private OfficeThing getTouchedThing(int xTouchModel, int yTouchModel)
            OfficeThing touched = null;

            foreach (OfficeThing thing in mOfficeLayout.ThingsTopDown)
                int top    = thing.Top;
                int left   = thing.Left;
                int bottom = thing.Top + mRenderUtil.getScreenHeight(thing);
                int right  = thing.Left + mRenderUtil.getScreenWidth(thing);

                if (yTouchModel <= bottom && yTouchModel >= top && xTouchModel >= left && xTouchModel <= right)
                    touched = thing;
        private void moveThing(OfficeThing touchedThing, int xTouchLogical, int yTouchLogical)
            //TODO: make sure these are accurate
            int newTop    = yTouchLogical - mRenderUtil.getModelHeight(touchedThing) / 2;
            int newLeft   = xTouchLogical - mRenderUtil.getModelWidth(touchedThing) / 2;
            int newBottom = yTouchLogical + mRenderUtil.getModelHeight(touchedThing) / 2;
            int newRight  = xTouchLogical + mRenderUtil.getModelWidth(touchedThing) / 2;

            if (newTop < 0 || newLeft < 0 || newBottom > LOGICAL_HEIGHT || newRight > LOGICAL_WIDTH)
                Log.v(TAG, "Dragging beyond screen edge. Limiting");
            // Limit moves to the boundaries of the screen
            if (newTop < 0)
                newTop = 0;
            if (newLeft < 0)
                newLeft = 0;
            if (newBottom > LOGICAL_HEIGHT)
                newTop = LOGICAL_HEIGHT - mRenderUtil.getModelHeight(touchedThing);
            if (newRight > LOGICAL_WIDTH)
                newLeft = LOGICAL_WIDTH - mRenderUtil.getModelWidth(touchedThing);

            // Save the object
            touchedThing.Top  = newTop;
            touchedThing.Left = newLeft;

            // Notify listeners
            if (null != this.mThingChangedListener)
                mThingChangedListener.thingChanged(touchedThing.Key, touchedThing);
		private void moveThing(OfficeThing touchedThing, int xTouchLogical, int yTouchLogical)
			//TODO: make sure these are accurate
			int newTop = yTouchLogical - mRenderUtil.getModelHeight(touchedThing) / 2;
			int newLeft = xTouchLogical - mRenderUtil.getModelWidth(touchedThing) / 2;
			int newBottom = yTouchLogical + mRenderUtil.getModelHeight(touchedThing) / 2;
			int newRight = xTouchLogical + mRenderUtil.getModelWidth(touchedThing) / 2;

			if (newTop < 0 || newLeft < 0 || newBottom > LOGICAL_HEIGHT || newRight > LOGICAL_WIDTH)
				Log.v(TAG, "Dragging beyond screen edge. Limiting");
			// Limit moves to the boundaries of the screen
			if (newTop < 0)
				newTop = 0;
			if (newLeft < 0)
				newLeft = 0;
			if (newBottom > LOGICAL_HEIGHT)
				newTop = LOGICAL_HEIGHT - mRenderUtil.getModelHeight(touchedThing);
			if (newRight > LOGICAL_WIDTH)
				newLeft = LOGICAL_WIDTH - mRenderUtil.getModelWidth(touchedThing);

			// Save the object
			touchedThing.Top = newTop;
			touchedThing.Left = newLeft;

			// Notify listeners
			if (null != this.mThingChangedListener)
				mThingChangedListener.thingChanged(touchedThing.Key, touchedThing);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(final android.view.MotionEvent event)
		public override bool onTouchEvent(MotionEvent @event)
			bool handled = false;

			OfficeThing touchedThing;
			int xTouchLogical;
			int yTouchLogical;
			int pointerId;
			int actionIndex = @event.ActionIndex;

			// get touch event coordinates and make transparent wrapper from it
			switch (@event.ActionMasked)

				case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
					// first pointer, clear the pointer
					mSelectedThing = null;

					xTouchLogical = screenToModel((int) @event.getX(0));
					yTouchLogical = screenToModel((int) @event.getY(0));

					// check if we've touched inside something
					touchedThing = getTouchedThing(xTouchLogical, yTouchLogical);

					if (touchedThing == null)

					mSelectedThing = touchedThing;

					if (null != mSelectedThingChangeListener)
					touchedThing.setzIndex(mOfficeLayout.HighestzIndex + 1);

					Log.v(TAG, "Selected " + touchedThing);
					handled = true;

				case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

					pointerId = @event.getPointerId(actionIndex);
					if (pointerId > 0)

					xTouchLogical = screenToModel((int) @event.getX(actionIndex));
					yTouchLogical = screenToModel((int) @event.getY(actionIndex));

					touchedThing = mSelectedThing;

					if (null == touchedThing)

					moveThing(touchedThing, xTouchLogical, yTouchLogical);

					handled = true;

				case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
					mSelectedThing = null;
					handled = true;

				case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
					handled = true;

			return base.onTouchEvent(@event) || handled;
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(final android.view.MotionEvent event)
        public override bool onTouchEvent(MotionEvent @event)
            bool handled = false;

            OfficeThing touchedThing;
            int         xTouchLogical;
            int         yTouchLogical;
            int         pointerId;
            int         actionIndex = @event.ActionIndex;

            // get touch event coordinates and make transparent wrapper from it
            switch (@event.ActionMasked)
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                // first pointer, clear the pointer
                mSelectedThing = null;

                xTouchLogical = screenToModel((int)@event.getX(0));
                yTouchLogical = screenToModel((int)@event.getY(0));

                // check if we've touched inside something
                touchedThing = getTouchedThing(xTouchLogical, yTouchLogical);

                if (touchedThing == null)

                mSelectedThing = touchedThing;

                if (null != mSelectedThingChangeListener)
                touchedThing.setzIndex(mOfficeLayout.HighestzIndex + 1);

                Log.v(TAG, "Selected " + touchedThing);
                handled = true;

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

                pointerId = @event.getPointerId(actionIndex);
                if (pointerId > 0)

                xTouchLogical = screenToModel((int)@event.getX(actionIndex));
                yTouchLogical = screenToModel((int)@event.getY(actionIndex));

                touchedThing = mSelectedThing;

                if (null == touchedThing)

                moveThing(touchedThing, xTouchLogical, yTouchLogical);

                handled = true;

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                mSelectedThing = null;
                handled = true;

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
                handled = true;

            return(base.onTouchEvent(@event) || handled);