Example #1
    public override DataSet Clone()
        dsCustOrderHist cln = ((dsCustOrderHist)(base.Clone()));

Example #2
    public CustomerAndOrderHistoryInfo GetCustomerOrderHistory(string strCustID)
        // Attempt to connect to the local SQL server instance, and a local
        // MSDE installation (with Northwind).

        bool IsConnecting = true;
        CustomerAndOrderHistoryInfo cohi = null;

        while (IsConnecting)
            // The SqlConnection class allows you to communicate with SQL Server.
            // The constructor accepts a connection string an argument.  This
            // connection string uses Integrated Security, which means that you
            // must have a login in SQL Server, or be part of the Administrators
            // group for this to work.

            SqlConnection scnnNW = new SqlConnection(strConn);

            // A SqlCommand object is used to execute the SQL commands.

            SqlCommand scmd = new SqlCommand("CustOrderHist", scnnNW);

            // Create an instance of the custom return type.

            cohi = new CustomerAndOrderHistoryInfo();

                // Tell the Command object that the text you passed when creating
                // the object was for a stored procedure instead of ad hoc SQL.
                scmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                // Add a SqlParamter object to pass to the stored procedure.
                scmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerID",
                                                     SqlDbType.NChar, 5)).Value = strCustID;
                // A SqlDataAdapter uses the SqlCommand object to fill a DataSet.
                SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(scmd);
                // Create an instance of the typed DataSet.
                dsCustOrderHist dsOrderHistory = new dsCustOrderHist();

                // Unlike generic DataSets, When filling a typed Dataset you must
                // pass the DataTable (or DataTableName, e.g., this is acceptable
                // also: sda.Fill(dsOrderHistory, dsOrderHistory.Tables(0).TableName).
                // if you just pass the typed Dataset instance there will be no
                // runtime error but you'll have no results in the DataTable, which
                // could be quite puzzling if you know (using SQL Server Profiler)
                // that the SQL executed and returned data. Also, notice that the
                // table takes the same name the stored procedure.


                // Data has been successfully retrieved, so break out of the loop
                // and close the status form.

                IsConnecting = false;

                // Assign the filled, typed Dataset to the Orders field of the custom
                // type.

                cohi.Orders = dsOrderHistory;

                // Change the Command text to retrieve the company name.

                scmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT CompanyName " +
                    "FROM Customers " +
                    "WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID";

                // Change the CommandType to ad hoc SQL.

                scmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                // Open a connection and execute the new SQL statement. Use
                // ExecuteScalar() for performance gains because you know you
                // are only interested in the first column of the first row
                // of data returned. (In this case that is all that is returned
                // anyway.) Only set the CompanyName property if a name is found.
                // Without this you generate an exception for a bad Customer ID.

                object objReturnVal = scmd.ExecuteScalar();

                if (objReturnVal != System.DBNull.Value)
                    cohi.CompanyName = objReturnVal.ToString();
            catch (SqlException expSql)
                throw new Exception(expSql.Message);
            catch (Exception exp)
                if (strConn == SQL_CONNECTION_STRING)
                    // Couldn't connect to SQL Server.  Now try MSDE.
                    strConn = MSDE_CONNECTION_STRING;
                    // Unable to connect to SQL Server or MSDE
                    throw new Exception(exp.Message);
                // Close the connection.
