Example #1
    void LoadData()
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        if (ddlSites.SelectedIndex != 0)
            clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();
            obj.Op                = 3;
            obj.SourceSiteID      = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSites.SelectedValue);
            obj.DestinationSiteID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSites.SelectedValue);
            dt = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];
            clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();
            obj.Op = 4;
            dt     = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];
        grdMachines.DataSource = dt;
        pnlUpdate.Visible = false;
        if (grdMachines.Rows.Count > 0)
            lblError.Text = "";
            lblError.Text = "No Records Found";
Example #2
 * Op=1 Insert Data
 * Op=2 Update Status
 * Op=3 Get Data By Site
 * Op=4 Get All Data
 * Op=5 Get All Data by Date
//ID, SourceSiteID, DestinationSiteID, SiteMachineID, StartDate, UpdateDate, UpdatedBy, Status, Remarks

    public DataSet MachineTransfer(clsMachineTransfer obj)
            SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[11];
            param[0]  = new SqlParameter("@ID", obj._ID);
            param[1]  = new SqlParameter("@SourceSiteID", obj._SourceSiteID);
            param[2]  = new SqlParameter("@DestinationSiteID", obj._DestinationSiteID);
            param[3]  = new SqlParameter("@SiteMachineID", obj._SiteMachineID);
            param[4]  = new SqlParameter("@StartDate", obj._StartDate);
            param[5]  = new SqlParameter("@UpdateDate", obj._UpdateDate);
            param[6]  = new SqlParameter("@UpdatedBy", obj._UpdatedBy);
            param[7]  = new SqlParameter("@Status", obj._Status);
            param[8]  = new SqlParameter("@DriverName", obj._DriverName);
            param[9]  = new SqlParameter("@DriverPhone", obj._DriverPhone);
            param[10] = new SqlParameter("@Op", obj._Op);
            DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(co, "procMachineTransfer", param);
    protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obj.Op         = 2;
        obj.UpdateDate = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
        obj.UpdatedBy  = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["User"].Value);
        obj.Status     = Convert.ToInt32(ddlStatus.SelectedValue);
        //obj.Remarks = txtERemarks.Text;
        obj.ID = Convert.ToInt32(grdMachines.DataKeys[grdMachines.SelectedRow.RowIndex].Value);

        if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlStatus.SelectedValue) == 3)
            obj.Op = 6;
            obj.ID = Convert.ToInt32(grdMachines.DataKeys[grdMachines.SelectedRow.RowIndex].Value);
            DataTable       dt    = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];
            clsSiteMachines objSM = new clsSiteMachines();
            objSM.Op         = 4;
            objSM.ID         = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["SiteMachineID"]);
            objSM.UpdateDate = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
            objSM.SiteID     = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["SiteID"].Value);
        grdMachines.SelectedIndex = 1;

        pnlUpdate.Visible   = false;
        pnlRequests.Visible = true;
    Panel LoadDetailForPDF()
            clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();
            obj.Op = 6;
            obj.ID = Convert.ToInt32(grdMachines.DataKeys[grdMachines.SelectedRow.RowIndex].Value);
            DataTable       dt = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];
            DataTable       dtSourceSite, dtDestinationSite, dtMachineDetail;
            clsSite         obSite = new clsSite();
            clsSiteMachines objSM  = new clsSiteMachines();
            objSM.Op        = 5;
            objSM.ID        = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["SiteMachineID"]);
            dtMachineDetail = objSM.SiteMachines(objSM).Tables[0];

            obSite.Op         = 5;
            obSite.ID         = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["SourceSiteID"]);
            dtSourceSite      = obSite.SiteMaster(obSite).Tables[0];
            obSite.ID         = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["DestinationSiteID"]);
            dtDestinationSite = obSite.SiteMaster(obSite).Tables[0];
            LiteralControl lc = new LiteralControl();
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%'>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td align='center' colspan='12'><h3>MACHINE TRANSFER RECEIPT</h3></td></tr>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td align='center' colspan='12'><h4>T.K. Engineering Consortium Pvt. Ltd.</h4></td></tr>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='3'>";
            if (dtSourceSite.Rows.Count > 0)
                lc.Text = lc.Text + dtSourceSite.Rows[0]["Name"] + "<br>" + dtSourceSite.Rows[0]["Location"] + "<br>" + dtSourceSite.Rows[0]["Address"];
                lc.Text = lc.Text + lblSourceSite.Text;
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td><td colspan='6'></td><td colspan='3'>";
            if (dtDestinationSite.Rows.Count > 0)
                lc.Text = lc.Text + dtDestinationSite.Rows[0]["Name"] + "<br>" + dtDestinationSite.Rows[0]["Location"] + "<br>" + dtDestinationSite.Rows[0]["Address"];
                lc.Text = lc.Text + lblDestinationSite.Text;
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "</td></tr>";

