internal override com.epl.geometry.GeometryCursor Execute(int importFlags, com.epl.geometry.Geometry.Type type, com.epl.geometry.ByteBufferCursor shapeBuffers)
     return(new com.epl.geometry.OperatorImportFromESRIShapeCursor(importFlags, type.Value(), shapeBuffers));
 /// <summary>Performs the ImportFromESRIShape operation on a stream of shape buffers</summary>
 /// <param name="importFlags">
 /// Use the
 /// <see cref="ShapeImportFlags"/>
 /// interface. The default is 0, which means geometry comes from a trusted source and is topologically simple.
 /// If the geometry comes from non-trusted source (that is it can be non-simple), pass ShapeImportNonTrusted.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="type">
 /// The geometry type that you want to import. Use the
 /// <see cref="Type"/>
 /// enum. It can be Geometry.Type.Unknown if the type of geometry has to be
 /// figured out from the shape buffer.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="shapeBuffers">The cursor over shape buffers that hold the Geometries in ESRIShape format.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a GeometryCursor.</returns>
 internal abstract com.epl.geometry.GeometryCursor Execute(int importFlags, com.epl.geometry.Geometry.Type type, com.epl.geometry.ByteBufferCursor shapeBuffers);