public client client_insert() { client.client_status = Insert_client_status_txt.Text; client.ethnicity = Insert_ethnicity_txt.Text; client.eye_color = Insert_eye_color_txt.Text; client = client.Insert(client); Insert_Client_GridView.DataBind(); return client; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { IPAddress = ""; stringPort = "9090"; port = 9090; mode = NOTCONNECTED; GameObject obj = GameObject.Find ("client"); c = obj.GetComponent<client> (); }
public client Insert_client_select(int ID) { client = client.Select(ID); Insert_client_id_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(client.client_id); Insert_client_status_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(client.client_status); Insert_ethnicity_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(client.ethnicity); Insert_eye_color_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(client.eye_color); return client; }
public static void Main() { TcpListener server=null; try { IPHostEntry iph = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); server = new TcpListener(iph.AddressList[1], 13000); server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Server Started at {0}",iph.AddressList[1]); while (true) { TcpClient Client = server.AcceptTcpClient(); client cl = new client(); IPEndPoint IPend = (IPEndPoint)Client.Client.RemoteEndPoint; cl.ip = IPend.Address.ToString(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Client.GetStream()); char[] data = new char[20]; sr.Read(data, 0, data.Length); = new string(data);,'\0')); Console.WriteLine(" "+cl.ip); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Client.GetStream()); sw.AutoFlush = true; StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder ips = new StringBuilder(); foreach (client c in clients) { names.Append( + "*"); ips.Append(c.ip + "*"); } string write = names + "&" + ips; if (clients.Count == 0) write = "No One Available*&"; sw.Write(write.ToCharArray()); clients.Add(cl); } } catch (SocketException e) { Console.WriteLine("SocketException: {0}", e); Console.Read(); } finally { server.Stop(); } }
public client client_update(int ID) { client = client.Select(ID); client.client_id = Convert.ToInt32(Update_client_id_txt.Text); client.client_status = Update_client_status_txt.Text; client.ethnicity = Update_ethnicity_txt.Text; client.eye_color = Update_eye_color_txt.Text; client.Update(client); Update_Client_GridView.DataBind(); return client; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //FactoryClient clnt = new FactoryClient(); //clnt.Process(); //Console.Read(); //LinqClient clnt = new LinqClient(); //DataStructure //NodeClient clnt = new NodeClient(); // clnt.Process(); //OOP Test client clnt = new client(); clnt.Process(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static client create(string _email, string _password) { client cli = new client { email = _email, password = _password, is_admin = false }; if (validateClient(cli)) { db.clients.InsertOnSubmit(cli); db.SubmitChanges(); return cli; } return null; }
public ClientViewModel() { _client = new client {BirthDate = DateTime.Today}; RegistrNewClientCommand = new RelayCommand(arg => { if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(Client.Email) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Client.Password)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Client.Email) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Client.Password))) { MessageBox.Show("Пожалуйста укажите пароль и Email", "Неверно заполненны поля", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } else { if (SaveClient()) OnRegistration(); } }); AddNewDocumentICommand = new RelayCommand(act => { var newWindow = new CreateNewDocumentWindow(true); newWindow.Show(); newWindow.ViewModel.RegistrationDocumentIEvent += ViewModel_RegistrationDocumentIEvent; newWindow.Closed += NewWindow_Closed; }); AddNewDocumentMCommand = new RelayCommand(act => { var newWindow = new CreateNewDocumentWindow(false); newWindow.Show(); newWindow.ViewModel.RegistrationDocumentMEvent += ViewModel_RegistrationDocumentMEvent; newWindow.Closed += NewWindow_Closed; }); AutoGeneratePassword = new RelayCommand(arg => { Client.Password = ProjectSettings.GenerateKey(); OnPropertyChanged("Client"); }); }
AuditLogType.MembersDisconnected => new RestMembersDisconnectedAuditLog(client, log, entry),
/// <summary> /// 关闭套接字 /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">套接字</param> private static void dispose(client socket) { socket.Socket.shutdown(); }
AuditLogType.MemberRolesUpdated => new RestMemberRolesUpdatedAuditLog(client, log, entry),
register (client c) { client_list.add (c) }
//INSERT protected void insert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { address = address_insert(); person = person_insert(); client = client_insert(); missing = missing_insert(); if (Insert_deceasedYes.Checked == true) { deceased = deceased_insert(); } case_intake = case_intake_insert(); case_client = case_client_insert(); encounter = encounter_insert(); } catch { Insert_lbl_Client_Error.Text = "There has been an error updating information for the missing client."; } finally { Insert_lbl_Client_Error.Text = "The missing client's information has been successfully updated."; } }
ActivityType.Custom => new TransientCustomActivity(client, model),
ActivityType.Listening when model.Id != null && model.Id.StartsWith("spotify:") => new TransientSpotifyActivity(client, model),
["c"] = ("Create Key", async(email, product) => await CreateKeyAsync(client, product, email))
RequestAppInfoAsync(client, i);
get => new RedisClientSortedSet(client, setId);
["q"] = ("Query", async(email, product) => await QueryKeyAsync(client, product, email)),
internal IEnumerable donemContactes(client clientSeleccionat) { return(tContacte.getByClient(clientSeleccionat)); }
public EditClient(client client) { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = new EditclientVievModel(client); }
public static void Main() { ReaderWriter rwlock = new ReaderWriter(); for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) { client w = new client(i,rwlock); } Console.ReadLine(); }
protected void Save_Client_information() { decimal[] add1cord = new decimal[2]; decimal[] add2cord = new decimal[2]; clientperson.SetColumnDefaults(); clientAddress.SetColumnDefaults(); clientAddress2.SetColumnDefaults(); client.SetColumnDefaults(); clientperson.person_id = GlobalVariables.PersonID; clientperson.address_id = GlobalVariables.ClientAddressID; clientperson.address_id2 = GlobalVariables.ClientAddressID2; clientAddress.address_id = GlobalVariables.ClientAddressID; clientAddress2.address_id = GlobalVariables.ClientAddressID2; client.client_id = GlobalVariables.ClientID; client.Info_Field = null; clientperson.f_name = txt_F_Name.Text; clientperson.l_name = txt_L_Name.Text; clientperson.person_type = "C"; clientperson.m_initial = txt_M_Initial.Text; clientperson.Maiden_Name = txt_Maiden_Name.Text; clientperson.gender = ddl_Gender.SelectedValue; = txt_email.Text; if (txt_SSN.Text != "") { clientperson.ssn = Convert.ToInt32(txt_SSN.Text); } clientperson.Driver_State_ID = txt_DrvLic.Text; if (txt_Birthdate.Text != "") { clientperson.birthdate = Convert.ToDateTime(txt_Birthdate.Text); } clientperson.phone_primary = txt_Phone_Primary.Text; clientperson.phone_secondary = txt_Phone_Secondary.Text; clientperson.Marital_Status = ddl_Marital_Status.SelectedValue.ToString(); clientperson.Citizenship = ddl_CitizenShip.SelectedValue.ToString(); Set_Visa_Type(); if (TxtVisaIssDate.Text != "") { clientperson.Visa_Issue_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(TxtVisaIssDate.Text.ToString()); } if (TxtVisaExpDate.Text != "") { clientperson.Visa_Expire_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(TxtVisaExpDate.Text.ToString()); } if (TxtUSCISNum.Text != "") { clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_USCIS_number = Convert.ToInt32(TxtUSCISNum.Text); } if (TxtANumber.Text != "") { clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_A_number = Convert.ToInt32(TxtANumber.Text); } if (TxtresDate.Text != "") { clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_Resid_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(TxtresDate.Text); } if (TxtResExpDate.Text != "") { clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_Expire_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(TxtResExpDate.Text); } clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_Birth_Country = TxtCountryOfBirth.Text; clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_Category = TxtCategory.Text; clientAddress.address_type_id = 2; clientAddress.str_add = txtCurr_str_addr.Text; clientAddress.str_add2 = TxtCurr_str_addr2.Text; = txtCurr_city.Text; clientAddress.state = ddlCurr_st.SelectedValue; clientAddress.zip_plus_four = txtCurr_zip.Text; = TxtCurr_Country.Text; clientAddress.County_Township = TxtCurr_CountyTownship.Text; add1cord = GeoLocation.getCoordinates(clientAddress.str_add, clientAddress.str_add2,, clientAddress.state, clientAddress.zip_plus_four, "DMCS"); clientAddress.latitude = add1cord[0]; clientAddress.longitude = add1cord[1]; client.client_status = ddl_client_status.SelectedValue; if (clientAddress.address_id == 0) { clientAddress = clientAddress.Insert(clientAddress); clientperson.address_id = clientAddress.address_id; } else { clientAddress.Update(clientAddress); } if (txtPrev_city.Text != "" && TxtPrev_Country.Text != "" && ddlPrev_st.SelectedValue != "" && txtPrev_str_addr.Text != "") { clientAddress2.address_type_id = 3; clientAddress2.str_add = txtPrev_str_addr.Text; clientAddress2.str_add2 = txtPrev_str_addr2.Text; = txtPrev_city.Text; clientAddress2.state = ddlPrev_st.SelectedValue; clientAddress2.zip_plus_four = txtPrev_zip.Text; clientAddress2.str_add2 = txtPrev_str_addr2.Text; = TxtPrev_Country.Text; clientAddress2.County_Township = TxtPrev_countyTownship.Text; add2cord = GeoLocation.getCoordinates(clientAddress2.str_add, clientAddress2.str_add2,, clientAddress2.state, clientAddress2.zip_plus_four, "DMCS"); clientAddress2.latitude = add2cord[0]; clientAddress2.longitude = add2cord[1]; if (clientAddress2.address_id == 0) { clientAddress2 = clientAddress2.Insert(clientAddress2); clientperson.address_id2 = clientAddress2.address_id; } else { clientAddress2.Update(clientAddress2); } } if (clientperson.person_id == 0) { clientperson = clientperson.Insert(clientperson); } else { clientperson.Update(clientperson); } if (client.client_id == 0) { client.client_id = clientperson.person_id; client = client.Insert(client); } else { client.Update(client); } }
public void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn) { try { SocketPacket theSockId = (SocketPacket)asyn.AsyncState; int iRx = theSockId.m_currentSocket.EndReceive(asyn); char[] chars = new char[iRx + 1]; System.Text.Decoder d = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetDecoder(); int charLen = d.GetChars(theSockId.dataBuffer, 0, iRx, chars, 0); System.String szData = new System.String(chars); string incoming = szData.Substring(0, szData.Length - 1); if (incoming.StartsWith("/chg")) { #if _SHOWMSG MessageBox.Show("Mode Change Code recieved"); #endif string mode = incoming.Substring(4, 1); cryptor.rijn.Mode = (CipherMode)Convert.ToInt32(mode); tb_currentMode.Text = cryptor.rijn.Mode.ToString(); } else if (incoming.StartsWith("/sIV")) { #if _SHOWMSG MessageBox.Show("New IV recieved"); #endif string iv = incoming.Substring(4); cryptor.rijn.IV = ToByteArray(iv); tb_IV.Text = BytesToHex(cryptor.rijn.IV); } else if (incoming.StartsWith("/rsaS")) { #if _SHOWMSG MessageBox.Show("RSA public key received"); #endif string rsaKey = incoming.Substring(5); rsaserver = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048); rsaserver.FromXmlString(rsaKey); RSAParameters rsap = rsaserver.ExportParameters(false); tb_RsaPublicKey.Text = BytesToHex(rsap.Modulus); tb_RsaPublicKeyExpo.Text = BytesToHex(rsap.Exponent); // do not need begin cryptor.rijn.GenerateKey(); tb_aesKey.Text = BytesToHex(cryptor.rijn.Key); byte[] rsaEncData = rsaserver.Encrypt(cryptor.rijn.Key, true); string encKeyHex = BytesToHex(rsaEncData).Replace(" ", ""); tb_encKey.Text = encKeyHex; //do not need end string newKeyMsg = "/rsaC" + GetIP() + " " + myport + " " + rsa.ToXmlString(false); try { Object objData = newKeyMsg; byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(objData.ToString()); if (m_clientSocket != null) { m_clientSocket.Send(byData); } } catch (SocketException se) { MessageBox.Show(se.Message); } } else if (incoming.StartsWith("/tck")) { //recieved tickets //receive tickets and import them to a arraylist. mytickets tickets = new mytickets(); List<client> clientlist = new List<client>(); tickets.DecodeFromString(incoming.Substring(4)); int dest_count = tickets.GetClientCount(); for (int i = 0; i < dest_count; i++) { if ((!rsaserver.VerifyData(tickets.ticketlist[i].origFirst, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), tickets.ticketlist[i].signFirst)) || (!rsaserver.VerifyData(tickets.ticketlist[i].origSecond, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), tickets.ticketlist[i].signSecond))) { MessageBox.Show("AS is not authentic!"); } else { ASCIIEncoding ByteConverter = new ASCIIEncoding(); string originalData = ByteConverter.GetString(tickets.ticketlist[i].origFirst); string[] origfields = originalData.Split(' '); if (!rsa.ToXmlString(false).Equals(origfields[2])) { MessageBox.Show("This ticket is not mine!"); } else { string destData = ByteConverter.GetString(tickets.ticketlist[i].origSecond); string[] destfields = destData.Split(' '); client tempclient = new client(); tempclient.ip = destfields[0]; tempclient.port = destfields[1]; tempclient.publicKey = destfields[2]; tempclient.ticket = tickets.ExportSingleTicket(i); clientlist.Add(tempclient); } } } int numParts = dest_count - 1; //because the final part is the parity int lengthofEachPart = (int)(data.Length / numParts) + 1;//pad the last one //hash = BitConverter.ToString(cryptoTransformSHA1.ComputeHash()).Replace("-", ""); List<byte[]> parts = new List<byte[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) { byte[] temp = new byte[lengthofEachPart]; for (int j = 0; j < lengthofEachPart; j++) { if (i == numParts - 1 && i * lengthofEachPart + j >= data.Length) //padding { temp[j] = 0x00000000; } else { temp[j] = data[i * lengthofEachPart + j]; } } parts.Add(temp); } //we have the parts, calculate the parity part byte[] parityPart = new byte[lengthofEachPart]; for (int