protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Expires = 0; base.IsUserLoginByMobile(); this.userName = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.uModel = base.GetUserModelInfo; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.userName = HttpContext.Current.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.uModel = base.GetUserModelInfo; DataTable lotteryList = base.GetLotteryList(); this.masterIDSplit = base.GetLotteryMasterID(lotteryList).Split(new char[] { ',' }); CookieHelper.RemoveCookie("cookiesreportprev"); string str = LSRequest.qq("id"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { this.masterId = this.masterIDSplit[0]; } else { int num = 100; if (str.Equals(num.ToString())) { this.masterId = "1"; } else { this.masterId = "2"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.masterId = base.q("masterId"); this.op = LSRequest.qq("op"); DataSet list = CallBLL.cz_lottery_bll.GetList(); string lotteryMasterID = base.GetLotteryMasterID(list.Tables[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.masterId)) { this.masterId = lotteryMasterID.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0]; } this.beginDate = LSRequest.qq("beginDate"); this.userName = HttpContext.Current.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.uModel = this.Session[this.userName + "lottery_session_user_info"] as cz_userinfo_session; int num = 1; if (this.masterId.Equals(num.ToString())) { this.sixDataTable = CallBLL.cz_betold_six_bll.GetReportByWeek(this.userName, this.uModel.get_su_type(), this.beginDate); } else { this.kcDataTable = CallBLL.cz_betold_kc_bll.GetReportByWeek(this.userName, this.uModel.get_su_type(), this.beginDate, base.get_BetTime_KC()); } CookieHelper.SetCookie("cookiesreportprev", "reportweek.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Expires = 0; base.IsUserLoginByMobile(); this.caizhong = base.qq("caizhong"); this.wanfa = base.qq("wanfa"); this.jiangqi = base.qq("jiangqi"); this.txtMomey = base.qq("txtMomey"); this.data_str = base.qq("data"); if ((((this.caizhong == "") || (this.wanfa == "")) || ((this.jiangqi == "") || (this.data_str == ""))) || (this.txtMomey == "")) { base.Response.End(); } this.r_url = "KL10_" + this.wanfa + ".aspx?lottery_type=" + this.caizhong + "&player_type=" + this.wanfa; DataTable table = CallBLL.cz_phase_kl10_bll.GetIsClosedByTime(int.Parse(this.jiangqi)).Tables[0]; if ((table != null) && (table.Rows.Count > 0)) { if (table.Rows[0]["is_closed"].ToString().Trim() == "1") { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('該獎期已經截止下注!');window.location=\"" + this.r_url + "\";</script>"); base.Response.End(); } else { this.jiangqi_str = table.Rows[0]["phase"].ToString(); } } else { base.Response.End(); } this.uModel = base.GetUserModelInfo; string str = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); DataTable table2 = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.GetUserRate(str, 2).Tables[0]; if (table2 == null) { base.Response.End(); } this.pk_kind = table2.Rows[0]["kc_kind"].ToString().Trim(); string[] strArray = this.data_str.Split(new char[] { '|' }); this.s_count = strArray.Length; this.s_momey = int.Parse(this.txtMomey) * strArray.Length; string str2 = ""; foreach (string str3 in strArray) { string[] strArray2 = str3.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0].Split(new char[] { '_' }); str2 = str2 + strArray2[3].ToString().Trim() + ","; } str2 = str2.Substring(0, str2.Length - 1); DataSet playOddsByID = CallBLL.cz_odds_kl10_bll.GetPlayOddsByID(str2); this.plDT = playOddsByID.Tables[0]; if ((this.plDT == null) || (this.plDT.Rows.Count == 0)) { base.Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = HttpContext.Current.Session["user_name"].ToString(); cz_userinfo_session getUserModelInfo = base.GetUserModelInfo; string str2 = LSRequest.qq("ispay"); string str3 = LSRequest.qq("orderid"); DataTable betByOrdernum = CallBLL.cz_bet_kc_bll.GetBetByOrdernum(str3, str2); if (betByOrdernum != null) { string str4 = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString(); string str5 = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["odds_id"].ToString(); string str6 = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["play_name"].ToString(); string str7 = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["bet_group"].ToString(); string str8 = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["bet_wt"].ToString(); string odds = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["odds"].ToString(); string str10 = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["phase_id"].ToString(); string str11 = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["lottery_type"].ToString(); this.is_payment = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["is_payment"].ToString(); string s = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["amount"].ToString(); string str13 = betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["unit_cnt"].ToString(); s = (double.Parse(s) / double.Parse(str13)).ToString(); double drawback = 0.0; string str14 = getUserModelInfo.get_su_type(); if (str14 != null) { if (!(str14 == "dl")) { if (str14 == "zd") { drawback = double.Parse(betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["dl_drawback"].ToString()); } else if (str14 == "gd") { drawback = double.Parse(betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["zd_drawback"].ToString()); } else if (str14 == "fgs") { drawback = double.Parse(betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["gd_drawback"].ToString()); } } else { drawback = double.Parse(betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["hy_drawback"].ToString()); } } drawback = double.Parse(betByOrdernum.Rows[0]["amount"].ToString()) * (drawback / 100.0); if (this.is_payment.Equals("1")) { this.groupString = this.GetBetGroupStringPaymentTrue(str11, str10, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, odds, s, drawback); } else { this.groupString = this.GetBetGroupStringPaymentFalse(str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, odds, s); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.userName = HttpContext.Current.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.uModel = this.Session[this.userName + "lottery_session_user_info"] as cz_userinfo_session; DataTable lotteryList = base.GetLotteryList(); this.masterIDSplit = base.GetLotteryMasterID(lotteryList).Split(new char[] { ',' }); CookieHelper.RemoveCookie("cookiesreportprev"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { cz_userinfo_session _session = new cz_userinfo_session(); _session = this.Session[this.Session["user_name"].ToString() + "lottery_session_user_info"] as cz_userinfo_session; string str = _session.get_u_name().Trim(); = _session.get_u_skin(); DataSet newList = CallBLL.cz_login_log_bll.GetNewList(str, 50); if ((newList != null) && (newList.Tables.Count > 0)) { this.DT = newList.Tables[0]; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Expires = 0; base.IsUserLoginByMobile(); string str = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); cz_userinfo_session getUserModelInfo = base.GetUserModelInfo; this.u_type = getUserModelInfo.get_u_type().Trim(); DataSet newList = CallBLL.cz_login_log_bll.GetNewList(str, 50); if ((newList != null) && (newList.Tables.Count > 0)) { this.dtable = newList.Tables[0]; } }
public void MemberPageBase_Mobile_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { cz_userinfo_session _session = HttpContext.Current.Session[HttpContext.Current.Session["user_name"] + "lottery_session_user_info"] as cz_userinfo_session; if (_session != null) { if ((this.Session["Session_LoginSystem_Flag"]) != "LoginSystem_PhoneWeb") { this.Session.Abandon(); base.Response.Write("<script>top.location.href='/m'</script>"); base.Response.End(); } this.IsOpenLottery(); this.RedirectReport(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Expires = 0; base.IsUserLoginByMobileForAjax(); this.userName = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.uModel = base.GetUserModelInfo; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.q("page"))) { = Convert.ToInt32(base.q("page")); } this.FiledValue = new string[0]; this.sixDataTable = CallBLL.cz_bet_six_bll.GetBetByPageList(this.userName, - 1, this.pageSize, ref this.pageCount, ref this.dataCount).Tables[0]; if ( > this.pageCount) { this.sixDataTable = null; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Expires = 0; base.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; base.Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "No-Cache"); base.IsUserLoginByMobile(); this.userName = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.uModel = base.GetUserModelInfo; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.q("page"))) { = Convert.ToInt32(base.q("page")); } this.FiledValue = new string[0]; this.kcDataTable = CallBLL.cz_bet_kc_bll.GetBetByPageList(this.userName, - 1, this.pageSize, ref this.pageCount, ref this.dataCount).Tables[0]; if (this.dataCount == 0) { this.cssdisplay = "display:none;"; } else { this.cssdisplay = "display:block;"; } DataTable table = CallBLL.cz_bet_kc_bll.Phone_GetBetByUName(this.userName); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { int num = 0; double num2 = 0.0; foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { if (row[2].ToString().Equals("0")) { num += int.Parse(row[0].ToString()); num2 += double.Parse(row[1].ToString()); } } this.count_order = num.ToString(); this.sum_money = num2.ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.sum_money)) { this.sum_money = "0"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Buffer = true; base.Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1.0); base.Response.Expires = 0; base.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; base.Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "No-Cache"); base.IsUserLoginByMobile(); base.IsUserLoginByMobileForAjax(); this.findDate = LSRequest.qq("findDate"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.q("page"))) { = Convert.ToInt32(base.q("page")); } this.userName = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.uModel = base.GetUserModelInfo; string str = this.uModel.get_su_type().ToString().Trim(); if (str != null) { if (!(str == "dl")) { if (str == "zd") { this.u_drawback = "dl_drawback"; } else if (str == "gd") { this.u_drawback = "zd_drawback"; } else if (str == "fgs") { this.u_drawback = "gd_drawback"; } } else { this.u_drawback = "hy_drawback"; } } this.dataTable = CallBLL.cz_betold_six_bll.Phone_GetReportByPageList(this.userName, - 1, this.pageSize, ref this.pageCount, ref this.dataCount, this.findDate + " 08:00:00", this.findDate + " 23:59:59").Tables[0]; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Expires = 0; base.IsUserLoginByMobile(); int num = base.get_current_master_id(); string str = num.ToString(); if (num == 0) { str = "0,1,2"; } else if (num == 1) { str = "0,1"; } else { str = "0,2"; } string str2 = HttpContext.Current.Session["user_name"].ToString(); cz_userinfo_session getUserModelInfo = base.GetUserModelInfo; DataTable table = null; table = base.get_ad_cache(str); if (table != null) { DataRow[] source = base.get_ad_select(ref table, getUserModelInfo.get_u_type(), 1); if ((source.Count <DataRow>() > 0) && (source[0]["allow_show"].ToString() == "0")) { this.adContent = source[0]["ad_content"].ToString(); } } if (this.adContent == "") { base.Response.Redirect("Main.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ajaxErrorLogSwitch = FileCacheHelper.get_AjaxErrorLogSwitch(); string str = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CloseIndexRefresh"]; if ((str != "true") && PageBase.IsNeedPopBrower()) { this.Session.Abandon(); base.Response.Write("<script>top.location.href='/'</script>"); base.Response.End(); } this.lotteryDT = base.GetLotteryList(); this.masterids = base.GetLotteryMasterID(this.lotteryDT); int num = 0; foreach (DataRow row in this.lotteryDT.Rows) { if (num.Equals(0)) { this.firstLotteryId = row["id"].ToString(); } num++; break; } if (FileCacheHelper.get_GetDefaultLottery() != "n") { bool flag = false; foreach (DataRow row in this.lotteryDT.Rows) { if (row["id"].ToString().Equals(FileCacheHelper.get_GetDefaultLottery())) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) { this.firstLotteryId = FileCacheHelper.get_GetDefaultLottery(); } this.useNowMenuId = "1"; } if (this.lotteryDT != null) { Dictionary <string, object> lotteryMenuCfg = base.GetLotteryMenuCfg(this.lotteryDT); this.menuCfg = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(lotteryMenuCfg); } if (HttpContext.Current.Session["user_name"] == null) { base.Response.End(); } this.userName = HttpContext.Current.