear(); BeginAsyncReceive(); fTimeSearchStarted = ((DateTime.Now.Ticks) / ((long) Math.Pow(10, 7))); currentState = enuState.Searching; strMessage = "Searching for other players..."; }