private string GetGrantList() { Hashtable hs = new Hashtable(); var ddl = new Hashtable(); ddl["SCHOOL_YEAR_NAME"] = "ddl_year_type"; string where = string.Format("SEQ_NO='{0}'", Get("seq_no")); datatables dts = new datatables(); string result = dts.GetCmdQueryData("GET_STU_GRANT", hs, where, string.Empty, ddl); return(result); }
private string GetMemberList() { Hashtable hs = new Hashtable(); var ddl = new Hashtable(); ddl.Add("RELATION", "ddl_relation"); ddl.Add("PROFESSION", "ddl_profession"); string where = string.Format(" NUMBER='{0}'", Get("number")); datatables dts = new datatables(); string result = dts.GetCmdQueryData("GET_STU_MEMBER", hs, where, string.Empty, ddl); return(result); }
private string SelectStudent() { string where = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Post("sel-NUMBER"))) { where += string.Format(" AND NUMBER LIKE '%{0}%' ", Post("sel-NUMBER")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Post("sel-NAME"))) { where += string.Format(" AND NAME LIKE '%{0}%' ", Post("sel-NAME")); } datatables dts = new datatables(); return(dts.GetCmdQueryData("GET_STU_INFO", null, where, "", null)); }