Example #1
        public bool checkIfExist(List <cyberPhysicalState> states, cyberPhysicalState c)
            var status = false;

            foreach (var item in states)
                var x = item.exploits.FirstOrDefault();
                var y = c.exploits.FirstOrDefault();
                if (x == y)
Example #2
        // State Space creation

         * Optimal policy for different states
        //public int[] optimalAct = { 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5 };

        public List <cyberPhysicalState> createMDPStates()
            // for example we have 8 host.. currently the list of host are taken for testing purpose hence they are hardcoded.
            List <host> hosts = new List <host>();

            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "H1A", vulns = new List <vulnerability> {
                    new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v1", score = 4.567, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "H2A", vulns = new List <vulnerability> {
                    new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v2", score = 8.767, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "RA", vulns = new List <vulnerability>()
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "H1B", vulns = new List <vulnerability> {
                    new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v3", score = 5.467, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
                    }, new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v2", score = 8.767, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "H2B", vulns = new List <vulnerability> {
                    new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v1", score = 4.567, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "RB", vulns = new List <vulnerability>()
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "H1C", vulns = new List <vulnerability> {
                    new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v4", score = 2.567, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "RC", vulns = new List <vulnerability>()
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "H1D", vulns = new List <vulnerability> {
                    new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v1", score = 4.567, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "H2D", vulns = new List <vulnerability> {
                    new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v2", score = 8.767, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "RD", vulns = new List <vulnerability>()
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "H1E", vulns = new List <vulnerability> {
                    new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v3", score = 5.467, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
                    }, new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v2", score = 8.767, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "H2E", vulns = new List <vulnerability> {
                    new vulnerability {
                        vuln_name = "v1", score = 4.567, isExploited = false, isPatched = true
            hosts.Add(new host {
                hostId = "RE", vulns = new List <vulnerability>()

            // List of attackpaths
            List <string> attackPaths = new List <string> {
                "H1A(v1):H2A(v2):RA", "H2A(v2):RA", "H1B(v3):H2B(v1):RB", "H2B(v1):RB", "H1B(v2):RB", "H1C(v4):RC", "H1D(v1):H2D(v2):RD", "H2D(v2):RD", "H1E(v3):H2E(v1):RE", "H2E(v1):RE", "H1E(v2):RE"

            // for time being lets consider all are neighbor to each other in a given substation
            for (int i = 0; i < attackPaths.Count; i++)
                var elements = attackPaths[i].Split(':');
                for (int j = 0; j < elements.Length - 1; j++)
                    host h     = hosts.Single(a => a.hostId == elements[j].Split('(')[0]);
                    host neigh = hosts.Single(a => a.hostId == elements[j + 1].Split('(')[0]);
                    if (!h.neighbors.Contains(neigh))

            // After the neighbors are formed create cyber states where Phy Normal
            List <cyberPhysicalState> states = new List <cyberPhysicalState>();
            var normal = new cyberPhysicalState {
                ID = 0, exploits = new List <host>(), layer = 0


            int stateCount = 1;

            // Layer 1 states
            for (int i = 0; i < hosts.Count; i++)
                if (hosts[i].neighbors.Count != 0)
                    // get the list of exploits possible
                    var c = new cyberPhysicalState {
                        ID = stateCount++, exploits = new List <host> {
                        }, layer = 1
                    normal.neighbors.Add(c); // downward link
                    c.neighbors.Add(normal); // upward link
                    // Add the state if doesnt exist

            // Layer 2 states
            var firstLayercount = states.Count;

            for (int i = 1; i < firstLayercount; i++) // excluding the first normal state
                for (int j = 0; j < states[i].exploits.Count; j++)
                    var x = states[i].exploits[j];
                    foreach (var item in x.neighbors)
                        if (item.neighbors.Count != 0)
                            var c = new cyberPhysicalState {
                                ID = stateCount++, exploits = new List <host> {
                                    x, item
                                }, layer = 2
                            states[i].neighbors.Add(c); // downward link
                            c.neighbors.Add(states[i]); // upward link
                        else // Layer 3 states .. all the Relays compromised
                            var c = new cyberPhysicalState {
                                ID = stateCount++, exploits = new List <host> {
                                }, layer = 3
                            if (!checkIfExist(states, c))
                                states[i].neighbors.Add(c); // downward link
                                c.neighbors.Add(states[i]); // upward link

            // Add the links for the newly added states in Layer 2 and Layer 3

             * for (int i = firstLayercount; i < states.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  if(states[i].exploits.Count>1 && states[i].layer == 2)
             *  {
             *      states[i].neighbors.Add(states[i + 1]); // since all the Layer 3 states are placed after the Layer 2 states hence this logic works, need to change later
             *  }
             * }

            // Add the power system states to the cyber states
            // There are 2*no_of_Relays =  breakers that could be opened by the relays .. for all the layer 3 states add the possible power system states possible

            // breaker openings are related to the transmission lines connectivity..
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > relay_tx = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            List <string> relays = new List <string> {
                "RA", "RB", "RC", "RD", "RE"

            relay_tx["RA"] = new List <string> {
                "L1", "L2"
            relay_tx["RB"] = new List <string> {
                "L1", "L3"
            relay_tx["RC"] = new List <string> {
                "L2", "L4"
            relay_tx["RD"] = new List <string> {
                "L3", "L4", "L5"
            relay_tx["RE"] = new List <string> {

            // state count from cyber side
            int cyberstatesCount = states.Count;

            List <string> checker = new List <string>();

            for (int m = 0; m < cyberstatesCount; m++)
                if (states[m].layer == 3) // relays
                    List <host> hs = states[m].exploits;
                    foreach (var h in hs)
                        if (relays.Contains(h.hostId))
                            var g = relay_tx[h.hostId];
                            for (int i = 0; i < g.Count; i++)
                                if (checker.Contains(g[i]))
                                var cyberInduced_breakerOpen = new cyberPhysicalState {
                                    ID = stateCount++, exploits = new List <host> {
                                        new host {
                                            hostId = g[i]
                                    }, layer = 100
                                };                                                                         // assign a very high layer to physical states
                                states[states.IndexOf(states[m])].neighbors.Add(cyberInduced_breakerOpen); // downward
                                cyberInduced_breakerOpen.neighbors.Add(states[states.IndexOf(states[m])]); // upward

            // Add physical states after switch to manual and add them as the neighbors of the compromised normal states
            List <cyberPhysicalState> manualEmergencyStates = new List <cyberPhysicalState>();

            foreach (var s in states)
                if (s.layer == 100)
                    var cyberIsolatedBreakerOpen = new cyberPhysicalState {
                        ID = stateCount++, layer = 101
                    s.neighbors.Add(cyberIsolatedBreakerOpen);         // add cyber compromised normal to manual state
                    cyberIsolatedBreakerOpen.neighbors.Add(states[0]); // add manual state connectivity normal state
                    states[0].neighbors.Add(cyberIsolatedBreakerOpen); // add normal state connectivity to uncompromised fault state
            foreach (var item in manualEmergencyStates)

            //foreach (var s in states)
            //    if (s.layer == 100)
            //    {
            //        s.neighbors.Add(states[0]); // all normal state, temporarily
            //    }
            //return states;