public void AddMethodOk()
            //instance of class
            var allPolicies = new clsPolicyCollection();
            //create an item of test data
            var testItem = new clsPolicy();
            //store the PK
            var primaryKey = 0;

            //set the properties
            testItem.Accepted      = true;
            testItem.CustomerId    = 111;
            testItem.PolicyDetails = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,";
            testItem.PolicyId      = 112;
            testItem.Price         = 64.00M;
            testItem.StaffId       = 68;
            testItem.StartDate     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //set the ThisPolicy to test data
            allPolicies.ThisPolicy = testItem;
            //add record
            primaryKey = allPolicies.Add();
            //set the PK of the test data
            testItem.PolicyId = primaryKey;
            //find the record
            //test to see if the 2 values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(allPolicies.ThisPolicy, testItem);
        public void ReportByCustomerIdDataFound()
            var filteredPolicies = new clsPolicyCollection();
            var OK = true;

            if (filteredPolicies.Count == 3)
                if (filteredPolicies.PolicyList[0].PolicyId != 14)
                    OK = false;
                if (filteredPolicies.PolicyList[1].PolicyId != 23)
                    OK = false;
                if (filteredPolicies.PolicyList[2].PolicyId != 36)
                    OK = false;
                OK = false;

        public void DeleteMethodOk()
            //instance of class
            var allPolicies = new clsPolicyCollection();
            //create an item of test data
            var testItem = new clsPolicy();
            //store the PK
            var primaryKey = 0;

            //set the properties
            testItem.Accepted      = true;
            testItem.CustomerId    = 111;
            testItem.PolicyDetails = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,";
            testItem.PolicyId      = 112;
            testItem.Price         = 64.00M;
            testItem.StaffId       = 68;
            testItem.StartDate     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //set the ThisPolicy to test data
            allPolicies.ThisPolicy = testItem;
            //add record
            primaryKey = allPolicies.Add();
            //set the PK of the test data
            testItem.PolicyId = primaryKey;
            //find the record
            //delete the record
            var found = allPolicies.ThisPolicy.Find(primaryKey);

            //test to see that the record was not found
        public void InstanceOk()
            //create an instance of the class to test
            var allPolicies = new clsPolicyCollection();

            //test to see if exists
    protected void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var Policies = new clsPolicyCollection();

        lstPolicyList.DataSource     = Policies.PolicyList;
        lstPolicyList.DataValueField = "PolicyId";
        lstPolicyList.DataTextField  = "CustomerId";
        public void ReportByCustomerIdNoneFound()
            //filtered data instance
            var filteredPolicies = new clsPolicyCollection();

            //apply blank string (all records)
            //test to see that there are no record
            Assert.AreEqual(0, filteredPolicies.Count);
    protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var aPolicy = new clsPolicy();

        aPolicy.PolicyId = int.Parse(txtPolicyId.Text);
        var staffId       = txtStaffId.Text;
        var customerId    = txtCustomerId.Text;
        var price         = txtPrice.Text;
        var policeDetails = txtPolicyDetails.Text;
        var startDate     = calStartDate.SelectedDate.ToString();
        var error         = aPolicy.Valid(staffId, customerId, policeDetails, startDate, price);

        if (error == "")
            //capture policy id
            aPolicy.PolicyId      = PolicyId;
            aPolicy.StaffId       = int.Parse(txtStaffId.Text);
            aPolicy.CustomerId    = int.Parse(txtCustomerId.Text);
            aPolicy.Price         = decimal.Parse(Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrice.Text).ToString("N2"));
            aPolicy.StartDate     = calStartDate.SelectedDate;
            aPolicy.PolicyDetails = txtPolicyDetails.Text;
            aPolicy.Accepted      = Convert.ToBoolean(chkAccepted.Checked);
            // Session["APolicy"] = aPolicy;
            //create a new instance of the policy collection
            var policyList = new clsPolicyCollection();

            //if this is a new record
            if (PolicyId == -1)
                //set the ThisPolicy property
                policyList.ThisPolicy = aPolicy;
                //add new record

            //otherwise it must be an update
                //find record
                //set the ThisPolicy property
                policyList.ThisPolicy = aPolicy;
                //update the record

            //redirect back to listpage
            // Response.Redirect("PolicyViewer.aspx");
            lblError.Text = error;
Example #8
    protected void btnYes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //instance of policy
        var PolicyList = new clsPolicyCollection();

        //find the record
        //delete the record
        //redirect back to main
        public void ReportByCustomerIdOk()
            //instance of class
            var allPolicies = new clsPolicyCollection();
            //filtered data instance
            var filteredPolicies = new clsPolicyCollection();

            //apply blank string (all records)
            //test if same
            Assert.AreEqual(allPolicies.Count, filteredPolicies.Count);
Example #10
    private void DisplayPolicy()
        //instance of address book
        var policyList = new clsPolicyCollection();

        //find record
        //display data for this record
        txtPolicyId.Text          = policyList.ThisPolicy.PolicyId.ToString();
        txtStaffId.Text           = policyList.ThisPolicy.StaffId.ToString();
        txtCustomerId.Text        = policyList.ThisPolicy.CustomerId.ToString();
        txtPolicyDetails.Text     = policyList.ThisPolicy.PolicyDetails;
        txtPrice.Text             = policyList.ThisPolicy.Price.ToString();
        chkAccepted.Checked       = policyList.ThisPolicy.Accepted;
        calStartDate.VisibleDate  = policyList.ThisPolicy.StartDate;
        calStartDate.SelectedDate = policyList.ThisPolicy.StartDate;
        public void ThisPolicyPropertyOk()
            //instance of class
            var allPolicies = new clsPolicyCollection();
            //test data
            var testPolicy = new clsPolicy();

            //set properties of test item
            testPolicy.Accepted      = true;
            testPolicy.CustomerId    = 11;
            testPolicy.PolicyDetails = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,";
            testPolicy.PolicyId      = 2;
            testPolicy.Price         = 64.00M;
            testPolicy.StaffId       = 68;
            testPolicy.StartDate     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //assign data to property
            allPolicies.ThisPolicy = testPolicy;
            //check if same
            Assert.AreEqual(allPolicies.ThisPolicy, testPolicy);
        public void ListAndCountOk()
            //instance of class
            var allPolicies = new clsPolicyCollection();
            //create test data to assign to property as list of objects
            var testList = new List <clsPolicy>();
            //add item to list and create the item of the test data
            var testItem = new clsPolicy();

            //set properties of test item
            testItem.Accepted      = true;
            testItem.CustomerId    = 11;
            testItem.PolicyDetails = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,";
            testItem.PolicyId      = 2;
            testItem.Price         = 64.00M;
            testItem.StaffId       = 68;
            testItem.StartDate     = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //add the test item to list
            //assign the data to property
            allPolicies.PolicyList = testList;
            //test to see if the values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(allPolicies.Count, testList.Count);