Example #1
        private void Control_MouseDown(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
            Point mousePoint = PointToClient(Cursor.Position);

            for (int i = 0; i < windowInfo.Count; i++)
                if (windowInfo[i].hasGrip)
                    switch (windowInfo[i].dock)
                        case dockMode.Right:
                        case dockMode.Left:
                            Rectangle gripRectRL = new Rectangle(windowInfo[i].window.Left, windowInfo[i].window.Top + windowInfo[i].window.Height, windowInfo[i].window.Width, gripSize);

                            if (gripRectRL.Contains(mousePoint))
                                Cursor.Current = Cursors.HSplit;
                                drag = true;
                                dragIndex = i;
                                dragMousePosition = Cursor.Position;
                                dragMode = resizeMode.windowOnly;
                                dragSize = windowInfo[i].window.Size;
                                int belowWindow = getBelowWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[i].window), windowInfo[i].dock, i);
                                if (belowWindow > -1) dragNearWindowLocation = windowInfo[belowWindow].window.Location;

                        case dockMode.Bottom:
                        case dockMode.Top:
                            Rectangle gripRectBT = new Rectangle(windowInfo[i].window.Left + windowInfo[i].window.Width, windowInfo[i].window.Top, gripSize, windowInfo[i].window.Height);

                            if (gripRectBT.Contains(mousePoint))
                                Cursor.Current = Cursors.VSplit;
                                drag = true;
                                dragIndex = i;
                                dragMousePosition = Cursor.Position;
                                dragMode = resizeMode.windowOnly;
                                dragSize = windowInfo[i].window.Size;
                                int rightWindow = getRightWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[i].window), windowInfo[i].dock, i);
                                if (rightWindow > -1) dragNearWindowLocation = windowInfo[rightWindow].window.Location;

            Rectangle rightDockDrag = new Rectangle(((rect.X + rect.Width) - rightDockWidth) - gripSize, rect.Y, gripSize, rect.Height);
            Rectangle leftDockDrag = new Rectangle(rect.X + leftDockWidth, rect.Y, gripSize, rect.Height);
            Rectangle bottomDockDrag = new Rectangle(rect.X, ((rect.Y + rect.Height) - bottomDockHeight) - gripSize, rect.Width, gripSize);
            Rectangle topDockDrag = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y + topDockHeight, rect.Width, gripSize);

            if ((windowCount(dockMode.Right) > 0) && rightDockDrag.Contains(mousePoint))
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.VSplit;
                drag = true;
                dragMousePosition = Cursor.Position;
                dragMode = resizeMode.entireSide;
                dragSide = dockMode.Right;
            else if ((windowCount(dockMode.Left) > 0) && leftDockDrag.Contains(mousePoint))
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.VSplit;
                drag = true;
                dragMousePosition = Cursor.Position;
                dragMode = resizeMode.entireSide;
                dragSide = dockMode.Left;
            else if ((windowCount(dockMode.Bottom) > 0) && bottomDockDrag.Contains(mousePoint))
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.HSplit;
                drag = true;
                dragMousePosition = Cursor.Position;
                dragMode = resizeMode.entireSide;
                dragSide = dockMode.Bottom;
            else if ((windowCount(dockMode.Top) > 0) && topDockDrag.Contains(mousePoint))
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.HSplit;
                drag = true;
                dragMousePosition = Cursor.Position;
                dragMode = resizeMode.entireSide;
                dragSide = dockMode.Top;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the Rectangle of the total area of a given dock side.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dock"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Rectangle getDockRect(dockMode dock)
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
            Rectangle rightDock = new Rectangle((rect.X + rect.Width) - rightDockWidth, rect.Y, rightDockWidth, rect.Height);
            Rectangle leftDock = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, leftDockWidth, rect.Height);
            Rectangle bottomDock = new Rectangle(rect.X, (rect.Y + rect.Height) - bottomDockHeight, rect.Width, bottomDockHeight);
            Rectangle topDock = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, topDockHeight);
            Rectangle centerDock = new Rectangle(rect.Location, rect.Size);

