public void FilterByCustomerIDTestDataFound()
            //create an instance of the filtered data
            clsCustomerCollection FilteredCustomer = new clsCustomerCollection();
            //var to store outcome
            Boolean OK = true;

            //apply a last name that doesnt exist
            //check that the correct number of records are found
            if (FilteredCustomer.Count == 2)
                //check that the first record is ID 4
                if (FilteredCustomer.CustomerList[0].CustomerID != 4)
                    OK = false;
                //check that the first record is ID 2
                if (FilteredCustomer.CustomerList[0].CustomerID != 2)
                    OK = false;
                    OK = false;
                //test to see that there are no records
Example #2
        public void FilterByCustomerIdNoneFound()
            //create an instance of the filtered data
            clsCustomerCollection FilteredCustomer = new clsCustomerCollection();

            //apply a blank string (should return all records);
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(0, FilteredCustomer.Count);
Example #3
        public void FilterByCustomerIdTestDataFound()
            //create an instance of the filtered data
            clsCustomerCollection FilteredCustomer = new clsCustomerCollection();
            //var to store outcome
            Boolean Ok = true;

            //apply a customer id that doesnt exist
            //check that the correct number of records are found
            if (FilteredCustomer.Count < 1)
                if (FilteredCustomer.mCustomerList[0].customerid != 12)
                    Ok = false;
                Ok = false;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
    Int32 DisplayCustomer(int customerID)
        ///this function accepts one parameter - the post code to filter the list on
        ///it populates the list box with data from the middle layer class
        ///it returns a single value, the number of records found

        //create a new instance of the clsCustomer
        clsCustomerCollection Customer = new clsCustomerCollection();
        //var to store the count of records
        Int32 RecordCount;
        //var to stroe the name
        string name;
        //var to the address
        string Address;
        //car to store the ContactNumber
        string ContactNumber;
        //var to store the Postcode
        string PostCode;
        //var to store th email address
        string EmailAddress;
        //var to store the active
        bool Active;
        //var to store the customerid
        string CustomerID;

        Int32 Index = 0;

        //clear the lists of any existing items
        //call the filer by CustomerID
        //get the counts of records found
        RecordCount = Customer.Count;
        ListItem NewItem1 = new ListItem("Name...." + "Address...." + "PostCode.... " + "Email...." + "ContactNumber.... " + "Active...." + "CustomerID....");

        //loop through each records found using the index point to each record in the data table
        while (Index < RecordCount)
            //get the name from the query resutlos
            name = Convert.ToString(Customer.CustomerList[Index].Name);
            //get the address from the query resutlos
            Address = Convert.ToString(Customer.CustomerList[Index].Address);
            //get the post code from the query results
            PostCode = Convert.ToString(Customer.CustomerList[Index].PostCode);
            //get the emailaddress no from the query results
            EmailAddress = Convert.ToString(Customer.CustomerList[Index].EmailAddress);
            //get the address no from the query results
            CustomerID = Convert.ToString(Customer.CustomerList[Index].CustomerID);
            //get the contact number from the quesry results
            ContactNumber = Convert.ToString(Customer.CustomerList[Index].ContactNumber);
            //get the active from the quesry results
            Active = Convert.ToBoolean(Customer.CustomerList[Index].Active);

            //set up a new object of class list item
            ListItem NewItem = new ListItem("" + name + "...." + Address + "...." + PostCode + ".... " + EmailAddress + "...." + ContactNumber + "...." + Active + "....", CustomerID);
            //add the new item to the list
            //increment the index
        //return the number of records found