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.uModel = HttpContext.Current.Session[this.userName + "lottery_session_user_info"] as cz_userinfo_session; = this.uModel.get_u_skin(); if (str != "true") { this.browserCode = Utils.Number(4); PageBase.SetBrowerFlag(this.browserCode); } DataTable table = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.GetCredit(this.userName, this.uModel.get_su_type()).Tables[0]; this.six_credit = string.Format("{0:F0}", double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["six_credit"].ToString())); this.kc_credit = string.Format("{0:F0}", double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["kc_credit"].ToString())); this.six_usable_credit = string.Format("{0:F0}", double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["six_usable_credit"].ToString())); this.kc_usable_credit = string.Format("{0:F0}", double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["kc_usable_credit"].ToString())); this.six_iscash = table.Rows[0]["six_iscash"].ToString(); this.kc_iscash = table.Rows[0]["kc_iscash"].ToString(); CacheHelper.RemoveAllCache("LmGroupCount_Cache"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Expires = 0; base.IsUserLoginByMobile(); cz_userinfo_session getUserModelInfo = base.GetUserModelInfo; string str = LSRequest.qq("hdnsubmit"); string str2 = LSRequest.qq("VIP_PWD_old"); string str3 = LSRequest.qq("VIP_PWD"); string str4 = LSRequest.qq("VIP_PWD1"); if (str.Equals("submit")) { if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { base.Response.Write("請輸入完整的密碼!"); base.Response.End(); } if (str3 == str2) { base.Response.Write("新密碼和舊密碼不能相同!"); base.Response.End(); } if (str3 != str4) { base.Response.Write("新密碼和確認新密碼不一致!"); base.Response.End(); } if (!Regexlib.IsValidPassword(str3.Trim(), base.get_GetPasswordLU())) { if (base.get_GetPasswordLU().Equals("1")) { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('密碼要8-20位,且必需包含大寫字母、小寫字母和数字!');</script>"); } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('密碼要8-20位,且必需包含字母、和数字!');</script>"); } base.Response.End(); } cz_users _users = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.UserLogin(this.Session["user_name"].ToString()); if (_users != null) { string str5 = _users.get_salt().Trim(); string str6 = DESEncrypt.EncryptString(str2, str5); if (_users.get_u_psw() != str6) { base.Response.Write("您輸入原密碼不正確!"); base.Response.End(); } else { string ramSalt = Utils.GetRamSalt(6); string str8 = DESEncrypt.EncryptString(str3, ramSalt); if (CallBLL.cz_users_bll.UpUserPwd(this.Session["user_name"].ToString(), str8, ramSalt) > 0) { if (CallBLL.cz_users_bll.UpdateUserPwdStutas(this.Session["user_name"].ToString()) > 0) { MemberPageBase.log_user_reset_password(this.Session["user_name"].ToString(), this.Session["modifypassword"]); base.Response.Write("true"); base.Response.End(); } else { base.Response.Write("修改密碼不成功!"); base.Response.End(); } } else { base.Response.Write("修改密碼不成功!"); base.Response.End(); } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strResult = ""; ReturnResult_Mobile mobile = new ReturnResult_Mobile(); Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>(); dictionary.Add("type", "user_login"); string str2 = LSRequest.qq("loginName").Trim(); string str3 = LSRequest.qq("loginPwd").Trim(); string str4 = LSRequest.qq("ValidateCode").Trim(); if (PageBase.is_ip_locked()) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg("由於輸入錯誤次數過多,您已被禁用,請稍後再試!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); base.OutJson(strResult); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { base.Response.End(); } else { DateTime time; if (int.Parse(FileCacheHelper.get_GetLockedPasswordCount()) == 0) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 1; } if (this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] == null) { if (CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.IsExistUser(str2)) { if (PageBase.IsErrTimesAbove(ref time, str2)) { if (!PageBase.IsErrTimeout(time)) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg(""); dictionary.Add("is_display_code", "1"); mobile.set_data(dictionary); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 1; base.OutJson(strResult); return; } CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.ZeroErrTimes(str2); this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 0; } else { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 0; } } else { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 0; } } if (this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"].ToString() == "0") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { base.Response.End(); return; } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { base.Response.End(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg(""); dictionary.Add("is_display_code", "1"); mobile.set_data(dictionary); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 1; base.OutJson(strResult); return; } if (this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] == null) { base.Response.End(); return; } if (this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"].ToString().ToLower() != str4.ToLower()) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100004", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); base.OutJson(strResult); return; } } this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; cz_users _users = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.UserLogin(str2.ToLower()); if (_users == null) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; PageBase.login_error_ip(); mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100005", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); base.OutJson(strResult); } else { string str6 = _users.get_retry_times().ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str6) && (int.Parse(str6) > int.Parse(FileCacheHelper.get_GetLockedUserCount()))) { if (!PageBase.IsLockedTimeout(str2, "master")) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg("您的帳號因密碼多次輸入錯誤被鎖死,請與管理員聯系!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); base.OutJson(strResult); return; } PageBase.zero_retry_times(str2); } string str7 = _users.get_a_state().ToString(); string str8 = PageBase.upper_user_status(_users.get_u_name().ToLower()); if (str7 == "2") { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100008", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); base.OutJson(strResult); } else if (str8 == "2") { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg("您的上級帳號已被停用,请与管理员联系!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); base.OutJson(strResult); } else { if (str7 == "1") { mobile.set_status(1); mobile.set_msg(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100007", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); this.Session["user_state"] = str7; } else if (str8 == "1") { mobile.set_status(1); mobile.set_msg(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100010", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); this.Session["user_state"] = str8; } else { this.Session["user_state"] = "0"; mobile.set_status(0); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); } string str9 = _users.get_salt().Trim(); string str10 = DESEncrypt.EncryptString(str3, str9); if (_users.get_u_psw() != str10) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; PageBase.inc_retry_times(str2); PageBase.login_error_ip(); mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100006", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); if (this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"].ToString() == "0") { if (CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.IsExistUser(str2)) { CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.UpdateErrTimes(str2); } else { CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.AddUser(str2); } if (PageBase.IsErrTimesAbove(ref time, str2)) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(2); mobile.set_msg(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100006", "MessageHint")); dictionary.Add("is_display_code", "1"); mobile.set_data(dictionary); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); this.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 1; base.OutJson(strResult); return; } } base.OutJson(strResult); } else { cz_userinfo_session _session = new cz_userinfo_session(); _session.set_u_id(_users.get_u_id()); _session.set_u_name(_users.get_u_name()); _session.set_u_nicker(_users.get_u_nicker()); _session.set_u_skin(_users.get_u_skin()); _session.set_u_type(_users.get_u_type()); _session.set_su_type(_users.get_su_type()); _session.set_kc_kind(_users.get_kc_kind().Trim()); _session.set_six_kind(_users.get_six_kind().Trim()); _session.set_u_psw(_users.get_u_psw().Trim()); _session.set_kc_rate_owner(_users.get_kc_rate_owner()); _session.set_six_rate_owner(_users.get_six_rate_owner()); DataTable zJInfo = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.GetZJInfo(); if (zJInfo != null) { _session.set_zjname(zJInfo.Rows[0]["u_name"].ToString().Trim()); } DataTable table2 = CallBLL.cz_rate_six_bll.GetRateByAccount(str2.ToLower()).Tables[0]; _session.get_six_session().set_fgsname(table2.Rows[0]["fgs_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_six_session().set_gdname(table2.Rows[0]["gd_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_six_session().set_zdname(table2.Rows[0]["zd_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_six_session().set_dlname(table2.Rows[0]["dl_name"].ToString().Trim()); DataTable table3 = CallBLL.cz_rate_kc_bll.GetRateByAccount(str2.ToLower()).Tables[0]; _session.get_kc_session().set_fgsname(table3.Rows[0]["fgs_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_kc_session().set_gdname(table3.Rows[0]["gd_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_kc_session().set_zdname(table3.Rows[0]["zd_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_kc_session().set_dlname(table3.Rows[0]["dl_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.set_kc_rate_owner(new int?(Convert.ToInt32(table3.Rows[0]["kc_rate_owner"]))); _session.set_six_rate_owner(new int?(Convert.ToInt32(table2.Rows[0]["six_rate_owner"]))); DataTable userOpOdds = CallBLL.cz_rate_kc_bll.GetUserOpOdds(str2.ToLower()); if (userOpOdds != null) { if ((userOpOdds.Rows[0]["six_op_odds"] != null) && (userOpOdds.Rows[0]["six_op_odds"].ToString() != "")) { _session.set_six_op_odds(new int?(int.Parse(userOpOdds.Rows[0]["six_op_odds"].ToString()))); } if ((userOpOdds.Rows[0]["kc_op_odds"] != null) && (userOpOdds.Rows[0]["kc_op_odds"].ToString() != "")) { _session.set_kc_op_odds(new int?(int.Parse(userOpOdds.Rows[0]["kc_op_odds"].ToString()))); } } _session.set_isPhone(1); this.Session["user_name"] = str2.ToLower(); this.Session[str2 + "lottery_session_user_info"] = _session; PageBase.SetAppcationFlag(str2); if (FileCacheHelper.get_RedisStatOnline().Equals(1)) { new PageBase_Redis().InitUserOnlineTopToRedis(str2, _session.get_u_type()); } else if (FileCacheHelper.get_RedisStatOnline().Equals(2)) { new PageBase_Redis().InitUserOnlineTopToRedisStack(str2, _session.get_u_type()); } else { MemberPageBase.stat_top_online(str2); MemberPageBase.stat_online(str2, _session.get_u_type()); } if (FileCacheHelper.get_RedisStatOnline().Equals(0)) { PageBase.ZeroIsOutFlag(str2); } PageBase.zero_retry_times(str2); CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.ZeroErrTimes(str2); cz_login_log _log = new cz_login_log(); _log.set_ip(LSRequest.GetIP()); _log.set_login_time(new DateTime?(DateTime.Now)); _log.set_u_name(str2); _log.set_browser_type(Utils.GetBrowserInfo(HttpContext.Current)); CallBLL.cz_login_log_bll.Add(_log); this.Session["Session_LoginSystem_Flag"] = "LoginSystem_PhoneWeb"; string str11 = _users.get_is_changed().ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str11)) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(550); mobile.set_msg("新密碼首次登錄,需重置密碼!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); this.Session["modifypassword"] = "******"; base.OutJson(strResult); } else if (str11 == "0") { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(550); mobile.set_msg("新密碼首次登錄,需重置密碼!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); this.Session["modifypassword"] = "******"; base.OutJson(strResult); } else { DateTime? nullable3; DateTime? nullable = _users.get_last_changedate(); int num2 = PageBase.PasswordExpire(); if (nullable.HasValue && ((nullable3 = nullable).HasValue ? (nullable3.GetValueOrDefault() < DateTime.Now.AddDays((double) -num2)) : false)) { this.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; mobile.set_status(550); mobile.set_msg("密碼過期,需重置密碼!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); this.Session["modifypassword"] = "******"; base.OutJson(strResult); } else { CallBLL.cz_credit_lock_bll.Delete(_users.get_u_name()); mobile.set_status(0); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(mobile); base.OutJson(strResult); } } } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Expires = 0; base.IsUserLoginByMobile(); this.caizhong = base.qq("caizhong"); this.game_type = base.qq("game_type"); this.wanfa = base.qq("wanfa"); this.jiangqi = base.qq("jiangqi"); this.txtMomey = base.qq("txtMomey"); this.data_str = base.qq("data"); this.wt_value = base.qq("uPI_WT"); this.lmtype = base.qq("lmtype"); string str = base.qq("ids"); this.group_odds = base.qq("group_odds"); this.numbers = base.qq("numbers"); this.str_numbers = this.numbers; this.str_numbers.Replace(',', '、'); this.lx_numbers = base.qq("zodiac"); this.lx_numbers.Replace(',', '、'); string str2 = base.qq("plx"); if (((((this.caizhong == "") || (this.wanfa == "")) || ((this.jiangqi == "") || (this.data_str == ""))) || (this.txtMomey == "")) || (this.game_type == "")) { this.EndTipInfo("参数错误!"); } this.r_url = "SIX_" + this.game_type + ".aspx?lottery_type=" + this.caizhong + "&player_type=" + this.wanfa; Dictionary <string, object> source = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string[] strArray = null; string str3 = ""; if (this.lmtype != "0") { strArray = this.data_str.Split(new char[] { '|' }); this.s_count = strArray.Length; this.s_momey = int.Parse(this.txtMomey) * strArray.Length; foreach (string str4 in strArray) { string[] strArray2 = str4.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0].Split(new char[] { '_' }); str3 = str3 + strArray2[3].ToString().Trim() + ","; } str3 = str3.Substring(0, str3.Length - 1); } else { string[] strArray3; string[] strArray4; DataTable wTs; int num3; int num4; DataRow[] rowArray; double num5; double num6; strArray = this.data_str.Split(new char[] { '|' }); this.s_count = 1; foreach (string str4 in strArray) { string str5 = str4.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0]; string key = str5.Substring(str5.IndexOf("jeu_p_")); string str7 = str4.Split(new char[] { ',' })[1]; source.Add(key, str7); } int num = source.Count <KeyValuePair <string, object> >(); int num2 = 0; string str8 = str.Split(new char[] { '_' })[1]; str3 = str8; if (((str8.Equals("92285") || str8.Equals("92286")) || str8.Equals("92638")) || str8.Equals("92639")) { num2 = ((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) / 6; strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = null; if (str8.Equals("92285")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_3qz_six_bll.GetWTs(); } else if (str8.Equals("92286")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_3z2_six_bll.GetWTs(); } else if (str8.Equals("92638")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_3qz_b_six_bll.GetWTs(); } else if (str8.Equals("92639")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_3z2_b_six_bll.GetWTs(); } if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } else if ((((str8.Equals("92287") || str8.Equals("92288")) || (str8.Equals("92289") || str8.Equals("92640"))) || str8.Equals("92641")) || str8.Equals("92642")) { num2 = (num * (num - 1)) / 2; strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = null; if (str8.Equals("92287")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_2qz_six_bll.GetWTs(); } else if (str8.Equals("92288")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_2zt_six_bll.GetWTs(); } else if (str8.Equals("92289")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_tc_six_bll.GetWTs(); } else if (str8.Equals("92640")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_2qz_b_six_bll.GetWTs(); } else if (str8.Equals("92641")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_2zt_b_six_bll.GetWTs(); } else if (str8.Equals("92642")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_tc_b_six_bll.GetWTs(); } if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } else if (str8.Equals("92575") || str8.Equals("92643")) { num2 = (((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) * (num - 3)) / 0x18; strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = null; if (str8.Equals("92575")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_4z1_six_bll.GetWTs(); } else if (str8.Equals("92643")) { wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_4z1_b_six_bll.GetWTs(); } if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } else if (str8.Equals("92572")) { num2 = ((((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) * (num - 3)) * (num - 4)) / 120; strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_5bz_six_bll.GetWTs(); if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } else if (str8.Equals("92588")) { num2 = (((((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) * (num - 3)) * (num - 4)) * (num - 5)) / 720; strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_6bz_six_bll.GetWTs(); if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } else if (str8.Equals("92589")) { num2 = ((((((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) * (num - 3)) * (num - 4)) * (num - 5)) * (num - 6)) / 0x13b0; strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_7bz_six_bll.GetWTs(); if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } else if (str8.Equals("92590")) { num2 = (((((((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) * (num - 3)) * (num - 4)) * (num - 5)) * (num - 6)) * (num - 7)) / 0x9d80; strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_8bz_six_bll.GetWTs(); if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } else if (str8.Equals("92591")) { num2 = ((((((((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) * (num - 3)) * (num - 4)) * (num - 5)) * (num - 6)) * (num - 7)) * (num - 8)) / 0x58980; strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_9bz_six_bll.GetWTs(); if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } else if (str8.Equals("92592")) { num2 = (((((((((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) * (num - 3)) * (num - 4)) * (num - 5)) * (num - 6)) * (num - 7)) * (num - 8)) * (num - 9)) / 0x375f00; strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_10bz_six_bll.GetWTs(); if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } else if (str8.Equals("92566") || str8.Equals("92569")) { num2 = (num * (num - 1)) / 2; if (str8.Equals("92569")) { this.str_numbers.Replace("、", "尾、"); } } else if (str8.Equals("92567") || str8.Equals("92570")) { num2 = ((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) / 6; if (str8.Equals("92570")) { this.str_numbers.Replace("、", "尾、"); } } else if (str8.Equals("92568") || str8.Equals("92571")) { num2 = (((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) * (num - 3)) / 0x18; if (str8.Equals("92571")) { this.str_numbers.Replace("、", "尾、"); } } else if (str8.Equals("92636") || str8.Equals("92637")) { num2 = ((((num * (num - 1)) * (num - 2)) * (num - 3)) * (num - 4)) / 120; if (str8.Equals("92637")) { this.str_numbers.Replace("、", "尾、"); } } else if (str8.Equals("92565")) { num2 = 1; } this.g_cnt = num2; this.s_momey = this.g_cnt * int.Parse(this.txtMomey); if (((str8.Equals("92566") || str8.Equals("92567")) || str8.Equals("92568")) || str8.Equals("92636")) { strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] strArray5 = base.qq("zodiac").Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = null; wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_sxlwsl_six_bll.GetWTs(str8); if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT_SX.Add(strArray5[num3], num5); } num3++; } } } else if (((str8.Equals("92569") || str8.Equals("92570")) || str8.Equals("92571")) || str8.Equals("92637")) { strArray3 = this.numbers.Split(new char[] { ',' }); strArray4 = str2.Split(new char[] { ',' }); wTs = null; wTs = CallBLL.cz_wt_sxlwsl_six_bll.GetWTs(str8); if ((wTs != null) && (wTs.Rows.Count > 0)) { num3 = 0; foreach (string str9 in strArray3) { num4 = int.Parse(str9); rowArray = wTs.Select(string.Format(" number = {0} ", num4)); if ((rowArray != null) && (rowArray.Count <DataRow>() > 0)) { num5 = double.Parse(rowArray[0]["wt_value"].ToString()); num6 = double.Parse(strArray4[num3]); this.dictWT_WS.Add(str9, num5); } num3++; } } } } string str10 = ""; string str11 = ""; cz_phase_six currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_six_bll.GetCurrentPhase(); if (currentPhase != null) { if (currentPhase.get_is_closed() == 1) { this.EndTipInfo("停止下注"); return; } str10 = currentPhase.get_phase().ToString(); this.jiangqi_str = str10; str11 = currentPhase.get_p_id().ToString(); } else { this.EndTipInfo("停止下注"); return; } DataTable playIDByOddsIds = CallBLL.cz_odds_six_bll.GetPlayIDByOddsIds(str3); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime time2 = Convert.ToDateTime(currentPhase.get_stop_date()); DateTime time3 = Convert.ToDateTime(currentPhase.get_sn_stop_date()); if (((((playIDByOddsIds.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString().Trim() == "91001") || (playIDByOddsIds.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString().Trim() == "91002")) || ((playIDByOddsIds.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString().Trim() == "91004") || (playIDByOddsIds.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString().Trim() == "91005"))) || (playIDByOddsIds.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString().Trim() == "91007")) || (playIDByOddsIds.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString().Trim() == "91038")) { if (time3 < now) { this.EndTipInfo("停止下注"); return; } } else if (time2 < now) { this.EndTipInfo("停止下注"); return; } DataSet playOddsByID = CallBLL.cz_odds_six_bll.GetPlayOddsByID(str3); this.plDT = playOddsByID.Tables[0]; if (this.plDT.Rows.Count == 0) { this.EndTipInfo("賠率ID設置错误!"); } else { string[] strArray6 = str3.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < strArray6.Length; i++) { bool flag = false; for (int j = 0; j < this.plDT.Rows.Count; j++) { if (strArray6[i].Equals(this.plDT.Rows[j]["odds_id"].ToString())) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { this.EndTipInfo("赔率ID错误!"); return; } } this.uModel = base.GetUserModelInfo; string str12 = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.pk_kind = this.uModel.get_six_kind(); } }