j = 0; j < lengthofEachPart; j++) { byte xor = new byte(); xor = 0 ^ 0; for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) { byte[] temp = (byte[])parts[i]; xor ^= temp[j]; } parityPart[j] = xor; } parts.Add(parityPart); //encrypt all parts with per file key Random rand = new Random(); long randomNumToGenerateKey = rand.Next() % 25000; byte[] randomNumToGenerateKeyByteEquivalent = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(randomNumToGenerateKey.ToString()); perFileKey = cryptoTransformSHA1.ComputeHash(randomNumToGenerateKeyByteEquivalent); byte[] reducedperfilekey = new byte[16]; for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) { reducedperfilekey[k] = perFileKey[k]; } cryptor.rijn.Key = reducedperfilekey; for (int i = 0; i < numParts+1; i++) { string tempPart = cryptor.EncryptMessage(BytesToHex(parts[i]).Replace(" ", "")); parts[i] = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(tempPart); } //create the key and, secret share it with (n-1,n) threshold scheme. ShamirSS sham = new ShamirSS((uint)parts.Count, (uint)parts.Count - 1, 25000);//burasý oldu lakin, reconstruct etmek c*k zor. GF(2^8) kullanmak lazým en azýndan SharedData[] shamirOut = sham.ShareData(randomNumToGenerateKey); //connect to each ticket granted user to send its assigned part //out of scope // TODO ticketlarý gönder herkese //rsapeer = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048); for (int i = 0; i < dest_count; i++) { try { UpdateControls(false); // Create the socket instance m_peerSockets[m_peerCount] = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // Cet the remote IP address IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(clientlist[i].ip); int iPortNo = System.Convert.ToInt16(clientlist[i].port); // Create the end point IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(ip, iPortNo); // Connect to the remote host m_peerSockets[m_peerCount].Connect(ipEnd); if (m_peerSockets[m_peerCount].Connected) { UpdateControls(true); //Wait for data asynchronously WaitForPeerData(m_peerSockets[m_peerCount]);//???? m_peerCount++; } } catch (SocketException se) { string str; str = "\nConnection failed, is the peer online?\n" + se.Message; MessageBox.Show(str); UpdateControls(false); } if (m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1].Connected) { try { string functionID = "/req"; string request = functionID + clientlist[i].ticket; //Object objData = request; byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request); if (m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1] != null) { m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1].Send(byData); } } catch (SocketException se) { MessageBox.Show(se.Message); } } else MessageBox.Show("shit load"); // TODO: Ks yarat encrypt et yolla cryptor.rijn.GenerateKey(); client temp = new client(); temp = clientlist[i]; temp.sessionkey = cryptor.rijn.Key; clientlist[i] = temp; tb_aesKey.Text = BytesToHex(cryptor.rijn.Key); rsapeer.FromXmlString(clientlist[i].publicKey); byte[] rsaEncData = rsapeer.Encrypt(cryptor.rijn.Key, true); byte[] rsaSigned; rsaSigned = rsa.SignData(rsaEncData, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()); string rsaSignedEncHex = BytesToHex(rsaEncData).Replace(" ", "") + " " + BytesToHex(rsaSigned).Replace(" ", ""); tb_encKey.Text = rsaSignedEncHex; try { string functionID = "/key"; string request = functionID + rsaSignedEncHex; //Object objData = request; byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request); if (m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1] != null) { m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1].Send(byData); } } catch (SocketException se) { MessageBox.Show(se.Message); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); try { MessageBox.Show("sending file parts"); string functionID = "/file"; string filepart = hash + " " + data.Length.ToString() + " " + BytesToHex(parts[i]).Replace(" ", ""); filepart += " " + shamirOut[i].xi.ToString() + " " + shamirOut[i].yi.ToString(); string filemsg = cryptor.EncryptMessage(filepart); string request = functionID + filemsg; //Object objData = request; byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request); if (m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1] != null) { m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1].Send(byData); } } catch (SocketException se) { MessageBox.Show(se.Message); } } } else if (incoming.StartsWith("/rectck")) { //recieved tickets //receive tickets and import them to a arraylist. mytickets tickets = new mytickets(); List<client> clientlist = new List<client>(); tickets.DecodeFromString(incoming.Substring(7)); int dest_count = tickets.GetClientCount(); enoughParts = dest_count; for (int i = 0; i < dest_count; i++) { if ((!rsaserver.VerifyData(tickets.ticketlist[i].origFirst, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), tickets.ticketlist[i].signFirst)) || (!rsaserver.VerifyData(tickets.ticketlist[i].origSecond, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), tickets.ticketlist[i].signSecond))) { MessageBox.Show("AS is not authentic!"); } else { ASCIIEncoding ByteConverter = new ASCIIEncoding(); string originalData = ByteConverter.GetString(tickets.ticketlist[i].origFirst); string[] origfields = originalData.Split(' '); if (!rsa.ToXmlString(false).Equals(origfields[2])) { MessageBox.Show("This ticket is not mine!"); } else { string destData = ByteConverter.GetString(tickets.ticketlist[i].origSecond); string[] destfields = destData.Split(' '); client tempclient = new client(); tempclient.ip = destfields[0]; tempclient.port = destfields[1]; tempclient.publicKey = destfields[2]; tempclient.ticket = tickets.ExportSingleTicket(i); clientlist.Add(tempclient); } } } //partsFromOthers = new List<byte[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < clientlist.Count; i++) { //send tickets //generate and send key //send me the file // TODO ticketlarý gönder herkese try { UpdateControls(false); // Create the socket instance m_peerSockets[m_peerCount] = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // Cet the remote IP address IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(clientlist[i].ip); int iPortNo = System.Convert.ToInt16(clientlist[i].port); // Create the end point IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(ip, iPortNo); // Connect to the remote host m_peerSockets[m_peerCount].Connect(ipEnd); if (m_peerSockets[m_peerCount].Connected) { UpdateControls(true); //Wait for data asynchronously WaitForPeerData(m_peerSockets[m_peerCount]);//???? m_peerCount++; } } catch (SocketException se) { string str; str = "\nConnection failed, is the peer online?\n" + se.Message; MessageBox.Show(str); UpdateControls(false); } if (m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1].Connected) { try { string functionID = "/sndreq"; string request = functionID + clientlist[i].ticket + " " + hash; //Object objData = request; byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request); if (m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1] != null) { m_peerSockets[m_peerCount - 1].Send(byData); } } catch (SocketException se) { MessageBox.Show(se.Message); } } else MessageBox.Show("shit load"); } } else { //decrypt message tb_encRecv.Enabled = true; tb_encRecv.Text = BytesToHex(Convert.FromBase64String(szData.Substring(0, szData.Length - 1))); string decryptedText = cryptor.DecryptMessage(szData.Substring(0, szData.Length - 1)); richTextRxMessage.Text = decryptedText + "\n" + richTextRxMessage.Text; } WaitForData(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "1", "\nOnDataReceived: Socket has been closed\n"); } catch (SocketException se) { MessageBox.Show(se.Message); } }
