private void e(cv A_0) { A_0.m = true; if (this.i.ContainsKey(A_0.k)) { A_0.n = 1 + this.i[A_0.k].n; if (this.d != null) { this.d(this.i[A_0.k]); } this.d(this.i[A_0.k]); } this.i[A_0.k] = A_0; if (!this.j.ContainsKey(A_0.g())) { this.j[A_0.g()] = new List <cv>(); } this.j[A_0.g()].Add(A_0); if (!this.k.ContainsKey(A_0.c())) { this.k[A_0.c()] = new List <cv>(); } this.k[A_0.c()].Add(A_0); this.a(A_0); }
protected override bool e() { if ( == this.a) { return(true); } cv cv = PluginCore.cq.p.d(this.a); if (cv == null) { ai.a("OpenVendor waypoint action ignored, vendor " + this.a.ToString() + " (" + this.b + ") not found."); return(true); } if (cv.c() != ObjectClass.Vendor) { ai.a("OpenVendor waypoint action ignored, vendor " + this.a.ToString() + " (" + this.b + ") is not a vendor."); return(true); } TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan)(DateTimeOffset.Now - this.c); if (span.TotalSeconds > 2.0) { this.c = DateTimeOffset.Now;, 0); } return(false); }
private void d(cv A_0) { A_0.m = false; if (this.i.ContainsKey(A_0.k)) { this.i.Remove(A_0.k); } if (this.j.ContainsKey(A_0.g()) && this.j[A_0.g()].Contains(A_0)) { this.j[A_0.g()].Remove(A_0); if (this.j[A_0.g()].Count == 0) { this.j.Remove(A_0.g()); } } ObjectClass key = A_0.c(); if (this.k.ContainsKey(key) && this.k[key].Contains(A_0)) { this.k[key].Remove(A_0); if (this.k[key].Count == 0) { this.k.Remove(key); } } if (this.m.Contains(A_0)) { this.m.Remove(A_0); } this.b(A_0); }
private void a() { if ((er.j("DeleteGhostMonstersByHPTracker") && PluginCore.cq.n.b) && ( != 0)) { cv cv = PluginCore.cq.p.d(; if (cv != null) { string str = cv.g(); if (PluginCore.cq.x.e(str) > 0) { TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan)(DateTimeOffset.Now -; if (span.TotalSeconds >= er.i("GhostDeleteHPTrackerSeconds")) { TimeSpan span2 = (TimeSpan)(DateTimeOffset.Now -; if (span2.TotalSeconds >= er.i("GhostDeleteHPTrackerSeconds")) { int num =; cv cv2 = PluginCore.cq.p.d(num); if ((cv2 != null) && (cv2.c() == ObjectClass.Monster)) { PluginCore.e("Deleting ghost monster " + cv2.g() + " (" + num.ToString() + ") due to HP tracker notification."); dh.d(num); } } } } } } }
public void a(int A_0, e5 A_1, bool A_2) { if (!this.f() && (!A_2 || (dh.d() == 1))) { this.h = DateTimeOffset.Now + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(800.0); this.j = A_0; this.i = true; cv cv = PluginCore.cq.p.d(A_0); if ((cv != null) && (cv.c() == ObjectClass.MeleeWeapon)) { if (A_1 == e5.b) { dh.a(A_0, true, 0); } else { dh.a(A_0, true, 1); } } else {, 0); } } }
internal GameItemInfo(cv A_0) { if (A_0 != null) { this.b = A_0.k; this.a = A_0; this.d = (uTank2.LootPlugins.ObjectClass)A_0.c(); this.c = true; } }
public int c(cv A_0) { if (A_0 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("wo"); } if (!this.b(A_0)) { return(0); } if (A_0.c() == ObjectClass.TradeNote) { return(A_0.a[0x13]); } return((int)Math.Floor((double)(((float)A_0.a[0x13]) * this.h))); }
private void a(cv A_0) { if (((A_0.k != 0) && (A_0.k != && (A_0.c() == ObjectClass.Monster)) { foreach (cv cv in this.a.e(A_0.k)) { if (!this.b.Contains(cv.k)) { this.b.Add(cv.k); this.d.Add(cv.g()); if (!this.c.g()) { this.c.a(true); } } } } }
