public static crew_data analyze_crew(List<Part> parts) { // store data crew_data crew = new crew_data(); // get number of kerbals assigned to the vessel in the editor // note: crew manifest is not reset after root part is deleted var cad = KSP.UI.CrewAssignmentDialog.Instance; if (cad != null && cad.GetManifest() != null) { List<ProtoCrewMember> manifest = cad.GetManifest().GetAllCrew(false); crew.count = (uint)manifest.Count; = manifest.Find(k => k.trait == "Engineer") != null; } // scan the parts foreach(Part p in parts) { // accumulate crew capacity crew.capacity += (uint)p.CrewCapacity; } // return data return crew; }
void render_reliability(reliability_data reliability, crew_data crew) { render_title("RELIABILITY"); render_content("malfunctions", Lib.ValueOrNone(reliability.failure_year, "/y"), "per-component average case estimate"); render_content("redundancy", reliability.redundancy); render_content("quality", Malfunction.QualityToString(reliability.quality), "manufacturing quality"); render_content("engineer", ? "yes" : "no"); render_space(); }
public static oxygen_data analyze_oxygen(List<Part> parts, environment_data env, crew_data crew) { // store data oxygen_data oxygen = new oxygen_data(); // get scrubber efficiency oxygen.scrubber_efficiency = Scrubber.DeduceEfficiency(); // calculate oxygen consumed oxygen.consumed = !env.breathable ? (double)crew.count * Settings.OxygenPerSecond : 0.0; // deduce co2 produced by the crew per-second double simulated_co2 = oxygen.consumed; // scan the parts foreach(Part p in parts) { // accumulate food storage += Lib.GetResourceAmount(p, "Oxygen"); // for each module foreach(PartModule m in p.Modules) { // scrubber if (m.moduleName == "Scrubber") { Scrubber mm = (Scrubber)m; // do nothing inside breathable atmosphere if (mm.is_enabled && !env.breathable) { double co2_scrubbed = Math.Min(simulated_co2, mm.co2_rate); if (co2_scrubbed > double.Epsilon) { oxygen.scrubber_cost += mm.ec_rate * (co2_scrubbed / mm.co2_rate); oxygen.recycled += co2_scrubbed * oxygen.scrubber_efficiency; simulated_co2 -= co2_scrubbed; } } } } } // calculate life expectancy oxygen.life_expectancy = !env.breathable ? / Math.Max(oxygen.consumed - oxygen.recycled, 0.0) : double.NaN; // return data return oxygen; }
public static qol_data analyze_qol(List<Part> parts, environment_data env, crew_data crew, signal_data signal) { // store data qol_data qol = new qol_data(); // scan the parts foreach(Part p in parts) { // for each module foreach(PartModule m in p.Modules) { // entertainment if (m.moduleName == "Entertainment") { Entertainment mm = (Entertainment)m; qol.entertainment *= mm.rate; } } } // calculate Quality-Of-Life bonus // note: ignore kerbal-specific variance if (crew.capacity > 0) { double bonus = QualityOfLife.Bonus(crew.count, crew.capacity, qol.entertainment, env.landed, signal.range > 0.0); qol.living_space = QualityOfLife.LivingSpace(crew.count, crew.capacity); qol.time_to_instability = bonus / Settings.StressedDegradationRate; List<string> factors = new List<string>(); if (crew.count > 1) factors.Add("not-alone"); if (signal.range > 0.0) factors.Add("call-home"); if (env.landed) factors.Add("firm-ground"); if (factors.Count == 0) factors.Add("none"); qol.factors = String.Join(", ", factors.ToArray()); } else { qol.living_space = 0.0; qol.time_to_instability = double.NaN; qol.factors = "none"; } // return data return qol; }
void render_radiation(radiation_data radiation, environment_data env, crew_data crew) { string magnetosphere_str = Radiation.HasMagnetosphere(env.body) ? Lib.HumanReadableRange(Radiation.MagnAltitude(env.body)) : "none"; string belt_strength_str = Radiation.HasBelt(env.body) ? " (" + (Radiation.Dynamo(env.body) * Settings.BeltRadiation * (60.0 * 60.0)).ToString("F0") + " rad/h)" : ""; string belt_str = Radiation.HasBelt(env.body) ? Lib.HumanReadableRange(Radiation.BeltAltitude(env.body)) : "none"; string shield_str = Radiation.ShieldingToString(radiation.shielding_amount, radiation.shielding_capacity); string shield_tooltip = radiation.shielding_capacity > 0 ? "average over the vessel" : ""; string life_str = Lib.HumanReadableDuration(radiation.life_expectancy[0]) + "</b> / <b>" + Lib.HumanReadableDuration(radiation.life_expectancy[1]); string life_tooltip = "cosmic / storm"; if (Radiation.HasBelt(env.body)) { life_str += "</b> / <b>" + Lib.HumanReadableDuration(radiation.life_expectancy[2]); life_tooltip += " / belt"; } render_title("RADIATION"); render_content("magnetosphere", magnetosphere_str, "protect from cosmic radiation"); render_content("radiation belt", belt_str, "abnormal radiation zone" + belt_strength_str); render_content("shielding", shield_str, shield_tooltip); render_content("life expectancy", crew.capacity > 0 ? life_str : "perpetual", crew.capacity > 0 ? life_tooltip : ""); render_space(); }
