		/* Public API
		/// <summary>
		/// Method that will quote text contents using JSON standard quoting,
		/// and return results as a character array
		/// </summary>
		public char[] quoteAsString(string input)
			com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.TextBuffer textBuffer = _text;
			if (textBuffer == null)
				// no allocator; can add if we must, shouldn't need to
				_text = textBuffer = new com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.TextBuffer(null);
			char[] outputBuffer = textBuffer.emptyAndGetCurrentSegment();
			int[] escCodes = com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.CharTypes.get7BitOutputEscapes();
			int escCodeCount = escCodes.Length;
			int inPtr = 0;
			int inputLen = input.Length;
			int outPtr = 0;
			while (inPtr < inputLen)
				while (true)
					char c = input[inPtr];
					if (c < escCodeCount && escCodes[c] != 0)
						goto tight_loop_break;
					if (outPtr >= outputBuffer.Length)
						outputBuffer = textBuffer.finishCurrentSegment();
						outPtr = 0;
					outputBuffer[outPtr++] = c;
					if (++inPtr >= inputLen)
						goto outer_break;
tight_loop_continue: ;
tight_loop_break: ;
				// something to escape; 2 or 6-char variant? 
				char d = input[inPtr++];
				int escCode = escCodes[d];
				int length = (escCode < 0) ? _appendNumeric(d, _qbuf) : _appendNamed(escCode, _qbuf
				if ((outPtr + length) > outputBuffer.Length)
					int first = outputBuffer.Length - outPtr;
					if (first > 0)
						System.Array.Copy(_qbuf, 0, outputBuffer, outPtr, first);
					outputBuffer = textBuffer.finishCurrentSegment();
					int second = length - first;
					System.Array.Copy(_qbuf, first, outputBuffer, 0, second);
					outPtr = second;
					System.Array.Copy(_qbuf, 0, outputBuffer, outPtr, length);
					outPtr += length;
outer_continue: ;
outer_break: ;
			return textBuffer.contentsAsArray();
 public SegmentedStringWriter(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.BufferRecycler br)
     : base()
     _buffer = new com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.TextBuffer(br);