            //Redimensiona os espaços de dock de acordo com outros Dock Sides existentes
            if (windowCount(dockMode.Right) > 0)
                bottomDock.Width -= (rightDockWidth + gripSize);
                topDock.Width -= (rightDockWidth + gripSize);
                centerDock.Width -= (rightDockWidth + gripSize);
            if (windowCount(dockMode.Left) > 0)
                bottomDock.X += leftDockWidth + gripSize;
                bottomDock.Width -= (leftDockWidth + gripSize);

                topDock.X += leftDockWidth + gripSize;
                topDock.Width -= (leftDockWidth + gripSize);

                centerDock.X += leftDockWidth + gripSize;
                centerDock.Width -= (leftDockWidth + gripSize);
            if (windowCount(dockMode.Bottom) > 0) centerDock.Height -= (bottomDockHeight + gripSize);
            if (windowCount(dockMode.Top) > 0)
                centerDock.Y += topDockHeight + gripSize;
                centerDock.Height -= (topDockHeight + gripSize);

            switch (dock)
                case dockMode.Right: return rightDock;
                case dockMode.Left: return leftDock;
                case dockMode.Bottom: return bottomDock;
                case dockMode.Top: return topDock;
                case dockMode.Center: return centerDock;

            return Rectangle.Empty;
Example #3
        private void resize(Rectangle rect, dockMode dock)
            Rectangle dockRect = getDockRect(dock);

            int top = dockRect.Top;
            int left = dockRect.Left;

            List<int> indexList = new List<int>();

            switch (dock)
                case dockMode.Right:
                case dockMode.Left:
                    int indexRL = getTopmostWindow(dock);
                    while (indexRL > -1)
                        indexRL = getBelowWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[indexRL].window), dock, indexRL);

                    for (int i = 0; i < indexList.Count; i++)
                        int index = indexList[i];
                        windowInfo[index].window.Top = top;
                        windowInfo[index].window.Left = dockRect.Left;
                        windowInfo[index].window.Width = dockRect.Width;
                        if (i != indexList.Count - 1)
                            windowInfo[index].window.Height = (int)(rect.Height * windowInfo[index].windowProportions.Height) - gripSize;
                            windowInfo[index].hasGrip = true;
                            windowInfo[index].window.Height = ((dockRect.Y + dockRect.Height) - windowInfo[index].window.Top);
                            windowInfo[index].hasGrip = false;
                        top += windowInfo[index].window.Height + gripSize;


                case dockMode.Bottom:
                case dockMode.Top:
                    int indexBT = getLeftmostWindow(dock);
                    while (indexBT > -1)
                        indexBT = getRightWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[indexBT].window), dock, indexBT);

                    for (int i = 0; i < indexList.Count; i++)
                        int index = indexList[i];
                        windowInfo[index].window.Top = dockRect.Top;
                        windowInfo[index].window.Left = left;
                        windowInfo[index].window.Height = dockRect.Height;
                        if (i != indexList.Count - 1)
                            windowInfo[index].window.Width = (int)(rect.Width * windowInfo[index].windowProportions.Width) - gripSize;
                            windowInfo[index].hasGrip = true;
                            windowInfo[index].window.Width = ((dockRect.X + dockRect.Width) - windowInfo[index].window.Left);
                            windowInfo[index].hasGrip = false;
                        left += windowInfo[index].window.Width + gripSize;


                case dockMode.Center:
                    int centerIndex = getCenterWindow();
                    if (centerIndex > -1)
                        windowInfo[centerIndex].window.Location = dockRect.Location;
                        windowInfo[centerIndex].window.Size = dockRect.Size;

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the last window from left to right of a given dock side.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dock">Top or Bottom dock side</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int getRightmostWindow(dockMode dock)
            int index = -1;
            int left = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < windowInfo.Count; i++)
                if (windowInfo[i].dock == dock)
                    if (windowInfo[i].window.Left >= left)
                        left = windowInfo[i].window.Left;
                        index = i;

            return index;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Try to get enough space to create a dock side, reducing existing dock sides.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dock">Target dock side</param>
        /// <param name="newSpace">Necessary space to be freed</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if it get enough space or false if it doesn't</returns>
        private bool getSpaceToCreateDockSide(dockMode dock, int newSpace)
            switch (dock)
                case dockMode.Right:
                case dockMode.Left:
                    int bottomIndex = -1, topIndex = -1;
                    bool centerHasSpace = false;

                    int width = newSpace + gripSize;

                    //Primeiro verifica se é possivel encontrar um controle nos 3 docks do meio que dê para reduzir para caber o novo Dock Side
                    int bIndex = dock == dockMode.Right ? getRightmostWindow(dockMode.Bottom) : getLeftmostWindow(dockMode.Bottom); //Bottom
                    while (bIndex > -1)
                        if ((windowInfo[bIndex].window.Width - width) >= minimumWidth)
                            bottomIndex = bIndex;

                        Rectangle w = getRectangle(windowInfo[bIndex].window);
                        bIndex = dock == dockMode.Right ? getLeftWindow(w, dockMode.Bottom, bIndex) : getRightWindow(w, dockMode.Bottom, bIndex);

                    int tIndex = dock == dockMode.Right ? getRightmostWindow(dockMode.Top) : getLeftmostWindow(dockMode.Top); //Top
                    while (tIndex > -1)
                        if ((windowInfo[tIndex].window.Width - width) >= minimumWidth)
                            topIndex = tIndex;

