internal void InsertNewItemRow(DataGrid grdItems, dhSaleItem newItem) { //ItemsList updatedList = new ItemsList(); //var itemsSource = grdItems.ItemsSource as IEnumerable; //int SerialCounter = 1; //double total = 0; //// add the total ammount //total = total + Convert.ToDouble(newItem.FGrossAmount); //if (null != itemsSource) //{ // IEnumerable<DataGridRow> row = blUtil.GetDataGridRows(grdItems); // //updatedList.Remove( // /// go through each row in the datagrid // foreach (DataGridRow r in row) // { // if (r != null) // { // dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; // gridRowObject.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; // SerialCounter = SerialCounter + 1; // total = total + Convert.ToDouble(gridRowObject.FGrossAmount); // updatedList.Add(gridRowObject); // } // } //} //newItem.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; //updatedList.Add(newItem); //grdItems.ItemsSource = updatedList; }
public void RemoveItem(DataGrid objDataGrid, dhSaleItem objectToRemove, dhDBnames ObjDbName, bool?isDraft) { ItemsList updatedList = new ItemsList(); var row = blUtil.GetDataGridRows(objDataGrid); foreach (DataGridRow r in row) { dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; updatedList.Add(gridRowObject); } //ftotalamountTextBox.Text = total.ToString(); if (isDraft == true) { blInvoice objblInovice = new blInvoice(); objectToRemove.BIsDraft = isDraft; DataSet ds = objblInovice.RemoveSaleInoviceItem(ObjDbName, objectToRemove); updatedList.Remove(objectToRemove); //bl objblItems = null; } else { updatedList.Remove(objectToRemove); } objDataGrid.ItemsSource = updatedList; }
public DataSet RemoveSaleInoviceItem(dhDBnames objDBNames, dhSaleItem objInvoiceItem) { DataSet ds; ds = objDALGeneral.RemoveSaleInoviceItem(objDBNames, objInvoiceItem); return(ds); }
public void InsertNewItemRow(DataGrid objDataGrid, dhSaleItem newItem, TextBox ftotalamountTextBox) { ItemsList updatedList = new ItemsList(); var itemsSource = objDataGrid.ItemsSource as IEnumerable; int SerialCounter = 1; double total = 0; // add the total ammount total = total + Convert.ToDouble(newItem.FGrossAmount); if (null != itemsSource) { IEnumerable <DataGridRow> row = blUtil.GetDataGridRows(objDataGrid); //updatedList.Remove( /// go through each row in the datagrid foreach (DataGridRow r in row) { if (r != null) { dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; gridRowObject.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; SerialCounter = SerialCounter + 1; total = total + Convert.ToDouble(gridRowObject.FGrossAmount); updatedList.Add(gridRowObject); } } } newItem.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; updatedList.Add(newItem); ftotalamountTextBox.Text = total.ToString(); objDataGrid.ItemsSource = updatedList; }
internal DataSet InsertUpdateProductionItem(DataHolders.dhDBnames dhDBnames, dhSaleItem objProductionitem) { DataSet ds; ds = objDALGeneral.InsertUpdateProductionItem(dhDBnames, objProductionitem); return(ds); }
// helping function to get data table //private static DataTable DataViewAsDataTable(DataView dv) //{ // DataTable dt = dv.Table.Clone(); // foreach (DataRowView drv in dv) // { // dt.ImportRow(drv.Row); // } // return dt; //} public void InsertNewRow(DataGrid objDataGrid) { // create Empty data dsGeneral.dtPosSaleItemDataTable dt = new dsGeneral.dtPosSaleItemDataTable(); blSaleItemList updatedList = new blSaleItemList(); // DataView view = (DataView) objDataGrid.ItemsSource; // DataTable objDT = DataViewAsDataTable(view); // dt = (dsGeneral.dtPosSaleItemDataTable)objDataGrid.ItemsSource;// (dsGeneral.dtPosSaleItemDataTable)objDT; // create a new row //dsGeneral.dtPosSaleItemRow dtRow = (dsGeneral.dtPosSaleItemRow)dt.NewRow(); //dtRow[0] = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1][0]; //dt.AdddtPosSaleItemRow(dtRow); var row = blUtil.GetDataGridRows(objDataGrid); /// go through each row in the datagrid foreach (DataGridRow r in row) { dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; updatedList.Add(gridRowObject); // Get the state of what's in column 1 of the current row (in my case a string) // string t = rv.Row[1].ToString(); } // create a new object and add to list dhSaleItem objNewRow = new dhSaleItem(); updatedList.Add(objNewRow); objDataGrid.ItemsSource = updatedList; }
public void RemoveItem(DataGrid objDataGrid, dhSaleItem objectToRemove, dhDBnames ObjDbName, bool?isDraft) { ItemsList updatedList = new ItemsList(); if ((ItemsList)objDataGrid.ItemsSource != null) { ItemsList templist = (ItemsList)objDataGrid.ItemsSource; foreach (dhSaleItem item in templist) { // dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; // item.