public ActionResult SaveList(int year, List <vwDayOffSum> data) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); DataTable tb = new DataTable(); tb = dbh.sql2tb("select workNo,m,v1 from dayOffSums where y = " + year.ToString() + " and sType='a'"); List <string> sqlList = new List <string>(); foreach (vwDayOffSum item in data) { List <decimal> vlist = new List <decimal>(); vlist.Add(item.m0a); vlist.Add(item.m1a); vlist.Add(item.m2a); vlist.Add(item.m3a); vlist.Add(item.m4a); vlist.Add(item.m5a); vlist.Add(item.m6a); vlist.Add(item.m7a); vlist.Add(item.m8a); vlist.Add(item.m9a); vlist.Add(item.m10a); vlist.Add(item.m11a); vlist.Add(item.m12a); for (int i = 0; i < vlist.Count; i++) { foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows) { if (row["workNo"].ToString() == item.workNo && row["m"].ToString() == i.ToString() && ((Convert.ToDecimal(row["v1"]) - vlist[i]) != 0) ) { sqlList.Add( string.Format( "update dayOffSums set v1 = {0} where y = {1} and m = {2} and sType = 'a' and workNo = '{3}';", vlist[i], year, i, item.workNo ) ); break; } if (sqlList.Count == 10) { dbh.execSql(string.Join(" ", sqlList)); sqlList.Clear(); } } } } if (sqlList.Count > 0) { dbh.execSql(string.Join(" ", sqlList)); } dynamic r = new ExpandoObject(); r.success = true; return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r), "application /json")); }
public ActionResult Delete(string hid) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); dbh.execSql("delete from jobpoes where depNo='" + hid + "'"); dbh.execSql("delete from deps where depNo='" + hid + "'"); //dbh.execSql("delete from PoUsers where poNo in (select poNo from jobPoes)"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult DeletePo(string id) { dbHelper dbq = new dbHelper(); dbq.execSql("delete from jobPoes where poNo='" + id + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Dep", new { id = Request["depNo"].ToString() })); }
public ActionResult DeleteSub(string hid, string hpid) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); dbh.execSql("delete from FlowDefSub where id='" + hid + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("SetupFlow", new { id = hpid })); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); dbh.execSql("update dbo.AspNetUsers set status=0,workNo=workNo+'-remove' where Id='" + id + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); string filepath = dbh.sql2Str("select fileUrl from news where id='" + id + "'"); try { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\inetpub\upload\" + id); while (di.GetFiles().Count() > 0) { di.GetFiles()[0].Delete(); } di.Delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { string exs = ex.Message; } dbh.execSql("delete from news where id='" + id + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Delete(FormCollection formCollection) { try { string[] ids = formCollection["ID"].Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (ids.Count() == 0) { return(RedirectToAction("ListAll")); } List <string> idList = new List <string>(); foreach (string s in ids) { idList.Add("'" + s + "'"); } string instr = string.Join(",", idList); dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); dbh.execSql("update flowmains set flowStatus=99 where id in (" + instr + ")"); return(RedirectToAction("ListAll")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("ListAll")); } }
public ActionResult Create(news model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.newsType)) { initNewsTypeList(""); ModelState.AddModelError("newsType", "請選擇公告類別"); return(View(model)); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { initNewsTypeList(model.newsType); return(View(model)); } var context = new ApplicationDbContext(); string ModelID = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ModelID =; model.createTime2 = context.getLocalTiime(); //if (fileUrl != "") //{ // model.fileUrl = fileUrl; //} context.newsList.Add(model); } else { news currentModel = context.newsList.Where(x => ==; ModelID =; currentModel.title = model.title; currentModel.createTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(28800); model.createTime2 = context.getLocalTiime(); currentModel.content = model.content; currentModel.ndate = model.ndate; currentModel.newsType = model.newsType; //if (fileUrl != "") //{ // currentModel.fileUrl = fileUrl; //} } try { context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { string s = ex.Message; ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); return(View()); } dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); string sfilelist = dbh.sql2Str("select fileUrl from news where id='" + ModelID + "'"); JArray jlist = new JArray(); try { jlist = JArray.Parse(sfilelist); } catch (Exception ex) { jlist = new JArray(); } for (int idx = 0; idx < Request.Files.Count; idx++) { var file = Request.Files[idx]; if (file == null) { continue; } if (file.ContentLength > 0) { string originFileName = file.FileName; string filename = file.FileName.Replace("%", "").Replace(" ", "_"); string fileUrl = ModelID + @"/" + filename; var path = @"C:\inetpub\upload\" + ModelID + @"\"; DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (di.Exists == false) { di.Create(); } path = path + @"\" + filename; try { file.SaveAs(path); JObject fileObj = new JObject(); fileObj["fileName"] = originFileName; fileObj["fileUrl"] = ModelID + @"\" + filename; jlist.Add(fileObj); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } dbh.execSql("update news set fileUrl=N'" + jlist.ToString() + "' where id='" + ModelID + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public static bool doMigrate(DbMigrationsConfiguration config) { var migrator = new DbMigrator(config); bool _pendingMigrations = migrator.GetPendingMigrations().Any(); // If there are pending migrations run migrator.Update() to create/update the database then run the Seed() method to populate // the data