Example #1
 // Updating period will require end date to recalculate
 public void updatePeriod(contrPeriod newPeriod)
     if (newPeriod.Equals(this.period))
     this.changed = true;
     this.period  = newPeriod;
     this.endDate = this.calcEndDate();
Example #2
 // Update contrAmt and change to a new contrPeriod, require both numPeriods and endDate to recalculate
 public void updateContrAmtAndPeriod(decimal newContrAmt, contrPeriod newPeriod)
     if (newContrAmt == this.contrAmt && newPeriod.Equals(this.period))
     this.changed    = true;
     this.contrAmt   = newContrAmt;
     this.period     = newPeriod;
     this.numPeriods = this.calcPeriodsWithAmt();
     this.endDate    = this.calcEndDate();
Example #3
 // Constructor: reinstantiate a pre-existing SavingsGoal from database records
 public SavingsGoal(long SGID, long accID, string name, decimal goalAmt, decimal contrAmt, contrPeriod period, long numPeriods, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
     this.SGID         = SGID;
     this.accID        = accID;
     this.name         = name;
     this.goalAmt      = goalAmt;
     this.contrAmt     = contrAmt;
     this.period       = period;
     this.numPeriods   = numPeriods;
     this.startDate    = startDate;
     this.endDate      = endDate;
     this.newlyCreated = this.changed = false;
Example #4
        // ---------------------------------------- SavingsGoal Constructors -----------------------------------

        // Constructor: create SavingsGoal by endDate
        public SavingsGoal(long SGID, long accID, string name, decimal goalAmt, contrPeriod period, DateTime endDate)
            this.SGID         = SGID;
            this.accID        = accID;
            this.name         = name;
            this.goalAmt      = goalAmt;
            this.period       = period;
            this.startDate    = DateTime.Now.Date;
            this.newlyCreated = true;

            this.endDate    = endDate.Date;
            this.numPeriods = calcPeriodsWithDate();
            this.contrAmt   = calcContrAmt();