            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='3'><b>Machine</b></td><td colspan='2'><b>Serial No</b></td><td colspan='3'><b>Status</b></td><td colspan='2'><b>Thesis No</b></td><td colspan='2'><b>Engine No</b></td></tr>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td colspan='3'>" + dtMachineDetail.Rows[0]["Machine"] + "</td><td colspan='2'>" + dtMachineDetail.Rows[0]["SerialNo"] + "</td><td colspan='3'>" + dtMachineDetail.Rows[0]["Status"] + "</td><td colspan='2'>" + dtMachineDetail.Rows[0]["ThesisNo"] + "</td><td colspan='2'>" + dtMachineDetail.Rows[0]["EngineNo"] + "</td></tr>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
            Panel p = new Panel();
    public void GetMachineTransferByDate(string Date1, string Date2)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obj.Op         = 5;
        obj.StartDate  = Date1;
        obj.UpdateDate = Date2;
        DataTable dt = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];

    protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obj.ID = Convert.ToInt32(grdMachines.DataKeys[grdMachines.SelectedIndex].Value);
        obj.Op = 7;
        pnlUpdate.Visible         = false;
        pnlRequests.Visible       = true;
        grdMachines.SelectedIndex = -1;
Example #7
    protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obj.Op         = 2;
        obj.UpdateDate = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
        obj.UpdatedBy  = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["User"].Value);
        obj.Status     = Convert.ToInt32(ddlStatus.SelectedValue);
        obj.ID         = Convert.ToInt32(grdMachines.DataKeys[grdMachines.SelectedRow.RowIndex].Value);
        grdMachines.SelectedIndex = -1;
        pnlUpdate.Visible   = false;
        pnlRequests.Visible = true;
    public void SaveMachineTransfer(int SourceSiteID, int DestinationSiteID, int SiteMachineID, string StartDate, string UpdateDate, int Status, string DriverName, string DriverPhone)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obj.SourceSiteID      = SourceSiteID;
        obj.DestinationSiteID = DestinationSiteID;
        obj.SiteMachineID     = SiteMachineID;
        obj.StartDate         = StartDate;
        obj.UpdateDate        = UpdateDate;
        obj.Status            = Status;
        obj.DriverName        = DriverName;
        obj.DriverPhone       = DriverPhone;
        obj.Op = 1;
 Panel LoadDetailForPDF()
         clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();
         obj.Op = 6;
         obj.ID = Convert.ToInt32(grdMachines.DataKeys[grdMachines.SelectedRow.RowIndex].Value);
         DataTable dt = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];
         //select a.ID,a.SourceSiteID,SourceSiteName,SourceSiteAddress,SourceSitePhoneNo,SourceSiteEmail,SSiteIncharge,SSiteInchargePh,a.DestinationSiteID,DestSiteName,
         StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
         str.Append("<table width='100%' style='font-size:8;'>");
         str.Append("<tr><td colspan='8'>");
         str.Append("<h4>TK Engineering Consortium Pvt. Limited</h4>");
         str.Append("<h5>Date: " + dt.Rows[0]["StartDate"] + "</h5>");
         str.Append("</td><td colspan='4'>");
         str.Append("<img src='" + MapPath("~/images/logo.jpg") + "' width='150'/>");
         str.Append("<tr><td colspan='4'>");
         str.Append("Source Site:<br><b>" + dt.Rows[0]["SourceSiteName"] + "</b><br>");
         str.Append("Address: " + dt.Rows[0]["SourceSiteAddress"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br>") + "<br>");
         str.Append("Phone No: " + dt.Rows[0]["SourceSitePhoneNo"] + "<br>");
         str.Append("Email: " + dt.Rows[0]["SourceSiteEmail"] + "<br>");
         str.Append("Site Incharge: " + dt.Rows[0]["SSiteIncharge"] + "<br>Phone No" + dt.Rows[0]["SSiteInchargePh"]);
         str.Append("</td><td colspan='4'></td><td align='right' colspan='4'><div style='text-align:left;'>");
         str.Append("Destination Site:<br><b>" + dt.Rows[0]["DestSiteName"] + "</b><br>");
         str.Append("Address: " + dt.Rows[0]["DestSiteAddress"].ToString().Replace("\n", "<br>") + "<br>");
         str.Append("Phone No: " + dt.Rows[0]["DestSitePhoneNo"] + "<br>");
         str.Append("Email: " + dt.Rows[0]["DestSiteEmail"] + "<br>");
         str.Append("Site Incharge: " + dt.Rows[0]["DSiteIncharge"] + "<br>Phone No" + dt.Rows[0]["DSiteInchargePh"]);
         str.Append("<h5>Machine Log No / Model: " + dt.Rows[0]["Machine"] + "</h5>");
         str.Append("<h5>Driver Name: " + dt.Rows[0]["DriverName"] + "</h5>");
         str.Append("<h5>Driver Phone No: " + dt.Rows[0]["DriverPhone"] + "</h5>");
         str.Append("<h5>Current Status: " + dt.Rows[0]["CurrStatus"] + "</h5>");
         Label lbl = new Label();
         lbl.Text = str.ToString();
         Panel pnl = new Panel();
    protected void grdMachines_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewSelectEventArgs e)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obj.Op = 6;
        obj.ID = Convert.ToInt32(grdMachines.DataKeys[e.NewSelectedIndex].Value);
        DataTable dt = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];