private void out_odds_info() { string str = LSRequest.qq("GT"); string str2 = LSRequest.qq("player_type"); string str3 = ""; str3 = Utils.GetPKBJL_NumTable(str2); string str4 = LSRequest.qq("playtype"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) { base.Response.End(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4) && ((str4 != "0") && (str4 != "1"))) { base.Response.End(); } else { string str5 = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); cz_userinfo_session getUserModelInfo = base.GetUserModelInfo; string str6 = getUserModelInfo.get_su_type().ToString(); string str7 = getUserModelInfo.get_u_name().ToString(); string str8 = getUserModelInfo.get_kc_kind().Trim(); DataTable table = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.GetCredit(str5, str6).Tables[0]; if (table == null) { base.Response.End(); } else { double num = double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["kc_usable_credit"].ToString()); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary.Add("type", "get_oddsinfo"); DataSet set = CallBLL.cz_play_pkbjl_bll.GetPlay(str, str7, str6, str3); if (set == null) { base.Response.End(); } else { this.phaseDT = set.Tables["phase"]; DataTable table2 = set.Tables["odds"]; if ((this.phaseDT == null) || (table2 == null)) { base.Response.End(); } else if (!this.isOpenLottery()) { dictionary.Add("status", "3"); base.OutJson(JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(dictionary)); } else { DataRow row = this.phaseDT.Rows[0]; string str9 = row["openning"].ToString(); string str10 = row["isopen"].ToString(); string str11 = row["opendate"].ToString(); string str12 = row["endtime"].ToString(); string str13 = row["nn"].ToString(); string str14 = row["p_id"].ToString(); double num2 = double.Parse(base.GetKCProfit()); if (str9.Equals("n") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CacheHelper.GetCache(string.Concat(new object[] { "Poker_", 8, "_", str14, "_", str3 })))) { int num3 = 8; base.Add_TenPoker_Lock(num3.ToString(), str14, str3); cz_phase_pkbjl tenPoker = CallBLL.cz_phase_pkbjl_bll.GetTenPoker(str14, str3); if ((tenPoker == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenPoker.get_ten_poker())) { CallBLL.cz_poker_pkbjl_bll.InitToPhase(str3, str14); } base.Un_TenPoker_Lock(8.ToString(), str14, str3); } dictionary.Add("status", "1"); dictionary.Add("open", str9); dictionary.Add("k_open_time", str11); dictionary.Add("k_stop_time", str12); dictionary.Add("qishu", str13); dictionary.Add("credit", num.ToString("F1")); dictionary.Add("amount", num2.ToString("F1")); dictionary.Add("k_id", str14); DataTable newOpenPhaseByNumTable = CallBLL.cz_phase_pkbjl_bll.GetNewOpenPhaseByNumTable(str3); dictionary.Add("porkList", newOpenPhaseByNumTable.Rows[0]["ten_poker"].ToString()); Dictionary <string, string> dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary2.Add("player", newOpenPhaseByNumTable.Rows[0]["xian_nn"].ToString()); dictionary2.Add("banker", newOpenPhaseByNumTable.Rows[0]["zhuang_nn"].ToString()); dictionary.Add("lastResult", dictionary2); dictionary.Add("road", base.GetPAILU(str3)); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary3 = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary4 = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string str16 = ""; string pl = ""; List <double> list = new List <double>(); foreach (DataRow row2 in table2.Rows) { double num4; str16 = row2["play_id"].ToString() + "_" + row2["odds_id"].ToString(); string s = row2["current_odds"].ToString(); if (str9 == "n") { s = "-"; } string str22 = row2[str8 + "_diff"].ToString().Trim(); if (s != "-") { num4 = double.Parse(s) + double.Parse(str22); pl = num4.ToString(); } else { pl = s; } if (s != "-") { base.GetOdds_KC(8, row2["odds_id"].ToString(), ref pl); } if (str4.Equals("0") && !pl.Equals("-")) { if (str16.Equals("81004_82005")) { num4 = Convert.ToDouble(pl) + base.GetPlayTypeWTValue_PKBJL("82005"); pl = num4.ToString(); } if (str16.Equals("81004_82006")) { pl = (Convert.ToDouble(pl) + base.GetPlayTypeWTValue_PKBJL("82006")).ToString(); } } this.oddsList.Add(str16 + "," + pl); } string str23 = string.Join("|", this.oddsList.ToArray()); if (this.oddsList.Count <string>() > 0) { dictionary.Add("play_odds", str23); } base.OutJson(JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(dictionary)); } } } } }
private void out_odds_info() { string str = LSRequest.qq("GT"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { base.Response.End(); } else { string str2 = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); cz_userinfo_session getUserModelInfo = base.GetUserModelInfo; string str3 = getUserModelInfo.get_su_type().ToString(); string str4 = getUserModelInfo.get_u_name().ToString(); string str5 = getUserModelInfo.get_kc_kind().Trim(); DataTable table = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.GetCredit(str2, str3).Tables[0]; if (table == null) { base.Response.End(); } else { double num = double.Parse(table.Rows[0]["kc_usable_credit"].ToString()); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary.Add("type", "get_oddsinfo"); DataSet set = CallBLL.cz_play_car168_bll.GetPlay(str, str4, str3); if (set == null) { base.Response.End(); } else { this.phaseDT = set.Tables["phase"]; DataTable table2 = set.Tables["odds"]; if ((this.phaseDT == null) || (table2 == null)) { base.Response.End(); } else if (!this.isOpenLottery()) { dictionary.Add("status", "3"); base.OutJson(JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(dictionary)); } else { DataRow row = this.phaseDT.Rows[0]; string str6 = row["openning"].ToString(); string str7 = row["isopen"].ToString(); string str8 = row["opendate"].ToString(); string str9 = row["endtime"].ToString(); string str10 = row["nn"].ToString(); string str11 = row["p_id"].ToString(); double num2 = double.Parse(base.GetKCProfit()); dictionary.Add("status", "1"); dictionary.Add("open", str6); dictionary.Add("k_open_time", str8); dictionary.Add("k_stop_time", str9); dictionary.Add("qishu", str10); dictionary.Add("credit", num.ToString("F1")); dictionary.Add("amount", num2.ToString("F1")); dictionary.Add("k_id", str11); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary3 = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string str12 = ""; string pl = ""; List <double> list = new List <double>(); foreach (DataRow row2 in table2.Rows) { str12 = row2["play_id"].ToString() + "_" + row2["odds_id"].ToString(); string s = row2["current_odds"].ToString(); if (str6 == "n") { s = "-"; } string str18 = row2[str5 + "_diff"].ToString().Trim(); if (s != "-") { pl = (double.Parse(s) + double.Parse(str18)).ToString(); } else { pl = s; } if (s != "-") { base.GetOdds_KC(0x10, row2["odds_id"].ToString(), ref pl); } this.oddsList.Add(str12 + "," + pl); } string str19 = string.Join("|", this.oddsList.ToArray()); if (this.oddsList.Count <string>() > 0) { dictionary.Add("play_odds", str19); } base.OutJson(JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(dictionary)); } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { cz_userinfo_session _session = new cz_userinfo_session(); = (this.Session[this.Session["user_name"].ToString() + "lottery_session_user_info"] as cz_userinfo_session).get_u_skin(); string str = LSRequest.qq("hdnsubmit"); string str2 = LSRequest.qq("txtoldpwd"); string str3 = LSRequest.qq("txtnewpwd"); string str4 = LSRequest.qq("txtnewpwdcf"); if (str.Equals("submit")) { if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str3)) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4)) { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('請輸入完整的密碼!');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } if (str3 == str2) { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('新密碼和舊密碼不能相同!');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } if (str3 != str4) { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('新密碼和確認新密碼不一致!');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } if (!Regexlib.IsValidPassword(str3.Trim(), base.get_GetPasswordLU())) { if (base.get_GetPasswordLU().Equals("1")) { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('密碼要8-20位,且必需包含大寫字母、小寫字母和数字!');</script>"); } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('密碼要8-20位,且必需包含字母、和数字!');</script>"); } base.Response.End(); } cz_users _users = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.UserLogin(this.Session["user_name"].ToString()); if (_users != null) { string str5 = _users.get_salt().Trim(); string str6 = DESEncrypt.EncryptString(str2, str5); if (_users.get_u_psw() != str6) { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('您輸入原密碼不正確!');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } else { string ramSalt = Utils.GetRamSalt(6); string str8 = DESEncrypt.EncryptString(str3, ramSalt); if (CallBLL.cz_users_bll.UpUserPwd(this.Session["user_name"].ToString(), str8, ramSalt) > 0) { if (CallBLL.cz_users_bll.UpdateUserPwdStutas(this.Session["user_name"].ToString()) > 0) { MemberPageBase.log_user_reset_password(this.Session["user_name"].ToString(), this.Session["modifypassword"]); this.Session["modifypassword"] = null; base.Response.Write("<script>alert('修改密碼成功!');location.href='/Quit.aspx';</script>"); base.Response.End(); } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('修改密碼不成功!');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } } else { base.Response.Write("<script>alert('修改密碼不成功!');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } } } } }
protected void out_six_odds_info() { string str = LSRequest.qq("playid"); string str2 = LSRequest.qq("playpage"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { base.Response.End(); } else { string str3 = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); cz_userinfo_session getUserModelInfo = base.GetUserModelInfo; string str4 = getUserModelInfo.get_su_type().ToString(); string str5 = getUserModelInfo.get_u_name().ToString(); string str6 = getUserModelInfo.get_six_kind().Trim(); ReturnResult result = new ReturnResult(); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary.Add("type", "get_oddsinfo"); dictionary.Add("playpage", str2); DataTable table = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.GetCredit(str5, str4).Tables[0]; string str7 = table.Rows[0]["six_credit"].ToString(); string str8 = table.Rows[0]["six_iscash"]; decimal num = Convert.ToDecimal(str7); string str9 = "0"; if (str8.Equals("1")) { str9 = "1"; } decimal num2 = Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows[0]["six_usable_credit"].ToString()); dictionary.Add("iscash", str9); dictionary.Add("credit", num.ToString("F1")); dictionary.Add("usable_credit", num2.ToString("F1")); cz_phase_six currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_six_bll.GetCurrentPhase(); if (!this.isOpenLottery(currentPhase)) { dictionary.Add("status", "3"); base.OutJson(JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(dictionary)); } else { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; string str11 = "n"; string str12 = "0"; string str13 = ""; string str14 = currentPhase.get_open_date().ToString(); string str15 = ""; DateTime time2 = Convert.ToDateTime(currentPhase.get_stop_date()); DateTime time3 = Convert.ToDateTime(currentPhase.get_sn_stop_date()); TimeSpan span = Utils.DateDiff(time2, now); TimeSpan span2 = Utils.DateDiff(time3, now); string str16 = string.Concat(new object[] { (span.Days * 0x18) + span.Hours, ":", span.Minutes, ":", span.Seconds }); string str17 = string.Concat(new object[] { (span2.Days * 0x18) + span2.Hours, ":", span2.Minutes, ":", span2.Seconds }); if (time2 < now) { str15 = str16; } else { str11 = "y"; str12 = "1"; str15 = str16; } if (time3 < now) { str13 = str17; } else { str11 = "y"; str12 = "1"; str13 = str17; } if ((currentPhase != null) && currentPhase.get_is_closed().Equals(0)) { int num3; if (time2 < now) { num3 = CallBLL.cz_odds_six_bll.UpdateIsOpen(1, "91001,91002,91003,91004,91005,91007,91038"); } if (time3 < now) { num3 = CallBLL.cz_odds_six_bll.UpdateIsOpen(0, ""); } } string str18 = (currentPhase != null) ? currentPhase.get_phase() : ""; string str19 = (currentPhase != null) ? currentPhase.get_p_id().ToString() : ""; dictionary.Add("openning", str11); dictionary.Add("isopen", str12); int index = str14.IndexOf(' '); dictionary.Add("drawopen_time", str14.Substring(index)); string str20 = ""; string[] strArray = str13.Split(new char[] { ':' }); str20 = (Convert.ToInt32(strArray[0]) < 10) ? ("0" + strArray[0]) : strArray[0]; str20 = (str20 + ":" + ((Convert.ToInt32(strArray[1]) < 10) ? ("0" + strArray[1]) : strArray[1])) + ":" + ((Convert.ToInt32(strArray[2]) < 10) ? ("0" + strArray[2]) : strArray[2]); dictionary.Add("stop_time", str20); dictionary.Add("nn", str18); dictionary.Add("p_id", str19); dictionary.Add("profit", ""); DataSet play = CallBLL.cz_play_six_bll.GetPlay(str, str4); if (play == null) { base.Response.End(); } else { DataTable table2 = play.Tables["odds"]; if (table2 == null) { base.Response.End(); } else { DataSet cache; DataTable table3 = null; DataTable table4 = null; DataTable table5 = null; DataTable table6 = null; DataTable table7 = null; DataTable table8 = null; DataTable wT = null; DataTable table10 = null; DataTable table11 = null; DataTable table12 = null; DataTable table13 = null; DataTable table14 = null; DataTable table15 = null; DataTable table16 = null; DataTable table17 = null; DataTable table18 = null; DataTable table19 = null; DataTable table20 = null; DataTable table21 = null; DataTable table22 = null; string str37 = str2; if (str37 != null) { if (!