public static extern cudnnStatus cudnnDeriveBNTensorDescriptor(
                                 cudnnTensorDescriptor derivedBnDesc,
                                 cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc,
                                 cudnnBatchNormMode mode );
 public static extern cudnnStatus cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardInference(
                                 cudnnHandle handle,
                                 cudnnBatchNormMode mode,
                                 ref double alpha, // alpha[0] = result blend factor
                                 ref double beta,  // beta[0] = dest layer blend factor
                                 cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc,
                                 CUdeviceptr x,     // NxCxHxW
                                 cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc,
                                 CUdeviceptr y,     // NxCxHxW
                                 cudnnTensorDescriptor bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc,
                                 CUdeviceptr bnScale,
                                 CUdeviceptr bnBias,
                                 CUdeviceptr estimatedMean,
                                 CUdeviceptr estimatedInvVariance,
                                 double epsilon );
        public static extern cudnnStatus cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining(
                        cudnnHandle handle,
                        cudnnBatchNormMode mode,

                        ref double alpha, // alpha[0] = result blend factor
                        ref double beta,  // beta[0] = dest layer blend factor

                        cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc,
                        CUdeviceptr x,     // NxCxHxW
                        cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc,
                        CUdeviceptr y,     // NxCxHxW

                        /* Shared desc for the next 6 tensors in the argument list.
                           Data type to be set as follows:
                           type = (typeOf(x) == double) ? double : float
                           Dimensions for this descriptor depend on normalization mode
                           - Spatial Normalization : tensors are expected to have dims 1xCx1x1
                            (normalization is performed across NxHxW)
                           - Per-Activation Normalization : tensors are expected to have dims of 1xCxHxW 
                            (normalization is performed across N) */
                        cudnnTensorDescriptor bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc,

                        // 'Gamma' and 'Beta' respectively in Ioffe and Szegedy's paper's notation
                        CUdeviceptr bnScale,
                        CUdeviceptr bnBias,

                        /* MUST use factor=1 in the very first call of a complete training cycle.
                           Use a factor=1/(1+n) at N-th call to the function to get
                           Cumulative Moving Average (CMA) behavior
                           CMA[n] = (x[1]+...+x[n])/n
                           Since CMA[n+1] = (n*CMA[n]+x[n+1])/(n+1) =
                           ((n+1)*CMA[n]-CMA[n])/(n+1) + x[n+1]/(n+1) =
                           CMA[n]*(1-1/(n+1)) + x[n+1]*1/(n+1) */
                        double exponentialAverageFactor,

                        /* Used in Training phase only. 
                           runningMean = newMean*factor + runningMean*(1-factor) */
                        CUdeviceptr resultRunningMean,
                        /* Output in training mode, input in inference. Is the moving average
                           of 1 / sqrt( epsilon + variance[x] ) */
                        CUdeviceptr resultRunningInvVariance,

                        /* Has to be >= CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON. Should be the same in forward and backward functions. */
                        double epsilon,

                        /* Optionally save intermediate results from the forward pass here
                           - can be reused to speed up backward pass. NULL if unused */
                        CUdeviceptr resultSaveMean,
                        CUdeviceptr resultSaveInvVariance);
        public static extern cudnnStatus cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward(
                                        cudnnHandle handle,
                                        cudnnBatchNormMode mode,
                                        ref double alphaDataDiff,
                                        ref double betaDataDiff,
                                        ref double alphaParamDiff,
                                        ref double betaParamDiff,
                                        cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc, // same desc for x, dx, dy
                                        CUdeviceptr x,
                                        cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc,
                                        CUdeviceptr dy,
                                        cudnnTensorDescriptor dxDesc,
                                        CUdeviceptr dx,
                                        /* Shared tensor desc for the 4 tensors below */
                                        cudnnTensorDescriptor dBnScaleBiasDesc,
                                        CUdeviceptr bnScale, // bnBias doesn't affect backpropagation
                                                             /* scale and bias diff are not backpropagated below this layer */
                                        CUdeviceptr dBnScaleResult,
                                        CUdeviceptr dBnBiasResult,
                                        /* Same epsilon as forward pass */
                                        double epsilon,

                                        /* Optionally cached intermediate results from
                                           forward pass */
                                        CUdeviceptr savedMean,
                                        CUdeviceptr savedInvVariance);