        pnlUpdate.Visible   = true;
        pnlRequests.Visible = false;

        lblMachineName.Text     = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[2].Text;
        lblSourceSite.Text      = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[0].Text;
        lblDestinationSite.Text = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[1].Text;
        lblPlacedOn.Text        = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[3].Text;
        lblCurrentStatus.Text   = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[6].Text;
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        //ID, SourceSiteID, DestinationSiteID, SiteMachineID, StartDate, UpdateDate, UpdatedBy, Status, Remarks
        obj.SourceSiteID      = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["SiteID"].Value);
        obj.DestinationSiteID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDestSite.SelectedValue);
        obj.SiteMachineID     = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMachine.SelectedValue);
        obj.StartDate         = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
        obj.UpdateDate        = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
        obj.UpdatedBy         = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["User"].Value);
        obj.Status            = 0;
        // obj.Remarks = txtRemarks.Text;
        obj.Op = 1;
    void SendSMS(int ID)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obj.Op = 5;
        obj.ID = ID;
        DataTable dt     = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];
        string    Mobile = "";

            if (dt.Rows[0]["SourceSitePhoneNo"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                Mobile = Mobile + dt.Rows[0]["SourceSitePhoneNo"].ToString();
            if (dt.Rows[0]["DestSitePhoneNo"].ToString().Trim() != "")
                if (Mobile != "")
                    Mobile = Mobile + ",";
                Mobile = Mobile + dt.Rows[0]["DestSitePhoneNo"].ToString();
            clsPTItems obPTI = new clsPTItems();
            obPTI.PTID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ID"]);
            obPTI.Op   = 2;
            DataTable dtPTI = obPTI.PTITems(obPTI).Tables[0];
            int       total = 0;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtPTI.Rows)
                total = total + Convert.ToInt32(dr["Quantity"]);
            string Message = "From: " + dt.Rows[0]["SourceSiteName"] + ", To: " + dt.Rows[0]["DestSiteName"] + ", Machine: " + dt.Rows[0]["Machine"] + ", Vehicle No: " + dt.Rows[0]["VehicleNo"];
            Message = Message + ", Driver Name:" + dt.Rows[0]["DriverName"] + ", Driver Phone: " + dt.Rows[0]["DriverPhone"] + ", Status: Dispatched";
            string         URL     = "http://sambsms.com/app/smsapi/index.php?key=458AD34748890B&campaign=0&routeid=7&type=text&contacts=" + Mobile + "&senderid=TKECON&msg=" + Message + "";
            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(URL) as HttpWebRequest;
            HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
    void LoadData()
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obj.Op                = 3;
        obj.SourceSiteID      = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["SiteID"].Value);
        obj.DestinationSiteID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["SiteID"].Value);
        DataTable dt = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];