(str37 == "six_lm")) { if (str37 == "six_lm_b") { wT = CallBLL.cz_wt_3qz_b_six_bll.GetWT(); table10 = CallBLL.cz_wt_3z2_b_six_bll.GetWT(); table11 = CallBLL.cz_wt_2qz_b_six_bll.GetWT(); table12 = CallBLL.cz_wt_2zt_b_six_bll.GetWT(); table13 = CallBLL.cz_wt_tc_b_six_bll.GetWT(); table14 = CallBLL.cz_wt_4z1_b_six_bll.GetWT(); } else if (str37 == "six_bz") { table15 = CallBLL.cz_wt_5bz_six_bll.GetWT(); table16 = CallBLL.cz_wt_6bz_six_bll.GetWT(); table17 = CallBLL.cz_wt_7bz_six_bll.GetWT(); table18 = CallBLL.cz_wt_8bz_six_bll.GetWT(); table19 = CallBLL.cz_wt_9bz_six_bll.GetWT(); table20 = CallBLL.cz_wt_10bz_six_bll.GetWT(); } else if (str37 == "six_lx") { table21 = CallBLL.cz_wt_sxlwsl_six_bll.GetWT(); table22 = CallBLL.cz_wt_6xyz_six_bll.GetWT(); } else if (str37 == "six_ws") { table21 = CallBLL.cz_wt_sxlwsl_six_bll.GetWT(); } } else { table3 = CallBLL.cz_wt_3qz_six_bll.GetWT(); table4 = CallBLL.cz_wt_3z2_six_bll.GetWT(); table5 = CallBLL.cz_wt_2qz_six_bll.GetWT(); table6 = CallBLL.cz_wt_2zt_six_bll.GetWT(); table7 = CallBLL.cz_wt_tc_six_bll.GetWT(); table8 = CallBLL.cz_wt_4z1_six_bll.GetWT(); } } DataTable drawbackByPlayIds = null; if (FileCacheHelper.get_GetSixPutMoneyCache() == "1") { foreach (string str21 in str.Split(new char[] { ',' })) { DataTable table24; if (CacheHelper.GetCache("six_drawback_FileCacheKey" + str21 + this.Session["user_name"].ToString()) != null) { cache = CacheHelper.GetCache("six_drawback_FileCacheKey" + str21 + this.Session["user_name"].ToString()) as DataSet; if (drawbackByPlayIds == null) { drawbackByPlayIds = cache.Tables[0]; } else { table24 = drawbackByPlayIds.Clone(); table24 = cache.Tables[0]; if (table24 != null) { drawbackByPlayIds.Merge(table24); } } } else if (drawbackByPlayIds == null) { drawbackByPlayIds = CallBLL.cz_drawback_six_bll.GetDrawbackByPlayIds(str21, getUserModelInfo.get_u_name()); } else { table24 = drawbackByPlayIds.Clone(); table24 = CallBLL.cz_drawback_six_bll.GetDrawbackByPlayIds(str21, getUserModelInfo.get_u_name()); if (table24 != null) { drawbackByPlayIds.Merge(table24); } } } } else if (CacheHelper.GetCache("six_drawback_FileCacheKey" + this.Session["user_name"].ToString()) != null) { cache = CacheHelper.GetCache("six_drawback_FileCacheKey" + this.Session["user_name"].ToString()) as DataSet; drawbackByPlayIds = cache.Tables[0]; } else { drawbackByPlayIds = CallBLL.cz_drawback_six_bll.GetDrawbackByPlayIds(str, getUserModelInfo.get_u_name()); } Dictionary <string, object> dictionary2 = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (DataRow row in table2.Rows) { string key = ""; string pl = ""; string s = ""; string str25 = ""; string str26 = ""; string str27 = ""; string str28 = ""; List <double> source = new List <double>(); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary3 = new Dictionary <string, object>(); key = row["play_id"].ToString() + "_" + row["odds_id"].ToString(); string str29 = row["current_odds"].ToString(); string str30 = row[str6 + "_diff"].ToString().Trim(); if (!row["is_open"].ToString().Equals("0")) { try { string[] strArray3 = row["current_odds"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] strArray4 = row[str6 + "_diff"].ToString().Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' }); base.GetOdds_SIX(row["odds_id"].ToString(), row["current_odds"].ToString(), row[str6 + "_diff"].ToString(), ref pl); } catch (Exception exception) { string message = exception.Message; } } else if (row["current_odds"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length > 1) { pl = "-,-"; } else { pl = "-"; } DataRow[] rowArray = drawbackByPlayIds.Select(string.Format(" play_id={0} and u_name='{1}' ", row["play_id"].ToString(), getUserModelInfo.get_u_name())); string str32 = rowArray[0]["single_phase_amount"].ToString(); string str33 = rowArray[0]["single_max_amount"].ToString(); string str34 = rowArray[0]["single_min_amount"].ToString(); s = row["allow_min_amount"].ToString(); str25 = row["allow_max_amount"].ToString(); str26 = row["max_appoint"].ToString(); str27 = row["total_amount"].ToString(); str28 = row["allow_max_put_amount"].ToString(); if (Convert.ToDecimal(str25) > Convert.ToDecimal(str28)) { str25 = row["allow_max_put_amount"].ToString(); } if (Convert.ToDecimal(str25) > Convert.ToDecimal(str27)) { str25 = row["total_amount"].ToString(); } if (double.Parse(s) < double.Parse(str34)) { s = str34; } if (double.Parse(str25) > double.Parse(str33)) { str25 = str33; } if ((str2.Equals("six_lm") || str2.Equals("six_lm_b")) || str2.Equals("six_bz")) { switch (row["play_id"].ToString()) { case "91016": foreach (DataRow row2 in table3.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91017": foreach (DataRow row2 in table4.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91018": foreach (DataRow row2 in table5.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91019": foreach (DataRow row2 in table6.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91020": foreach (DataRow row2 in table7.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91040": foreach (DataRow row2 in table8.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91060": foreach (DataRow row2 in wT.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91061": foreach (DataRow row2 in table10.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91062": foreach (DataRow row2 in table11.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91063": foreach (DataRow row2 in table12.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91064": foreach (DataRow row2 in table13.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91065": foreach (DataRow row2 in table14.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91037": foreach (DataRow row2 in table15.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91047": foreach (DataRow row2 in table16.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91048": foreach (DataRow row2 in table17.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91049": foreach (DataRow row2 in table18.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91050": foreach (DataRow row2 in table19.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; case "91051": foreach (DataRow row2 in table20.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } break; } } if (str2.Equals("six_lx")) { string str36 = row["odds_id"].ToString(); if (str36.Equals("92565")) { foreach (DataRow row2 in table22.Rows) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } } else { DataRow[] rowArray2 = table21.Select(string.Format(" odds_id={0} ", Convert.ToInt32(str36))); foreach (DataRow row2 in rowArray2) { source.Add(double.Parse(row2["wt_value"].ToString())); } if (source.Count <double>(p => (p == 0.0)) == source.Count) { source.Clear(); } } } dictionary3.Add("pl", pl); dictionary3.Add("plx", new List <double>(source)); dictionary3.Add("min_amount", s); dictionary3.Add("max_amount", str25); dictionary3.Add("top_amount", str26); dictionary3.Add("dq_max_amount", str27); dictionary3.Add("dh_max_amount", str28); dictionary2.Add(key, new Dictionary <string, object>(dictionary3)); } dictionary.Add("status", "1"); dictionary.Add("play_odds", dictionary2); base.OutJson(JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(dictionary)); } } } } }
private void user_login(HttpContext context, ref string strResult) { cz_login_log login_log; ReturnResult result = new ReturnResult(); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary.Add("type", "user_login"); string userName = LSRequest.qq("loginName").Trim().ToLower(); string str = LSRequest.qq("loginPwd").Trim(); string str2 = LSRequest.qq("ValidateCode").Trim(); if (PageBase.is_ip_locked()) { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; result.set_success(400); result.set_tipinfo("由於輸入錯誤次數過多,您已被禁用,請稍後再試!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { context.Response.End(); } else { DateTime time; if (int.Parse(FileCacheHelper.get_GetLockedPasswordCount()) == 0) { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 1; } if (context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] == null) { if (CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.IsExistUser(userName)) { if (PageBase.IsErrTimesAbove(ref time, userName)) { if (!PageBase.IsErrTimeout(time)) { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; result.set_success(400); result.set_tipinfo(""); dictionary.Add("is_display_code", "1"); result.set_data(dictionary); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 1; return; } CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.ZeroErrTimes(userName); context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 0; } else { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 0; } } else { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 0; } } if (context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"].ToString() == "0") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { context.Response.End(); return; } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { context.Response.End(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; result.set_success(400); result.set_tipinfo(""); dictionary.Add("is_display_code", "1"); result.set_data(dictionary); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 1; return; } if (context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] == null) { context.Response.End(); return; } if (context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"].ToString().ToLower() != str2.ToLower()) { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; result.set_success(400); result.set_tipinfo(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100004", "MessageHint")); dictionary.Add("fs_name", "ValidateCode"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); return; } } cz_users _users = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.UserLogin(userName.ToLower()); if (_users == null) { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; PageBase.login_error_ip(); result.set_success(400); result.set_tipinfo(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100005", "MessageHint")); dictionary.Add("fs_name", "loginName"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); } else { string str4 = _users.get_retry_times().ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4) && (int.Parse(str4) > int.Parse(FileCacheHelper.get_GetLockedUserCount()))) { if (!PageBase.IsLockedTimeout(userName, "master")) { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; result.set_success(560); result.set_tipinfo("您的帳號因密碼多次輸入錯誤被鎖死,請與管理員聯系!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); return; } PageBase.zero_retry_times(userName); } string str5 = _users.get_a_state().ToString(); string str6 = PageBase.upper_user_status(_users.get_u_name().ToLower()); if (str5 == "2") { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; result.set_success(400); result.set_tipinfo(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100008", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session.Abandon(); } else if (str6 == "2") { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; result.set_success(400); result.set_tipinfo("您的上級帳號已被停用,请与管理员联系!