/* ============================================================================= DYNAMIC LIGHTS ============================================================================= */ /* ============= R_MarkLights ============= */ static void R_MarkLights(client.dlight_t light, int bit, model.node_or_leaf_t _node) { model.mplane_t splitplane; double dist; model.msurface_t surf; int i; if (_node.contents < 0) return; model.mnode_t node = (model.mnode_t)_node; splitplane = node.plane; dist = mathlib.DotProduct(light.origin, splitplane.normal) - splitplane.dist; if (dist > light.radius) { R_MarkLights(light, bit, node.children[0]); return; } if (dist < -light.radius) { R_MarkLights(light, bit, node.children[1]); return; } // mark the polygons for (i = 0; i < node.numsurfaces; i++) { surf =[node.firstsurface + i]; if (surf.dlightframe != r_dlightframecount) { surf.dlightbits = 0; surf.dlightframe = r_dlightframecount; } surf.dlightbits |= bit; } R_MarkLights(light, bit, node.children[0]); R_MarkLights(light, bit, node.children[1]); }
public void OnPeerDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn) { try { SocketPacket socketData = (SocketPacket)asyn.AsyncState; int iRx = 0; // Complete the BeginReceive() asynchronous call by EndReceive() method // which will return the number of characters written to the stream // by the client iRx = socketData.m_currentSocket.EndReceive(asyn); char[] chars = new char[iRx + 1]; System.Text.Decoder d = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetDecoder(); int charLen = d.GetChars(socketData.dataBuffer, 0, iRx, chars, 0); System.String szData = new System.String(chars); string incoming = szData.Substring(0, szData.Length - 1); if (incoming.StartsWith("/file")) { MessageBox.Show("receiving file"); //recieved file //file infile = new file(); string infilemsg = incoming.Substring(5); cryptor.rijn.Key = senderClient.sessionkey; string infilepart = cryptor.DecryptMessage(infilemsg); string[] infilefields = infilepart.Split(' '); //infile.fileid = infilefields[0]; //infile.filesize = infilefields[1]; string concat = infilefields[2]+" "+infilefields[3]+" "+infilefields[4]; byte[] bytefile = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(concat); //infile.filedata = bytefile; string filename = infilefields[0]; //infile.filename = filename; //filelist.Add(infile); FileStream fStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.CreateNew); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fStream); bw.Write(bytefile); bw.Close(); fStream.Close(); } else if (incoming.StartsWith("/req")) { //MessageBox.Show("Give me a halelujah"); //recieved share request //receive tickets and import them to a arraylist. mytickets tickets = new mytickets(); //List<client> clientlist = new List<client>(); tickets.DecodeFromString(incoming.Substring(4)); if ((!rsaserver.VerifyData(tickets.ticketlist[0].origFirst, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), tickets.ticketlist[0].signFirst)) || (!rsaserver.VerifyData(tickets.ticketlist[0].origSecond, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), tickets.ticketlist[0].signSecond))) { MessageBox.Show("AS is not authentic!"); } else { ASCIIEncoding ByteConverter = new ASCIIEncoding(); string originalData = ByteConverter.GetString(tickets.ticketlist[0].origSecond); string[] origfields = originalData.Split(' '); if (!rsa.ToXmlString(false).Equals(origfields[2])) { MessageBox.Show("This ticket is not mine!"); } else { string destData = ByteConverter.GetString(tickets.ticketlist[0].origFirst); string[] destfields = destData.Split(' '); senderClient = new client(); senderClient.ip = destfields[0]; senderClient.port = destfields[1]; senderClient.publicKey = destfields[2]; senderClient.ticket = incoming.Substring(4); //WaitForPeerData(); // gerek var mý ? } } } else if (incoming.StartsWith("/key")) { //recieved shared key string[] KeyFields = incoming.Substring(4).Split(' '); rsapeer.FromXmlString(senderClient.publicKey); if (!rsapeer.VerifyData(ToByteArray(KeyFields[0]), new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), ToByteArray(KeyFields[1]))) { MessageBox.Show("Key is not authenticated by valid sender!"); } else { byte[] SessionKey = rsa.Decrypt(ToByteArray(KeyFields[0]), true); senderClient.sessionkey = SessionKey; } } else if (incoming.StartsWith("/sndreq")) { //file'i oku string[] fields = incoming.Substring(7).Split(' '); //receive tickets and import them to a arraylist. mytickets tickets = new mytickets(); //List<client> clientlist = new List<client>(); tickets.DecodeFromString(fields[0]); if ((!rsaserver.VerifyData(tickets.ticketlist[0].origFirst, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), tickets.ticketlist[0].signFirst)) || (!rsaserver.VerifyData(tickets.ticketlist[0].origSecond, new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(), tickets.ticketlist[0].signSecond))) { MessageBox.Show("AS is not authentic!"); } else { try { string fname = fields[1]; FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(fname); long numBytes = fInfo.Length; FileStream fStream = new FileStream(fname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fStream); data = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes); br.Close(); fStream.Close(); MessageBox.Show("sending file piece back"); string functionID = "/pback"; string request = functionID + BytesToHex(data).Replace(" ", ""); //Object objData = request; byte[] byData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request); //who to send? Socket tempSoc; //try //{ string target = new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(tickets.ticketlist[0].origFirst); string[] targetFields = target.Split(' '); string ipStr = targetFields[0]; string portStr = targetFields[1]; UpdateControls(false); // Create the socket instance tempSoc = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // Cet the remote IP address IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(ipStr); int iPortNo = System.Convert.ToInt16(portStr); // Create the end point IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(ip, iPortNo); // Connect to the remote host tempSoc.Connect(ipEnd); if (tempSoc.Connected) { UpdateControls(true); //Wait for data asynchronously } //} //catch (SocketException se) //{ // string str; //str = "\nConnection failed, is the server running?\n" + se.Message; //MessageBox.Show(str); //UpdateControls(false); //} if (tempSoc != null) { tempSoc.Send(byData); } } catch (SocketException se) { MessageBox.Show(se.Message); } } } else if (incoming.StartsWith("/pback")) { string filePartMsg = incoming.Substring(6); byte[] filePartb = ToByteArray(filePartMsg); string bconcat = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(filePartb); string[] infilefields = bconcat.Split(' '); byte[] tempPart = ToByteArray(infilefields[0]); SharedData partOftheSecretThatWeAreTryingToAcquire = new SharedData(); partOftheSecretThatWeAreTryingToAcquire.xi = System.Convert.ToInt64(infilefields[1]); partOftheSecretThatWeAreTryingToAcquire.yi = System.Convert.ToInt64(infilefields[2]); secretsFromOthers.Add(partOftheSecretThatWeAreTryingToAcquire); partsFromOthers.Add(tempPart); if (partsFromOthers.Count >= enoughParts) { Reconstruct(); } } // Continue the waiting for data on the Socket WaitForPeerData(socketData.m_currentSocket); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Log(0, "1", "\nOnDataReceived: Socket has been closed\n"); } catch (SocketException se) { MessageBox.Show(se.Message); } }