        grdMachines.DataSource = dt;
        pnlUpdate.Visible = false;
        if (grdMachines.Rows.Count > 0)
            lblError.Text = "";
            lblError.Text = "No Records found";
    protected void grdMachines_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewSelectEventArgs e)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obj.Op = 6;
        obj.ID = Convert.ToInt32(grdMachines.DataKeys[e.NewSelectedIndex].Value);
        DataTable dt = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];

        pnlUpdate.Visible   = true;
        pnlRequests.Visible = false;
        if (grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[6].Text == "Pending for Approval" || grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[6].Text == "Canceled" || grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[6].Text == "Delivered")
            ddlStatus.Enabled   = false;
            txtERemarks.Enabled = false;
            btnUpdate.Enabled   = false;
            ddlStatus.Enabled   = true;
            txtERemarks.Enabled = true;
            btnUpdate.Enabled   = true;
        if (Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["SiteID"].Value) == Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["SourceSiteID"]))
            ddlStatus.Items[0].Enabled = true;
            ddlStatus.Items[1].Enabled = false;
            ddlStatus.Items[0].Enabled = false;
            ddlStatus.Items[1].Enabled = true;
        txtERemarks.Text        = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[7].Text;
        lblMachineName.Text     = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[2].Text;
        lblSourceSite.Text      = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[0].Text;
        lblDestinationSite.Text = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[1].Text;
        lblPlacedOn.Text        = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[3].Text;
        lblCurrentStatus.Text   = grdMachines.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex].Cells[6].Text;
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsMachineTransfer obj = new clsMachineTransfer();

        //ID, SourceSiteID, DestinationSiteID, SiteMachineID, StartDate, UpdateDate, UpdatedBy, Status, Remarks
        obj.SourceSiteID      = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSourceSite.Text);
        obj.DestinationSiteID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlDestSite.SelectedValue);
        obj.SiteMachineID     = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMachine.SelectedValue);
        try { obj.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text).ToShortDateString(); }
        catch { }
        try { obj.UpdateDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text).ToShortDateString(); }
        catch { }
        obj.UpdatedBy   = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["User"].Value);
        obj.Status      = 0;
        obj.DriverName  = txtDriverName.Text;
        obj.DriverPhone = txtDriverPhone.Text;
        obj.Op          = 1;
        obj.Op = 9;
        DataTable dt = obj.MachineTransfer(obj).Tables[0];

    public void GetMachineHistory(int SiteMachineID, string DateFrom, string DateTo, int SiteID)
        DataTable[]     dt   = new DataTable[8];
        clsSiteMachines obSM = new clsSiteMachines();

        obSM.ID = SiteMachineID;
        obSM.Op = 5;
        DataTable dtSM = obSM.SiteMachines(obSM).Tables[0];

        dt[0] = dtSM;
        /*Machine Damage History*/
        clsMachineDamage obMD = new clsMachineDamage();

        obMD.SiteMachineID = SiteMachineID;
        obMD.EntryDate1    = DateFrom;
        obMD.EntryDate2    = DateTo;
        obMD.Op            = 6;
        DataTable dtMD = obMD.MachineDamage(obMD).Tables[0];

        dt[1] = dtMD;
        /*ID, SiteID,Site,SiteMachineID,Machine,EntryDate,Remarks,IndentID,Indent*/
        /*Machine Progress History*/
        clsMachineryUsage obMU = new clsMachineryUsage();

        obMU.Op            = 8;
        obMU.SiteID        = SiteID;
        obMU.SiteMachineID = SiteMachineID;
        obMU.EntryDate1    = DateFrom;
        obMU.EntryDate2    = DateTo;

        DataTable dtMU = obMU.MachineryUsage(obMU).Tables[0];

        dt[2]   = dtMU;
        obMU.Op = 14;
        DataTable dtFuel = obMU.MachineryUsage(obMU).Tables[0];

        dt[3]   = dtFuel;
        obMU.Op = 13;
        DataTable dtBreakdown = obMU.MachineryUsage(obMU).Tables[0];

        dt[4] = dtBreakdown;