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session.Abandon(); } else { if (str5 == "1") { result.set_success(200); result.set_tipinfo(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100007", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session["user_state"] = str5; } else if (str6 == "1") { result.set_success(200); result.set_tipinfo(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100010", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session["user_state"] = str6; } else { context.Session["user_state"] = "0"; result.set_success(200); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); } string str7 = _users.get_salt().Trim(); string str8 = DESEncrypt.EncryptString(str, str7); if (_users.get_u_psw() != str8) { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; PageBase.inc_retry_times(userName); PageBase.login_error_ip(); result.set_success(400); result.set_tipinfo(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100006", "MessageHint")); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); if (context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"].ToString() == "0") { if (CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.IsExistUser(userName)) { CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.UpdateErrTimes(userName); } else { CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.AddUser(userName); } if (PageBase.IsErrTimesAbove(ref time, userName)) { context.Session["lottery_session_img_code"] = null; result.set_success(400); result.set_tipinfo(PageBase.GetMessageByCache("u100006", "MessageHint")); dictionary.Add("is_display_code", "1"); result.set_data(dictionary); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session["lottery_session_img_code_display"] = 1; } } } else { cz_userinfo_session _session = new cz_userinfo_session(); _session.set_u_id(_users.get_u_id()); _session.set_u_name(_users.get_u_name()); _session.set_u_nicker(_users.get_u_nicker()); _session.set_u_skin(_users.get_u_skin()); _session.set_u_type(_users.get_u_type()); _session.set_su_type(_users.get_su_type()); _session.set_kc_kind(_users.get_kc_kind().Trim()); _session.set_six_kind(_users.get_six_kind().Trim()); _session.set_u_psw(_users.get_u_psw().Trim()); _session.set_kc_rate_owner(_users.get_kc_rate_owner()); _session.set_six_rate_owner(_users.get_six_rate_owner()); _session.set_a_state(new int?(int.Parse(context.Session["user_state"].ToString()))); DataTable zJInfo = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.GetZJInfo(); if (zJInfo != null) { _session.set_zjname(zJInfo.Rows[0]["u_name"].ToString().Trim()); } DataRow item = CallBLL.cz_admin_sysconfig_bll.GetItem(); if (item == null) { _session.set_u_skin("Blue"); } else { string str9 = item["hy_skin"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_session.get_u_skin()) || (str9.IndexOf(_session.get_u_skin()) < 0)) { _session.set_u_skin(str9.Split(new char[] { '|' })[0]); } } DataTable table2 = CallBLL.cz_rate_six_bll.GetRateByAccount(userName.ToLower()).Tables[0]; _session.get_six_session().set_fgsname(table2.Rows[0]["fgs_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_six_session().set_gdname(table2.Rows[0]["gd_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_six_session().set_zdname(table2.Rows[0]["zd_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_six_session().set_dlname(table2.Rows[0]["dl_name"].ToString().Trim()); DataTable table3 = CallBLL.cz_rate_kc_bll.GetRateByAccount(userName.ToLower()).Tables[0]; _session.get_kc_session().set_fgsname(table3.Rows[0]["fgs_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_kc_session().set_gdname(table3.Rows[0]["gd_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_kc_session().set_zdname(table3.Rows[0]["zd_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.get_kc_session().set_dlname(table3.Rows[0]["dl_name"].ToString().Trim()); _session.set_kc_rate_owner(new int?(Convert.ToInt32(table3.Rows[0]["kc_rate_owner"]))); _session.set_six_rate_owner(new int?(Convert.ToInt32(table2.Rows[0]["six_rate_owner"]))); DataTable userOpOdds = CallBLL.cz_rate_kc_bll.GetUserOpOdds(userName.ToLower()); if (userOpOdds != null) { if ((userOpOdds.Rows[0]["six_op_odds"] != null) && (userOpOdds.Rows[0]["six_op_odds"].ToString() != "")) { _session.set_six_op_odds(new int?(int.Parse(userOpOdds.Rows[0]["six_op_odds"].ToString()))); } if ((userOpOdds.Rows[0]["kc_op_odds"] != null) && (userOpOdds.Rows[0]["kc_op_odds"].ToString() != "")) { _session.set_kc_op_odds(new int?(int.Parse(userOpOdds.Rows[0]["kc_op_odds"].ToString()))); } } context.Session["user_name"] = userName.ToLower(); context.Session[userName + "lottery_session_user_info"] = _session; PageBase.SetAppcationFlag(userName); if (FileCacheHelper.get_RedisStatOnline().Equals(1)) { new PageBase_Redis().InitUserOnlineTopToRedis(userName, _session.get_u_type()); } else if (FileCacheHelper.get_RedisStatOnline().Equals(2)) { new PageBase_Redis().InitUserOnlineTopToRedisStack(userName, _session.get_u_type()); } else { MemberPageBase.stat_top_online(userName); MemberPageBase.stat_online(userName, _session.get_u_type()); } if (FileCacheHelper.get_RedisStatOnline().Equals(0)) { PageBase.ZeroIsOutFlag(userName); } login_log = new cz_login_log(); login_log.set_ip(LSRequest.GetIP()); login_log.set_login_time(new DateTime?(DateTime.Now)); login_log.set_u_name(userName); login_log.set_browser_type(Utils.GetBrowserInfo(HttpContext.Current)); Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate { PageBase.zero_retry_times(userName); CallBLL.cz_user_psw_err_log_bll.ZeroErrTimes(userName); CallBLL.cz_login_log_bll.Add(login_log); }).ContinueWith(delegate(Task t) { string str = string.Format("Task Exception: {0}", t.Exception.InnerException.Message); MessageQueueConfig.TaskQueue.Enqueue(new TaskModel(0, str)); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); if (FileCacheHelper.get_GetWebModelView().Equals(0)) { HttpContext.Current.Session["Session_LoginSystem_Flag"] = "LoginSystem_OldWeb"; _session.set_u_skin("Yellow"); } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["Session_LoginSystem_Flag"] = "LoginSystem_NewWeb"; } string str10 = _users.get_is_changed().ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str10)) { result.set_success(550); result.set_tipinfo("新密碼首次登錄,需重置密碼!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session["modifypassword"] = "******"; } else if (str10 == "0") { result.set_success(550); result.set_tipinfo("新密碼首次登錄,需重置密碼!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session["modifypassword"] = "******"; } else { DateTime?nullable3; DateTime?nullable = _users.get_last_changedate(); int num2 = PageBase.PasswordExpire(); if (nullable.HasValue && ((nullable3 = nullable).HasValue ? (nullable3.GetValueOrDefault() < DateTime.Now.AddDays((double)-num2)) : false)) { result.set_success(550); result.set_tipinfo("密碼過期,需重置密碼!"); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); context.Session["modifypassword"] = "******"; } else { CallBLL.cz_credit_lock_bll.Delete(_users.get_u_name()); result.set_data(dictionary); strResult = JsonHandle.ObjectToJson(result); } } } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.Response.Expires = 0; base.IsUserLoginByMobileForAjax(); this.userName = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); this.uModel = base.GetUserModelInfo; this.findDate = LSRequest.qq("findDate"); this.lid = LSRequest.qq("lid"); if (!Utils.ValidLotteryID(this.lid, true)) { base.Response.End(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.q("page"))) { = Convert.ToInt32(base.q("page")); } this.FiledValue = new string[0]; string str2 = this.uModel.get_su_type().ToString().Trim(); if (str2 != null) { if (!(str2 == "dl")) { if (str2 == "zd") { this.u_drawback = "dl_drawback"; } else if (str2 == "gd") { this.u_drawback = "zd_drawback"; } else if (str2 == "fgs") { this.u_drawback = "gd_drawback"; } } else { this.u_drawback = "hy_drawback"; } } string str = "cz_betold_kc"; if (DateTime.Now.AddHours((double)-int.Parse(base.get_BetTime_KC())).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == this.findDate) { str = "cz_bet_kc"; } DateTime time2 = Convert.ToDateTime(this.findDate); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; now = time2.AddDays(1.0); if (str.Equals("cz_betold_kc")) { this.dataTable = CallBLL.cz_betold_kc_bll.GetReportByPageList(this.userName, - 1, this.pageSize, ref this.pageCount, ref this.dataCount, this.findDate + " 07:00:00", now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 07:00:00", this.lid).Tables[0]; } else { this.dataTable = CallBLL.cz_bet_kc_bll.GetReportByPageList(this.userName, - 1, this.pageSize, ref this.pageCount, ref this.dataCount, this.findDate + " 07:00:00", now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 07:00:00", this.lid).Tables[0]; } if ( > this.pageCount) { this.dataTable = null; } }
public static void get_drawback(ref cz_userinfo_session uModel, string play_id, ref string zj_ds, ref string fgs_ds, ref string gd_ds, ref string zd_ds, ref string dl_ds, ref string hy_ds, string a_m_type, string hy_pk) { string str = "'" + uModel.get_kc_session().get_fgsname() + "','" + uModel.get_kc_session().get_gdname() + "','" + uModel.get_kc_session().get_zdname() + "','" + uModel.get_kc_session().get_dlname() + "','" + uModel.get_u_name() + "'"; DataTable table = CallBLL.cz_drawback_kl10_bll.GetDrawbacks(play_id.Trim(), str).Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { string str2 = row["u_type"].ToString().Trim(); if (str2 != null) { if (!(str2 == "zj")) { if (str2 == "fgs") { goto Label_0178; } if (str2 == "gd") { goto Label_019B; } if (str2 == "zd") { goto Label_01BF; } if (str2 == "dl") { goto Label_01E3; } if (str2 == "hy") { goto Label_0207; } } else { zj_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } } continue; Label_0178: fgs_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); continue; Label_019B: gd_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); continue; Label_01BF: zd_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); continue; Label_01E3: dl_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); continue; Label_0207: if (a_m_type == "dl") { hy_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } else if (a_m_type == "zd") { dl_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); hy_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } else if (a_m_type == "gd") { zd_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); hy_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } else if (a_m_type == "fgs") { gd_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); hy_ds = row[hy_pk + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime time; base.Response.Expires = 0; if (!base.IsUserLoginByMobileForAjax()) { this.Session.Abandon(); base.Response.Write("<script>top.location.href='/m'</script>"); base.Response.End(); } int num30 = 2; if (!base.IsLotteryExistByPhone(num30.ToString())) { this.Session.Abandon(); base.Response.Write("<script>top.location.href='/m'</script>"); base.Response.End(); } string str = this.Session["user_name"].ToString(); string str2 = ""; cz_userinfo_session getUserModelInfo = base.GetUserModelInfo; if (FileCacheHelper.get_RedisStatOnline().Equals(1)) { base.CheckIsOut(getUserModelInfo.get_u_name()); base.stat_online_redis(getUserModelInfo.get_u_name(), "hy"); } else if (FileCacheHelper.get_RedisStatOnline().Equals(2)) { base.CheckIsOutStack(getUserModelInfo.get_u_name()); base.stat_online_redisStack(getUserModelInfo.get_u_name(), "hy"); } else { MemberPageBase.stat_online_bet(getUserModelInfo.get_u_name(), "hy"); } if (!base.BetCreditLock(str)) { str2 = "系統繁忙,請稍後!"; str2 = string.Format("<script>alert('{0}');</script>", str2); base.Response.Write(str2); base.Response.End(); } user_kc_rate rate = base.GetUserRate_kc(getUserModelInfo.get_zjname()); DataTable table = null; DataSet set = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.AccountIsDisabled(rate.get_fgsname(), rate.get_gdname(), rate.get_zdname(), rate.get_dlname(), getUserModelInfo.get_u_name()); if (set != null) { table = set.Tables[0]; if ((table != null) && (table.Rows.Count > 0)) { if (table.Rows[0]["a_state"].ToString().Trim() == "1") { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); str2 = "會員或上級已經被凍結,請與上級聯系!"; str2 = string.Format("<script>alert('{0}');</script>", str2); base.Response.Write(str2); base.Response.End(); } else { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); str2 = "會員或上級已經被停用,請與上級聯系!"; str2 = string.Format("<script>alert('{0}');</script>", str2); base.Response.Write(str2); base.Response.End(); } } } else { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.End(); } string str4 = base.qq("caizhong"); string str5 = base.qq("wanfa"); string str6 = base.qq("jiangqi"); string str7 = "PK10_" + str5 + ".aspx?lottery_type=" + str4 + "&player_type=" + str5; string str8 = ""; string str9 = ""; string str10 = ""; string str11 = ""; string str12 = ""; str9 = base.qq("uPI_ID"); str10 = base.qq("uPI_P"); str11 = base.qq("uPI_M"); string[] strArray = base.qq("i_index").Split(new char[] { ',' }); str12 = base.qq("JeuValidate"); str8 = base.qq("shortcut"); if ((((string.IsNullOrEmpty(str4) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str5)) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str6) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str9))) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str10)) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(str11)) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.End(); } string[] source = str9.