public frmSearchProductButton(cls_POSTransaction transaction, cls_product lastprod) { InitializeComponent(); fncFilter.set_theme_color(this); amountBefore = transaction.get_productlist().get_totalamount(); lastaddedproduct = lastprod; }
public int create_invoice(cls_POSTransaction trans) { string datetime_d = trans.getdatetime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string branchid = cls_globalvariables.BranchCode; string terminalno = cls_globalvariables.terminalno_v; long userwid = trans.getclerk().getsyncid(); long next_ornumber = get_nextornumber(); long next_SyncId = GetAndInsertNextSyncId("saleshead"); string sSQL = @"UPDATE `saleshead` SET `branchid` = '" + branchid + @"', `date` = '" + datetime_d + @"', `userid` = '" + userwid + @"', `lastmodifiedby` = '" + userwid + @"', `lastmodifieddate` = NOW(), `datecreated` = NOW(), `ornumber` = '" + next_ornumber + @"', `terminalno` = '" + terminalno + @"' WHERE `SyncId` = '" + next_SyncId + @"'"; setdb(sSQL); trans.setORnumber(next_ornumber); trans.setSyncId(next_SyncId); return(0); }
public ctrl_payment(Label lblTotal_d, Label lblTender_d, Label lblRemaining_d) { this.lblTotal = lblTotal_d; this.lblTender = lblTender_d; this.lblRemaining = lblRemaining_d; this.POSTrans = null; }
public void initial_display() { mode_product_display(0); this.POSTrans = null; this.lblTotal.Text = "0.00"; this.lblTender.Text = "0.00"; this.lblRemaining.Text = "0.00"; }
public ctrl_otherinfo(ToolStripStatusLabel lblclerkname_d, ToolStripStatusLabel tsslcheckername_d, Label lblmode_d, ToolStripStatusLabel lblcustomer_d, ToolStripStatusLabel tsslcustomermemo_d, ToolStripStatusLabel tsslmember_d, ToolStripStatusLabel tsslwarning_d) { this.tsslclerkname = lblclerkname_d; this.tsslcheckername = tsslcheckername_d; this.lblmode = lblmode_d; this.tsslcustomer = lblcustomer_d; this.tsslcustomermemo = tsslcustomermemo_d; this.tsslmember = tsslmember_d; this.tsslwarning = tsslwarning_d; this.POSTrans = null; }
private void SaveBitmap(cls_POSTransaction temp_tran, bool isVoid) { int width = Convert.ToInt32(origwidth * (zoompercent / (decimal)100)); int height = Convert.ToInt32(origheight * (zoompercent / (decimal)100)); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height); bmp.SetResolution(zoompercent, zoompercent); fncHardware.printpage_receipt(null, null, bmp, temp_tran, isVoid, true); bmp.Save(cls_globalvariables.mydocumentpath + "Receipt.jpg"); bmp.Dispose(); Bitmap bitmap; using (var bmpTemp = new Bitmap(cls_globalvariables.mydocumentpath + "Receipt.jpg")) bitmap = new Bitmap(bmpTemp); pbPreview.Image = bitmap; }
public void UpdateDGV(cls_POSTransaction tran) { if (cls_globalvariables.ads_url_v == "") { return; } dgvProduct.DataSource = null; lblTender.Text = "P 0.00"; lblChange.Text = "P 0.00"; lblORNumber_d.Text = tran.getORnumber().ToString(); ctrl_productgrid ctrlprod = new ctrl_productgrid(dgvProduct); ctrlprod.set_databinding(tran.get_productlist().get_dtproduct()); dgvProduct.DataSource = ctrlprod.get_productgrid().DataSource; lblTotalAmount.Text = "P " + tran.get_productlist().get_totalamount().ToString("N2"); lblItemCount.Text = tran.get_productlist().get_productlist().Count.ToString(); }
private void LoadReceipt(long or_num) { if (or_num == 0) { ClearGraphics(pbPreview); return; } cls_POSTransaction temp_tran = new cls_POSTransaction(); temp_tran.set_transaction_by_ornumber(or_num); if (((temp_tran.getShow() == 0) && (temp_tran.getStatus() == 0)) || (temp_tran.getSyncId() == 0)) { ClearGraphics(pbPreview); fncFilter.alert(cls_globalvariables.warning_ornumber_invalid); return; } string checkIfVoidSql = @"SELECT Count(*) as cnt FROM Saleshead WHERE (`status`=0) AND `SyncId` = '" + temp_tran.getSyncId() + @"'"; bool isVoid = Convert.ToBoolean(mySQLFunc.getdb(checkIfVoidSql).Rows[0]["cnt"]); SaveBitmap(temp_tran, isVoid); }
public void set_databinding(cls_POSTransaction tran) { this.POSTran = tran; }
public ctrl_CustomerDisplay(SerialPort sport_d) { sport = sport_d; this.POSTran = null; sport.PortName = "COM" + cls_globalvariables.com_v; }
