Example #1
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Check user has entered the filepath
        if (fuResume.HasFile)
                if (fuResume.PostedFile.ContentLength > 512000)
                    lblFileSizeError.Text = "Max file size (500KB) exceeded! Current file size:" + (fuResume.PostedFile.ContentLength / 1024).ToString() + "KB";
                     * //Create the path for the file.
                     * string file = @"C:\\Users\\Rokr047\\Downloads\\Applications\" + lblApplicationNumber.Text + "_" + txtLastName.Text + "_" + txtFirstName.Text + "\\";
                     * Directory.CreateDirectory(file);
                     * string filename = Path.GetFileName(fuResume.FileName);
                     * fuResume.SaveAs(file + "\\" + filename);

                    //Upload the resume file to ~/Applications/Resume  Filename Format: <Application#>_<LastName>_<FirstName>.ext
                    //Create the path to upload the file to.
                    string resumeLink = "~/Applications/Resume/" + lblApplicationNumber.Text.Trim() + "_" + Path.GetFileName(fuResume.FileName);

                    //Insert Data into Database Table t_Application
                    var appAdapter = new dsMajorTableAdapters.t_ApplicationTableAdapter();

                    //Generate data to insert into t_Recommendation
                    Random objRandom   = new Random();
                    int    reco1Number = 0;
                    int    reco2Number = 0;

                    while (reco1Number == reco2Number)
                        reco1Number = objRandom.Next(1000, 9999);
                        reco2Number = objRandom.Next(1000, 9999);

                    //Insert Data into t_Recommendation
                    var appAdapterReco = new dsMajorTableAdapters.t_RecommendationTableAdapter();

                    //perform Inserts
                    appAdapter.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(lblApplicationNumber.Text.Trim()), txtFirstName.Text.Trim(), txtLastName.Text.Trim(), txtEmail.Text.Trim(), txtUSCID.Text.Trim(), ddlMajor.SelectedValue.Trim(), resumeLink, "Submitted", reco1Number, reco2Number);
                    appAdapterReco.Insert(reco1Number, txtReco1Name.Text.Trim(), txtReco1Email.Text.Trim(), "NA", "incomplete");
                    appAdapterReco.Insert(reco2Number, txtReco2Name.Text.Trim(), txtReco2Email.Text.Trim(), "NA", "incomplete");

                    //build query string for emailing recommenders
                    string virtualPath = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + Request.ApplicationPath;
                    string Reco1Link   = virtualPath + "recommendation.aspx?id=" + lblApplicationNumber.Text + "&r=" + reco1Number;
                    string Reco2Link   = virtualPath + "recommendation.aspx?id=" + lblApplicationNumber.Text + "&r=" + reco2Number;

                    //Mail to Recommender 1
                    MailMessage mailReco = new MailMessage();
                    mailReco.From       = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
                    mailReco.Subject    = "GA Scholarship - Request for Recommendation";
                    mailReco.IsBodyHtml = true;
                    string Body = "Hi " + txtReco1Name.Text + ", <br /> <br />" +
                                  txtFirstName.Text + " " + txtLastName.Text + " is applying for a scholarship and has requested you for a recommendation." +
                                  "<br />Click on the link below to submit your recommendation. <br />" +
                                  "<a href=\"" + Reco1Link + "\">" + Reco1Link + "</a>" + "<br />Thank You.<br /><br />This is an auto-generated mail, please do not reply.";
                    mailReco.Body = Body;

                    SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
                    smtp.Host        = "smtp.gmail.com";
                    smtp.Port        = 587;
                    smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential
                                           ("*****@*****.**", "k@rthiK01");
                    smtp.EnableSsl = true;

                    //Mail to Recommender 2

                    Body = "Hi " + txtReco2Name.Text + ", <br /> <br />" +
                           txtFirstName.Text + " " + txtLastName.Text + " is applying for a scholarship and has requested you for a recommendation." +
                           "<br />Click on the link below to submit your recommendation. <br />" +
                           "<a href=\"" + Reco2Link + "\">" + Reco2Link + "</a>" + "<br />Thank You.<br /><br />This is an auto-generated mail, please do not reply.";
                    mailReco.Body = Body;

                    //Mail to Applicant
                    mailReco.Subject = "GA Scholarship - Application Submitted";
                    Body             = "Hi " + txtFirstName.Text + " " + txtLastName.Text + " USC ID:" + txtUSCID.Text + ", <br /> <br />" +
                                       "Your application for Scholarship has been successfully submitted." +
                                       "<br />Your Application Number : " + lblApplicationNumber.Text +
                                       "<br />You can check the status of you application by following the below link:<br />" +
                                       "<a href=\"" + virtualPath + "applicationStatus.aspx\">" + virtualPath + "applicationStatus.aspx</a>  <br />Thank you.<br /><br />This is an auto-generated mail, please do not reply.";
                    mailReco.Body = Body;
            catch (Exception _err)
                lblFileSizeError.Text = "File could not be uploaded!! Error: " + _err.Message;
            lblFileSizeError.Text = "Invalid/Empty FileName!";
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Check user has entered the filepath
        if (fuResume.HasFile)
                if (fuResume.PostedFile.ContentLength > 512000)
                    lblFileSizeError.Text = "Max file size (500KB) exceeded! Current file size:" + (fuResume.PostedFile.ContentLength / 1024).ToString() + "KB";
                    //Create the path for the file.
                    string file = @"C:\\Users\\Rokr047\\Downloads\\Applications\" + lblApplicationNumber.Text + "_" + txtLastName.Text + "_" + txtFirstName.Text + "\\";