public bool b(cv A_0) { if (A_0 == null) { throw new ArgumentException("wo"); } if (A_0.c() != ObjectClass.TradeNote) { int num = A_0.a(dt.g, 0) / A_0.a(dt.ct, 1); int num2 = A_0.a(dt.dd, 0); if (num > this.f) { return(false); } if ((num2 & this.d) == 0) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static void a(MySpell A_0, out MySpell A_1, out int A_2) { A_1 = null; A_2 = 0; if (A_0 != null) { foreach (int num in PluginCore.PC.c1) { cv cv = PluginCore.cq.p.d(num); if ((((cv != null) && (cv.c() == ObjectClass.WandStaffOrb)) && ((PluginCore.cq.p.f(num) == && dh.b(num))) && PluginCore.cq.z.a(num)) { int i = cv.i; MySpell p = PluginCore.cq.e.b(i); if (((p != null) && A_0.SameCompClass(p)) && ((A_1 == null) || (A_1.Quality < p.Quality))) { A_1 = p; A_2 = num; } } } } }
public void b(int A_0) { if (this.b.ContainsKey(A_0)) { Dictionary <int, int> dictionary; int num; (dictionary = this.b)[num = A_0] = dictionary[num] + 1; } else { this.b[A_0] = 1; } if (this.b[A_0] > er.i("GhostMonsterSpellAttemptCount")) { cv cv = PluginCore.cq.p.d(A_0); if (((cv != null) && (cv.c() == ObjectClass.Monster)) && er.j("DeleteGhostMonsters")) { PluginCore.e("Deleting ghost monster " + cv.g() + " (" + A_0.ToString() + ")"); dh.d(A_0); } this.b.Remove(A_0); } }
private void a(MySpell A_0, int A_1, int A_2) { if (!this.e.ContainsKey(A_0.Id)) { throw new Exception("DebuffTarget: Uncached state detected."); } bw.a a = this.e[A_0.Id]; if (a.e.b == null) { a5.a(eChatType.Errors, "Error: no way to apply a required debuff similar to \"" + A_0.Name + "\""); PluginCore.cq.c.StopMacro(); } else { switch (a.e.c) { case bw.b.a.a: { PluginCore.cq.v.d(); if (!er.j("SwitchWandsToDebuff")) { if (!PluginCore.cq.n.a(8, 0, true)) { return; } break; } cv cv = PluginCore.cq.p.d(A_2); if ((cv != null) && (PluginCore.cq.n.a(cv.c()) == 8)) { if (PluginCore.cq.n.a(8, A_2, false)) { break; } return; } if (PluginCore.cq.n.a(8, 0, true)) { break; } return; } case bw.b.a.b: { ObjectClass class2 =; CombatState state = PluginCore.cq.n.a(class2); if (state != 8) { if (!PluginCore.cq.n.a(state, a.d, false)) { PluginCore.cq.v.d(); return; } float num = 0f; if (state == 2) { num = 0f; } if (state == 4) { num = 1f; } PluginCore.cq.v.a(A_1, num, a.e.b); return; } if (PluginCore.cq.n.a(state, a.d, false)) { PluginCore.cq.z.a(a.d, A_1); return; } return; } case bw.b.a.c: if (a.b == null) { if (a.a != 0) { if (!PluginCore.cq.n.a(4, a.a, false)) { return; } PluginCore.cq.v.a(A_1, 1f, a.e.b); } return; } if (dh.d() == 1) { PluginCore.cq.y.a(a.b.a, a.b.b, a.c); return; } dh.a(1); return; default: return; } this.a(a.e.b, A_1); } }
private void a(int A_0, bool A_1) { WorldObject obj2 =; cv cv = PluginCore.cq.p.d(A_0); if ((A_1 && dh.b(A_0)) && (obj2.get_HasIdData() && (cv != null))) { ObjectClass class2 = cv.c(); if (class2 != ObjectClass.Monster) { if (class2 != ObjectClass.HealingKit) { return; } } else { if (!this.b(obj2.get_Name())) { int num = obj2.Values(2, -1); int num2 = cv.a(, -1); v v = new v(this.c["SpeciesMembers"]); v[0] = k.a(obj2.get_Name()); v[1] = k.a(num); v[2] = k.a(num2); this.c["SpeciesMembers"].c(v); try { this.c.c(Path.Combine(, "gameinfodb.ugd")); } catch { } if (this.c["SpeciesDamages"].a(0, k.a(num)) == null) { a5.a(eChatType.Warnings, "Warning: added monster \"" + obj2.get_Name() + "\" to DB but species \"" + ((FileService) + "\" has no auto damage definition."); } PluginCore.cq.d.c(); if (this.a == null) { return; } this.a(); } return; } if (this.a(obj2.get_Name()) == null) { dp dp = new dp { a = obj2.get_Name(), b = obj2.Values(100, 1.0), c = obj2.Values(90, 0) }; switch (obj2.Values(0x59, 0)) { case 2: dp.d = eRechargeVital_Single.Health; break; case 4: dp.d = eRechargeVital_Single.Stamina; break; case 6: dp.d = eRechargeVital_Single.Mana; break; default: dp.d = eRechargeVital_Single.Health; break; } this.a(dp); if (this.a != null) { this.a(); } } } }