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; // SerialCounter = SerialCounter - 1; // total = total + Convert.ToDouble(item.FGrossAmount); updatedList.Add(item); } } //var row = blUtil.GetDataGridRows(objDataGrid); //foreach (DataGridRow r in row) //{ // dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; // updatedList.Add(gridRowObject); //} //ftotalamountTextBox.Text = total.ToString(); if (isDraft == true) { blInvoice objblInovice = new blInvoice(); objectToRemove.BIsDraft = isDraft; DataSet ds = objblInovice.RemoveSaleInoviceItem(ObjDbName, objectToRemove); updatedList.Remove(objectToRemove); //bl objblItems = null; } else { updatedList.Remove(objectToRemove); } int SerialCounter = 1; double total = 0; //total = total + Convert.ToDouble(newItem.FGrossAmount); SerialCounter = updatedList.Count > 0 ? updatedList.Count : 1; //newItem.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; ItemsList NewList = new ItemsList(); // obj removed now let we sort with serial foreach (dhSaleItem item in updatedList) { //dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; item.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; SerialCounter = SerialCounter - 1; NewList.Add(item); // total = total + Convert.ToDouble(item.FGrossAmount); } objDataGrid.ItemsSource = NewList; }
public static void RemoveItem(DataGrid objDataGrid, dhSaleItem objectToRemove, dhDBnames ObjDbName, bool?iSDraft) { try { if (objblItems == null) { objblItems = new blItems(); } { objblItems.RemoveItem(objDataGrid, objectToRemove, ObjDbName, iSDraft); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static void InsertNewItemRow(DataGrid objDataGrid, dhSaleItem neItem, TextBox ftotalamountTextBox) { try { if (objblItems == null) { objblItems = new blItems(); } { objblItems.InsertNewItemRow(objDataGrid, neItem, ftotalamountTextBox); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static void InsertNewItemRow(DataGrid grdItems, dhSaleItem newItem) { try { if (objblItems == null) { objblItems = new blItems(); } { objblItems.InsertNewItemRow(grdItems, newItem); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { if (targetType != typeof(bool)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The target must be a boolean"); } dhSaleItem oj = (dhSaleItem)value; if (oj.BIsEditAbleInInvoice == "False") { return("False"); } else { return("True"); } //Boolean invers = ( Convert.ToBoolean( oj.BIsEditAbleInInvoice) != false ? false : true); //return oj.BIsEditAbleInInvoice; }
public void InsertNewItemRow(DataGrid objDataGrid, dhSaleItem newItem, TextBox ftotalamountTextBox) { ItemsList updatedList = new ItemsList(); int SerialCounter = 1; double total = 0; total = total + Convert.ToDouble(newItem.FGrossAmount); SerialCounter = objDataGrid.Items.Count > 0 ? objDataGrid.Items.Count + 1 : 1; newItem.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; updatedList.Add(newItem); SerialCounter--; if ((ItemsList)objDataGrid.ItemsSource != null) { ItemsList templist = (ItemsList)objDataGrid.ItemsSource; foreach (dhSaleItem item in templist) { // dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; item.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; SerialCounter = SerialCounter - 1; total = total + Convert.ToDouble(item.FGrossAmount); updatedList.Add(item); } } //else //{ //} // add the total ammount //if (null != updatedList) //{ // //IEnumerable<DataGridRow> row = blUtil.GetDataGridRows(objDataGrid); // ////updatedList.Remove( // ///// go through each row in the datagrid // // foreach (DataGridRow r in row) // // { // // if (r != null) // // { // // dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; // // gridRowObject.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter ; // // SerialCounter = SerialCounter + 1; // // total = total + Convert.ToDouble(gridRowObject.FGrossAmount); // // updatedList.Add(gridRowObject); // // } // // } //} // updatedList.Add(newItem); ftotalamountTextBox.Text = total.ToString(); objDataGrid.ItemsSource = updatedList; //ItemsList updatedList = new ItemsList(); //var itemsSource = objDataGrid.ItemsSource as IEnumerable; //int SerialCounter = 1; //double total = 0; //// add the total ammount //total = total + Convert.ToDouble(newItem.FGrossAmount); //if (null != itemsSource) //{ //IEnumerable<DataGridRow> row = blUtil.GetDataGridRows(objDataGrid); ////updatedList.Remove( ///// go through each row in the datagrid // foreach (DataGridRow r in row) // { // if (r != null) // { // dhSaleItem gridRowObject = (dhSaleItem)r.Item; // gridRowObject.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter ; // SerialCounter = SerialCounter + 1; // total = total + Convert.ToDouble(gridRowObject.FGrossAmount); // updatedList.Add(gridRowObject); // } // } // } //newItem.ISerialNumber = SerialCounter; //updatedList.Add(newItem); //ftotalamountTextBox.Text = total.ToString(); //objDataGrid.ItemsSource = updatedList; }
public DataSet InsertUpdateProductionItem(dhDBnames dhDBnames, dhSaleItem item) { DataSet dsreturn = objDatabase.GetDataSet(dhDBnames, item, "xmlInsertUpdateProductionItem"); return(dsreturn); }
public DataSet RemoveSaleInoviceItem(dhDBnames objDBNames, dhSaleItem objInvoiceItem) { DataSet dsreturn = objDatabase.GetDataSet(objDBNames, objInvoiceItem, "xmlRemoveSaleInoviceItem"); return(dsreturn); }
public DataSet InsertUpdateSaleInoviceItem(dhDBnames objDBNames, dhSaleItem objInvoice) { DataSet dsreturn = objDatabase.GetDataSet(objDBNames, objInvoice, "xmlInsertUpdateSaleInoviceItem"); return(dsreturn); }