public void render() { // if there is something in the editor if (EditorLogic.RootPart != null) { // store situations and altitude multipliers string[] situations = {"Landed", "Low Orbit", "Orbit", "High Orbit"}; double[] altitude_mults = {0.0, 0.33, 1.0, 3.0}; // get body, situation and altitude multiplier CelestialBody body = FlightGlobals.Bodies[body_index]; string situation = situations[situation_index]; double altitude_mult = altitude_mults[situation_index]; // get parts recursively List<Part> parts = Lib.GetPartsRecursively(EditorLogic.RootPart); // analyze environment_data env = analyze_environment(body, altitude_mult); crew_data crew = analyze_crew(parts); food_data food = analyze_food(parts, env, crew); oxygen_data oxygen = analyze_oxygen(parts, env, crew); signal_data signal = analyze_signal(parts); qol_data qol = analyze_qol(parts, env, crew, signal); radiation_data radiation = analyze_radiation(parts, env, crew); ec_data ec = analyze_ec(parts, env, crew, food, oxygen, signal); reliability_data reliability = analyze_reliability(parts, ec, signal); // render menu GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(row_style); if (GUILayout.Button(, leftmenu_style)) { body_index = (body_index + 1) % FlightGlobals.Bodies.Count; if (body_index == 0) ++body_index; } if (GUILayout.Button("["+ (page + 1) + "/2]", midmenu_style)) { page = (page + 1) % 2; } if (GUILayout.Button(situation, rightmenu_style)) { situation_index = (situation_index + 1) % situations.Length; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // page 1/2 if (page == 0) { // render render_ec(ec); render_food(food); render_oxygen(oxygen); render_qol(qol); } // page 2/2 else { // render render_radiation(radiation, env, crew); render_reliability(reliability, crew); render_signal(signal, env, crew); render_environment(env); } } // if there is nothing in the editor else { // render quote GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("<i>In preparing for space, I have always found that\nplans are useless but planning is indispensable.\nWernher von Kerman</i>", quote_style); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10.0f); } }
void render_signal(signal_data signal, environment_data env, crew_data crew) { // approximate min/max distance between home and target body CelestialBody home = FlightGlobals.GetHomeBody(); double home_dist_min = 0.0; double home_dist_max = 0.0; if (env.body == home) { home_dist_min = env.altitude; home_dist_max = env.altitude; } else if (env.body.referenceBody == home) { home_dist_min = Sim.Periapsis(env.body); home_dist_max = Sim.Apoapsis(env.body); } else { double home_p = Sim.Periapsis(Lib.PlanetarySystem(home)); double home_a = Sim.Apoapsis(Lib.PlanetarySystem(home)); double body_p = Sim.Periapsis(Lib.PlanetarySystem(env.body)); double body_a = Sim.Apoapsis(Lib.PlanetarySystem(env.body)); home_dist_min = Math.Min(Math.Abs(home_a - body_p), Math.Abs(home_p - body_a)); home_dist_max = home_a + body_a; } // calculate if antenna is out of range from target body string range_tooltip = ""; if (signal.range > double.Epsilon) { if (signal.range < home_dist_min) range_tooltip = "<color=#ff0000>out of range</color>"; else if (signal.range < home_dist_max) range_tooltip = "<color=#ffff00>partially out of range</color>"; else range_tooltip = "<color=#00ff00>in range</color>"; if (home_dist_max > double.Epsilon) //< if not landed at home { range_tooltip += "\nbody distance (min): <b>" + Lib.HumanReadableRange(home_dist_min) + "</b>" + "\nbody distance (max): <b>" + Lib.HumanReadableRange(home_dist_max) + "</b>"; } } else if (crew.capacity == 0) range_tooltip = "<color=#ff0000>no antenna on unmanned vessel</color>"; // calculate transmission cost double cost = signal.range > double.Epsilon ? signal.transmission_cost_min + (signal.transmission_cost_max - signal.transmission_cost_min) * Math.Min(home_dist_max, signal.range) / signal.range : 0.0; string cost_str = signal.range > double.Epsilon ? cost.ToString("F1") + " EC/Mbit" : "none"; // generate ecc table Func<double, double, double, string> deduce_color = (double range, double dist_min, double dist_max) => { if (range < dist_min) return "<color=#ff0000>"; else if (range < dist_max) return "<color=#ffff00>"; else return "<color=#ffffff>"; }; double signal_100 = signal.range / signal.ecc; double signal_15 = signal_100 * 0.15; double signal_33 = signal_100 * 0.33; double signal_66 = signal_100 * 0.66; string ecc_tooltip = signal.range > double.Epsilon ? "<align=left /><b>ecc</b>\t<b>range</b>" + "\n15%\t" + deduce_color(signal_15, home_dist_min, home_dist_max) + Lib.HumanReadableRange(signal_15) + "</color>" + "\n33%\t" + deduce_color(signal_33, home_dist_min, home_dist_max) + Lib.HumanReadableRange(signal_33) + "</color>" + "\n66%\t" + deduce_color(signal_66, home_dist_min, home_dist_max) + Lib.HumanReadableRange(signal_66) + "</color>" + "\n100%\t" + deduce_color(signal_100,home_dist_min, home_dist_max) + Lib.HumanReadableRange(signal_100) + "</color>" : ""; render_title("SIGNAL"); render_content("range", Lib.HumanReadableRange(signal.range), range_tooltip); render_content("relay", signal.relay_range <= double.Epsilon ? "none" : signal.relay_range < signal.range ? Lib.HumanReadableRange(signal.relay_range) : "yes"); render_content("transmission", cost_str, "worst case data transmission cost\nfrom destination body"); render_content("error correction", (signal.ecc * 100.0).ToString("F0") + "%", ecc_tooltip); render_space(); }
public static radiation_data analyze_radiation(List<Part> parts, environment_data env, crew_data crew) { // store data radiation_data radiation = new radiation_data(); // scan the parts foreach(Part p in parts) { // accumulate shielding amount and capacity radiation.shielding_amount += Lib.GetResourceAmount(p, "Shielding"); radiation.shielding_capacity += Lib.GetResourceCapacity(p, "Shielding"); } // calculate radiation data double shielding = Radiation.Shielding(radiation.shielding_amount, radiation.shielding_capacity); double belt_strength = Settings.BeltRadiation * Radiation.Dynamo(env.body) * 0.5; //< account for the 'ramp' if (crew.capacity > 0) { radiation.life_expectancy = new double[] { Settings.RadiationFatalThreshold / (Settings.CosmicRadiation * (1.0 - shielding)), Settings.RadiationFatalThreshold / (Settings.StormRadiation * (1.0 - shielding)), Radiation.HasBelt(env.body) ? Settings.RadiationFatalThreshold / (belt_strength * (1.0 - shielding)) : double.NaN }; } else { radiation.life_expectancy = new double[]{double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN}; } // return data return radiation; }
public static food_data analyze_food(List<Part> parts, environment_data env, crew_data crew) { // store data food_data food = new food_data(); // calculate food consumed food.consumed = (double)crew.count * Settings.FoodPerMeal / Settings.MealFrequency; // deduce waste produced by the crew per-second double simulated_waste = food.consumed; // scan the parts foreach(Part p in parts) { // accumulate food storage += Lib.GetResourceAmount(p, "Food"); // for each module foreach(PartModule m in p.Modules) { // greenhouse if (m.moduleName == "Greenhouse") { Greenhouse mm = (Greenhouse)m; // calculate natural lighting double natural_lighting = Greenhouse.NaturalLighting(env.sun_dist); // calculate ec consumed food.greenhouse_cost += mm.ec_rate * mm.lamps; // calculate lighting double lighting = natural_lighting * (mm.door_opened ? 1.0 : 0.0) + mm.lamps * (mm.door_opened ? 1.0 : 1.0 + Settings.GreenhouseDoorBonus); // calculate waste used double waste_used = Math.Min(simulated_waste, mm.waste_rate); double waste_perc = waste_used / mm.waste_rate; simulated_waste -= waste_used; // calculate growth bonus double growth_bonus = 0.0; growth_bonus += Settings.GreenhouseSoilBonus * (env.landed ? 1.0 : 0.0); growth_bonus += Settings.GreenhouseWasteBonus * waste_perc; // calculate growth factor double growth_factor = (mm.growth_rate * (1.0 + growth_bonus)) * lighting; // calculate food cultivated food.cultivated += mm.harvest_size * growth_factor; // calculate time-to-harvest if (growth_factor > double.Epsilon) { food.cultivated_tooltip += (food.cultivated_tooltip.Length > 0 ? "\n" : "") + "Time-to-harvest: <b>" + Lib.HumanReadableDuration(1.0 / growth_factor) + "</b>"; } } } } // calculate life expectancy food.life_expectancy = / Math.Max(food.consumed - food.cultivated, 0.0); // add formatting to tooltip if (food.cultivated_tooltip.Length > 0) food.cultivated_tooltip = "<i>" + food.cultivated_tooltip + "</i>"; // return data return food; }
