Example #1
        public static void SaveFlatImage(string targetName, string filterName, string targetPA, string sidePoint)
            //The NH image directory originates from the SetUp form and stored in the
            //Configuration file.
            LogEvent       lg          = new LogEvent();
            SessionControl openSession = new SessionControl();
            TargetPlan     tPlan       = new TargetPlan(openSession.CurrentTargetName);
            //Get Humason directory name, create image directory if it doesn't exist yet
            string nhDirName      = openSession.HumasonDirectoryPath;
            string nhImageDirName = nhDirName + "\\Images";

            if (!Directory.Exists(nhImageDirName))
            //Create date name for image sub-directory, create if it doesn't exist yet
            DateTime sequenceStartDate = tPlan.SequenceStartTime;
            string   targetImageDir    = nhImageDirName + "\\" + sequenceStartDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            if (!Directory.Exists(targetImageDir))
            //Create Data Files directory if it doesn't exit yet
            string targetImageDataDir = targetImageDir + "\\Calibration Files";

            if (!Directory.Exists(targetImageDataDir))

            //Reduce target PA to integer string, i.e. scrape off the decimal
            targetPA = (Convert.ToDouble(targetPA)).ToString("0");
            string targetImageDataPath = targetImageDataDir + "\\" +
                                         filterName +
                                         targetName +
                                         "_" +
                                         targetPA +
                                         "PA" +
                                         sidePoint +
                                         "." +
                                         openSession.SequentialFileNumber.ToString() +
            //open TSX camera and get the last image
            ccdsoftImage tsxi      = new ccdsoftImage();
            int          camStatus = tsxi.AttachToActiveImager();

            //save handling an exception here until some future date
            tsxi.setFITSKeyword("OBJECT", "Humason Flat Field");
            AstroImage tsxc = new AstroImage();

            if (tPlan.RotatorEnabled)
                tsxi.setFITSKeyword("ROTATOR", Rotator.RealRotatorPA.ToString());
            //Set save path and save
            tsxi.Path = targetImageDataPath;
            lg.LogIt("Flat saved: " + targetImageDataPath);
Example #2
        private bool ShootTarget(TargetList.TargetXDescriptor currentTarget)
            Configuration cfg         = new Configuration();
            int           repetitions = Convert.ToInt32(cfg.ImagesPerSample);
            ccdsoftCamera tsx_cc      = new ccdsoftCamera
                AutoSaveOn           = 0, //Autosave Off
                FilterIndexZeroBased = freshImageFilter,
                ExposureTime         = freshImageExposure,
                Subframe             = 0,
                Frame        = ccdsoftImageFrame.cdLight,
                Asynchronous = 1        //Asynchronous on

            //Set up for noise reduction, if any
            switch (cfg.CalibrationType)
            case "None":
                tsx_cc.ImageReduction = ccdsoftImageReduction.cdNone;
                LogEntry("No image calibration.");

            case "Auto":
                tsx_cc.ImageReduction = ccdsoftImageReduction.cdAutoDark;
                LogEntry("Auto Dark image calibration set");

            case "Full":
                tsx_cc.ImageReduction = ccdsoftImageReduction.cdBiasDarkFlat;
                Reduction calLib  = new Reduction();
                string    binning = "1X1";
                int       camTemp = (int)tsx_cc.TemperatureSetPoint;
                if (!calLib.SetReductionGroup(freshImageFilter, freshImageExposure, camTemp, binning))
                    LogEntry("No calibration library found: " + "B_" + binning + "T_" + camTemp + "E_" + freshImageFilter.ToString("0") + "F_" + freshImageFilter.ToString("0"));

                LogEntry("Full image calibration set: " + calLib.ReductionGroupName);
            //Loop on repetitions of image
                SetNextImagePath(cfg.ImageBankFolder + "\\" + freshImageName);
                ccdsoftImage tsx_im = new ccdsoftImage
                    Path = freshImagePath

                LogEntry("Imaging " + currentTarget.Name + " at RA: " + Utility.SexidecimalRADec(freshImageRA, true) +
                         " / Dec: " + Utility.SexidecimalRADec(freshImageDec, false));
                LogEntry("Filter set to " + freshImageFilter.ToString("0"));
                LogEntry("Imaging target for " + freshImageExposure.ToString("0.0") + " secs");
                //Wait for completion
                while (tsx_cc.State != ccdsoftCameraState.cdStateNone)
                tsx_im.setFITSKeyword("OBJECT", freshImageName);
            } while (repetitions > 0);
            LogEntry("Imaging target Complete");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the most recent image capture to Humason image directory for that night (as defined by start time)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetName"></param>
        /// <param name="filterName"></param>
        /// <param name="targetPA"></param>
        /// <param name="sidePoint"></param>
        public static void SaveLightImage(string targetName, string filterName, string targetPA, string sidePoint)
            //The NH image directory originates from the NH form and stored in the Session class.
            //Get Humason directory name, create image directory if it doesn't exist yet
            LogEvent       lg             = new LogEvent();
            SessionControl openSession    = new SessionControl();
            string         nhDirName      = openSession.HumasonDirectoryPath;
            string         nhImageDirName = nhDirName + "\\Images";

            if (!Directory.Exists(nhImageDirName))

            //Create date name for image sub-directory, create if it doesn't exist yet
            TargetPlan tPlan = new TargetPlan(openSession.CurrentTargetName);

            DateTime sequenceStartDate = tPlan.SequenceStartTime;
            string   targetImageDir    = nhImageDirName + "\\" + sequenceStartDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + targetName;

            if (!Directory.Exists(targetImageDir))
            //Create Data Files directory if it doesn't exit yet
            string targetImageDataDir = targetImageDir + "\\Data Files";

            if (!Directory.Exists(targetImageDataDir))

            //Reduce target PA to integer string, i.e. scrape off the decimal
            targetPA = (Convert.ToDouble(targetPA)).ToString("0");
            string targetImageDataPath = targetImageDataDir + "\\" +
                                         filterName +
                                         targetName +
                                         "_" +
                                         targetPA +
                                         sidePoint +
                                         "." +
                                         openSession.SequentialFileNumber.ToString() +
            //open TSX camera and get the last image
            ccdsoftImage tsxi      = new ccdsoftImage();
            int          camStatus = tsxi.AttachToActiveImager();

            //save handling an exception here until some future date

            //Add some FITSKeywords for future reference
            //Correct the OBJECT Keyword if using coordinates instead of a target name
            tsxi.setFITSKeyword("OBJECT", targetName);
            //Enter the rotator angle
            if (tPlan.RotatorEnabled)
                tsxi.setFITSKeyword("ROTATOR", Rotator.RealRotatorPA.ToString());
            //Enter Image Position Angle as saved
            tsxi.setFITSKeyword("ORIENTAT", tPlan.TargetPA);

            //Set save path and save
            tsxi.Path = targetImageDataPath;
            lg.LogIt("Image saved: " + targetImageDataPath);