//select a client and display data protected void Insert_gvClientSearchresult_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { person = person.Select(Convert.ToInt32(Insert_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value)); GlobalVariables.PersonID = Convert.ToInt32(Insert_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value); client = client.Select(GlobalVariables.PersonID); GlobalVariables.ClientID = client.client_id; Insert_txtFirstName.Text = person.f_name.ToString(); Insert_txtLastName.Text = person.l_name.ToString(); Insert_firstName_L.Visible = false; Insert_lastName_L.Visible = false; Insert_txtFirstName.Visible = false; Insert_txtLastName.Visible = false; Insert_btnNameSearch.Visible = false; Insert_changeClient.Visible = true; Insert_sClient_L.Text = "</br>" + person.f_name + " " + person.l_name + " is selected."; Insert_refreshcase(); }
ComponentType.Row => new TransientRowComponent(client, model),
private static bool validateClient(client cli) { return != "" && cli.password != "" && isUnique(cli); }
ComponentType.Button => new TransientButtonComponent(client, model),
public client client_insert() { client.client_id = person.person_id; if (Insert_deceasedYes.Checked == true) { client.client_status = "D"; } else { client.client_status = "M"; } client.ethnicity = Insert_ethnicity_txt.Text; client.eye_color = Insert_eye_color_ddl.SelectedValue; client.hair_color = Insert_hair_color_ddl.SelectedValue; client.height = Insert_height_ddl.SelectedValue; byte[] uploaded_picture = Insert_FileUpload.FileBytes; Insert_Save_Picture(); client.picture = uploaded_picture; client.weight = Convert.ToInt32(Insert_weight_txt.Text); client.skin_color = Insert_skin_color_ddl.SelectedValue; client.Subscribed_Alerts = "N"; client.Info_Field = ""; client.Client_Shelter_ID = 0; client.Emergency_Contact_Name = ""; client.Emergency_Contact_Number = ""; client = client.Insert(client); //GridView1.DataBind(); return client; }
_ => new TransientComponent(client, model)
//select a client and display data protected void Update_gvClientSearchresult_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { person = person.Select(Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value)); GlobalVariables.PersonID = Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value); address = address.Select(person.address_id); missing = missing.Select(person.person_id); deceased = deceased.Select(person.person_id); client = client.Select(person.person_id); GlobalVariables.ClientID = client.client_id; Update_LocationDiscription_txt.Text = missing.last_known_location; Update_reason_of_death_txt.Text = deceased.reason_of_death; Update_time_of_death_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(deceased.time_of_death); Update_identifying_marks_txt.Text = deceased.identifying_marks; Update_external_exam_txt.Text = deceased.external_exam; Update_date_of_autopsy_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(deceased.date_of_autopsy.ToShortDateString()); Update_internal_exam_txt.Text = deceased.external_exam; Update_client_other_info_txt.Text = missing.client_other_info; Update_Client_latitude_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(address.latitude); Update_Client_longitude_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(address.longitude); Update_Client_zip_plus_four_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(address.zip_plus_four); Update_Client_str_add2_txt.Text = address.str_add; Update_Client_str_add_txt.Text = address.str_add2; Update_Client_County_Township_txt.Text = address.County_Township; Update_Client_country_txt.Text =; Update_Client_state_txt.Text = address.state; Update_Client_city_txt.Text =; Update_hair_color_ddl.SelectedValue = client.hair_color; Update_skin_color_ddl.SelectedValue = client.skin_color; Update_eye_color_ddl.SelectedValue = client.eye_color; Update_ethnicity_txt.Text = client.ethnicity; Update_weight_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(client.weight); Update_height_ddl.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(client.height); Update_date_of_disappearance_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(missing.date_of_disappearance.ToShortDateString()); Update_clothing_txt.Text =; Update_phone_primary_txt.Text = person.phone_primary; Update_ssn_txt.Text = Convert.ToString(person.ssn); Update_gender_ddl.SelectedValue = person.gender; Update_l_name_txt.Text = person.l_name; Update_m_initial_txt.Text = person.m_initial; Update_f_name_txt.Text = person.f_name; //change condishions Update_txtFirstName.Text = person.f_name.ToString(); Update_txtLastName.Text = person.l_name.ToString(); if (client.client_status == "D") { Update_Deceased_Div.Style.Add("display", "block"); Update_deceasedYes.Checked = true; Update_missingYes.Checked = false; } else { Update_Deceased_Div.Style.Add("display", "none"); Update_deceasedYes.Checked = false; Update_missingYes.Checked = true; } Update_sClient_L.Text = "</br>" + person.f_name + " " + person.l_name + " is selected."; }
// PUT: api/client/5 public void Put(string id, [FromBody] client value) { = id; this.repository.Update(value); }
AuditLogType.MemberUnbanned => new RestMemberUnbannedAuditLog(client, log, entry),
// DELETE: api/client/5 public void Delete(string id) { client client = this.repository.FindById(id); this.repository.Delete(client); }
AuditLogType.MembersMoved => new RestMembersMovedAuditLog(client, log, entry),
//========================================================== public void increase_chage_of_client(client clt, float total) { clt.charge = clt.charge + total; DB.Entry(clt).State = EntityState.Modified; DB.SaveChanges(); }
AuditLogType.BotAdded => new RestBotAddedAuditLog(client, log, entry),
public void afegirClient(client client) { }