public int save_transaction(cls_POSTransaction trans) { string datetime_d = trans.getdatetime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string branchid = cls_globalvariables.BranchCode; long salesheadwid = trans.getSyncId(); long customerid = trans.getcustomer().getwid(); string customername = trans.getcustomer().getfullname(); decimal adjust = trans.getadjust(); string seniorno = trans.getsenior().get_idnumber(); string seniorname = trans.getsenior().get_fullname(); long userid = trans.getclerk().getsyncid(); long memberid = trans.getmember().getSyncId(); long checkerid = trans.getchecker().getsyncid(); decimal totalamt = trans.get_productlist().get_totalamount(); bool iswholesale = trans.get_productlist().get_iswholesale(); bool isnonvat = trans.get_productlist().get_isnonvat(); decimal discount = trans.getdiscount(); decimal totalpaidamt = trans.getpayments().get_totalamount(); decimal t = trans.get_productlist().get_totalamount(); decimal t2 = trans.get_productlist().get_totalamount_no_head_discount(); decimal headDiscountPercentage = (t2 == 0) ? 0 : (t / t2); decimal cash = trans.getpayments().get_cash(); decimal mem_points = trans.getpayments().get_points(); decimal change = trans.get_changeamount(); List <cls_cardinfo> creditcards = trans.getpayments().get_creditcard(); List <cls_cardinfo> debitcards = trans.getpayments().get_debitcard(); List <cls_giftcheque> giftchequesnew = trans.getpayments().get_giftchequenew(); List <cls_CustomPaymentsInfo> custompaymentsinfo = trans.getpayments().get_custompayments(); string sSQLcd = ""; List <string> tempStringList = new List <string>(); // DO NOT DELETE // //MEMBER (Priority since it will be run on main branch) // if (trans.getmember().getwid() != 0) // { // List<string> memberTransactionListString = new List<string>(); // if (mem_points != 0) // { // tempStringList = get_next_wid_withlock_main_liststring("memberpointtrans"); // foreach (string str in tempStringList) // memberTransactionListString.Add(str); // string sSQLmemberpoint_d = @"UPDATE `memberpointtrans` SET // `memberid` = " + trans.getmember().getwid() + @", // `branchid` = " + branchid + @", // `type` = 3, // `referencewid` = " + salesheadwid.ToString() + @", // `amount` = " + mem_points + @", // `status` = 1, // `date` = NOW(), // `status` = 1, // `datecreated` = NOW(), // `lastmodifieddate` = NOW(), // `userid` = " + userid + @", // `lastmodifiedby` = " + userid + @" // WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d;"; // memberTransactionListString.Add(sSQLmemberpoint_d); // } // if (trans.getmember().getwid() != 0) // { // decimal point_earn = trans.get_memberpoint_earn(); // List<string> temp = get_next_wid_withlock_main_liststring("memberpointtrans"); // foreach (string str in temp) // memberTransactionListString.Add(str); // string sSQLmemberpoint = @"UPDATE `memberpointtrans` SET // `memberid` = " + trans.getmember().getwid() + @", // `branchid` = " + branchid + @", // `type` = 1, // `referencewid` = " + salesheadwid.ToString() + @", // `amount` = " + point_earn.ToString("N2") + @", // `status` = 1, // `date` = NOW(), // `datecreated` = NOW(), // `lastmodifieddate` = NOW(), // `userid` = " + userid + @", // `lastmodifiedby` = " + userid + @" // WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d;"; // memberTransactionListString.Add(sSQLmemberpoint); // } // //'select' is purposely lower cased for exec_trans method // memberTransactionListString.Add(@"select 'SUCCESS';"); // if (!mySQLFunc.check_connection_main() || exec_trans_main(memberTransactionListString, 3) != "SUCCESS") // return 1; // } string discquery = @""; List <string> transactionQueryList = new List <string>(); string sSQL = ""; sSQL = @"UPDATE `saleshead` SET `salesman` = " + trans.getsalesman().getsyncid().ToString() + @", `status` = 1, `customerid` = " + customerid + @", `customername` = '" + escapeString(customername) + @"', `date` = NOW(), `adjust` = " + adjust + @", `discount1` = " + discount + @", `seniorno` = '" + seniorno + @"', `seniorname` = '" + escapeString(seniorname) + @"', `ornumber` = '" + trans.getORnumber() + @"', `userid` = '" + userid + @"', `branchid` = '" + branchid + @"', `lastmodifiedby` = " + userid + @", `lastmodifieddate` = NOW(), `memberid` = " + memberid + @", `checkerid` = " + checkerid + @", `iswholesale` = " + iswholesale + @", `isnonvat` = " + isnonvat.ToString() + @" WHERE `SyncId` = " + salesheadwid; //Console.WriteLine(sSQL); //setdb(sSQL); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQL); foreach (cls_product prod in trans.get_productlist().get_productlist()) { string qty = prod.getQty().ToString("G29"); string price = (prod.getPrice()).ToString(); string vat = prod.getVat().ToString(); cls_user soldby = (cls_user)prod.getSoldBy(); long soldbywid = 0; try { soldbywid = soldby.getsyncid(); } catch { soldbywid = userid; } List <string> temp = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("salesdetail"); foreach (string str in temp) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } transactionQueryList.Add("SET @salesdetailwid := @SyncId"); int issenior = (trans.getsenior().get_idnumber().Length >= 1 && prod.getIsSenior() != 0) ? prod.getIsSenior() : 0; string sSQLdetail = @"UPDATE `salesdetail` SET `headid` = '" + salesheadwid + @"', `productid` = '" + prod.getSyncId().ToString() + @"', `quantity` = '" + qty + @"', `oprice` = '" + prod.getOrigPrice().ToString() + @"', `regularDC` = '" + prod.getDiscount().ToString() + @"', `price` = '" + price + @"', `pprice` = '" + prod.getPurchasePrice().ToString() + @"', `vat` = '" + vat + @"', `soldby` = '" + soldbywid + @"', `memo` = '" + prod.getMemo() + @"' WHERE `SyncId` = @salesdetailwid"; //Console.WriteLine(sSQLdetail); //setdb(sSQLdetail); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLdetail); } tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("collectionhead"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } transactionQueryList.Add(@"SET @collectionheadwid := @syncid_d"); string sSQLch = @"UPDATE `collectionhead` SET `customerid` = " + customerid + @", `collectiondate` = NOW(), `userid` = " + userid + @", `status` = 1, `branchid` = " + branchid + @", `lastmodifieddate` = NOW(), `lastmodifiedby` = " + userid + @", `datecreated` = NOW(), `memo` = '" + trans.getpayments().get_memo() + @"', `show` = 1 WHERE `SyncId` = @collectionheadwid"; //Console.WriteLine(sSQLch); //setdb(sSQLch); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLch); string sSQLcs = @"INSERT INTO `collectionsales` (`headid`, `saleswid`, `amount`) VALUES ( @collectionheadwid, " + salesheadwid + ", " + (totalpaidamt - trans.get_changeamount()) + ")"; //Console.WriteLine(sSQLcs); //setdb(sSQLcs); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcs); if (cash != 0) { tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("collectiondetail"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `collectiondetail` SET `headid` = @collectionheadwid, `method` = 1, `amount` = " + cash + @" WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); } if (change > 0) { tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("collectiondetail"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `collectiondetail` SET `headid` = @collectionheadwid, `method` = 1, `amount` = -" + change + @" WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); } foreach (cls_cardinfo creditcard in creditcards) { tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("collectiondetail"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `collectiondetail` SET `headid` = @collectionheadwid, `method` = 5, `amount` = " + creditcard.getamount() + @" WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //Console.WriteLine(sSQLcd); //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add("SET @collectiondetailwid = @syncid_d"); tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("poscardpayment"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `poscardpayment` SET `collectiondetailid` = @collectiondetailwid, `cardsettingwid` = '" + cls_globalfunc.getCreditDebiCardInfo(creditcard.getcardno()) + @"', `cardno` = '" + creditcard.getcardno() + @"', `fullname` = '" + escapeString(creditcard.getname()) + @"', `expdate` = '" + creditcard.getexpdate().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"', `type` = '0', `approvalcode` = '" + escapeString(creditcard.getapprovalcode()) + @"', `amount` = '" + creditcard.getamount() + @"' WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); } foreach (cls_cardinfo debitcard in debitcards) { tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("collectiondetail"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `collectiondetail` SET `headid` = @collectionheadwid, `method` = 6, `amount` = " + debitcard.getamount() + @" WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //Console.WriteLine(sSQLcd); //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add("SET @collectiondetailwid = @syncid_d"); tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("poscardpayment"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `poscardpayment` SET `collectiondetailid` = @collectiondetailwid, `cardno` = '" + debitcard.getcardno() + @"', `fullname` = '" + escapeString(debitcard.getname()) + @"', `expdate` = '" + debitcard.getexpdate().