                        Rectangle w = getRectangle(windowInfo[tIndex].window);
                        tIndex = dock == dockMode.Right ? getLeftWindow(w, dockMode.Top, tIndex) : getRightWindow(w, dockMode.Top, tIndex);

                    foreach (windowInfoStruct w in windowInfo.Where(w => w.dock == dockMode.Center && (w.window.Width - width) >= minimumWidth))
                        centerHasSpace = true;

                    //Redimensiona e reposiciona os Windows para dar espaço ao novo Dock Side
                    bool result = (bottomIndex > -1 || windowCount(dockMode.Bottom) == 0) && (topIndex > -1 || windowCount(dockMode.Top) == 0) && (centerHasSpace || windowCount(dockMode.Center) == 0);
                    if (width + (windowCount(dockMode.Right) > 0 ? rightDockWidth : 0) + (windowCount(dockMode.Left) > 0 ? leftDockWidth : 0) + gripSize * 2 > Width) result = false;

                    if (result)
                        if (dock == dockMode.Right) //Lado direito
                            if (bottomIndex > -1)
                                windowInfo[bottomIndex].window.Width -= width;

                                int index = getRightWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[bottomIndex].window), dockMode.Bottom, bottomIndex);
                                while (index > -1)
                                    windowInfo[index].window.Left -= width;

                                    index = getRightWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[index].window), dockMode.Bottom, index);

                            if (topIndex > -1)
                                windowInfo[topIndex].window.Width -= width;

                                int index = getRightWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[topIndex].window), dockMode.Top, topIndex);
                                while (index > -1)
                                    windowInfo[index].window.Left -= width;

                                    index = getRightWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[index].window), dockMode.Top, index);

                            if (windowCount(dockMode.Center) > 0)
                                int index = getCenterWindow();
                                windowInfo[index].window.Width -= width;
                        else //Lado esquerdo
                            if (bottomIndex > -1)
                                windowInfo[bottomIndex].window.Width -= width;
                                windowInfo[bottomIndex].window.Left += width;

                                int index = getLeftWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[bottomIndex].window), dockMode.Bottom, bottomIndex);
                                while (index > -1)
                                    windowInfo[index].window.Left += width;

                                    index = getLeftWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[index].window), dockMode.Bottom, index);

                            if (topIndex > -1)
                                windowInfo[topIndex].window.Width -= width;
                                windowInfo[topIndex].window.Left += width;

                                int index = getLeftWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[topIndex].window), dockMode.Top, topIndex);
                                while (index > -1)
                                    windowInfo[index].window.Left += width;

                                    index = getLeftWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[index].window), dockMode.Top, index);

                            if (windowCount(dockMode.Center) > 0)
                                int index = getCenterWindow();
                                windowInfo[index].window.Width -= width;
                                windowInfo[index].window.Left += width;

                    return result;
                case dockMode.Bottom:
                    int bottomHeight = newSpace + gripSize;
                    bool hasBottom = windowCount(dockMode.Top) == 0 || ((Height - topDockHeight) >= bottomHeight);
                    if (bottomHeight + (windowCount(dockMode.Bottom) > 0 ? bottomDockHeight : 0) + (windowCount(dockMode.Top) > 0 ? topDockHeight : 0) + gripSize * 2 > Height) hasBottom = false;

                    if (windowCount(dockMode.Center) > 0)
                        int index = getCenterWindow();
                        if (windowInfo[index].window.Height - bottomHeight >= minimumHeight)
                            windowInfo[index].window.Height -= bottomHeight;
                            hasBottom = false;

                    return hasBottom;
                case dockMode.Top:
                    int topHeight = newSpace + gripSize;
                    bool hasTop = windowCount(dockMode.Bottom) == 0 || ((Height - bottomDockHeight) >= topHeight);
                    if (topHeight + (windowCount(dockMode.Bottom) > 0 ? bottomDockHeight : 0) + (windowCount(dockMode.Top) > 0 ? topDockHeight : 0) + gripSize * 2 > Height) hasTop = false;

                    if (windowCount(dockMode.Center) > 0)
                        int index = getCenterWindow();
                        if (windowInfo[index].window.Height - topHeight >= minimumHeight)
                            windowInfo[index].window.Height -= topHeight;
                            windowInfo[index].window.Top += topHeight;
                            hasTop = false;

                    return hasTop;

            return false;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the last window from top to bottom of a given dock side.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dock">Left or Right dock side</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int getBottommostWindow(dockMode dock)
            int index = -1;
            int top = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < windowInfo.Count; i++)
                if (windowInfo[i].dock == dock)
                    if (windowInfo[i].window.Top >= top)
                        top = windowInfo[i].window.Top;
                        index = i;

