public static DynamixSettings LoadOptions(dyndnsServices dyndnsServices = null) { DynamixSettings settings = new DynamixSettings(); try { if (File.Exists(settingsFile)) { using (Stream stream = File.Open(settingsFile, FileMode.Open)) { settings = (DynamixSettings)bformatter.Deserialize(stream); } settings.Password = GenericHelper.DecodeFrom64(settings.Password); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } if (dyndnsServices != null) { if (settings.Hosts.Any()) { dyndnsServices.hostsBoxDynamix.Items.Clear(); dyndnsServices.hostsBoxDynamix.Items.AddRange(settings.Hosts.Select(c => c).ToArray()); } dyndnsServices.enableDynamixCB.Checked = settings.Enabled; dyndnsServices.dynamix_user_key_TB.Text = settings.Password; } return(settings); }
public static NoIPDNSSettings LoadOptions(dyndnsServices dyndnsServices = null) { NoIPDNSSettings settings = new NoIPDNSSettings(); try { if (File.Exists(settingsFile)) { using (Stream stream = File.Open(settingsFile, FileMode.Open)) { settings = (NoIPDNSSettings)bformatter.Deserialize(stream); } settings.Password = GenericHelper.DecodeFrom64(settings.Password); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } if (dyndnsServices != null) { dyndnsServices.noIPPass.Text = settings.Password; dyndnsServices.noIPPassVerify.Text = settings.Password; dyndnsServices.noIPEnabled.Checked = settings.Enabled; dyndnsServices.noIPHosts.Items.Clear(); if (settings.Hosts.Any()) { dyndnsServices.noIPHosts.Items.AddRange(settings.Hosts.ToArray()); } dyndnsServices.noIPLogin.Text = settings.Login; } return(settings); }
public static XPertDNSSettings LoadOptions(dyndnsServices dyndnsServices = null) { XPertDNSSettings settings = new XPertDNSSettings(); try { if (File.Exists(settingsFile)) { using (Stream stream = File.Open(settingsFile, FileMode.Open)) { settings = (XPertDNSSettings)bformatter.Deserialize(stream); } settings.Password = GenericHelper.DecodeFrom64(settings.Password); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } if (dyndnsServices != null) { dyndnsServices.XPertDNSPass.Text = settings.Password; dyndnsServices.XPertDNSConfirmPass.Text = settings.Password; dyndnsServices.xpertEnable.Checked = settings.Enabled; dyndnsServices.dynIDsXPertDNS.Items.Clear(); if (settings.Hosts.Any()) { dyndnsServices.dynIDsXPertDNS.Items.AddRange(settings.Hosts.ToArray()); } dyndnsServices.login4XPertDNS.Text = settings.Login; } return(settings); }
public static string SaveOptions(NoIPDNSSettings settings, dyndnsServices dyndnsServices = null) { int errors = 0; string errorMessage = string.Empty; if (dyndnsServices != null && settings.Enabled) { // Perform validation if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dyndnsServices.noIPLogin.Text)) { errors++; errorMessage += "You must provide your " + serviceName + " login email address!" + Environment.NewLine; } else { if (!GenericHelper.IsValidEmail(dyndnsServices.noIPLogin.Text)) { errors++; errorMessage += "You must provide a valid " + serviceName + " login email address!" + Environment.NewLine; } } if (dyndnsServices.noIPPass.Text != dyndnsServices.noIPPassVerify.Text) { errors++; errorMessage += "The " + serviceName + " passwords do not match!" + Environment.NewLine; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dyndnsServices.noIPPass.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dyndnsServices.noIPPassVerify.Text)) { settings.Password = dyndnsServices.noIPPass.Text; } else { errors++; errorMessage += "You must provide your " + serviceName + " password and confirm the password." + Environment.NewLine; } } if (dyndnsServices.noIPHosts.Items.Count <= 0) { errors++; errorMessage += "There are no " + serviceName + " hosts to save!" + Environment.NewLine; } } if (errors == 0) { //serialize settings.Password = GenericHelper.EncodeTo64(settings.Password); using (Stream stream = File.Open(settingsFile, FileMode.Create)) { bformatter.Serialize(stream, settings); } } return(errorMessage); }