         * CloseHSDReading,HSDIssue,TotalHSDReading,Breakdown,Idle,DriverName,Remarks,Status,EnteredBy*/
        /*Issue Slips*/
        clsSitePartIssue obSPI = new clsSitePartIssue();

        obSPI.Op         = 7;
        obSPI.EntryDate1 = DateFrom;
        obSPI.EntryDate2 = DateTo;

        obSPI.SiteMachineID = SiteMachineID;
        DataTable dtSPI = obSPI.SitePartIssue(obSPI).Tables[0];

        dt[5] = dtSPI;
        /*Machine Transfer*/
        clsMachineTransfer obMT = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obMT.Op            = 8;
        obMT.SiteMachineID = SiteMachineID;
        DataTable dtMT = obMT.MachineTransfer(obMT).Tables[0];

        dt[6] = dtMT;
        DataTable dtMTFinal = new DataTable();

        if (dtMT.Rows.Count > 0)
            dtMTFinal.Rows[0]["Site"]     = dtMT.Rows[0]["SourceSite"];
            dtMTFinal.Rows[0]["FromDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMT.Rows[0]["AddedOn"]).ToShortDateString();
            dtMTFinal.Rows[0]["ToDate"]   = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMT.Rows[0]["StartDate"]).ToShortDateString();
            for (int i = 1; i < dtMT.Rows.Count; i++)
                dtMTFinal.Rows[i]["Site"]     = dtMT.Rows[i]["SourceSite"];
                dtMTFinal.Rows[i]["FromDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMTFinal.Rows[i - 1]["UpdatedDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                dtMTFinal.Rows[i]["ToDate"]   = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMTFinal.Rows[i]["StartDate"]).ToShortDateString();
        dt[7] = dtMTFinal;
Example #17
    void LoadData()
        /*Site Machine Detail*/
        clsSiteMachines obSM = new clsSiteMachines();

        obSM.ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMachine.SelectedValue);
        obSM.Op = 5;
        DataTable dtSM = obSM.SiteMachines(obSM).Tables[0];
        /*Machine Damage History*/
        clsMachineDamage obMD = new clsMachineDamage();

        obMD.SiteMachineID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMachine.SelectedValue);
        try { obMD.EntryDate1 = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text).ToShortDateString(); }
        catch { }
        try { obMD.EntryDate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text).ToShortDateString(); }
        catch { }
        obMD.Op = 6;
        DataTable dtMD = obMD.MachineDamage(obMD).Tables[0];
        /*ID, SiteID,Site,SiteMachineID,Machine,EntryDate,Remarks,IndentID,Indent*/
        /*Machine Progress History*/
        clsMachineryUsage obMU = new clsMachineryUsage();

        obMU.Op            = 8;
        obMU.SiteID        = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSite.SelectedValue);
        obMU.SiteMachineID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMachine.SelectedValue);
        try { obMU.EntryDate1 = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text).ToShortDateString(); }
        catch { }
        try { obMU.EntryDate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text).ToShortDateString(); }
        catch { }
        DataTable dtMU = obMU.MachineryUsage(obMU).Tables[0];

        obMU.Op = 14;
        DataTable dtFuel = obMU.MachineryUsage(obMU).Tables[0];

        obMU.Op = 13;
        DataTable dtBreakdown = obMU.MachineryUsage(obMU).Tables[0];

         * CloseHSDReading,HSDIssue,TotalHSDReading,Breakdown,Idle,DriverName,Remarks,Status,EnteredBy*/
        /*Issue Slips*/
        clsSitePartIssue obSPI = new clsSitePartIssue();

        obSPI.Op = 7;
        try { obSPI.EntryDate1 = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text).ToShortDateString(); }
        catch { }
        try { obSPI.EntryDate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text).ToShortDateString(); }
        catch { }
        obSPI.SiteMachineID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMachine.SelectedValue);
        DataTable dtSPI = obSPI.SitePartIssue(obSPI).Tables[0];
        /*Machine Transfer*/
        clsMachineTransfer obMT = new clsMachineTransfer();

        obMT.Op            = 8;
        obMT.SiteMachineID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMachine.SelectedValue);
        DataTable dtMT      = obMT.MachineTransfer(obMT).Tables[0];
        DataTable dtMTFinal = new DataTable();