public static ec_data analyze_ec(List<Part> parts, environment_data env, crew_data crew, food_data food, oxygen_data oxygen, signal_data signal) { // store data ec_data ec = new ec_data(); // calculate climate cost ec.consumed = (double)crew.count * env.temp_diff * Settings.ElectricChargePerSecond; // scan the parts foreach(Part p in parts) { // accumulate EC storage += Lib.GetResourceAmount(p, "ElectricCharge"); // remember if we already considered a resource converter module // rationale: we assume only the first module in a converter is active bool first_converter = true; // for each module foreach(PartModule m in p.Modules) { // command if (m.moduleName == "ModuleCommand") { ModuleCommand mm = (ModuleCommand)m; foreach(ModuleResource res in mm.inputResources) { if ( == "ElectricCharge") { ec.consumed += res.rate; } } } // solar panel else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleDeployableSolarPanel") { ModuleDeployableSolarPanel mm = (ModuleDeployableSolarPanel)m; double solar_k = (mm.useCurve ? mm.powerCurve.Evaluate((float)env.sun_dist) : env.sun_flux / Sim.SolarFluxAtHome()); double generated = mm.chargeRate * solar_k * env.atmo_factor; ec.generated_sunlight += generated; ec.best_ec_generator = Math.Max(ec.best_ec_generator, generated); } // generator else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleGenerator") { // skip launch clamps, that include a generator if ( == "launchClamp1") continue; ModuleGenerator mm = (ModuleGenerator)m; foreach(ModuleResource res in mm.inputList) { if ( == "ElectricCharge") { ec.consumed += res.rate; } } foreach(ModuleResource res in mm.outputList) { if ( == "ElectricCharge") { ec.generated_shadow += res.rate; ec.generated_sunlight += res.rate; ec.best_ec_generator = Math.Max(ec.best_ec_generator, res.rate); } } } // converter // note: only electric charge is considered for resource converters // note: we only consider the first resource converter in a part, and ignore the rest else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleResourceConverter" && first_converter) { ModuleResourceConverter mm = (ModuleResourceConverter)m; foreach(ResourceRatio rr in mm.inputList) { if (rr.ResourceName == "ElectricCharge") { ec.consumed += rr.Ratio; } } foreach(ResourceRatio rr in mm.outputList) { if (rr.ResourceName == "ElectricCharge") { ec.generated_shadow += rr.Ratio; ec.generated_sunlight += rr.Ratio; ec.best_ec_generator = Math.Max(ec.best_ec_generator, rr.Ratio); } } first_converter = false; } // harvester // note: only electric charge is considered for resource harvesters else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleResourceHarvester") { ModuleResourceHarvester mm = (ModuleResourceHarvester)m; foreach(ResourceRatio rr in mm.inputList) { if (rr.ResourceName == "ElectricCharge") { ec.consumed += rr.Ratio; } } } // active radiators else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleActiveRadiator") { ModuleActiveRadiator mm = (ModuleActiveRadiator)m; if (mm.IsCooling) { foreach(var rr in mm.inputResources) { if ( == "ElectricCharge") { ec.consumed += rr.rate; } } } } // wheels else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleWheelMotor") { ModuleWheelMotor mm = (ModuleWheelMotor)m; if (mm.motorEnabled && == "ElectricCharge") { ec.consumed += mm.inputResource.rate; } } else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleWheelMotorSteering") { ModuleWheelMotorSteering mm = (ModuleWheelMotorSteering)m; if (mm.motorEnabled && == "ElectricCharge") { ec.consumed += mm.inputResource.rate; } } // SCANsat support else if (m.moduleName == "SCANsat" || m.moduleName == "ModuleSCANresourceScanner") { // include it in ec consumption, if deployed if (SCANsat.isDeployed(p, m)) ec.consumed += Lib.ReflectionValue<float>(m, "power"); } // NearFutureSolar support // note: assume half the components are in sunlight, and average inclination is half else if (m.moduleName == "ModuleCurvedSolarPanel") { // get total rate double tot_rate = Lib.ReflectionValue<float>(m, "TotalEnergyRate"); // get number of components int components = p.FindModelTransforms(Lib.ReflectionValue<string>(m, "PanelTransformName")).Length; // approximate output // 0.7071: average clamped cosine ec.generated_sunlight += 0.7071 * tot_rate; } } } // include cost from greenhouses artificial lighting ec.consumed += food.greenhouse_cost; // include cost from scrubbers ec.consumed += oxygen.scrubber_cost; // include relay cost for the best relay antenna ec.consumed += signal.relay_cost; // finally, calculate life expectancy of ec ec.life_expectancy_sunlight = / Math.Max(ec.consumed - ec.generated_sunlight, 0.0); ec.life_expectancy_shadow = / Math.Max(ec.consumed - ec.generated_shadow, 0.0); // return data return ec; }