Example #1
        //Creates an empty new generic batch
        private void btnNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            myOrder           = new ctDynamicsSL.orders.order();
            myOrder.CustID    = "VALIDCUSTID"; // required
            myOrder.SOTypeID  = "VALIDSOTYPE"; //required
            myOrder.ShipViaID = "VALIDSHIPVIA";

            //at least one line item required
            myOrder.orderItems                 = new ctDynamicsSL.orders.orderItem[1];
            myOrder.orderItems[0]              = new ctDynamicsSL.orders.orderItem();
            myOrder.orderItems[0].InvtID       = "VALIDINVTID"; //required
            myOrder.orderItems[0].QtyOrd       = 1;             //required
            myOrder.orderItems[0].CurySlsPrice = -999876;       // required, secret number to force solomon to price
            myOrder.orderItems[0].CuryCost     = -999876;       // required, secret number to force solomon defaults
            myOrder.orderItems[0].Taxable      = -1;            //force SL default rules

            myOrder = myOrdersService.placeOrder(myOrder);
            if (myOrder.errorString != "")
                btnUpdate.Enabled   = false;
                tbOrdNbr.Text       = "";
                gvSOLine.DataSource = null;
                tbOrder.Text        = ctStandardLib.ctHelper.serializeObject(myOrder).Replace("><", ">" + Environment.NewLine + "<");
                MessageBox.Show("Error: " + myOrder.errorString);
                tbOrdNbr.Text = myOrder.OrdNbr;
Example #2
 private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     myOrder = myOrdersService.getOrder(tbOrdNbr.Text);
     if (myOrder.errorString != "")
         MessageBox.Show("Error: " + myOrder.errorString);
     btnUpdate.Enabled   = true;
     tbOrder.Text        = ctStandardLib.ctHelper.serializeObject(myOrder).Replace("><", ">" + Environment.NewLine + "<");
     gvSOLine.DataSource = myOrder.orderItems;
Example #3
        //Used to save a batch that has been loaded
        private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (myOrder == null)
                MessageBox.Show("You must load an order first!");

            MessageBox.Show(ctStandardLib.ctHelper.serializeObject(myOrder).Replace("><", ">" + Environment.NewLine + "<"));
            myOrder = myOrdersService.placeOrder(myOrder);
            if (myOrder.errorString != "")
                MessageBox.Show("Error: " + myOrder.errorString);
                MessageBox.Show("Save complete!");
Example #4
        public void RunIt()
            // Test retrieving an order
            //var orderReturn = OrderService.getOrder("EO0246175");

            // Test placing an order with the bare minimum
            ctDynamicsSL.orders.order oOrder = new ctDynamicsSL.orders.order
                SOTypeID  = "SO",       // set your order type (must be a valid soTypeID)
                CustID    = "C300",     // which customer are you creating an order for (must be a valid CustID)
                ShipViaID = "BEST",     // how are you shipping it (ust be a valid shipViaID)
                ShiptoID  = "DEFAULT",  // Which ShipToID for the customer are you shipping to (must be a valid shipto address for the customer)
                AdminHold = true,       // for kicks, we are going to put it on admin hold

            // create an array of orderItems with the bare minimum (this allows SL to price)
            List <ctDynamicsSL.orders.orderItem> orderItems = new List <ctDynamicsSL.orders.orderItem>();

            orderItems.Add(new ctDynamicsSL.orders.orderItem
                InvtID       = "0RCRANK", // which invtID are you sending this to? (must be a valid InvtID)
                CurySlsPrice = -999876,   // -999876 is a secret number that will tell the web services to allow SL to price the item
                CuryCost     = -999876,   // if you want to price this yourself, just put in the amount you want to price
                Taxable      = 1
            oOrder.orderItems = orderItems.ToArray();

            // lets place the order using placeOrder()
            var placedOrder = OrderService.placeOrder(oOrder);

            // if there is a value in the errorString property of the returned object, then there was an error
            if (placedOrder.errorString.Trim() != "")
                Console.WriteLine("An Error Occurred: " + placedOrder.errorString.Trim());
                Console.WriteLine("Order Created: " + placedOrder.OrdNbr);