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (source.Distinct <string>().ToList <string>().Count != source.Length) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.End(); } if (source.Length > FileCacheHelper.get_GetPK10MaxGroup()) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.End(); } string str13 = str5; string s = str6; int num2 = 2; if ((this.Session["JeuValidate"].ToString().Trim() != str12) || (this.Session["JeuValidate"].ToString().Trim() == "")) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert('下注規則有誤,請重新下注,謝謝合作!');$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } else { this.Session["JeuValidate"] = ""; } int num3 = 1; if (getUserModelInfo.get_su_type().ToString().Trim() != "dl") { num3 = -1; } int index = 0; Label_05F3 :; if (index < str11.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Length) { if (!base.IsNumber(str11.Split(new char[] { ',' })[index])) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert($(\"#v_" + strArray[index] + "\").text()+' 下注金額有誤!');$('#m_" + strArray[index] + "').focus();$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } index++; goto Label_05F3; } if (getUserModelInfo.get_begin_kc().Trim() != "yes") { getUserModelInfo = base.GetRateByUserObject(2, rate); } string str16 = ""; string str17 = ""; if (!Utils.IsInteger(s)) { base.Response.End(); } DataTable table2 = CallBLL.cz_phase_pk10_bll.GetIsClosedByTime(int.Parse(s)).Tables[0]; if ((table2 != null) && (table2.Rows.Count > 0)) { if (table2.Rows[0]["is_closed"].ToString().Trim() == "1") { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert('該獎期已經截止下注!');window.location=\"" + str7 + "\";</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } str16 = table2.Rows[0]["phase"].ToString(); str17 = table2.Rows[0]["p_id"].ToString(); time = Convert.ToDateTime(table2.Rows[0]["stop_date"].ToString()); num30 = 2; string str18 = base.BetReceiveEnd(num30.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str18)) { time = Convert.ToDateTime(table2.Rows[0]["play_open_date"].ToString()).AddSeconds((double)-int.Parse(str18)); } } else { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert('該獎期已經截止下注!');window.location=\"" + str7 + "\";</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } string str19 = ""; string str20 = ""; double num5 = 0.0; DataTable table3 = CallBLL.cz_users_bll.GetUserRate(str, 2).Tables[0]; str19 = table3.Rows[0]["kc_kind"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); str20 = table3.Rows[0]["su_type"].ToString().Trim(); num5 = double.Parse(table3.Rows[0]["kc_usable_credit"].ToString().Trim()); getUserModelInfo.set_kc_kind(str19.ToUpper()); string str21 = "0"; string str22 = "0"; string str23 = "0"; string str24 = "0"; string str25 = "0"; string str26 = "0"; double num6 = 0.0; double num7 = 0.0; double num8 = 0.0; double num9 = 0.0; double num10 = 0.0; double num11 = 0.0; string str27 = ""; string str28 = ""; string str29 = ""; string str30 = ""; string str31 = ""; string[] strArray3 = str9.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] strArray4 = str10.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] strArray5 = str11.Split(new char[] { ',' }); DataTable plDT = CallBLL.cz_odds_pk10_bll.GetPlayOddsByID(str9).Tables[0]; if (plDT.Rows.Count == 0) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.End(); } else { DataTable table5 = CallBLL.cz_bet_kc_bll.GetSinglePhaseByBet(str16, str, num2.ToString(), str9, null).Tables[0]; if ((plDT.Rows.Count == 0) || (plDT.Rows.Count != strArray3.Count <string>())) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.End(); } else { double num12 = 0.0; string str32 = ""; List <string> list = new List <string>(); List <string> list2 = new List <string>(); int num13 = 0; foreach (string str33 in strArray3) { num6 = 0.0; row = plDT.Select(string.Format(" odds_id= {0} ", str33.Trim()))[0]; str32 = row["is_open"].ToString().Trim(); str28 = row["current_odds"].ToString().Trim(); str29 = row[str19 + "_diff"].ToString().Trim(); str27 = row["play_id"].ToString().Trim(); str30 = row["play_name"].ToString().Trim(); str31 = row["put_amount"].ToString().Trim(); num11 = double.Parse(row["allow_min_amount"].ToString().Trim()); num8 = double.Parse(row["allow_max_amount"].ToString().Trim()); num10 = double.Parse(row["allow_max_put_amount"].ToString().Trim()); if ((table5 != null) && (table5.Rows.Count > 0)) { DataRow[] rowArray2 = table5.Select(string.Format(" odds_id = {0} ", str33.Trim())); if (rowArray2.Count <DataRow>() > 0) { num6 = double.Parse(rowArray2[0]["sumbet"].ToString().Trim()); } } DataTable table6 = null; if (FileCacheHelper.get_GetKCPutMoneyCache() == "1") { if (CacheHelper.GetCache("kc_drawback_FileCacheKey_pk10" + str27 + this.Session["user_name"].ToString()) == null) { table6 = CallBLL.cz_drawback_pk10_bll.GetDrawback(str27, str).Tables[0]; } else { table6 = base.GetUserDrawback_pk10(rate, getUserModelInfo.get_kc_kind(), str27); } } else if (CacheHelper.GetCache("kc_drawback_FileCacheKey_pk10" + this.Session["user_name"].ToString()) == null) { table6 = CallBLL.cz_drawback_pk10_bll.GetDrawback(str27, str).Tables[0]; } else { table6 = base.GetUserDrawback_pk10(rate, getUserModelInfo.get_kc_kind()); } DataRow[] rowArray3 = table6.Select(string.Format(" play_id={0} and u_name='{1}' ", str27, str)); num7 = double.Parse(rowArray3[0]["single_max_amount"].ToString().Trim()); double num14 = double.Parse(rowArray3[0]["single_min_amount"].ToString().Trim()); num9 = double.Parse(rowArray3[0]["single_phase_amount"].ToString().Trim()); if (num7 > num8) { num7 = num8; } if (num9 > num10) { num9 = num10; } if (num14 > num11) { num11 = num14; } if (str32 != "1") { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + str30 + "【" + str31 + "】已經停止投注!!');$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } num12 = double.Parse(str28) + double.Parse(str29); string pl = num12.ToString(); base.GetOdds_KC(2, str33, ref pl); num12 = Convert.ToDouble(pl); if (!(double.Parse(strArray4[num13]) == double.Parse(num12.ToString()))) { list.Add(num13.ToString()); list2.Add(num12.ToString()); } if (list.Count > 0) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + str30 + "【" + str31 + "】賠率已經由 " + strArray4[num13] + " 變為 " + num12.ToString() + " 請確認再投註!');$('#v_" + strArray[num13] + " ~ span.hong').text('" + num12.ToString() + "');$('#p_" + strArray[num13] + "').val('" + num12.ToString() + "');$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } if (double.Parse(strArray5[num13]) > num7) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert($(\"#v_" + strArray[num13] + "\").text()+' 下注金額超出單注最大金額!');$('#m_" + strArray[num13] + "').focus();$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } if (double.Parse(strArray5[num13]) < num11) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert($(\"#v_" + strArray[num13] + "\").text()+' 下注金額低過最低金額!');$('#m_" + strArray[num13] + "').focus();$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } if (double.Parse(strArray5[num13]) > num5) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert($(\"#v_" + strArray[num13] + "\").text()+' 下注金額超出可用金額!');$('#m_" + strArray[num13] + "').focus();$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } if ((double.Parse(strArray5[num13]) + num6) > num9) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert('" + str30 + "【" + str31 + "】下註單期金額超出單期最大金額!');</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } num13++; } double num15 = 0.0; int num16 = 0; foreach (string str35 in strArray3) { num15 += double.Parse(strArray5[num16].ToString().Trim()); num16++; } if (num5 < num15) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write("<script>alert('可用餘額不足!');$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } else { DataTable dataTable = null; bool flag2 = false; List <string> successBetList = new List <string>(); DateTime? nullable = null; num13 = 0; foreach (string str33 in strArray3) { double num20; if (FileCacheHelper.get_AddBetLockUType_KC().Equals("zj")) { num30 = 2; base.Add_Bet_Lock(num30.ToString(), getUserModelInfo.get_zjname(), str33); } DataTable table8 = CallBLL.cz_odds_pk10_bll.GetOddsByID(str33).Tables[0]; int num17 = int.Parse(table8.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString()); string str36 = table8.Rows[0]["play_name"].ToString(); string str37 = table8.Rows[0]["put_amount"].ToString(); string ratio = table8.Rows[0]["ratio"].ToString(); if (FileCacheHelper.get_GetKCPutMoneyCache() == "1") { dataTable = base.GetUserDrawback_pk10(rate, getUserModelInfo.get_kc_kind(), num17.ToString()); } else { dataTable = base.GetUserDrawback_pk10(rate, getUserModelInfo.get_kc_kind()); } if (dataTable == null) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); if (FileCacheHelper.get_AddBetLockUType_KC().Equals("zj")) { num30 = 2; base.Un_Bet_Lock(num30.ToString(), getUserModelInfo.get_zjname(), str33); } else { num30 = 2; base.Un_Bet_Lock(num30.ToString(), rate.get_fgsname(), str33); } base.Response.Write("<script>alert('系統錯誤,請重試!');$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } DataRow[] rowArray4 = dataTable.Select(string.Format(" play_id={0} ", num17)); foreach (DataRow row in rowArray4) { string str42 = row["u_type"].ToString().Trim(); if (str42 != null) { if (!(str42 == "zj")) { if (str42 == "fgs") { goto Label_152D; } if (str42 == "gd") { goto Label_1551; } if (str42 == "zd") { goto Label_1575; } if (str42 == "dl") { goto Label_1599; } if (str42 == "hy") { goto Label_15BD; } } else { str21 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } } continue; Label_152D: str22 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); continue; Label_1551: str23 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); continue; Label_1575: str24 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); continue; Label_1599: str25 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); continue; Label_15BD: if (getUserModelInfo.get_su_type() == "dl") { str26 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } else if (getUserModelInfo.get_su_type() == "zd") { str25 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); str26 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } else if (getUserModelInfo.get_su_type() == "gd") { str24 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); str26 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } else if (getUserModelInfo.get_su_type() == "fgs") { str23 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); str26 = row[str19 + "_drawback"].ToString().Trim(); } } double num18 = 0.0; double num19 = 0.0; if (rate.get_zcyg().Equals("1")) { num20 = (((100.0 - double.Parse(rate.get_fgszc())) - double.Parse(rate.get_gdzc())) - double.Parse(rate.get_zdzc())) - double.Parse(rate.get_dlzc()); num18 = num20; num19 = double.Parse(rate.get_fgszc()); } else { num20 = (((100.0 - double.Parse(rate.get_zjzc())) - double.Parse(rate.get_gdzc())) - double.Parse(rate.get_zdzc())) - double.Parse(rate.get_dlzc()); num19 = num20; num18 = double.Parse(rate.get_zjzc()); } if (DateTime.Now >= time.AddSeconds(0.0)) { flag2 = true; break; } if (!FileCacheHelper.get_AddBetLockUType_KC().Equals("zj")) { num30 = 2; base.Add_Bet_Lock(num30.ToString(), rate.get_fgsname(), str33); } double num33 = double.Parse(table8.Rows[0]["current_odds"].ToString()) + Convert.ToDouble(table8.Rows[0][str19 + "_diff"].ToString().Trim()); string str39 = num33.ToString(); string str40 = str39.ToString(); base.GetOdds_KC(2, str33, ref str40); double playDrawbackValue = base.GetPlayDrawbackValue(str22, ratio); if ((playDrawbackValue != 0.0) && (double.Parse(str39) > playDrawbackValue)) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); if (FileCacheHelper.get_AddBetLockUType_KC().Equals("zj")) { num30 = 2; base.Un_Bet_Lock(num30.ToString(), getUserModelInfo.get_zjname(), str33); } else { num30 = 2; base.Un_Bet_Lock(num30.ToString(), rate.get_fgsname(), str33); } base.Response.Write("<script>alert('賠率錯誤!');$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); } if (!nullable.HasValue) { nullable = new DateTime?