Example #1
        public void CardHolderNameMidOK()
            //Create an instance of the clsSTPayment
            clsSTPayment STPayment = new clsSTPayment();
            //String a variable to store my error message
            string Error = "";
            //Create some test data to pass to the method
            string CardHolderName = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST";

            //Invoke the method
            Error = STPayment.Valid(CardNumber, AccountNumber, SortCode, ExpiryDate, ValidFrom, CardHolderName, CVC);
            //Test to see that the result is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, "");
Example #2
        public void FindMethodOK()
            //Create an instance of the clsSTPayment
            clsSTPayment STPayment = new clsSTPayment();
            //Boolean variable to store the result of the validation
            Boolean Found = false;
            //Create some test data to use with the method
            Int32 PaymentID = 1;

            //Invoke the method
            Found = STPayment.Find(PaymentID);
            //Test to see that the result is correct
Example #3
        public void ThisPaymentPropertyOK()
            //Create an instance of the class we want to create
            clsSTPaymentCollection AllTestPayments = new clsSTPaymentCollection();
            //Create some test data to assign to the property
            //in this case the data needs to be a list of objects
            clsSTPayment PaymentTest = new clsSTPayment();

            //Set it properties
            PaymentTest.CardNumber     = "1234567891234567";
            PaymentTest.AccountNumber  = "12345678";
            PaymentTest.SortCode       = "123456";
            PaymentTest.ExpiryDate     = "12/22";
            PaymentTest.ValidFrom      = "12/19";
            PaymentTest.CVC            = "123";
            //Assign the data to the property
            AllTestPayments.ThisPayment = PaymentTest;
            //Test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AllTestPayments.ThisPayment, PaymentTest);
Example #4
        public void CVCFound()
            //Create an instance of the clsSTPayment
            clsSTPayment STPayment = new clsSTPayment();
            //Boolean variable to store the result of the search
            Boolean Found = false;
            //Boolean variable to recrd if the data is ok (assume it is)
            Boolean OK = true;
            //Create some test data to use with the method
            Int32 PaymentID = 1;

            //Invoke the method
            Found = STPayment.Find(PaymentID);
            //Check the property
            if (STPayment.CVC != "123")
                OK = false;
            //Test to see that the result is correct
Example #5
        public void UpdatePaymentMethodOK()
            //Create an instance of the class we want to create
            clsSTPaymentCollection AllPayments = new clsSTPaymentCollection();
            //Create an item of test data
            clsSTPayment PaymentTestItem = new clsSTPayment();
            //Var to store the primary key
            Int32 PrimaryKey = 0;

            //Set its properties
            PaymentTestItem.CardNumber     = "1234567891234567";
            PaymentTestItem.AccountNumber  = "12345678";
            PaymentTestItem.SortCode       = "123456";
            PaymentTestItem.ExpiryDate     = "12/22";
            PaymentTestItem.ValidFrom      = "12/19";
            PaymentTestItem.CVC            = "123";
            //Set this ThisPayment to the test data
            AllPayments.ThisPayment = PaymentTestItem;
            //Add the payment record
            PrimaryKey = AllPayments.Add();
            //Set the primary key of the test data
            PaymentTestItem.PaymentID = PrimaryKey;
            //Modify the test data
            PaymentTestItem.CardNumber     = "1234567891234568";
            PaymentTestItem.AccountNumber  = "12345679";
            PaymentTestItem.SortCode       = "123457";
            PaymentTestItem.ExpiryDate     = "12/23";
            PaymentTestItem.ValidFrom      = "12/20";
            PaymentTestItem.CardHolderName = "I HATE PROJECT MANAGEMENT";
            PaymentTestItem.CVC            = "124";
            //Set the record based on the new test data
            AllPayments.ThisPayment = PaymentTestItem;
            //Update the record
            //Find the record
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AllPayments.ThisPayment, PaymentTestItem);