            return index;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the first window from left to right of a given dock side.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dock">Top or Bottom dock side</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int getLeftmostWindow(dockMode dock)
            int index = -1;
            int left = int.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < windowInfo.Count; i++)
                if (windowInfo[i].dock == dock)
                    if (windowInfo[i].window.Left < left)
                        left = windowInfo[i].window.Left;
                        index = i;

            return index;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the first window from top to bottom of a given dock side.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dock">Left or Right dock side</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int getTopmostWindow(dockMode dock)
            int index = -1;
            int top = int.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < windowInfo.Count; i++)
                if (windowInfo[i].dock == dock)
                    if (windowInfo[i].window.Top < top)
                        top = windowInfo[i].window.Top;
                        index = i;

            return index;
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 ///     Counts the number of Windows on a given dock side.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dock"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private int windowCount(dockMode dock)
     return windowInfo.Count(t => t.dock == dock);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        ///     Automatically arrange the Windows on a given dock side when a Window is removed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dock"></param>
        /// <param name="dockRect"></param>
        private void autoArrange(dockMode dock, Rectangle dockRect)
            int top = dockRect.Top;
            int left = dockRect.Left;

            switch (dock)
                case dockMode.Right:
                case dockMode.Left:
                    int indexRL = getTopmostWindow(dock);
                    while (indexRL > -1)
                        int belowWindow = getBelowWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[indexRL].window), dock, indexRL);

                        windowInfo[indexRL].window.Top = top;
                        windowInfo[indexRL].window.Left = dockRect.Left;
                        windowInfo[indexRL].window.Width = dockRect.Width;
                        if (belowWindow > -1)
                            windowInfo[indexRL].window.Height = (windowInfo[belowWindow].window.Top - windowInfo[indexRL].window.Top) - gripSize;
                            windowInfo[indexRL].hasGrip = true;
                            windowInfo[indexRL].window.Height = ((dockRect.Y + dockRect.Height) - windowInfo[indexRL].window.Top);
                            windowInfo[indexRL].hasGrip = false;
                        top += windowInfo[indexRL].window.Height + gripSize;
                        indexRL = belowWindow;

                case dockMode.Bottom:
                case dockMode.Top:
                    int indexBT = getLeftmostWindow(dock);
                    while (indexBT > -1)
                        int rightWindow = getRightWindow(getRectangle(windowInfo[indexBT].window), dock, indexBT);

                        windowInfo[indexBT].window.Top = dockRect.Top;
                        windowInfo[indexBT].window.Left = left;
                        windowInfo[indexBT].window.Height = dockRect.Height;
                        if (rightWindow > -1)
                            windowInfo[indexBT].window.Width = (windowInfo[rightWindow].window.Left - windowInfo[indexBT].window.Left) - gripSize;
                            windowInfo[indexBT].hasGrip = true;
                            windowInfo[indexBT].window.Width = ((dockRect.X + dockRect.Width) - windowInfo[indexBT].window.Left);
                            windowInfo[indexBT].hasGrip = false;
                        left += windowInfo[indexBT].window.Width + gripSize;
                        indexBT = rightWindow;

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the Window placed exactly at the right side of Rectangle passed to the function.
        ///     Returns -1 if it can't find any Window at the right.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">The rectangle at where your window is located</param>
        /// <param name="dock">The docking mode that will be used</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreIndex">Index of the Window used to be ignored</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the Index for the Window on the list, or -1 if it can't be found</returns>
        private int getRightWindow(Rectangle rect, dockMode dock, int ignoreIndex)
            int index = -1;
            int left = int.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < windowInfo.Count; i++)
                if (windowInfo[i].dock == dock && windowInfo[i].window.Left >= rect.X && i != ignoreIndex)
                    if (windowInfo[i].window.Left < left)
                        left = windowInfo[i].window.Left;
                        index = i;

            return index;
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the Window placed exactly below the Rectangle passed to the function.
        ///     Returns -1 if it can't find any Window below.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">The rectangle at where your window is located</param>
        /// <param name="dock">The docking mode that will be used</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreIndex">Index of the Window used to be ignored</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the Index for the Window on the list, or -1 if it can't be found</returns>
        private int getBelowWindow(Rectangle rect, dockMode dock, int ignoreIndex)
            int index = -1;
            int top = int.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < windowInfo.Count; i++)
                if (windowInfo[i].dock == dock && windowInfo[i].window.Top >= rect.Y && i != ignoreIndex)
                    if (windowInfo[i].window.Top < top)
                        top = windowInfo[i].window.Top;
                        index = i;

            return index;