(DateTime.Now); } cz_bet_kc _kc = new cz_bet_kc(); _kc.set_order_num(Utils.GetOrderNumber()); _kc.set_checkcode(str12); _kc.set_u_name(getUserModelInfo.get_u_name()); _kc.set_u_nicker(getUserModelInfo.get_u_nicker()); _kc.set_phase_id(new int?(int.Parse(str17))); _kc.set_phase(str16); _kc.set_bet_time(nullable); _kc.set_odds_id(new int?(int.Parse(str33))); _kc.set_category(table8.Rows[0]["category"].ToString()); _kc.set_play_id(new int?(int.Parse(table8.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString()))); _kc.set_play_name(str36); _kc.set_bet_val(str37); _kc.set_odds(str40); _kc.set_amount(new decimal?(decimal.Parse(strArray5[num13]))); _kc.set_profit(0); _kc.set_hy_drawback(new decimal?(decimal.Parse(str26))); _kc.set_dl_drawback(new decimal?(decimal.Parse(str25))); _kc.set_zd_drawback(new decimal?(decimal.Parse(str24))); _kc.set_gd_drawback(new decimal?(decimal.Parse(str23))); _kc.set_fgs_drawback(new decimal?(decimal.Parse(str22))); _kc.set_zj_drawback(new decimal?(decimal.Parse(str21))); _kc.set_dl_rate((float)int.Parse(rate.get_dlzc())); _kc.set_zd_rate((float)int.Parse(rate.get_zdzc())); _kc.set_gd_rate((float)int.Parse(rate.get_gdzc())); _kc.set_fgs_rate(float.Parse(num19.ToString())); _kc.set_zj_rate(float.Parse(num18.ToString())); _kc.set_dl_name(rate.get_dlname()); _kc.set_zd_name(rate.get_zdname()); _kc.set_gd_name(rate.get_gdname()); _kc.set_fgs_name(rate.get_fgsname()); _kc.set_is_payment(0); _kc.set_m_type(new int?(num3)); _kc.set_kind(str19); _kc.set_ip(LSRequest.GetIP()); _kc.set_lottery_type(new int?(num2)); _kc.set_lottery_name(base.GetGameNameByID(_kc.get_lottery_type().ToString())); _kc.set_ordervalidcode(Utils.GetOrderValidCode(_kc.get_u_name(), _kc.get_order_num(), _kc.get_bet_val(), _kc.get_odds(), _kc.get_kind(), Convert.ToInt32(_kc.get_phase_id()), Convert.ToInt32(_kc.get_odds_id()), Convert.ToDouble(_kc.get_amount()))); _kc.set_odds_zj(str39); _kc.set_isPhone(1); int num22 = 0; if (!CallBLL.cz_bet_kc_bll.AddBet(_kc, decimal.Parse(strArray5[num13]), str, ref num22) || (num22 <= 0)) { base.DeleteCreditLock(str); if (FileCacheHelper.get_AddBetLockUType_KC().Equals("zj")) { num30 = 2; base.Un_Bet_Lock(num30.ToString(), getUserModelInfo.get_zjname(), str33); } else { num30 = 2; base.Un_Bet_Lock(num30.ToString(), rate.get_fgsname(), str33); } base.Response.Write("<script>alert('系統錯誤,請重試!');$('#JeuValidate').val('" + base.get_JeuValidate() + "');</script>"); base.Response.End(); return; } successBetList.Add(string.Concat(new object[] { _kc.get_odds_id(), ",", _kc.get_order_num(), ",", _kc.get_play_name(), ",", _kc.get_bet_val(), ",", _kc.get_odds(), ",", _kc.get_amount() })); double num23 = (double.Parse(strArray5[num13]) * num18) / 100.0; CallBLL.cz_odds_pk10_bll.UpdateGrandTotal(Convert.ToDecimal(num23), int.Parse(str33)); double num24 = double.Parse(table8.Rows[0]["grand_total"].ToString()) + num23; double num25 = double.Parse(table8.Rows[0]["downbase"].ToString()); double num26 = Math.Floor((double)(num24 / num25)); if ((num26 >= 1.0) && (num25 >= 1.0)) { double num27 = double.Parse(table8.Rows[0]["down_odds_rate"].ToString()) * num26; int num29 = CallBLL.cz_odds_pk10_bll.UpdateGrandTotalCurrentOdds(num27.ToString(), (num23 - (num25 * num26)).ToString(), str33); cz_system_log _log = new cz_system_log(); _log.set_user_name("系統"); _log.set_children_name(""); _log.set_category(table8.Rows[0]["category"].ToString()); _log.set_play_name(str36); _log.set_put_amount(str37); num30 = 2; _log.set_l_name(base.GetGameNameByID(num30.ToString())); _log.set_l_phase(str16); _log.set_action("降賠率"); _log.set_odds_id(int.Parse(str33)); string str41 = table8.Rows[0]["current_odds"].ToString(); _log.set_old_val(str41); num33 = double.Parse(str41) - num27; _log.set_new_val(num33.ToString()); _log.set_ip(LSRequest.GetIP()); _log.set_add_time(DateTime.Now); _log.set_note("系統自動降賠"); _log.set_type_id(Convert.ToInt32((LSEnums.LogTypeID) 0)); _log.set_lottery_type(2); CallBLL.cz_system_log_bll.Add(_log); cz_jp_odds _odds = new cz_jp_odds(); _odds.set_add_time(DateTime.Now); _odds.set_odds_id(int.Parse(str33)); _odds.set_phase_id(int.Parse(str17)); _odds.set_play_name(str36); _odds.set_put_amount(str37); _odds.set_odds(num27.ToString()); _odds.set_lottery_type(2); _odds.set_phase(str16); _odds.set_old_odds(str41); _odds.set_new_odds((double.Parse(str41) - num27).ToString()); CallBLL.cz_jp_odds_bll.Add(_odds); } DataTable fgsWTTable = null; if (getUserModelInfo.get_kc_op_odds().Equals(1)) { fgsWTTable = base.GetFgsWTTable(2); } CallBLL.cz_autosale_pk10_bll.DLAutoSale(_kc.get_order_num(), str12, getUserModelInfo.get_u_nicker(), getUserModelInfo.get_u_name(), str19, table8.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString(), str33.Trim(), str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, str26, str17, str16, _kc.get_ip(), num2, _kc.get_lottery_name(), getUserModelInfo, rate, fgsWTTable); if (getUserModelInfo.get_kc_op_odds().Equals(1)) { fgsWTTable = base.GetFgsWTTable(2); } CallBLL.cz_autosale_pk10_bll.ZDAutoSale(_kc.get_order_num(), str12, getUserModelInfo.get_u_nicker(), getUserModelInfo.get_u_name(), str19, table8.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString(), str33.Trim(), str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, str26, str17, str16, _kc.get_ip(), num2, _kc.get_lottery_name(), getUserModelInfo, rate, fgsWTTable); if (getUserModelInfo.get_kc_op_odds().Equals(1)) { fgsWTTable = base.GetFgsWTTable(2); } CallBLL.cz_autosale_pk10_bll.GDAutoSale(_kc.get_order_num(), str12, getUserModelInfo.get_u_nicker(), getUserModelInfo.get_u_name(), str19, table8.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString(), str33.Trim(), str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, str26, str17, str16, _kc.get_ip(), num2, _kc.get_lottery_name(), getUserModelInfo, rate, fgsWTTable); if (getUserModelInfo.get_kc_op_odds().Equals(1)) { fgsWTTable = base.GetFgsWTTable(2); } CallBLL.cz_autosale_pk10_bll.FGSAutoSale(_kc.get_order_num(), str12, getUserModelInfo.get_u_nicker(), getUserModelInfo.get_u_name(), str19, table8.Rows[0]["play_id"].ToString(), str33.Trim(), str21, str22, str23, str24, str25, str26, str17, str16, _kc.get_ip(), num2, _kc.get_lottery_name(), getUserModelInfo, rate, fgsWTTable); if (FileCacheHelper.get_AddBetLockUType_KC().Equals("zj")) { num30 = 2; base.Un_Bet_Lock(num30.ToString(), getUserModelInfo.get_zjname(), str33); } else { base.Un_Bet_Lock(2.ToString(), rate.get_fgsname(), str33); } num13++; if (FileCacheHelper.get_GetKCPutMoneyCache() == "1") { base.SetUserDrawback_pk10(dataTable, num17.ToString()); } } base.SetUserRate_kc(rate); if (FileCacheHelper.get_GetKCPutMoneyCache() != "1") { base.SetUserDrawback_pk10(dataTable); } getUserModelInfo.set_begin_kc("yes"); base.UserPutBetByPhone(plDT, successBetList, strArray3, strArray4, strArray5); base.DeleteCreditLock(str); base.Response.Write(string.Format("<script>window.location=\"tj_ok.aspx?lottery_type={0}&player_type={1}\";</script>", str4, str5)); base.Response.End(); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = HttpContext.Current.Session["user_name"].ToString(); cz_userinfo_session _session = this.Session[str + "lottery_session_user_info"] as cz_userinfo_session; DataTable lotteryList = base.GetLotteryList(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LSRequest.qq("lid"))) { this.v_lid = LSRequest.qq("lid"); DataTable currentPhase = null; switch (Convert.ToInt32(this.v_lid)) { case 0: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_kl10_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 1: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_cqsc_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 2: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_pk10_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 3: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_xync_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 4: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_jsk3_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 5: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_kl8_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 6: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_k8sc_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 7: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_pcdd_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 8: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_pkbjl_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 9: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_xyft5_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 10: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_jscar_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 11: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_speed5_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 12: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_jspk10_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 13: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_jscqsc_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 14: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_jssfc_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 15: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_jsft2_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 0x10: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_car168_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 0x11: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_ssc168_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 0x12: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_vrcar_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 0x13: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_vrssc_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 20: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_xyftoa_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 0x15: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_xyftsg_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 0x16: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_happycar_bll.IsPhaseClose(); break; case 100: currentPhase = CallBLL.cz_phase_six_bll.GetCurrentPhase("1"); break; } DataRow[] rowArray = lotteryList.Select(string.Format("id={0}", Convert.ToInt32(this.v_lid))); int num2 = 100; if (this.v_lid.Equals(num2.ToString())) { cz_phase_six _six = CallBLL.cz_phase_six_bll.GetCurrentPhase(); this.v_url = string.Format("/OldWeb/{0}/index.aspx?lid={1}", "L_SIX", 100); this.v_phase = _six.get_phase(); } else if (currentPhase.Rows[0]["isopen"].ToString().Equals("0")) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime time2 = DateTime.Now; string introduced13 = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (introduced13 == now.AddHours(7.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) { time2 = Convert.ToDateTime(now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + rowArray[0]["begintime"].ToString()); } else { time2 = Convert.ToDateTime(now.AddDays(1.0).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + rowArray[0]["begintime"].ToString()); } this.v_currentTime = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); this.v_beginTime = time2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string str2 = ""; switch (Convert.ToInt32(this.v_lid)) { case 0: case 2: case 3: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 12: case 14: case 15: case 0x10: case 0x12: case 20: case 0x15: case 0x16: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) { str2 = string.Format("/OldWeb/{0}/index.aspx?lid={1}", rowArray[0]["dir_name"].ToString(), rowArray[0]["id"].ToString()); } break; case 1: case 4: case 6: case 7: case 11: case 13: case 0x11: case 0x13: str2 = string.Format("/OldWeb/{0}/index.aspx?lid={1}", rowArray[0]["dir_name"].ToString(), rowArray[0]["id"].ToString()); break; case 5: str2 = string.Format("/OldWeb/{0}/index.aspx?lid={1}", rowArray[0]["dir_name"].ToString(), rowArray[0]["id"].ToString()); break; } this.v_url = str2; } } }