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"', `type` = '1', `approvalcode` = '" + escapeString(debitcard.getapprovalcode()) + @"', `amount` = '" + debitcard.getamount() + @"' WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //Console.WriteLine(sSQLcd); //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); } foreach (cls_giftcheque giftchequenew in giftchequesnew) { tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("collectiondetail"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `collectiondetail` SET `headid` = @collectionheadwid, `method` = 13, `amount` = " + giftchequenew.getamount() + @" WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add("SET @collectiondetailwid = @syncid_d"); tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("posgiftchequepayment"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `posgiftchequepayment` SET `collectiondetailid` = @collectiondetailwid, `giftchequeno` = '" + giftchequenew.get_referenceno() + @"', `expdate` = '" + giftchequenew.getexpdate().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"', `memo` = '" + escapeString(giftchequenew.get_memo()) + @"', `amount` = '" + giftchequenew.getamount() + @"' WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); } foreach (cls_CustomPaymentsInfo custompayment in custompaymentsinfo) { tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("collectiondetail"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `collectiondetail` SET `headid` = @collectionheadwid, `method` = " + custompayment.get_paymentwid() + @", `amount` = " + custompayment.get_amount() + @" WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); string field1info = custompayment.get_field1info(); string field2info = custompayment.get_field2info(); string field3info = custompayment.get_field3info(); string field4info = custompayment.get_field4info(); string field5info = custompayment.get_field5info(); string field6info = custompayment.get_field6info(); if (field1info.Length > 0 || field2info.Length > 0 || field3info.Length > 0 || field4info.Length > 0 || field5info.Length > 0 || field6info.Length > 0) { sSQLcs = @"INSERT INTO `poscustompayments` (`detailid`,`field1`,`field2`,`field3`,`field4`,`field5`,`field6`) VALUES ( @syncid_d, '" + escapeString(field1info) + @"', '" + escapeString(field2info) + @"','" + escapeString(field3info) + @"', '" + escapeString(field4info) + @"','" + escapeString(field5info) + @"', '" + escapeString(field6info) + @"')"; //setdb(sSQLcs); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcs); } } if (mem_points != 0) { tempStringList = GetListStringAndInsertNextSyncId("collectiondetail"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } sSQLcd = @"UPDATE `collectiondetail` SET `headid` = @collectionheadwid, `method` = 8, `amount` = " + mem_points + @" WHERE `SyncId` = @syncid_d"; //setdb(sSQLcd); transactionQueryList.Add(sSQLcd); } tempStringList = update_synctable_liststring("saleshead", salesheadwid.ToString()); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } tempStringList = update_synctable_liststring("collectionhead", "@collectionheadwid"); foreach (string str in tempStringList) { transactionQueryList.Add(str); } transactionQueryList.Add("select 'SUCCESS'"); string returnVal = exec_trans(transactionQueryList, 5); if (returnVal != "SUCCESS") { return(-1); } return(0); }
public void UpdateTenderChange(cls_POSTransaction tran) { lblTender.Text = "P " + tran.getpayments().get_totalamount().ToString("N2"); lblChange.Text = "P " + tran.get_changeamount().ToString("N2"); }
public void set_databinding(cls_POSTransaction tran) { this.POSTrans = tran; refresh_display(); }
public void set_databinding(cls_POSTransaction POSTrans_d) { this.POSTrans = POSTrans_d; refresh_display(); }