Example #1
    void Update()
        //create an instance of the Roomtype
        clsRoomtypeCollection Roomtype = new clsRoomtypeCollection();
        //validate the data on the web form
        String Error = Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.Valid(txtRoomID.Text, txtRoomFloor.Text, txtRoomType.Text, txtRoomType.Text, txtDateAdded.Text);

        //if the data is OK then add it to the subject
        if (Error == "")
            //find the record to update
            Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.RoomtypeID   = Convert.ToInt32(txtRoomID.Text);
            Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.RoomFloorNo  = Convert.ToInt32(txtRoomFloor.Text);
            Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.RoomtypeSize = txtRoomSize.Text;
            Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.Roomtype     = txtRoomType.Text;
            Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.DateTime     = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateAdded.Text);
            //update the record
            //all done so redirect back to the main page
            //report an error
            lblError.Text = "There were problems with the dat entered" + Error;
Example #2
        public void ListAndCountOK()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            clsRoomtypeCollection AllRooms = new clsRoomtypeCollection();
            //create some test data to assign to the property
            //in this case the data needs to be a list of objects
            List <clsRoomType> TestList = new List <clsRoomType>();
            //add an item to tge list
            //create the item of test data
            clsRoomType TestItem = new clsRoomType();

            //set its properties
            TestItem.Active       = true;
            TestItem.RoomtypeID   = 81;
            TestItem.RoomFloorNo  = 1;
            TestItem.RoomtypeSize = "4 Guests";
            TestItem.Roomtype     = "Standard";
            TestItem.DateTime     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //add the item to the test list
            //assign the data to the property
            AllRooms.RoomtypeList = TestList;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AllRooms.Count, TestList.Count);
Example #3
        public void ReportByRoomTypeTestDataFound()
            //create an instance of the filtered data
            clsRoomtypeCollection FilteredRoomtype = new clsRoomtypeCollection();
            //var to store outcome
            Boolean OK = true;

            //apply a roomtype that doesnt exist
            //check that the correct nuber of recrods are found
            if (FilteredRoomtype.Count == 2)
                //checl that the first recrod is ID 1
                if (FilteredRoomtype.RoomtypeList[0].RoomtypeID != 81)
                    OK = false;
                //check that the first ID  is 2
                if (FilteredRoomtype.RoomtypeList[1].RoomtypeID != 82)
                    OK = false;
                    OK = false;
                // test to see that there are no recrods
Example #4
        public void DeleteMethodOK()
            //Create an isntance of the class we want to create
            clsRoomtypeCollection AllRooms = new clsRoomtypeCollection();
            //create the item of test data
            clsRoomType TestItem = new clsRoomType();
            //var to store the primary key
            Int32 PrimaryKey = 0;

            //set its proeprties
            TestItem.Active       = false;
            TestItem.RoomtypeID   = 81;
            TestItem.RoomFloorNo  = 1;
            TestItem.RoomtypeSize = "4 guests";
            TestItem.Roomtype     = "Standard";
            TestItem.DateTime     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //set ThisRoomtype to the test dat
            AllRooms.ThisRoomtype = TestItem;
            //add the record
            PrimaryKey = AllRooms.Add();
            //set the primary key of the tst data
            TestItem.RoomtypeID = PrimaryKey;
            //find the record
            //delete the record
            //now find the record
            Boolean Found = AllRooms.ThisRoomtype.Find(PrimaryKey);

            //test to see that the record was not found
Example #5
        public void AddMethodOK()
            //create instance of the class we want to create
            clsRoomtypeCollection AllRooms = new clsRoomtypeCollection();
            //createthe item of the test data
            clsRoomType TestItem = new clsRoomType();
            //var to store the primary key
            Int32 PrimaryKey = 0;

            //set its properties
            TestItem.Active       = true;
            TestItem.RoomFloorNo  = 1;
            TestItem.RoomtypeSize = "4 guests";
            TestItem.Roomtype     = "Standard";
            TestItem.DateTime     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //Set ThisRoom to test the data
            AllRooms.ThisRoomtype = TestItem;
            //add the record
            PrimaryKey = AllRooms.Add();
            //set the primary key of the test data
            TestItem.RoomtypeID = PrimaryKey;//find the record
            //find the record
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AllRooms.ThisRoomtype, TestItem);
Example #6
        public void InstanceOK()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            clsRoomtypeCollection AllRooms = new clsRoomtypeCollection();