protected void fill_Client_information() { client = client.Select(GlobalVariables.PersonID); GlobalVariables.ClientID = client.client_id; clientAddress = clientAddress.Select(clientperson.address_id); clientAddress2 = clientAddress2.Select(clientperson.address_id2); GlobalVariables.ClientAddressID = clientAddress.address_id; GlobalVariables.ClientAddressID2 = clientAddress2.address_id; ddl_client_status.SelectedValue = client.client_status; txt_L_Name.Text = clientperson.l_name.ToString(); txt_F_Name.Text = clientperson.f_name.ToString(); txt_M_Initial.Text = clientperson.m_initial.ToString(); txt_email.Text =; txt_Maiden_Name.Text = clientperson.Maiden_Name.ToString(); ddl_Gender.SelectedValue = clientperson.gender; txt_SSN.Text = clientperson.ssn.ToString(); txt_DrvLic.Text = clientperson.Driver_State_ID; txt_Birthdate.Text = clientperson.birthdate.ToString(); txt_Phone_Primary.Text = clientperson.phone_primary; txt_Phone_Secondary.Text = clientperson.phone_secondary; ddl_Marital_Status.SelectedValue = clientperson.Marital_Status; ddl_CitizenShip.SelectedValue = clientperson.Citizenship; get_visa_type(); TxtVisaIssDate.Text = clientperson.Visa_Issue_Date.ToString(); TxtVisaExpDate.Text = clientperson.Visa_Expire_Date.ToString(); TxtUSCISNum.Text = clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_USCIS_number.ToString(); TxtANumber.Text = clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_A_number.ToString(); TxtresDate.Text = clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_Resid_Date.ToString(); TxtResExpDate.Text = clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_Expire_Date.ToString(); TxtCountryOfBirth.Text = clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_Birth_Country; TxtCategory.Text = clientperson.Perm_Resident_Alien_Category; txtCurr_str_addr.Text = clientAddress.str_add; TxtCurr_str_addr2.Text = clientAddress.str_add2; txtCurr_city.Text =; if (clientAddress.state != null) { ddlCurr_st.SelectedValue = clientAddress.state; } txtCurr_zip.Text = clientAddress.zip_plus_four.ToString(); TxtCurr_Country.Text =; TxtCurr_CountyTownship.Text = clientAddress.County_Township; txtPrev_str_addr.Text = clientAddress2.str_add; txtPrev_str_addr2.Text = clientAddress2.str_add2; txtPrev_city.Text =; if (clientAddress2.state != "") { ddlPrev_st.SelectedValue = clientAddress2.state; } txtPrev_zip.Text = clientAddress2.zip_plus_four.ToString(); TxtPrev_Country.Text =; TxtPrev_countyTownship.Text = clientAddress2.County_Township; }
public async Task <ActionResult> Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl) { String email = model.Email.ToString(); var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:18080/21meeseeks-web/rest/authentication"); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("username="******"&password="******"token"].Value = responseMessage; // Response.Cookies["userName"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); //localhost:18080/21meeseeks-web/rest/[email protected] ClientService cs = new ClientService(); client c = cs.Get(d =>; if (c == null) { AdminService aserv = new AdminService(); admin a = aserv.Get(d =>; Session["role"] = "Admin"; Session["id"] = a.idUser; Session["token"] = responseMessage; Session["username"] =; } else { Session["role"] = "Client"; Session["id"] = c.idUser; Session["token"] = responseMessage; Session["username"] =; Session["logo"] = c.logo; Session["name"] = c.clientName; } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Client", new { area = "" })); } } catch (WebException e) { ViewBag.message = "Wrong credentials"; return(View(model)); } /* * if (!ModelState.IsValid) * { * return View(model); * } * * // This doesn't count login failures towards account lockout * // To enable password failures to trigger account lockout, change to shouldLockout: true * var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false); * switch (result) * { * case SignInStatus.Success: * return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl); * case SignInStatus.LockedOut: * return View("Lockout"); * case SignInStatus.RequiresVerification: * return RedirectToAction("SendCode", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl, RememberMe = model.RememberMe }); * case SignInStatus.Failure: * default: * ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); * return View(model); * }*/ }
_ => new TransientRichActivity(client, model)
return(Send(client, sendFrame));
//select a client and display data protected void Update_gvClientSearchresult_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Update_lbl_pet_Error.Text = ""; person = person.Select(Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value)); GlobalVariables.PersonID = Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value); client = client.Select(GlobalVariables.PersonID); GlobalVariables.ClientID = client.client_id; Update_txtfirstname.Text = person.f_name.ToString(); Update_txtlastname.Text = person.l_name.ToString(); Update_refreshcase(); }
var(client, guildId) = tuple;
//update the pet records -- update btn protected void update(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Update_GVcases.SelectedValue == null) { Update_lbl_pet_Error.Text = "You must first select a case to continue"; return; } else if (Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedValue == null) { Update_lbl_pet_Error.Text = "You must first select a client to continue"; return; } if (Update_DDL_Call_Center.SelectedValue == "-1") { Update_lbl_pet_Error.Text = "Please a call center to contuinue."; return; } else if (Update_DDlDisasters.SelectedValue == "-1") { Update_lbl_pet_Error.Text = "Please a disaster to contuinue."; return; } else { person = person.Select(Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value)); client = client.Select(Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value)); //PetType exchange Pet_Type.Pet_Type_ID = GlobalVariables.Pet_Type_ID; Pet_Type.Pet_Type = Update_petType_ddl.SelectedValue; Pet_Type.Pet_Breed = Update_petBreed_txt.Text; Pet_Type.Pet_Species = Update_petSpecies_ddl.SelectedValue; //Pet exchange pet.Pet_Record_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvPetSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value); pet.Pet_Type_ID = GlobalVariables.Pet_Type_ID; pet.Pet_Name = Update_petName_txt.Text; pet.Pet_Location_Found_ID = 1; if (Update_petDateOfBirth_txt.Text != "") { pet.Pet_Date_Of_Birth = Convert.ToDateTime(Update_petDateOfBirth_txt.Text); } pet.Pet_RFID = Update_petRFID_txt.Text; pet.Date_Modified = DateTime.Now; pet.Date_Created = DateTime.Now; pet.Pet_Description = Update_petDiscription_txt.Text; pet.Pet_Gender = Convert.ToString(Update_petGender_DDL.SelectedValue); pet.Pet_Color = Update_petColor_txt.Text; pet.Pet_Vet_ID = Update_petVetID_txt.Text; pet.Pet_License_Tag = Update_petLicenseTag_txt.Text; pet.Pet_Tatoo_No = Update_petTatooNumber_txt.Text; pet.Pet_Sterilized = Convert.ToString(Update_petNeutered_DDL.SelectedValue); pet.Pet_Weight = Convert.ToInt32(Update_petWeight_txt.Text); pet.Pet_Condition = Update_petConditionID_ddl.SelectedValue; pet.Pet_Status = Update_petStatusID_txt.Text; if (Update_Image_Name.Text != "") { //========= //Save Image to server then DB Object string fileName = Update_gvPetSearchresult.SelectedDataKey.Value + "_" + Update_petName_txt.Text + ".jpg"; string smallPath = Server.MapPath("Pet_Images/100x100/" + fileName); string mediumPath = Server.MapPath("Pet_Images/200x200/" + fileName); string originalPath = Server.MapPath("Pet_Images/Original/" + fileName); string originalTempPath = Server.MapPath("Pet_Images/Original/" + Update_Image_Name.Text); //create clone image to re-size System.Drawing.Image small_pet_picture = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(originalTempPath); //resize small_pet_picture = resizeImage(small_pet_picture, new Size(100, 100)); //Convert back to byte[] array byte[] small_pet_picture_bytes = imageToByteArray(small_pet_picture); //create clone image to re-size System.Drawing.Image medium_pet_picture = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(originalTempPath); //resize medium_pet_picture = resizeImage(medium_pet_picture, new Size(200, 200)); //Convert back to byte[] array byte[] medium_pet_picture_bytes = imageToByteArray(medium_pet_picture); //create clone image to re-size System.Drawing.Image original_pet_picture = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(originalTempPath); //Convert to byte[] array byte[] original_pet_picture_bytes = imageToByteArray(original_pet_picture); //save resized images File.WriteAllBytes(@smallPath, small_pet_picture_bytes); File.WriteAllBytes(@mediumPath, medium_pet_picture_bytes); File.WriteAllBytes(@originalPath, original_pet_picture_bytes); //save to database pet.Pet_Picture = imageToByteArray(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(originalPath)); } else { pet.Pet_Picture = new byte[0]; } //ClientWPets ClientWPets.CLIENTWPETS_ID = GlobalVariables.CLIENTWPETS_ID; ClientWPets.Pet_Record_ID = pet.Pet_Record_ID; ClientWPets.Client_id = client.client_id; ClientWPets.Location_ID = GlobalVariables.Location_ID; ClientWPets.cp_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); ClientWPets.ownership = Convert.ToString("y"); //Location Location.Location_ID = GlobalVariables.Location_ID; Location.type = decideLocationType(); = Update_city_txt.Text; Location.state = Update_state_txt.Text; = Convert.ToInt32(Update_zip_txt.Text); Location.county = Update_county_txt.Text; Location.location_desc = Update_LocationDiscription_txt.Text; Location.n_long = Convert.ToDecimal(Update_long_txt.Text); Location.s_long = 0; Location.e_long = 0; Location.w_long = 0; Location.n_lat = Convert.ToDecimal(Update_lat_txt.Text); Location.s_lat = 0; Location.e_lat = 0; Location.w_lat = 0; //update if (Pet_Deceased.Pet_Deceased_ID == 0 && Update_deceasedYes.Checked == true) { if (Update_DateDeceased_txt.Text == "" || Update_serviceType_DDL.SelectedValue == "-1") { Update_lbl_pet_Error.Text = "Please fill out The Date Found and or Service Type."; } else { //Pet_Deceased exchange Pet_Deceased.Pet_Deceased_ID = pet.Pet_Record_ID; Pet_Deceased.Date_Deceased = Convert.ToDateTime(Update_DateDeceased_txt.Text); Pet_Deceased.Funeral = Update_funeral_txt.Text; Pet_Deceased.Cemetary_Name = Update_cemetaryName_txt.Text; Pet_Deceased.Deceased_Type = Update_serviceType_DDL.SelectedValue; Pet_Deceased.Date_Modified = DateTime.Now; Pet_Deceased.Date_Created = DateTime.Now; Pet_Deceased.Location_ID = Location.Location_ID; Pet_Deceased = Pet_Deceased.Insert(Pet_Deceased); } } if (GlobalVariables.Pet_Deceased_ID != 0 && Update_deceasedYes.Checked == true) { if (Update_DateDeceased_txt.Text == "" || Update_serviceType_DDL.SelectedValue == "") { Update_lbl_pet_Error.Text = "Please fill out The Date Found and or Service Type."; } else { //Pet_Deceased exchange Pet_Deceased.Pet_Deceased_ID = pet.Pet_Record_ID; Pet_Deceased.Date_Deceased = Convert.ToDateTime(Update_DateDeceased_txt.Text); Pet_Deceased.Funeral = Update_funeral_txt.Text; Pet_Deceased.Cemetary_Name = Update_cemetaryName_txt.Text; Pet_Deceased.Deceased_Type = Update_serviceType_DDL.SelectedValue; Pet_Deceased.Location_ID = Location.Location_ID; //Pet_Deceased.Date_Created == null Pet_Deceased.Date_Modified = DateTime.Now; Pet_Deceased.Update(Pet_Deceased); } } if (GlobalVariables.Pet_Missing_ID == 0 && Update_missingYes.Checked == true) { //Pet_Missing exchange Pet_Missing.Pet_Missing_ID = pet.Pet_Record_ID; Pet_Missing.Last_Known_Location_ID = Location.Location_ID; Pet_Missing.Date_Reported = DateTime.Now; Pet_Missing.Date_Created = DateTime.Now; Pet_Missing.Date_Missing = Convert.ToDateTime(Update_DateMissing_txt.Text); Pet_Missing.Time_Lost = Convert.ToDateTime(Update_TimeLost_txt.Text); Pet_Missing.Collar_Description = Update_collarDescription_txt.Text; Pet_Missing.Lost_Explanation = Update_lostExplanation_txt.Text; if (Update_LengthOwned_txt.Text != "") { Pet_Missing.Length_Owned = Convert.ToInt32(Update_LengthOwned_txt.Text); } if (Update_RewardAmt_txt.Text != "") { Pet_Missing.Reward_Amt = Convert.ToDecimal(Update_RewardAmt_txt.Text); } Pet_Missing.Breeder = Update_Breeder_txt.Text; Pet_Missing.Date_Modified = DateTime.Now; Pet_Missing = Pet_Missing.Insert(Pet_Missing); } if (GlobalVariables.Pet_Missing_ID != 0 && Update_missingYes.Checked == true) { //Pet_Missing exchange Pet_Missing.Pet_Missing_ID = pet.Pet_Record_ID; Pet_Missing.Last_Known_Location_ID = Location.Location_ID; Pet_Missing.Date_Reported = DateTime.Now; Pet_Missing.Date_Created = DateTime.Now; Pet_Missing.Date_Missing = Convert.ToDateTime(Update_DateMissing_txt.Text); Pet_Missing.Time_Lost = Convert.ToDateTime(Update_TimeLost_txt.Text); Pet_Missing.Collar_Description = Update_collarDescription_txt.Text; Pet_Missing.Lost_Explanation = Update_lostExplanation_txt.Text; if (Update_LengthOwned_txt.Text != "") { Pet_Missing.Length_Owned = Convert.ToInt32(Update_LengthOwned_txt.Text); } if (Update_RewardAmt_txt.Text != "") { Pet_Missing.Reward_Amt = Convert.ToDecimal(Update_RewardAmt_txt.Text); } Pet_Missing.Breeder = Update_Breeder_txt.Text; Pet_Missing.Date_Modified = DateTime.Now; Pet_Missing.Update(Pet_Missing); } pet.Update(pet); Pet_Type.Update(Pet_Type); Location.Update(Location); ClientWPets.Update(ClientWPets); //////////////////////////////////////// encounter.case_id = GlobalVariables.CaseID; encounter.agency_id = 0; encounter.call_center_id = Convert.ToInt32(Update_DDL_Call_Center.SelectedValue); encounter.client_id = GlobalVariables.ClientID; encounter.create_date = DateTime.Now; if (GlobalVariables.Pet_Deceased_ID != null || GlobalVariables.Pet_Deceased_ID != 0) { encounter.close_date = DateTime.Now; } else { encounter.close_date = Convert.ToDateTime("9/9/9"); } encounter.disaster_id = Convert.ToInt32(Update_DDlDisasters.SelectedValue); encounter.Location_ID = Location.Location_ID; encounter.Pet_Record_ID = pet.Pet_Record_ID; encounter.Insert(encounter); Update_lbl_pet_Error.Text = "The selected pets informatin has been successfully updated."; } }
public int Add(client client) { return(dal.Add(client)); }
private static bool isUnique(client cli) { return (from c in db.clients where == select == 0; }
protected void Update_Select_Record(object sender, EventArgs e) { client = Update_client_select(Convert.ToInt32(Update_Client_GridView.SelectedValue)); }