if necessary if (_pendingMigrations) { migrator.Update(); var context = new Models.ApplicationDbContext(); importDefaultRole(context); importDefaultAdmin(context); dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); dbh.execSql("update deps set sort=1 where sort=null"); if (context.newsTypeList.Count() == 0) { seedingNewsTypeList(context); } if (context.dayOffTypeList.Count() == 0) { context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 1, v = "事假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 2, v = "家庭照顧假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 3, v = "普通傷病假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 4, v = "生理假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 5, v = "公傷病假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 6, v = "婚假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 7, v = "喪假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 8, v = "陪產假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 9, v = "產檢假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 10, v = "產假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 11, v = "安胎假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 12, v = "公假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 13, v = "特別休假" }); context.dayOffTypeList.Add(new dayOffType { k = 14, v = "補休" }); context.SaveChanges(); } createFlowDef(context); createPermMod(context); } return(true); }
public ActionResult SignIt(FormCollection collection) { var context = new ApplicationDbContext(); string id = collection["hid"].ToString(); string signValue = collection["signValue"].ToString(); string signMemo = collection["signMemo"].ToString(); string workNo = context.Users.Where(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault().workNo; FlowSub fsub = context.FlowSubList.Where(x => == id && x.workNo == workNo && x.signType != 701).FirstOrDefault(); FlowMain fmain = ctx.FlowMainList.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault(); bool bIsGmDep = false; bIsGmDep = isGmDep(workNo); if (fsub != null && fmain != null) { if (fmain.defId == "OverTime") { fsub.signDate = context.getLocalTiime(); fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue); fsub.comment = signMemo; context.SaveChanges(); dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); if (fsub.signResult == 1) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'"); } if (fsub.signResult == 2) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'"); } } if (fmain.defId == "RealOverTime") { if (fsub.signType != 3 && (!bIsGmDep)) { List <FlowSub> qPriorSigner = ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => == id && x.signType != 701 && x.seq < fsub.seq && x.signResult == 0).ToList <FlowSub>(); if (qPriorSigner.Count() > 0) { TempData["error"] = "上一位簽核人尚未簽核"; return(RedirectToAction("Details", "FormMgr", new { id = })); } } fsub.signDate = context.getLocalTiime(); fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue); fsub.comment = signMemo; context.SaveChanges(); dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); var fsublist = ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => == id && x.signType != 701); if (fsub.signResult == 1 && (fsublist.Where(x => x.signResult == 1).Count() == fsublist.Count() || bIsGmDep) ) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'"); } if (fsub.signResult == 2) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'"); } } if (fmain.defId == "DayOff") { if (fsub.signType != 3 && (!bIsGmDep)) { List <FlowSub> qPriorSigner = ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => == id && x.signType != 701 && x.seq < fsub.seq && x.signResult == 0).ToList <FlowSub>(); if (qPriorSigner.Count() > 0) { TempData["error"] = "上一位簽核人尚未簽核"; return(RedirectToAction("Details", "FormMgr", new { id = })); } } fsub.signDate = context.getLocalTiime(); fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue); fsub.comment = signMemo; context.SaveChanges(); dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); var fsublist = ctx.FlowSubList.Where(x => == id && x.signType != 701); if (fsub.signResult == 1 && (fsublist.Where(x => x.signResult == 1).Count() == fsublist.Count() || bIsGmDep) ) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'"); } if (fsub.signResult == 2) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'"); } } if (fmain.defId == "PublicOut") { fsub.signDate = context.getLocalTiime(); fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue); fsub.comment = signMemo; context.SaveChanges(); dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); if (fsub.signResult == 1) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'"); } if (fsub.signResult == 2) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'"); } } if (fmain.defId == "GuestForm") { fsub.signDate = context.getLocalTiime(); fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue); fsub.comment = signMemo; context.SaveChanges(); dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); if (fsub.signResult == 1) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'"); } if (fsub.signResult == 2) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'"); } } if (fmain.defId == "ReqInHouse") { fsub.signDate = context.getLocalTiime(); fsub.signResult = Convert.ToInt16(signValue); fsub.comment = signMemo; context.SaveChanges(); dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); if (fsub.signResult == 1) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=2 where id='" + id + "'"); } if (fsub.signResult == 2) { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set flowStatus=3 where id='" + id + "'"); } } if (fsub.signResult == 1) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); try { dbh.execSql("update FlowMains set signDate='" + ctx.getLocalTiime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' where id='" + id + "'"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "FormMgr")); }