Example #1
        public TypeConverter(cppsharp.CsharpGen gen)
            _dataTypeMap = new Dictionary<string, ConvertEngine>();
            _generator = gen;

            _dataTypeMap.Add ("bool", new ConvertEngine("bool"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("char", new ConvertEngine("sbyte"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("unsigned char", new ConvertEngine("byte"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("short int", new ConvertEngine("short"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("short unsigned int", new ConvertEngine("ushort"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("int", new ConvertEngine("int"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("unsigned int", new ConvertEngine("uint"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("long long int", new ConvertEngine("long"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("long long unsigned int", new ConvertEngine("ulong"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("float", new ConvertEngine("float"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("double", new ConvertEngine("double"));
            _dataTypeMap.Add ("::std::string", new ConvertEngine("string"));

            // architecture dependant types
            if(_generator.Platform.Arch == PlatformInfo.ArchType.x86)
                _dataTypeMap.Add ("long", new ConvertEngine("int"));
                _dataTypeMap.Add ("unsigned long", new ConvertEngine("uint"));
            else if(_generator.Platform.Arch == PlatformInfo.ArchType.x64)
                _dataTypeMap.Add ("long", new ConvertEngine("long"));
                _dataTypeMap.Add ("unsigned long", new ConvertEngine("long"));
            else {}
Example #2
        // outputs the list of *.main files for use by the linker
        static List<string> compileSource(string file, string dllImport, List<string> srcFiles, List<string> includePaths, string outDir)
            List<string> ret = new List<string>();

            System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
            System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
            startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

            // create a temp file to store the xml in
            using(cppsharp.TempFile tmp = new TempFile())
            using(cppsharp.TempFile gccOutputFileName = new TempFile())
                string includeOps = "";
                foreach (string str in includePaths)
                    includeOps += "-I" + str + " ";

                // run the command to
                switch (Environment.OSVersion.Platform) {
                case System.PlatformID.Unix:
                    startInfo.FileName = "castxml";
                    startInfo.Arguments = "-std=c++11 --castxml-gccxml " + includeOps + " " + file + " -o " + tmp.FilePath;
                    startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                case System.PlatformID.Win32NT:
                    startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
                    startInfo.Arguments = "/c C:/local/castxml/bin/castxml.exe -fms-compatibility-version=19 -std=c++14 --castxml-gccxml " +
                            includeOps + " " + file + " -o " + tmp.FilePath + " 2> " + gccOutputFileName.FilePath;

                process.StartInfo = startInfo;

                // get the exit code and print error message if necessary
                if(process.ExitCode != 0) {
                    // there was an error coming from gcc print gcc output to the console
                    Console.WriteLine("castxml command \"" + startInfo.Arguments + "\", code " + process.ExitCode);
                    Console.Write (File.ReadAllText(gccOutputFileName.FilePath));
                    Environment.Exit (-1);


                // debug
                string xml = File.ReadAllText(tmp.FilePath);
                int indexExt = file.LastIndexOf(".");
                int indexBase = 0;
                if(outDir != null) indexBase = file.LastIndexOf('/') + 1;
                if(indexExt < indexBase) indexExt = file.Length;
                string fileBase = file.Substring(indexBase, (indexExt<0 ? file.Length : indexExt) - indexBase);
                string xmlFile = outDir + "/" + fileBase + ".xml";
                File.WriteAllText(xmlFile, xml);

                // generate the csharp file
                cppsharp.CsharpGen gen = new cppsharp.CsharpGen(new XmlTextReader(tmp.FilePath));
                gen.SourceFiles = srcFiles;
                gen.XmlFile = xmlFile;
                gen.OutDir = outDir;
                gen.DllImport = dllImport;


                foreach(KeyValuePair<string, FileInfo> pair in gen.Files)
                    FileInfo info = pair.Value;

            return ret;