Example #1
        private void click_game_event(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            number_dots_clicked += 1;
            set_textblock_game_data(thisGame.size, number_dots_clicked, thisGame.user_game_score_euc, thisGame.user_game_score_man, thisGame.user_game_score_euc_combo, thisGame.user_game_score_man_combo, thisGame.show_button_duration);
            if (number_dots_clicked < thisGame.number_dots)
                custom_button new_button = sender as custom_button;
                button_array[new_button.x, new_button.y].Template  = Control_Template.Template;
                button_array[new_button.x, new_button.y].IsEnabled = false;
                cooridinate new_coord = new cooridinate();
                new_coord.x = new_button.x;
                new_coord.y = new_button.y;
                Console.WriteLine("Click: " + number_dots_clicked + " of " + thisGame.number_dots);
                custom_button new_button = sender as custom_button;
                button_array[new_button.x, new_button.y].Template = Control_Template.Template;
                cooridinate new_coord = new cooridinate();
                new_coord.x = new_button.x;
                new_coord.y = new_button.y;

                List <cooridinate> answers2    = new List <cooridinate>(answers);
                List <cooridinate> answers3    = new List <cooridinate>(answers);
                List <cooridinate> answers4    = new List <cooridinate>(answers);
                List <cooridinate> selections2 = new List <cooridinate>(selections);
                List <cooridinate> selections3 = new List <cooridinate>(selections);
                List <cooridinate> selections4 = new List <cooridinate>(selections);

                thisGame.user_game_score_man = rowbasedMinManhattanDistance(answers2, selections2);
                thisGame.user_game_score_euc = rowbasedMinEuclideanDistance(answers, selections);

                thisGame.user_game_score_man_combo = combinationMinManhattanDistance(answers3, selections3);
                thisGame.user_game_score_euc_combo = combinationMinEuclideanDistance(answers4, selections4);

                thisGame.game_end           = DateTime.Now;
                thisGame.game_play_duration = thisGame.game_start - thisGame.game_end;

                button_next_game.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;  // games over go to the next game
                number_dots_clicked         = 0;

                foreach (Button b in button_array)
                    b.IsEnabled = false;

Example #2
 private custom_button[,] get_button_array(int size)
     //builds the complete button grid, but hides each button
     //Console.WriteLine("Starting set button grid");
     custom_button[,] buttonArray = new custom_button[size, size];
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
             custom_button button1 = new custom_button();
             button1.Height     = 45;
             button1.Width      = 45;
             button1.Background = Brushes.CornflowerBlue;
             button1.Content    = " ";
             button1.Name       = "button" + i.ToString() + "button" + j.ToString();
             button1.x          = i;
             button1.y          = j;
             button1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
             buttonArray[i, j]  = button1;