                    string filename = Path.GetFileName(fuResume.FileName);
                    fuResume.SaveAs(file + "\\" + filename);

                    //Upload the resume file to ~/Applications/Resume  Filename Format: <Application#>_<LastName>_<FirstName>.ext
                    //Create the path to upload the file to.
                    string resumeLink = "~/Applications/Resume/" + lblApplicationNumber.Text.Trim() + "_" +Path.GetFileName(fuResume.FileName);

                    //Insert Data into Database Table t_Application
                    var appAdapter = new dsMajorTableAdapters.t_ApplicationTableAdapter();

                    //Generate data to insert into t_Recommendation
                    Random objRandom = new Random();
                    int reco1Number = 0;
                    int reco2Number = 0;

                    while(reco1Number == reco2Number)
                        reco1Number = objRandom.Next(1000,9999);
                        reco2Number = objRandom.Next(1000,9999);

                    //Insert Data into t_Recommendation
                    var appAdapterReco = new dsMajorTableAdapters.t_RecommendationTableAdapter();

                    //perform Inserts
                    appAdapter.Insert(Convert.ToInt32(lblApplicationNumber.Text.Trim()), txtFirstName.Text.Trim(), txtLastName.Text.Trim(), txtEmail.Text.Trim(), txtUSCID.Text.Trim(), ddlMajor.SelectedValue.Trim(), resumeLink, "Submitted", reco1Number, reco2Number);
                    appAdapterReco.Insert(reco2Number, txtReco2Name.Text.Trim(), txtReco2Email.Text.Trim(), "NA", "incomplete");

                    //build query string for emailing recommenders
                    string virtualPath = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + Request.ApplicationPath;
                    string Reco1Link = virtualPath + "recommendation.aspx?id=" + lblApplicationNumber.Text + "&r=" + reco1Number;
                    string Reco2Link = virtualPath + "recommendation.aspx?id=" + lblApplicationNumber.Text + "&r=" + reco2Number;

                    //Mail to Recommender 1
                    MailMessage mailReco = new MailMessage();
                    mailReco.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
                    mailReco.Subject = "GA Scholarship - Request for Recommendation";
                    mailReco.IsBodyHtml = true;
                    string Body = "Hi "+txtReco1Name.Text+", <br /> <br />"+
                                  txtFirstName.Text+" "+txtLastName.Text+" is applying for a scholarship and has requested you for a recommendation."+
                                  "<br />Click on the link below to submit your recommendation. <br />"+
                                  "<a href=\"" + Reco1Link + "\">" + Reco1Link + "</a>" + "<br />Thank You.<br /><br />This is an auto-generated mail, please do not reply.";
                    mailReco.Body = Body;

                    SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
                    smtp.Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
                    smtp.Port = 587;
                    smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential
                         ("*****@*****.**", "k@rthiK01");
                    smtp.EnableSsl = true;

                    //Mail to Recommender 2

                    Body = "Hi " + txtReco2Name.Text + ", <br /> <br />" +
                                  txtFirstName.Text + " " + txtLastName.Text + " is applying for a scholarship and has requested you for a recommendation." +
                                  "<br />Click on the link below to submit your recommendation. <br />"+
                                  "<a href=\""+Reco2Link+"\">" + Reco2Link + "</a>" + "<br />Thank You.<br /><br />This is an auto-generated mail, please do not reply.";
                    mailReco.Body = Body;

                    //Mail to Applicant
                    mailReco.Subject = "GA Scholarship - Application Submitted";
                    Body = "Hi " + txtFirstName.Text + " " + txtLastName.Text + " USC ID:"+ txtUSCID.Text +", <br /> <br />" +
                                  "Your application for Scholarship has been successfully submitted."+
                                  "<br />Your Application Number : "+lblApplicationNumber.Text +
                                  "<br />You can check the status of you application by following the below link:<br />"+
                                  "<a href=\""+virtualPath + "applicationStatus.aspx\">"+virtualPath + "applicationStatus.aspx</a>  <br />Thank you.<br /><br />This is an auto-generated mail, please do not reply.";
                    mailReco.Body = Body;
            catch (Exception _err)
                lblFileSizeError.Text = "File could not be uploaded!! Error: " + _err.Message;
            lblFileSizeError.Text = "Invalid/Empty FileName!";