        if (dtMT.Rows.Count > 0)
            dtMTFinal.Rows[0]["Site"]     = dtMT.Rows[0]["SourceSite"];
            dtMTFinal.Rows[0]["FromDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMT.Rows[0]["AddedOn"]).ToShortDateString();
            dtMTFinal.Rows[0]["ToDate"]   = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMT.Rows[0]["StartDate"]).ToShortDateString();
            for (int i = 1; i < dtMT.Rows.Count; i++)
                dtMTFinal.Rows[i]["Site"]     = dtMT.Rows[i]["SourceSite"];
                dtMTFinal.Rows[i]["FromDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMTFinal.Rows[i - 1]["UpdatedDate"]).ToShortDateString();
                dtMTFinal.Rows[i]["ToDate"]   = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMTFinal.Rows[i]["StartDate"]).ToShortDateString();
        LiteralControl lc = new LiteralControl();

        lc.Text = "<h4>T K ENGINEERING CONSORTIUM PVT. LTD.</h4>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<br><br><h5>Basic Detail:</h5>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' style='font-size:8'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td>Site: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["Site"] + "</td><td>Machine: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["Machine"] + "</td><td>Log No: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["SerialNo"] + "</td><td>Registration No: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["RegistrationNo"] + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td>Engine No: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["EngineNo"] + "</td><td>Current Status: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["Status"] + "</td><td colspan='2'>Chessis No: " + dtSM.Rows[0]["ThesisNo"] + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";

        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<h5>List of locations of the machine:</h5><br>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' border='1' style='font-size:8'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td><b>From Date</b></td><td><b>To Date</b></td><td><b>Location</b></td></tr>";
        foreach (DataRow dr in dtMTFinal.Rows)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td>" + dr["FromDate"] + "</td><td>" + dr["ToDate"] + "</b></td><td>" + dr["Site"] + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<h5>Fuel Issues</h5><br>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' border='1' style='font-size:8'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td><b>Site</b></td><td><b>Amount</b></td></tr>";
        foreach (DataRow dr in dtFuel.Rows)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td>" + Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EntryDate"]).ToShortDateString() + "</td><td>" + dr["Site"] + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToInt32(dr["HSDIssue"]) + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<h5>Spare Part Issue:</h5><br>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' border='1' style='font-size:8'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td><b>Site</b></td><td><b>Part No</b></td><td><b>Part Name</b></td><td><b>Quantity</b></td></tr>";
        foreach (DataRow dr in dtSPI.Rows)
            if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["IssueType"]) == 2)
                lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td>" + Convert.ToDateTime(dr["IssueDate"]).ToShortDateString() + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Site"]) + "</td><td>" + dr["PartNo"] + "</td><td>" + Convert.ToInt32(dr["PartName"]) + "</td><td>" + dr["Quantity"] + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<h5>Breakdowns:</h5><br>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' border='1' style='font-size:8'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td><b>Date</b></td><td><b>Remarks</b></td><td><b>Indent</b></td></tr>";
        foreach (DataRow dr in dtMD.Rows)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td>" + Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EntryDate"]).ToShortDateString() + "</td><td>" + dr["Remarks"] + "</td><td>" + dr["Indent"] + "</td></tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<h5>Daily Progress Report:</h5><br>";

         * CloseHSDReading,HSDIssue,TotalHSDReading,Breakdown,Idle,DriverName,Remarks,Status,EnteredBy*/
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<table width='100%' border='1' style='font-size:6'>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr><td><b>Site</b></td><td><b>Entry Date</b></td><td><b>Shift</b></td><td><b>Open KM Reading</b></td><td><b>Close KM Reading</b></td><td><b>Total KM Reading</b></td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td><b>Open HR Reading</b></td><td><b>Close HR Reading</b></td><td><b>Total HR Reading</b></td><td><b>Open HSD Reading</b></td><td><b>Close HSD Reading</b></td>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td><b>HSD Issue</b></td><td><b>Total HSD Reading</b></td><td><b>Breakdown</b></td><td><b>Idle</b></td><td><b>Driver Name</b></td><td><b>Remarks</b></td>";
        foreach (DataRow dr in dtMU.Rows)
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<tr>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["Site"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["EntryDate"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["ShiftText"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["OpenKMReading"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["CloseKMReading"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["TotalKMReading"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["OpenHRReading"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["CloseHRReading"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["TotalHRReading"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["OpenHSDReading"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["CloseHSDReading"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["HSDIssue"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["TotalHSDReading"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["Breakdown"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["Idle"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["DriverName"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "<td>" + dr["Remarks"] + "</td>";
            lc.Text = lc.Text + "</tr>";
        lc.Text = lc.Text + "</table>";
