Example #1
        private void retrieveResp()
            #region Init
            result[] results = new result[10];
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                results[i] = new result();

            SessionAttachInfo attachInfo = new SessionAttachInfo(Config.headNode, Convert.ToInt32(this.Range["D20", missing].Value2));

            using (DurableSession session = DurableSession.AttachSession(attachInfo))
                using (BrokerClient <IService1> client = new BrokerClient <IService1>(session))
                    foreach (BrokerResponse <PriceAsianOptionsResponse> response in client.GetResponses <PriceAsianOptionsResponse>())
                        cellContext idx   = response.GetUserData <cellContext>();
                        double      price = response.Result.PriceAsianOptionsResult;
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref results[idx.iteration].count);

                        this.Range[idx.range, missing].Value2 = price;

                        results[idx.iteration].min = Math.Min(results[idx.iteration].min, price);
                        results[idx.iteration].max = Math.Max(results[idx.iteration].max, price);

                        results[idx.iteration].sumPrice       += price;
                        results[idx.iteration].sumSquarePrice += price * price;

                        results[idx.iteration].stdDev = Math.Sqrt(results[idx.iteration].sumSquarePrice - results[idx.iteration].sumPrice * results[idx.iteration].sumPrice / results[idx.iteration].count) / ((results[idx.iteration].count == 1) ? 1 : results[idx.iteration].count - 1);
                        results[idx.iteration].stdErr = results[idx.iteration].stdDev / Math.Sqrt(results[idx.iteration].count);

                        if (results[idx.iteration].count == 100)
                            int i = idx.iteration;
                            this.Range[string.Format("{0}14", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].sumPrice / results[i].count;
                            this.Range[string.Format("{0}15", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].min;
                            this.Range[string.Format("{0}16", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].max;
                            this.Range[string.Format("{0}17", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].stdDev;
                            this.Range[string.Format("{0}18", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].stdErr;

            #region Summarize
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                this.Range[string.Format("{0}14", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].sumPrice / results[i].count;
                this.Range[string.Format("{0}15", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].min;
                this.Range[string.Format("{0}16", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].max;
                this.Range[string.Format("{0}17", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].stdDev;
                this.Range[string.Format("{0}18", cols[i]), missing].Value2 = results[i].stdErr;
Example #2
        private void submitReq()
            #region Initialization
            double initial       = (double)rngInitial.Value2;
            double exercise      = (double)rngInitial.Value2;
            double up            = (double)rngUp.Value2;
            double down          = (double)rngDown.Value2;
            double interest      = (double)rngInterest.Value2;
            int    periods       = Convert.ToInt32(rngPeriods.Value2);
            int    runs          = Convert.ToInt32(rngRuns.Value2);
            double interestStart = (double)rngInterestStart.Value2;
            double interestEnd   = (double)rngInterestEnd.Value2;
            double interestStep  = (double)rngStep.Value2;

            #region fire request

            SessionStartInfo info = new SessionStartInfo(Config.headNode, "AsianOptionsService");
            info.Secure = false;
            info.BrokerSettings.SessionIdleTimeout = 12 * 60 * 60; // 12 hours

            DurableSession.SetInterfaceMode(false, IntPtr.Zero);   //set interface mode to non console

            using (DurableSession session = DurableSession.CreateSession(info))
                this.Range["C20", missing].Value2 = "Session Created. SessionId";
                this.Range["D20", missing].Value2 = session.Id;
                this.Range["C21", missing].Value2 = " Sending Req...";

                NetTcpBinding binding;
                binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None);

                using (BrokerClient <IService1> client = new BrokerClient <IService1>(session, binding))
                    int count    = 0;
                    int reqCount = 0;

                    for (double interestIdx = interestStart; interestIdx < interestEnd; interestIdx += interestStep, count++)
                        this.Range["C21", missing].Value2 = string.Format("Sending Req Batch {0}", count);

                        bool batch_succeed    = false;
                        int  batch_retrycount = 0;

                        while (!batch_succeed && batch_retrycount < 3)
                            for (int j = 0; j < cols.Length; j++)
                                string col = cols[j];

                                for (int i = 2; i <= 11; i++)
                                    PriceAsianOptionsRequest priceRequest = new PriceAsianOptionsRequest(initial, exercise, up, down, interestIdx, periods, runs);
                                    cellContext ctx = new cellContext();
                                    ctx.range     = string.Format("{0}{1}", col, i);
                                    ctx.iteration = count;

                                    bool i_succeed    = false;
                                    int  i_retrycount = 0;
                                    while (!i_succeed && i_retrycount < 3)
                                            client.SendRequest <PriceAsianOptionsRequest>(priceRequest, ctx);
                                            i_succeed = true;
                                            this.Range["D21", missing].Value2 = string.Format("{0} Req sent.", ++reqCount);
                                        catch (Exception)
                                            // Populate the cell with an error message
                                            this.Range[ctx.range, missing].Value2 = "#SendErr#";

                                    if (!i_succeed)
                                        this.Range["C22", missing].Value2 = "Session failed.";
                                        this.Range["D20", missing].Clear();

                                this.Range["C22", missing].Value2 = string.Format("Req Batch {0} Flushed.", count);
                                batch_succeed = true;
                            catch (Exception)
                                // Populate the cell with an error message
                                this.Range["C22", missing].Value2 = "ClientFlush failed.";

                            if (!batch_succeed)
                                this.Range["C22", missing].Value2 = "Session failed.";
                                this.Range["D20", missing].Clear();

                    this.Range["C21", missing].Value2 = "Closing.";

            this.Range["C21", missing].Value2 = "Request sent.";
            this.Range["C22", missing].Value2 = "Request flushed.";