            //test to see that it exists
Example #7
        public void ReportByRoomtypeMethodOK()
            //Create instance of the class we want to create
            clsRoomtypeCollection Allrooms = new clsRoomtypeCollection();
            //create an instance of te filtred data
            clsRoomtypeCollection FilteredRooms = new clsRoomtypeCollection();

            //apply a blank string (should return all records)
            //test to see that the two value are the same
            Assert.AreNotEqual(Allrooms.Count, FilteredRooms.Count);
Example #8
    void DeleteRoomtype()
        //function to delete the selected record

        //create a new instance of the Roomtype
        clsRoomtypeCollection RoomType = new clsRoomtypeCollection();

        //find the record to delete
        //Delete the record
Example #9
    void DisplayRoomtype()
        //Create an instance of the class we want to create
        clsRoomtypeCollection Roomtype = new clsRoomtypeCollection();

        //find the record to update
        //display the data for this record
        txtRoomID.Text    = Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.RoomtypeID.ToString();
        txtRoomFloor.Text = Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.RoomFloorNo.ToString();
        txtRoomSize.Text  = Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.RoomtypeSize;
        txtRoomType.Text  = Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.Roomtype;
        txtDateAdded.Text = Roomtype.ThisRoomtype.DateTime.ToString();
Example #10
    void DisplayRoomtype()
        //create an instance of the roomtype collection
        clsRoomtypeCollection Roomtype = new clsRoomtypeCollection();

        //set the data to source the list of roomtypes in the collection
        lstRoomtype.DataSource = Roomtype.RoomtypeList;
        //set the name of the primary key
        lstRoomtype.DataValueField = "RoomtypeID";
        //set the  data field to display
        lstRoomtype.DataTextField = "Roomtype";
        //bind the data to the list
Example #11
        public void ThisRoomtypePropertyOK()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            clsRoomtypeCollection AllRooms = new clsRoomtypeCollection();
            //vreate some test dat to assign to the property
            clsRoomType TestRooms = new clsRoomType();

            //set the properties of the test opbject
            TestRooms.Active       = true;
            TestRooms.RoomtypeID   = 81;
            TestRooms.RoomFloorNo  = 1;
            TestRooms.RoomtypeSize = "4 Guests";
            TestRooms.Roomtype     = "Standard";
            TestRooms.DateTime     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //assign the data to the property
            AllRooms.ThisRoomtype = TestRooms;
            //test to see if the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AllRooms.ThisRoomtype, TestRooms);
Example #12
        public void UpdateMethodOK()
            //Create an isntance of the class we want to create
            clsRoomtypeCollection AllRooms = new clsRoomtypeCollection();
            //create the item of test data
            clsRoomType TestItem = new clsRoomType();
            //var to store the primary key
            Int32 PrimaryKey = 0;

            //set its proeprties
            TestItem.Active       = false;
            TestItem.RoomFloorNo  = 1;
            TestItem.RoomtypeSize = "4 guests";
            TestItem.Roomtype     = "Standard";
            TestItem.DateTime     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //set ThisRoomtype to the test dat
            AllRooms.ThisRoomtype = TestItem;
            //add the record
            PrimaryKey = AllRooms.Add();
            //set the primary key of the tst data
            TestItem.RoomtypeID = PrimaryKey;
            //modify the test data
            TestItem.Active       = false;
            TestItem.RoomFloorNo  = 1;
            TestItem.RoomtypeSize = "4 guests";
            TestItem.Roomtype     = "Standard";
            TestItem.DateTime     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //set the record based on the new test data
            AllRooms.ThisRoomtype = TestItem;
            //update the record
            //find the record
            //test to see Thisroomtype matches the test data
            Assert.AreEqual(AllRooms.ThisRoomtype, TestItem);