private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc) { GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane; button2.Visible = false; // Set the titles and axis labels myPane.Title.Text = ""; myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Time (minutes)"; myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Average Delay (seconds)"; List<packetEntry> srcList = new List<packetEntry>(); string[] fileArray = Directory.GetFiles(folderName+"1srcWifi/"); for (int i = 0; i < fileArray.Length; i++) { if (fileArray[i].Contains("txt")) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileArray[i]); client c = new client(); c.totalInternetUsageTime = 0; c.totalInternetUsageDelay = 0; c.lastAuth = -1; c.clientRole = ""; string lastline; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line != "") { lastline = line; string[] srcLine = line.Split('$'); string packetId = srcLine[4]; double packetTime = Convert.ToDouble(srcLine[5].Replace('.', ',')); string networkProtocol = srcLine[6]; if (c.clientRole == "") { c.clientRole = srcLine[7]; c.clientID = Convert.ToInt32(srcLine[8]); } if ((networkProtocol == "InitialAuth" || networkProtocol == "Reuse") && c.lastAuth == -1) { c.lastAuth = packetTime; } else if (networkProtocol == "Disconnection") { if(packetTime > c.lastAuth) { double diff = packetTime - c.lastAuth; c.totalInternetUsageTime += diff; c.lastAuth = -1; } } packetEntry pe = new packetEntry(); = packetId; pe.time = packetTime; pe.protocol = networkProtocol; pe.clientRole = srcLine[7]; pe.clientID = Convert.ToInt32(srcLine[8]); srcList.Add(pe); } } sr.Close(); if (c.lastAuth != -1) { c.totalInternetUsageTime += 1440 - c.lastAuth; } clientArray[c.clientID] = c; } } srcList = MergeSort(srcList); //srcList.RemoveRange(0, userCount); StreamWriter destWrite = new StreamWriter("destTotal.txt"); string[] fileArray2 = Directory.GetFiles(folderName + "5destMesh/"); for (int i = 0; i < fileArray2.Length; i++) { if (fileArray2[i].Contains("txt")) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileArray2[i]); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line != "") { destWrite.WriteLine(line); } } sr.Close(); } } destWrite.Close(); /* StreamWriter destWrite2 = new StreamWriter("destTotalPT.txt"); string[] fileArray3 = Directory.GetFiles(folderName + "destPT/"); for (int i = 0; i < fileArray3.Length; i++) { if (fileArray3[i].Contains("txt")) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileArray3[i]); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line != "") { destWrite2.WriteLine(line); } } sr.Close(); } } destWrite2.Close(); */ PointPairList list = new PointPairList(); int count = 1; for(int i = 0; i < srcList.Count; i++) { string packetId = srcList[i].id; double sendTime = srcList[i].time; string networkProtocol = srcList[i].protocol; int clientID = srcList[i].clientID; if (networkProtocol == "InitialAuth" || networkProtocol == "Reuse")//networkProtocol == "PacketTransfer" || networkProtocol == "Reuse" || networkProtocol == "ChangeAlias" || networkProtocol == "Disconnection" || networkProtocol == "End-To-End") { StreamReader dest = new StreamReader("destTotal.txt"); while (!dest.EndOfStream) { string[] destLine = dest.ReadLine().Split('$'); if (packetId == destLine[4]) { double arriveTime = Convert.ToDouble(destLine[5].Replace('.', ',')); if (arriveTime - sendTime > 3) break; clientArray[clientID].totalInternetUsageDelay += arriveTime - sendTime; totalDelay = totalDelay + (arriveTime - sendTime); double average = totalDelay / count; list.Add(sendTime, average); count++; break; } } dest.Close(); } /*else if (networkProtocol == "SeamlessMobility" || networkProtocol == "Roaming" || networkProtocol == "PacketTransfer") { StreamReader dest = new StreamReader("destTotalPT.txt"); while (!dest.EndOfStream) { string[] destLine = dest.ReadLine().Split('$'); if (packetId == destLine[4]) { double arriveTime = Convert.ToDouble(destLine[5].Replace('.', ',')); if (arriveTime - sendTime > 3) break; clientArray[clientID].totalInternetUsageDelay += arriveTime - sendTime; totalDelay = totalDelay + (arriveTime - sendTime); double average = totalDelay / count; list.Add(sendTime, average); count++; break; } } dest.Close(); }*/ } StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("clientArray.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < clientArray.Length; i++) { client c = clientArray[i]; sw.WriteLine(c.clientID.ToString() + " " + c.clientRole + " " + c.totalInternetUsageTime.ToString() + " " + c.totalInternetUsageDelay.ToString()); } sw.Close(); // Generate a blue curve with circle symbols, and "My Curve 2" in the legend LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve( "Average Delay Curve", list, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None ); // Fill the area under the curve with a white-red gradient at 45 degrees //myCurve.Line.Fill = new Fill( Color.White, Color.Red, 45F ); // Make the symbols opaque by filling them with white myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill( Color.White ); // Fill the axis background with a color gradient myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill( Color.White, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, 45F ); // Fill the pane background with a color gradient myPane.Fill = new Fill( Color.White, Color.FromArgb( 220, 220, 255 ), 45F ); // Calculate the Axis Scale Ranges zgc.AxisChange(); }
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { = new client(); cl.sendToServer(); }
unregister (client c) { client_list.remove (c); }
// Guild AuditLogType.GuildUpdated => new RestGuildUpdatedAuditLog(client, log, entry),
public client client_update(int ID) { client = client.Select(ID); if (Update_deceasedYes.Checked == true) { client.client_status = "D"; } else { client.client_status = "M"; } client.ethnicity = Update_ethnicity_txt.Text; client.eye_color = Update_eye_color_ddl.SelectedValue; client.hair_color = Update_hair_color_ddl.SelectedValue; client.height = Update_height_ddl.SelectedValue; if (Update_FileUpload.HasFile == true) { byte[] uploaded_picture = Update_FileUpload.FileBytes; client.picture = uploaded_picture; } client.weight = Convert.ToInt32(Update_weight_txt.Text); client.skin_color = Update_skin_color_ddl.SelectedValue ; client.Update(client); //GridView1.DataBind(); return client; }
AuditLogType.ChannelDeleted => new RestChannelDeletedAuditLog(client, log, entry),
//UPDATE protected void update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //check to see if a insert is needed for deceased person = person.Select(Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedValue)); client = client.Select(person.person_id); if (Update_deceasedYes.Checked == true) { person = person_update(Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedValue)); missing = missing_update(person.person_id); //check if update of insert of deceased deceased = deceased.Select(client.client_id); if (deceased.deceased_id == 0) { deceased = deceased_insert_For_Update(); } else { deceased = deceased_update(person.person_id); } } else { person = person_update(Convert.ToInt32(Update_gvClientSearchresult.SelectedValue)); missing = missing_update(person.person_id); } address = address_update(person.address_id); client = client_update(person.person_id); encounter = encounter_insert(); Update_refreshclient(); } catch { Update_lbl_Client_Error.Text = "There has been an error updating information for the missing client."; } finally { Update_lbl_Client_Error.Text = "The missing client's information has been successfully updated."; } }
AuditLogType.OverwriteDeleted => new RestOverwriteDeletedAuditLog(client, log, entry),
get => new RedisClientSet(client, setId);
/// <summary> /// HTTP转发代理 /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">HTTP套接字</param> /// <param name="client">HTTP代理服务客户端</param> public forwardProxy(CommandClientPlus.socket socket, client client) { this.socket = socket; this.client = client; requestSocket = socket.Socket; proxySocket = client.NetSocket; requestBuffer = socket.HeaderReceiver.RequestHeader.Buffer; responseBuffer = socket.Buffer; onReceiveRequestHandle = onReceiveRequest; onReceiveResponseHandle = onReceiveResponse; onSendResponseHandle = onSendResponse; }